President Trump laments the unfreedom of the press & crazy Big Tech in latest rage tweet

I watched the 60 minutes interview. Donald stormed out like a jilted child when fact checked in real time by Ms Stahl.
He hates that - It's either Rump's narrative or it's Fake NEEEEEWS (Stalin-Style ;-)

What we are seeing is the beginnings of what Orwell called Newspeak.
They try to eliminate words or phrases by declaring them unacceptable with labels of "racism" or other marxist tactics. Think the phrase 'Blue Lives Matter" or, recently, 'gender preference'.
They suppress news contrary to their specific agenda & actively try to convince the sheople that their lies are the truth.
Comedians cannot make jokes when any emotionally incontinent crybaby might take offense.
They are literally trying to eliminate our capacity for dissent in any way, including our capacity to think for ourselves.

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I watched the 60 minutes interview. Donald stormed out like a jilted child when fact checked in real time by Ms Stahl.
He hates that - It's either Rump's narrative or it's Fake NEEEEEWS (Stalin-Style ;-)
^^Drives a flourescent lime green VW with a
Hillary 2016 bumper sticker on it.
Donald stormed out like a jilted child when fact checked in real time by Ms Stahl.
Again, you don't even have a basic grip on the facts. Her "fact check" was completely false & the people know it. Not even the Bidens deny the info came from crackHunters laptop.
The DOJ, FBI & DNI have all confirmed it wasn't Russian disinfo.
Why wouldn't he leave a biased interview with outright lies told by the interviewer on fake news? :slap:
Donald stormed out like a jilted child when fact checked in real time by Ms Stahl.
Again, you don't even have a basic grip on the facts. Her "fact check" was completely false & the people know it. Not even the Bidens deny the info came from crackHunters laptop.
The DOJ, FBI & DNI have all confirmed it wasn't Russian disinfo.
Why wouldn't he leave a biased interview with outright lies told by the interviewer on fake news? :slap:

Why is he in such denial and why does he continue to lie ... Like a DOG?

I watched the 60 minutes interview. Donald stormed out like a jilted child when fact checked in real time by Ms Stahl.
He hates that - It's either Rump's narrative or it's Fake NEEEEEWS (Stalin-Style ;-)
^^Drives a flourescent lime green VW with a
Hillary 2016 bumper sticker on it.

Hey now, I used to have a fluorescent lime green VW bug.
But that was in high school - circa 1975 :)
Donald stormed out like a jilted child when fact checked in real time by Ms Stahl.
Again, you don't even have a basic grip on the facts. Her "fact check" was completely false & the people know it. Not even the Bidens deny the info came from crackHunters laptop.
The DOJ, FBI & DNI have all confirmed it wasn't Russian disinfo.
Why wouldn't he leave a biased interview with outright lies told by the interviewer on fake news? :slap:

Why is he in such denial and why does he continue to lie ... Like a DOG?

President Trump laments the unfreedom of the press & crazy Big Tech in latest rage tweet i agree with him. who the hell elected Jack Dorsey as President Of The United States

He's right. The media is dead, journalism, is dead. The news is all fake being crafted as propaganda to mislead the population. That's a very serious problem, they are effectively tampering with the election trying to force a desired outcome THEY want. I don't see any "rage" there, Bromance, you need to get your head right. If Trump was cutting off people from telling you stuff bad about him or preventing folks from voting for Biden, I bet you'd be having a REAL BAD DAY about it!
WTF do the Banana Republicans think freedom of the press means anyway?

Hey BlindBoob, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS means INDEPENDENCE from the government to supervise and report on government corruption to an INFORMED public.

It DOES NOT MEAN a freedom of the press to be allied with government, one party of it, to make stuff up against the other party and libel it in a smear campaign of fake news with impunity to MISLEAD the public!

Our press has been co-opted for the very thing it was intended to be there to PREVENT.
WTF do the Banana Republicans think freedom of the press means anyway?

It's unbelievable. They have the number one (by far) news channel in Fox, they have Sinclair-owned local news via hundreds of channels, they have OANN, they have Newsmax, they have BlazeTV, and they have Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Daily Caller, Infowars and a thousand other Trump sycophant websites.

They even have pollster Rasmussen who tells them what they wanna hear.

It would be nice if they'd stop whining.
WTF do the Banana Republicans think freedom of the press means anyway?

Hey BlindBoob, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS means INDEPENDENCE from the government to supervise and report on government corruption to an INFORMED public.

It DOES NOT MEAN a freedom of the press to be allied with government, one party of it, to make stuff up against the other party and libel it in a smear campaign of fake news with impunity to MISLEAD the public!

Our press has been co-opted for the very thing it was intended to be there to PREVENT.

That's funny. It means both. Obviously Faux News proves it. Besides old Trumpybear, which president ever called into live broadcasts on national television just to chat for a hour or so on a regular basis? Which of course, Faux has the freedom to do.
Of course Trump polices the media and holds them accountable. they are incapable of policing themselves!

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