Presidents speech tonight

"Is that it?"

- The official response of the Republican Party to complicated issues

They want another large scale war in the ME. That is indisputable. They are addicted to repeating history.
The world is already in the middle of WW3. Leftists have just not opened their eyes to reality.

And let us never forget who put the world in this position:

1. Obama by ignoring expert's advice and gratuitously removing American troops, thereby providing a welcome mat for ISIS....

2. ..and any dope who voted for this dunce.

There was no such 'expert' advice. Bush agreed we were getting out, the Iraqi government wanted us out, the Iraqi people wanted us out, the American people wanted us out.

You're retarded to think that somehow Obama is the villain for following that consensus.

So THAT'S why you're known as the NYLiar!!!

"BLITZER:You don't think the administration tried hard enough to get it?

BARBERO: I don't think so.

BLITZER: That's the McCain position, that could have been done butthe White House didn't want it to be done. They wanted all U.S. troops.

BARBERO: I don't think we tried hard enough.

BLITZER: You think it was - it was definitely doable.

BARBERO: I think it was. BLITZER: There was another argument that the Pentagon wanted 5,000 to 10,000 U.S. troops to remain.

BARBERO: Right." - Transcripts

Obama arranged for the field to be left open for ISIS.

You decide why.

"In one of his final acts in office, President Bush in December of 2008 had signed a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the Iraqi government thatset the clock ticking on ending the war he’d launched in March of 2003. The SOFA provided a legal basis for the presence of U.S. forces in Iraq after the United Nations Security Council mandate for the occupation mission expired at the end of 2008. But it required that all U.S. forces be gone from Iraq by January 1, 2012, unless the Iraqi government was willing to negotiate a new agreement that would extend their mandate. "
Iraq’s Government, Not Obama, Called Time on the U.S. Troop Presence |

lol, one idiot's opinion. Oh, sorry, 2 idiots' opinions. His and yours.
"Is that it?"

- The official response of the Republican Party to complicated issues

They want another large scale war in the ME. That is indisputable. They are addicted to repeating history.
The world is already in the middle of WW3. Leftists have just not opened their eyes to reality.

Way to overstate the situation
The list of nations involved in the war on terrorism and are either having their citizens murdered or are safe haven for the Islamos is longer than the nations involved in either WW1 or 2.
More neocon nonsense.

What is nonsense is Obama saying we need to pass legislation on guns for terrorist's to get guns on the no fly list, even though there has never been any mass shootings from anyone who is on the no fly list.
Every Leftards wet dream - deny Americans their Constitutional Rights by simply having some unknown desk jockey put your name on a list.

And for the record, Ted Kennedy was on that no fly list once.
Probably too complicated for the Republican Congress to design and write an acceptable no-fly law and conflate and coordinate it with a checklist.

Thank heaven you changed "to" to 'too."

It was like fingernails on a blackboard.

What will your personal contribution to this next full scale war in the ME be?

About the same as your contribution to the last one? As in nothing?
How many of you banging the drum for another useless full scale war in the ME will be making a personal sacrifice to support it?

Post #7 asked which part of this you deign "nonsense."

3. This is what was missing from the speech by the windbag in the White House:

a. New rules of engagement for the air force: more sortees and no coming home with bombs not dropped.

b. More American troops to lead in the battle

c. Surveillance of mosques here at home

You implied 'all of it'....

I'd like you on record.
"Is that it?"

- The official response of the Republican Party to complicated issues

They want another large scale war in the ME. That is indisputable. They are addicted to repeating history.
The world is already in the middle of WW3. Leftists have just not opened their eyes to reality.

Way to overstate the situation
The list of nations involved in the war on terrorism and are either having their citizens murdered or are safe haven for the Islamos is longer than the nations involved in either WW1 or 2.

Which is an idiotic measure. Some of haven't forgotten either that the portrayal of Saddam Hussein as the next Hitler who was going to try to take over the world was part of the propaganda designed to get us into the disaster of the Iraq War.
More neocon nonsense.

What is nonsense is Obama saying we need to pass legislation on guns for terrorist's to get guns on the no fly list, even though there has never been any mass shootings from anyone who is on the no fly list.
Every Leftards wet dream - deny Americans their Constitutional Rights by simply having some unknown desk jockey put your name on a list.

And for the record, Ted Kennedy was on that no fly list once.
Probably too complicated for the Republican Congress to design and write an acceptable no-fly law and conflate and coordinate it with a checklist.

Thank heaven you changed "to" to 'too."

It was like fingernails on a blackboard.

What will your personal contribution to this next full scale war in the ME be?

About the same as your contribution to the last one? As in nothing?

As my tax burden compared to yours is an avalanche vs a snowflake.....I certainly did more to fight evil then you did.

In his speech, Obama once again asked the Republican Congress to approve an AUMF against ISIS. The ostriches have refused to do so for over a year.

Finally, if Congress believes, as I do, that we are at war with ISIL, it should go ahead and vote to authorize the continued use of military force against these terrorists. For over a year, I have ordered our military to take thousands of airstrikes against ISIL targets. I think it's time for Congress to vote to demonstrate that the American people are united, and committed, to this fight.
Amazing how overnight so many of you libs have become hawkish.
I wonder if the media will bother fact checking his speech last night, like they do Trump.

Obama said thousands of airstrikes.

I've heard it's not even hundreds.

Can anyone find out if he being honest?
How many of you banging the drum for another useless full scale war in the ME will be making a personal sacrifice to support it?

Post #7 asked which part of this you deign "nonsense."

3. This is what was missing from the speech by the windbag in the White House:

a. New rules of engagement for the air force: more sortees and no coming home with bombs not dropped.

b. More American troops to lead in the battle

c. Surveillance of mosques here at home

You implied 'all of it'....

I'd like you on record.

You owe me an apology.
"Is that it?"

- The official response of the Republican Party to complicated issues

They want another large scale war in the ME. That is indisputable. They are addicted to repeating history.
The world is already in the middle of WW3. Leftists have just not opened their eyes to reality.

Way to overstate the situation
The list of nations involved in the war on terrorism and are either having their citizens murdered or are safe haven for the Islamos is longer than the nations involved in either WW1 or 2.

Which is an idiotic measure. Some of haven't forgotten either that the portrayal of Saddam Hussein as the next Hitler who was going to try to take over the world was part of the propaganda designed to get us into the disaster of the Iraq War.

Point of order:

Your post #21..."There was no such 'expert' advice."

...totally shredded by my post #30....

....does this count as another lie in which I have snared you?
Not only is Obama letting ISIS have electricity, they have better internet service than many parts of America.
Combine that with his unwillingness to go after the source of their arms confirms he has no interest in winning as he stated a few weeks ago.
What is nonsense is Obama saying we need to pass legislation on guns for terrorist's to get guns on the no fly list, even though there has never been any mass shootings from anyone who is on the no fly list.
Every Leftards wet dream - deny Americans their Constitutional Rights by simply having some unknown desk jockey put your name on a list.

And for the record, Ted Kennedy was on that no fly list once.
Probably too complicated for the Republican Congress to design and write an acceptable no-fly law and conflate and coordinate it with a checklist.

Thank heaven you changed "to" to 'too."

It was like fingernails on a blackboard.

What will your personal contribution to this next full scale war in the ME be?

About the same as your contribution to the last one? As in nothing?

As my tax burden compared to yours is an avalanche vs a snowflake.....I certainly did more to fight evil then you did.


Your tax burden? You don't work. You have contributed nothing to any war effort. Bush CUT your taxes TWICE as we got into 2 wars.
They want another large scale war in the ME. That is indisputable. They are addicted to repeating history.
The world is already in the middle of WW3. Leftists have just not opened their eyes to reality.

Way to overstate the situation
The list of nations involved in the war on terrorism and are either having their citizens murdered or are safe haven for the Islamos is longer than the nations involved in either WW1 or 2.

Which is an idiotic measure. Some of haven't forgotten either that the portrayal of Saddam Hussein as the next Hitler who was going to try to take over the world was part of the propaganda designed to get us into the disaster of the Iraq War.

Point of order:

Your post #21..."There was no such 'expert' advice."

...totally shredded by my post #30....

....does this count as another lie in which I have snared you?

You posted no expert advice.
How many of you banging the drum for another useless full scale war in the ME will be making a personal sacrifice to support it?

Post #7 asked which part of this you deign "nonsense."

3. This is what was missing from the speech by the windbag in the White House:

a. New rules of engagement for the air force: more sortees and no coming home with bombs not dropped.

b. More American troops to lead in the battle

c. Surveillance of mosques here at home

You implied 'all of it'....

I'd like you on record.
What should the pilots do with the bombs they will not be allowed to come home with when they don't see a worthy or appropriate target?
How many of you banging the drum for another useless full scale war in the ME will be making a personal sacrifice to support it?

Post #7 asked which part of this you deign "nonsense."

3. This is what was missing from the speech by the windbag in the White House:

a. New rules of engagement for the air force: more sortees and no coming home with bombs not dropped.

b. More American troops to lead in the battle

c. Surveillance of mosques here at home

You implied 'all of it'....

I'd like you on record.

You owe me an apology.

Stop trying to run and hide: was all of that what you described as "nonsense"?

Speak up!
We have one combat death in the ME fighting ISIS. We should do what Reagan did in 1983,

pack up and come home.

Then monitor our borders, stop all Muslim immigration, and make sure all law abiding Americans are armed in the event another terrorist attack occurs.

Any politician demanding gun control, should be removed from office and charged with treason.
The world is already in the middle of WW3. Leftists have just not opened their eyes to reality.

Way to overstate the situation
The list of nations involved in the war on terrorism and are either having their citizens murdered or are safe haven for the Islamos is longer than the nations involved in either WW1 or 2.

Which is an idiotic measure. Some of haven't forgotten either that the portrayal of Saddam Hussein as the next Hitler who was going to try to take over the world was part of the propaganda designed to get us into the disaster of the Iraq War.

Point of order:

Your post #21..."There was no such 'expert' advice."

...totally shredded by my post #30....

....does this count as another lie in which I have snared you?

You posted no expert advice.

"....the Pentagon wanted 5,000 to 10,000 U.S. troops to remain."

I love proving that you are a total, inveterate, congenital liar.
They want another large scale war in the ME. That is indisputable. They are addicted to repeating history.
The world is already in the middle of WW3. Leftists have just not opened their eyes to reality.

Agree, we're already in WW3.

lol. The hysteria finds a new level.

I know that its difficult for you to comprehend. No worries, its very doubtful that we'll even be participating when this one blows up. We're too weak.

I know you're an idiot. What will your contribution to this imaginary WW3 be?


Are you that stupid and arrogant that you actually think ww3 is not about to happen? Really....are you this stupid? Your ignorance is astounding.
How many of you banging the drum for another useless full scale war in the ME will be making a personal sacrifice to support it?

Post #7 asked which part of this you deign "nonsense."

3. This is what was missing from the speech by the windbag in the White House:

a. New rules of engagement for the air force: more sortees and no coming home with bombs not dropped.

b. More American troops to lead in the battle

c. Surveillance of mosques here at home

You implied 'all of it'....

I'd like you on record.
What should the pilots do with the bombs they will not be allowed to come home with when they don't see a worthy or appropriate target?

The fraud in the White House should stop limiting what are worthy or appropriate targets.

Example: when we bombed the oil tankers to deprive ISIS of income, he wouldn't allow bombing if drivers were in them.

As insane as voting for Obama.
Way to overstate the situation
The list of nations involved in the war on terrorism and are either having their citizens murdered or are safe haven for the Islamos is longer than the nations involved in either WW1 or 2.

Which is an idiotic measure. Some of haven't forgotten either that the portrayal of Saddam Hussein as the next Hitler who was going to try to take over the world was part of the propaganda designed to get us into the disaster of the Iraq War.

Point of order:

Your post #21..."There was no such 'expert' advice."

...totally shredded by my post #30....

....does this count as another lie in which I have snared you?

You posted no expert advice.

"....the Pentagon wanted 5,000 to 10,000 U.S. troops to remain."

I love proving that you are a total, inveterate, congenital liar.

Donald Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense when the Iraq war disaster began in 2003. We thus cannot by any reasonable measure be assured that ANY advice coming out of the Pentagon automatically qualifies as 'expert'.
"Is that it?"

- The official response of the Republican Party to complicated issues

They want another large scale war in the ME. That is indisputable. They are addicted to repeating history.
The world is already in the middle of WW3. Leftists have just not opened their eyes to reality.

Nonsense. A few thousand nuts in the ME are not WW3. You just wish it were WW3 because you're part of the rightwing death cult.
32 nations involved, NOT all on the same page...some of the 'coalition' forces are completely ignoring Obama's direction and 'Rules of Engagement, striking targets of THEIR choosing...1 NATO country is involved in black market oil dealings with the enemy...The U.S. is fighting a 'Proxy War' against Syria and Russia and Iran who are defending Syria, funding, arming, training, and protecting the enemy as long as the enemy agrees to oppose Assad....

BTW, here's the definition of 'World War':

'A war involving many large nations in all different parts of the world.'

Stupid F*ing 'Right Wing Death Cult'! How DARE they go by the official definition of 'World War'...


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