Princess Anne

Princess Anne has had a accident on her estate maybe involving a Horse, well wonder if she has to spend four days on a Hospital Trolly having to piss in a bottle before being seen by a Doctor? or wait maybe years for any operation she may need? or is that a silly question?
You do understand that the royal family is the only thing that makes Britain still interesting to the outer world, don't you?
Because it barely has anything to offer except of that.
What some old fossils riding about in Gold carriages that most tourists never even see? the history would still be there if the Royal family were gone, the buildings and castles etc, i first went to London when i was 11 on a School trip, we went to all the tourist places like Buckingham Palace the tower of London , never saw a member of the Royal family.
What some old fossils riding about in Gold carriages that most tourists never even see? the history would still be there if the Royal family were gone, the buildings and castles etc, i first went to London when i was 11 on a School trip, we went to all the tourist places like Buckingham Palace the tower of London , never saw a member of the Royal family.

Must have known you were coming.

I saw Prince Charles once. :dance:
She was kicked in the head ... it happens ... the concussion will go away on it's own ... why would she tie up hospital resources? ... she has a staff of personal doctors whose only job is looking after the Princess Royal ...

Her mother was the richest woman in the world for many many decades ... Anna owns her own hospital for gosh's saké ...
What some old fossils riding about in Gold carriages that most tourists never even see? the history would still be there if the Royal family were gone, the buildings and castles etc, i first went to London when i was 11 on a School trip, we went to all the tourist places like Buckingham Palace the tower of London , never saw a member of the Royal family.
It is a brand. They are always in the news, their ceremonies, weddings, birthdays and all that stuff.
Must have known you were coming.

I saw Prince Charles once. :dance:
I saw the late Queen twice and Prince Charles once, but not in London, the Queen in my Town and Prince Charles in the Netherlands years ago at a commemoration for the Arnhem vets, so the tourists would still visit London.
There are better soap operas om tv.
Okay, I will try to better explain my point. I am a foreigner, and what your country associates with in my view - something recognizable, that makes it different from the neighbours, something that has a historic value? The royals and the Victorian era. Having said that, I should admit that I don't care much about your royal buffoons and don't like some things that were common in the times of Victoria. But nevertheless, it is those things that make Britain 'British'.

Without them.. Palaces and old buildings? Germany, France, Austria and Italy have them more than enough. You don't have the seaside (I hope you understand in what context I use that), mountains, cuisine, national 'coloring'. In other words, the things that people look for in other countries they visit. Or okay, you have them, but Britain is a shadow of Europe without some 'original' images.

I hope I cleared up my point a little bit. And no offence meant, of course.
Okay, I will try to better explain my point. I am a foreigner, and what your country associates with in my view - something recognizable, that makes it different from the neighbours, something that has a historic value? The royals and the Victorian era. Having said that, I should admit that I don't care much about your royal buffoons and don't like some things that were common in the times of Victoria. But nevertheless, it is those things that make Britain 'British'.

Without them.. Palaces and old buildings? Germany, France, Austria and Italy have them more than enough. You don't have the seaside (I hope you understand in what context I use that), mountains, cuisine, national 'coloring'. In other words, the things that people look for in other countries they visit. Or okay, you have them, but Britain is a shadow of Europe without some 'original' images.

I hope I cleared up my point a little bit. And no offence meant, of course.
When you visit Dublin you cant move for tourists. All sorts. There isnt a king of Ireland.
When you visit Dublin you cant move for tourists. All sorts. There isnt a king of Ireland.
I visited Dublin with a mate a few years back, interesting City, i wanted to see inside the post office where the Easter rising happened, very impressive building, visited the Guinness factory had a couple of pints of the black stuff, then visited the Jameson distillery, i don't like the stuff but was interested in the production, but i did try a single malt which i was told was the best, it still tasted like TCP to me Lol! then down to temple bar for a meal and a glass of wine with it, after that the flight back to Liverpool i fell asleep on the way back :abgg2q.jpg:

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