President Trump calls for investigation of Chuck Schumer's ties to Russia


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Donald Trump tweets photo of Democrat Chuck Schumer with Vladimir Putin in swipe at Russia investigation

The Clinton Foundation should be investigated as well.
and while we are at it, lets also investigate Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters ties to Russia. they both have been acting as if they have been drinking Russian Vodka daily for the last 10 years
and while we are at it, lets also investigate Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters ties to Russia. they both have been acting as if they have been drinking Russian Vodka daily for the last 10 years

Also, George Soros for being a Nazi collaborator.
One of the truly perplexing issues of America today is rating and wondering who is dumber, our president or his cheerleaders? Education was never big in America but today the result puts our democracy in peril. Led by the nose the rich play the right wing puppets oh so well.

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

For the reader: 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed
Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.
the news we have been watching all week is evidence that Trump is succeeding and the fact that he is still scandal free at this point is quite an accomplishment being Barry already had about 12 scandals before he walked into the white house in 2009
The oldest game in the book is accusing your enemies of your faults. It's done to cover your tracks. Looks like the dems don't want their secret ties with Russia discovered.
the news we have been watching all week is evidence that Trump is succeeding and the fact that he is still scandal free at this point is quite an accomplishment being Barry already had about 12 scandals before he walked into the white house in 2009
Trump has plenty of scandals going on. His top aide, the National Security Advisor had to be fired or forced into resignation. Before even taking office he had to fire two of his top aides. He now has a major scandal going on about lying about his Russian connections and another one going on about his botched raid into Yemen. Add the scandals regarding the emolument clause and his ethical violations. Scandal-free, that is the delusional thinking the trump cult is known for.
the news we have been watching all week is evidence that Trump is succeeding and the fact that he is still scandal free at this point is quite an accomplishment being Barry already had about 12 scandals before he walked into the white house in 2009
Trump has plenty of scandals going on. His top aide, the National Security Advisor had to be fired or forced into resignation. Before even taking office he had to fire two of his top aides. He now has a major scandal going on about lying about his Russian connections and another one going on about his botched raid into Yemen. Add the scandals regarding the emolument clause and his ethical violations. Scandal-free, that is the delusional thinking the trump cult is known for.
No, we have the lefties attacking every breath he takes. For them breathing is a scandal. No one with a brain takes the leftist attack dogs seriously anymore. They cried wolf too often and got tuned out.
the news we have been watching all week is evidence that Trump is succeeding and the fact that he is still scandal free at this point is quite an accomplishment being Barry already had about 12 scandals before he walked into the white house in 2009
Trump has plenty of scandals going on. His top aide, the National Security Advisor had to be fired or forced into resignation. Before even taking office he had to fire two of his top aides. He now has a major scandal going on about lying about his Russian connections and another one going on about his botched raid into Yemen. Add the scandals regarding the emolument clause and his ethical violations. Scandal-free, that is the delusional thinking the trump cult is known for.
No, we have the lefties attacking every breath he takes. For them breathing is a scandal. No one with a brain takes the leftist attack dogs seriously anymore. They cried wolf too often and got tuned out.
if there is a Trump Scandal? then how many people have died because of it? {unlike the Clinton 90's} and Benghazi
The DEMs/LIB MSM have NO IDEA what they have brought on themselves. President Trump is going to reopen the multiple investigations into the Clintons. That's just for starters.
He's NEVER going to stop going after Obama for the FISA bullshit.
The DEMs and the LIB MSM are now going to be President Trump's new 'hobby'.
Note to ANYONE in the LIB MSM who has received classified government information and then disseminated it to the public: 'Pack light'. The new AG with President Trump's blessings is coming to get you seditious traitors.

Anyone else noticing there has been a tsunami of 'leaks' coming from the FBI about anything to do with Trump.
Notice how all of a sudden there's not a SINGLE leak about the numerous investigations, about the Russians and Trump's campaign are NOT finding. Or about Obama's involvement in the Trump wiretapping.

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