Presidential Debates 2012: Romny - 1 / Obama - 2

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Reality. Now why do right wingers deny reality? Is it magical thinking?

The Right wet itself over the 1st debate, but now all of a sudden debates don't matter? I think things tightened up to where many people and internal polls long ago said they would. What does it all mean? The media regurgitates GOP and DNC talking points and passes it off as News and Opinion.

Obama is a weak incumbent, but the GOP base in all it's collective wisdom chose the Mittster over all others. Why? Money and message: lots of Super Pac Money and Romney repeated lies about the pack of GOP Primary Candidates convinced them Romney was conservative enough and strong enough to whoop the President.

How stupid can the base be? Pretty stupid. They look to Whacko Donald Trump for a rescue. :lol:
Reality. Now why do right wingers deny reality? Is it magical thinking?

The Right wet itself over the 1st debate, but now all of a sudden debates don't matter? I think things tightened up to where many people and internal polls long ago said they would. What does it all mean? The media regurgitates GOP and DNC talking points and passes it off as News and Opinion.

Obama is a weak incumbent, but the GOP base in all it's collective wisdom chose the Mittster over all others. Why? Money and message: lots of Super Pac Money and Romney repeated lies about the pack of GOP Primary Candidates convinced them Romney was conservative enough and strong enough to whoop the President.

How stupid can the base be? Pretty stupid. They look to Whacko Donald Trump for a rescue. :lol:

Romney was the best the Republicans had to offer, plain and simple. He is a horrible candidate. And no, I don't believe Chris Christie would have been a good candidate either. There are a number of reasons that nobody else stepped up to the plate. One was just timing and the other is the thought that it would be very difficult to unseat Obama, even with the bad economy. IMO the two best candidates would be Jeb Bush and John Thune. Obviously, Jeb has a big strike against him, albeit not his fault. I figure he will run in 2016, when people have had time to separate him from his brother, at least fundamentally. Thune would be the conservative's conservative.
HHAHAAHAA. Ok then you woke up from your dream and on NOV 6th America will wake up from this nightmare when Obama is voted out
GOP Primary voters were swamped with negative advertising and Mitt was able to lie his way through all the primary debates. Why did the GOP base become so easily swayed? Could it be the years of negative messaging from FOX News and the Right Wing world Noise Machine has programmed the little fookers to ignore facts, truth, reality?

We're Fair and Balanced here : You decide.

:the wave:

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