Presidents speech tonight

No, I'm saying the list is CORRECTABLE, so no one who is not a terrorist or felon will be deprived their Constitutional rights.
you believe the list is perfect and can not be wrong because President Obama said so.
Notice how the Right can ignore what is actually said, make up their own bullshit and then supply a rationalization for their bullshit. They really don't need anyone to debate with because they have anointed themselves to speak for all sides.
Wow...bigoted non sequitur.

Yes, Obama has been bombing on his own, without authorization from the pussies in Congress who refuse to have a vote on it, discuss it, do ANYTHING about it except say "the President is doing it wrong".

The GOP is the usual.
Just a response to his bigoted non sequitur.

He was calling everyone Monkeys a member of Hamas would call Jews.....and telling them to guzzle piss.

And the bombing war Obama claims to be conducting is just Wagging the Dog.

What on god's green earth are you talking about? If you're going to go off on non sequitur rants...provide context, links, something.

You are dealing with a moron. You know that, right? This fucker hasn't had an original thought in his life.

You mean that shit about monkeys came from somewhere else?

And piss guzzling.

Sometimes conversations from other threads carry over.

I don't think you do a complete memory dump from the last interaction you had with me, do you?

You're not helping yourself, just making it worse. Please, see a therapist, I implore you.
More neocon nonsense.

What is nonsense is Obama saying we need to pass legislation on guns for terrorist's to get guns on the no fly list, even though there has never been any mass shootings from anyone who is on the no fly list.

Nonsense is your desire, and the OP's desire, to see thousands more Americans die for no good reason in the Middle East. You didn't learn your lesson from Iraq. You are ineducable.
Just a response to his bigoted non sequitur.

He was calling everyone Monkeys a member of Hamas would call Jews.....and telling them to guzzle piss.

And the bombing war Obama claims to be conducting is just Wagging the Dog.

What on god's green earth are you talking about? If you're going to go off on non sequitur rants...provide context, links, something.

You are dealing with a moron. You know that, right? This fucker hasn't had an original thought in his life.

You mean that shit about monkeys came from somewhere else?

And piss guzzling.

Sometimes conversations from other threads carry over.

I don't think you do a complete memory dump from the last interaction you had with me, do you?

You're not helping yourself, just making it worse. Please, see a therapist, I implore you.
I don't need one, because I've been tested.

However, anyone who takes sides with people or religions that are adverse to their own survival has a deadwish. Your obvious hatred for Christians manifests itself in your support for Islam and it's facilitators in the Obama Administration.

You might want to take something to treat your suicidal tendencies....because they are controlling you almost completely.
More neocon nonsense.

What is nonsense is Obama saying we need to pass legislation on guns for terrorist's to get guns on the no fly list, even though there has never been any mass shootings from anyone who is on the no fly list.

Nonsense is your desire, and the OP's desire, to see thousands more Americans die for no good reason in the Middle East. You didn't learn your lesson from Iraq. You are ineducable.

Says the far left drone that supports Obama illegal wars and his cut and run policies.

However just run on that far left religious narrative..
Here are the points Obama made tonight

1. He restated his view of the war on terror, climate needs fixed
2. He listed measures the US has already been taking against ISIS, let Russia deal with them
3. Obama said Congress should toughen gun laws, Americans need vetted, not incoming refugees from Syria
4. US should avoid another "long and costly ground war," Like the one he has been involved with in Afghanistan since in office which he escalated?
5. Americans shouldn't retaliate against Muslims. Really this is the reason for the press conference. The trouble is, there has been NO violent retaliation towards Muslims in the US, which makes it that much more puzzling why he would come out and say this.

Visionless, spineless, clueless, and bigoted toward Average Americans whom he thinks are violent bigots.

Just more proof that all Right-wingers are worthless lying scum.
What Obama said was not even close to what you posted. There are so many lies it is not worth my time to go through every one, but just to show how the lying scum Right hear what they want to hear no matter what was actually said, I'll use number 1 as a perfect example.

Nowhere in Obama's entire address did he ever mention anything about climate.

See for yourselves, here is the transcript:

Transcript: President Obama's address to the nation on the San Bernardino terror attack and the war on ISIS -

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.

he called for stripping some peoples rights to a firearm without due process

Obama has done away with Due Process and the far left is ok with it..

not only ok with but for the most part demanded it
Just a response to his bigoted non sequitur.

He was calling everyone Monkeys a member of Hamas would call Jews.....and telling them to guzzle piss.

And the bombing war Obama claims to be conducting is just Wagging the Dog.

What on god's green earth are you talking about? If you're going to go off on non sequitur rants...provide context, links, something.

You are dealing with a moron. You know that, right? This fucker hasn't had an original thought in his life.

You mean that shit about monkeys came from somewhere else?

And piss guzzling.

Sometimes conversations from other threads carry over.

I don't think you do a complete memory dump from the last interaction you had with me, do you?

You're not helping yourself, just making it worse. Please, see a therapist, I implore you.

More irony impaired comments from a far left drone..

He did restate he position on terror, and he has in the past said that climate change Is responsible.[/QUOTE]


YOU LIED motherfucker.

And it was deliberate and you were prepared to defend your lies by stating he said it in the past.

What he said in the past IS NOT what he said last night.

Just because he said it before doesn't mean you can claim he said it last night.

But what else should we expect from a rightie but lies and slander?

That's the only game you got.


YOU LIED motherfucker.

And it was deliberate and you were prepared to defend your lies by stating he said it in the past.

What he said in the past IS NOT what he said last night.

Just because he said it before doesn't mean you can claim he said it last night.

But what else should we expect from a rightie but lies and slander?

That's the only game you got.[/QUOTE]
More neocon nonsense.

3. This is what was missing from the speech by the windbag in the White House:

a. New rules of engagement for the air force: more sortees and no coming home with bombs not dropped.

b. More American troops to lead in the battle

c. Surveillance of mosques here at home

You must be a Liberal and an America-hater, huh?
More neocon nonsense.

What is nonsense is Obama saying we need to pass legislation on guns for terrorist's to get guns on the no fly list, even though there has never been any mass shootings from anyone who is on the no fly list.

Nonsense is your desire, and the OP's desire, to see thousands more Americans die for no good reason in the Middle East. You didn't learn your lesson from Iraq. You are ineducable.

Did you believe that San Bernardino is in the Middle East?
Try an Atlas.
More neocon nonsense.

What is nonsense is Obama saying we need to pass legislation on guns for terrorist's to get guns on the no fly list, even though there has never been any mass shootings from anyone who is on the no fly list.

Nonsense is your desire, and the OP's desire, to see thousands more Americans die for no good reason in the Middle East. You didn't learn your lesson from Iraq. You are ineducable.

Did you believe that San Bernardino is in the Middle East?
Try an Atlas.

You just posted that mass shootings were insignificant in number in the US.
LIke singer Cat Stevens?

Took him a couple of years to get his name removed
No it didn't.

It used to take a couple of months back when Cat Stevens name was on the list, now it takes a few days online.

If you’re on the list, you can visit the DHS TRIP site and get the ball rolling. It’s unclear how long it takes to see real action, but in theory you should hear back within days, rather than the months it used to take.
More neocon nonsense.

3. This is what was missing from the speech by the windbag in the White House:

a. New rules of engagement for the air force: more sortees and no coming home with bombs not dropped.

b. More American troops to lead in the battle

c. Surveillance of mosques here at home

You must be a Liberal and an America-hater, huh?

More namecalling, that which you call proof you've lost the argument.

The Paris and San Bernardino attacks occurred AFTER the Russians came in with their very aggressive air attacks.

How will the US following that practice prevent more ISIS terrorism outside Iraq/Syria?

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