Pressure grows on Putin over plane crash

Europe is slowly, yet consistently coming together on economic punishment for Putin and his thugs. Putin would be smart to arrest those who launched the missile and try to restore his standing in the world....if it is possible.

US pressure is bearing fruit:

European leaders threatened new sanctions on Russia as soon as Tuesday, suggesting they were increasingly open to the harder line being taken against Moscow by the United States, which has accused Russia of providing the surface-to-air missile system that brought down the jetliner, training rebels in how to use it, and perhaps even supplying experts who helped to fire it.
perhaps even supplying experts who helped to fire it

LOL really pushing that propaganda aren't ya ? Why don't you just say Putin pulled the trigger himself ? :lmao:

Liberals used to go APE SHIT over our meddling in the affairs of another country. NOW THEY LOVE IT.:smiliehug:
Should those that align themselves with Russia against the United States be registered as foreign agents?

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