Presidents speech tonight

The list of nations involved in the war on terrorism and are either having their citizens murdered or are safe haven for the Islamos is longer than the nations involved in either WW1 or 2.

Which is an idiotic measure. Some of haven't forgotten either that the portrayal of Saddam Hussein as the next Hitler who was going to try to take over the world was part of the propaganda designed to get us into the disaster of the Iraq War.

Point of order:

Your post #21..."There was no such 'expert' advice."

...totally shredded by my post #30....

....does this count as another lie in which I have snared you?

You posted no expert advice.

"....the Pentagon wanted 5,000 to 10,000 U.S. troops to remain."

I love proving that you are a total, inveterate, congenital liar.

Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense when the Iraq war disaster began in 2003. We thus cannot by any reasonable measure be assured that ANY advice coming out of the Pentagon automatically qualifies as 'expert'.
Like Hillary insisting AQ was in Iraq and Bill stating Iraq had WMDs when Bush took office?
In his speech, Obama once again asked the Republican Congress to approve an AUMF against ISIS. The ostriches have refused to do so for over a year.

Finally, if Congress believes, as I do, that we are at war with ISIL, it should go ahead and vote to authorize the continued use of military force against these terrorists. For over a year, I have ordered our military to take thousands of airstrikes against ISIL targets. I think it's time for Congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this fight.
Amazing how overnight so many of you libs have become hawkish.
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?

Can anyone find out if he being honest?

Were his lips moving?
Every Leftards wet dream - deny Americans their Constitutional Rights by simply having some unknown desk jockey put your name on a list.

And for the record, Ted Kennedy was on that no fly list once.
Probably too complicated for the Republican Congress to design and write an acceptable no-fly law and conflate and coordinate it with a checklist.

Thank heaven you changed "to" to 'too."

It was like fingernails on a blackboard.

What will your personal contribution to this next full scale war in the ME be?

About the same as your contribution to the last one? As in nothing?

As my tax burden compared to yours is an avalanche vs a snowflake.....I certainly did more to fight evil then you did.


Your tax burden? You don't work. You have contributed nothing to any war effort. Bush CUT your taxes TWICE as we got into 2 wars.

Being as rich as Croesus is a burden I must labor under.

Ask me how rich I am.
The world is already in the middle of WW3. Leftists have just not opened their eyes to reality.

Agree, we're already in WW3.

lol. The hysteria finds a new level.

I know that its difficult for you to comprehend. No worries, its very doubtful that we'll even be participating when this one blows up. We're too weak.

I know you're an idiot. What will your contribution to this imaginary WW3 be?


Are you that stupid and arrogant that you actually think ww3 is not about to happen? Really....are you this stupid? Your ignorance is astounding.

He'll change his tune as soon as the DNC tells him to.

That's what the American communists did when Hitler attacked their Soviet motherland.
While the OP said that Obama should endorse surveillance of mosques, that surveillance should go a lot further.

Here's why:

"Rafia Farook, the mother of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook, is an active member of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Muslim organization that promotes the establishment of a caliphate and has ties to a radical Pakistani political group called Jamaat-e-Islami.

Farook’s affiliation with ICNA was revealed on Friday when MSNBC and other new outlets scoured the Farooks’ apartment in Redlands, Cal. An MSNBC reporter found a certificate of appreciation presented to Safia Farook last summer by ICNA’s sisters’ wing."
Shooter’s Mother Active In US Branch Of Pro-Caliphate Islamic Group
The world is already in the middle of WW3. Leftists have just not opened their eyes to reality.

Agree, we're already in WW3.

lol. The hysteria finds a new level.

I know that its difficult for you to comprehend. No worries, its very doubtful that we'll even be participating when this one blows up. We're too weak.

I know you're an idiot. What will your contribution to this imaginary WW3 be?


Are you that stupid and arrogant that you actually think ww3 is not about to happen? Really....are you this stupid? Your ignorance is astounding.

It is if we elect a Republican. They want war with Russia.
Agree, we're already in WW3.

lol. The hysteria finds a new level.

I know that its difficult for you to comprehend. No worries, its very doubtful that we'll even be participating when this one blows up. We're too weak.

I know you're an idiot. What will your contribution to this imaginary WW3 be?


Are you that stupid and arrogant that you actually think ww3 is not about to happen? Really....are you this stupid? Your ignorance is astounding.

It is if we elect a Republican. They want war with Russia.

Stick with that narrative there far left drone!
While the OP said that Obama should endorse surveillance of mosques, that surveillance should go a lot further.

Here's why:

"Rafia Farook, the mother of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook, is an active member of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Muslim organization that promotes the establishment of a caliphate and has ties to a radical Pakistani political group called Jamaat-e-Islami.

Farook’s affiliation with ICNA was revealed on Friday when MSNBC and other new outlets scoured the Farooks’ apartment in Redlands, Cal. An MSNBC reporter found a certificate of appreciation presented to Safia Farook last summer by ICNA’s sisters’ wing."
Shooter’s Mother Active In US Branch Of Pro-Caliphate Islamic Group

Should we put surveillance on rightwing militias and pro-life organizations?
Agree, we're already in WW3.

lol. The hysteria finds a new level.

I know that its difficult for you to comprehend. No worries, its very doubtful that we'll even be participating when this one blows up. We're too weak.

I know you're an idiot. What will your contribution to this imaginary WW3 be?


Are you that stupid and arrogant that you actually think ww3 is not about to happen? Really....are you this stupid? Your ignorance is astounding.

He'll change his tune as soon as the DNC tells him to.

That's what the American communists did when Hitler attacked their Soviet motherland.

I was right to oppose the Iraq war in 2003. You were wrong. You haven't been right about anything regarding the Middle East.
In his speech, Obama once again asked the Republican Congress to approve an AUMF against ISIS. The ostriches have refused to do so for over a year.

Finally, if Congress believes, as I do, that we are at war with ISIL, it should go ahead and vote to authorize the continued use of military force against these terrorists. For over a year, I have ordered our military to take thousands of airstrikes against ISIL targets. I think it's time for Congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this fight.
Amazing how overnight so many of you libs have become hawkish.
I am a right wing conservative, retired military, dumbass.

What's amazing is the cowardice of the pseudo-conservatives who have hijacked the GOP.

Your posts, and the posts of every other chickenshit, is just more smoke to avoid putting forth a plan of what to do about ISIS.

So let's hear it, coward. Do you want to commit the next two or three Presidents to an occupation of Syria, or not?

Stop being a pussy and say yes or no.

Boots on the ground in Syria means a minimum ten year occupation.

So, yes or no?
lol. The hysteria finds a new level.

I know that its difficult for you to comprehend. No worries, its very doubtful that we'll even be participating when this one blows up. We're too weak.

I know you're an idiot. What will your contribution to this imaginary WW3 be?


Are you that stupid and arrogant that you actually think ww3 is not about to happen? Really....are you this stupid? Your ignorance is astounding.

He'll change his tune as soon as the DNC tells him to.

That's what the American communists did when Hitler attacked their Soviet motherland.

I was right to oppose the Iraq war in 2003. You were wrong. You haven't been right about anything regarding the Middle East.

Yes we know the far left narrative on Iraq 2003...

They are doing all they can to prove their religious propaganda was correct. Even the cut and run and allowing ISIS to become powerful..
While the OP said that Obama should endorse surveillance of mosques, that surveillance should go a lot further.

Here's why:

"Rafia Farook, the mother of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook, is an active member of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Muslim organization that promotes the establishment of a caliphate and has ties to a radical Pakistani political group called Jamaat-e-Islami.

Farook’s affiliation with ICNA was revealed on Friday when MSNBC and other new outlets scoured the Farooks’ apartment in Redlands, Cal. An MSNBC reporter found a certificate of appreciation presented to Safia Farook last summer by ICNA’s sisters’ wing."
Shooter’s Mother Active In US Branch Of Pro-Caliphate Islamic Group

Should we put surveillance on rightwing militias and pro-life organizations?

Another far left drone trying to make a pointless point based on far left religious propaganda!
In his speech, Obama once again asked the Republican Congress to approve an AUMF against ISIS. The ostriches have refused to do so for over a year.

Finally, if Congress believes, as I do, that we are at war with ISIL, it should go ahead and vote to authorize the continued use of military force against these terrorists. For over a year, I have ordered our military to take thousands of airstrikes against ISIL targets. I think it's time for Congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this fight.
Amazing how overnight so many of you libs have become hawkish.
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?
I've posted the figures here several times. It's been thousands.

Why aren't you bent over double with orgasms? After all, when Putin sends half a dozen tanks to Syria, you rubes sploog all over the forum about what a manly man he is and how he is "going it alone".

You can only say that kind of shit because you are fucking retarded and have willfully blinded yourself to the efforts your own country has been making in the fight.

Putin's a bit player. Small time.
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?
Well we know YOU are NEVER honest! If you "heard" it wasn't even hundreds, then we know for sure it was thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands.

As of 3:59 p.m. EST Dec. 1, the U.S. and coalition have conducted a total of 8,573 strikes (5,639 Iraq / 2,934 Syria).

  • U.S. has conducted 6,692 strikes in Iraq and Syria (3,916 Iraq / 2,776 Syria)
  • Rest of Coalition has conducted 1,881 strikes in Iraq and Syria (1,723 Iraq /158 Syria)
Last edited:
start a couple of wars (boots on the ground) and implement a couple of tax cuts.

Brilliant !

In his speech, Obama once again asked the Republican Congress to approve an AUMF against ISIS. The ostriches have refused to do so for over a year.

Finally, if Congress believes, as I do, that we are at war with ISIL, it should go ahead and vote to authorize the continued use of military force against these terrorists. For over a year, I have ordered our military to take thousands of airstrikes against ISIL targets. I think it's time for Congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this fight.
Amazing how overnight so many of you libs have become hawkish.
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?
I've posted the figures here several times. It's been thousands.

Why aren't you bent over double with orgasms? After all, when Putin sends half a dozen tanks to Syria, you rubes sploog all over the forum about what a manly man he is and how he is "going it alone".

You can only say that kind of shit because you are fucking retarded and have willfully blinded yourself to the efforts your own country has been making in the fight.

Putin's a bit player. Small time.
Spoken like a true propagandist, bought and paid for by the Muslim Brotherhood and our White House.

It really doesn't matter what efforts they have made if they're not bearing any results.
Agree, we're already in WW3.

lol. The hysteria finds a new level.

I know that its difficult for you to comprehend. No worries, its very doubtful that we'll even be participating when this one blows up. We're too weak.

I know you're an idiot. What will your contribution to this imaginary WW3 be?


Are you that stupid and arrogant that you actually think ww3 is not about to happen? Really....are you this stupid? Your ignorance is astounding.

It is if we elect a Republican. They want war with Russia.

O and Putin are the ones fighting the proxy war right now.
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?
Well we know YOU are NEVER honest!

As of 3:59 p.m. EST Dec. 1, the U.S. and coalition have conducted a total of 8,573 strikes (5,639 Iraq / 2,934 Syria).

  • U.S. has conducted 6,692 strikes in Iraq and Syria (3,916 Iraq / 2,776 Syria)
  • Rest of Coalition has conducted 1,881 strikes in Iraq and Syria (1,723 Iraq /158 Syria)

No link to this?
Are these missions or actual bombs dropped. Word has it, 70% of the time aircraft have had to return without delivering their payloads because of extremely strict ROEs.

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