Press Secretary Jay Carney Leaving


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
Did he finally have enough?

Josh Earnest taking his place. He was his Iowa caucus communications manager. And has been working under Jay Carney.
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Carney couldn't lie effectively enough for The Won.
Look for him to become Hillary's Press Secretary.
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I think Earnest will be a transgender thing. What better image for the administration.
The guy is an absolute sociopath in the clinical sense. He has no conscience. I hope he gets hit by a train.
Just another phony made up scandal, besides, "WHAT DIFFERENCE eh AT THIS POINT IN TIME DOES IT MAKE"


There was a time years ago when I liked Carney as a journalist. I do have to say that I admire him for being the public punching bag for a clueless and failed presidency. Frankly, I'm surprised that he had the stamina to do the job as long as he did. Most people couldn't do what he did. Now, that isn't an endorsement of the job he one can spin Obama's shit into gold. But to stand there and take blow after blow and continue standing, I'm impressed.
I've always wondered if he lies like that in everyday life.

The new guy has history with O, thus probably is a seasoned vet already.

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