Privatize % of SS ?

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Let's say you pay Home Owners insurance and incur a total loss. Then the premiums that everyone else pays goes to you and you will collect far more money than you ever paid in. Do you consider THAT a handout?
Insurance is a voluntary association between you and a company that looks to make money. Both of you are betting that you will not need to collect, but, just in case, the compnay sets a premium that protects its bottom line, based on the number of payouts the company expects to have to make. This isn't a hand out, this is you collecting a benefit for which you entered into a contract.

As such, there's no relationship between your example and SS/Medicare, which, by the very nature of entitlement programs, are ihandouts - you get the money because there's a law that gives it to you.

Class dismissed
No more proof is needed to support that claim than to look in the basements and attics of the typical American house to see the piles of gizmos, gadgets, and other assorted crap that's accumulated over the years and doing nothing more than taking up space before it's hauled down to the curb on it's way to the landfill.
Not to mention the new car every other year and the giant fucking houses they were building until recently.
What's it to you??? You should tend to your own affairs and quit sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.
The truth begins to emerge...
The -real- issue here isn't protecting people too stupid to inveSt in their furture, it's about properly dealing with people that have "too much" money and spend it on things they do not "need".
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Social Security and medicare has provided a retirement safety net for generations of Americans. It is not intended to be an end-all for your retirement but is a plan that will provide a basic level of coverage no matter what happens to you financially.

The government also subsidizes mortgage payments and IRA/401K contributions to allow Americans to voluntarilly contribute additional funds to their retirement

Social Security works and always has. Trying to gut it to divert more money into the markets is a poor decision
The government also subsidizes mortgage payments and IRA/401K contributions to allow Americans to voluntarilly contribute additional funds to their retirement

Really? tell me more.

Mortgage interest is tax deductible.

IRA and 401 contributions are made with pre tax dollars.

Income from an IRA is not by any means tax free. Tax is merely deferred and the fucking government will then tell you how much you have to withdraw every year so they make sure to get their taxes. If you don't withdraw enough you'll get a hefty penalty.
Social Security and medicare has provided a retirement safety net for generations of Americans. It is not intended to be an end-all for your retirement but is a plan that will provide a basic level of coverage no matter what happens to you financially.

The government also subsidizes mortgage payments and IRA/401K contributions to allow Americans to voluntarilly contribute additional funds to their retirement

Social Security works and always has. Trying to gut it to divert more money into the markets is a poor decision

Social Security has been run so poorly that it will not work for me, but I have to pay for it anyway. I don't think anyone under 50 should have any say in structuring it moving forward since they won't be affected by the changes. Let the ones that have to pony up the extra cash to transition to a sustainable system choose what's best with their obligations and benefits.
I'm not really sure how this would solve the problem at all. I would simply create more debt.

The only way I can see to make Social Security solvent at this point is to raise the retirement age.
I'm not really sure how this would solve the problem at all. I would simply create more debt.

The only way I can see to make Social Security solvent at this point is to raise the retirement age.

That, and eliminate the earnings cap.
Social Security and medicare has provided a retirement safety net for generations of Americans. It is not intended to be an end-all for your retirement but is a plan that will provide a basic level of coverage no matter what happens to you financially.

The government also subsidizes mortgage payments and IRA/401K contributions to allow Americans to voluntarilly contribute additional funds to their retirement

Social Security works and always has. Trying to gut it to divert more money into the markets is a poor decision

Social Security has been run so poorly that it will not work for me, but I have to pay for it anyway. I don't think anyone under 50 should have any say in structuring it moving forward since they won't be affected by the changes. Let the ones that have to pony up the extra cash to transition to a sustainable system choose what's best with their obligations and benefits.

The right wing has been threatening the demise of Social Security for 75 years. The current program will be sustainable if they gradually raise the retirement age to 70 and end the earnings cap. Not justification for scrapping the system and starting over
Social Security and medicare has provided a retirement safety net for generations of Americans. It is not intended to be an end-all for your retirement but is a plan that will provide a basic level of coverage no matter what happens to you financially.

The government also subsidizes mortgage payments and IRA/401K contributions to allow Americans to voluntarilly contribute additional funds to their retirement

Social Security works and always has. Trying to gut it to divert more money into the markets is a poor decision

Social Security has been run so poorly that it will not work for me, but I have to pay for it anyway. I don't think anyone under 50 should have any say in structuring it moving forward since they won't be affected by the changes. Let the ones that have to pony up the extra cash to transition to a sustainable system choose what's best with their obligations and benefits.

The right wing has been threatening the demise of Social Security for 75 years. The current program will be sustainable if they gradually raise the retirement age to 70 and end the earnings cap. Not justification for scrapping the system and starting over

Ah. Tax more. That's always been the solution each and every time a problem has been found. If it's welfare it needs to be run as welfare, tax progressively and means test the benefit payout. If it's insurance it needs to be run as a sustainable insurance plan. Currently it's neither.
I'm not really sure how this would solve the problem at all. I would simply create more debt.

The only way I can see to make Social Security solvent at this point is to raise the retirement age.
There is $2.6 Trillion in Social Security, enough to make full payments for the next 27 years. At that point it would still pay out 75%.
It could easily last indefinitely if people had it deducted on income above $106,000.
Wall Street is dying to get it's hands on that $2.6 Trillion, and Boehner and Ryan seem intent on giving it to them.
And you honestly think that if given that 15% back everyone would automatically invest it? :lol:
If they choose not to do so, then they suffer the consequences.

You are responsible for you and the choices you make - you , and no one else.

And then you and I will be responsible for supporting them on welfare. :eusa_whistle:

Here are some indisputable facts.........

1) Diverting SS into private accounts will do nothing more than speed up program insolvency.

2) Very few Americans save for their future.

3) SS has raised millions of seniors out of poverty.

4) The vast majority of Americans oppose doing away with SS and want it to continue.

Look, no matter what anyone says the overwhelming majority of Americans WANT the Social Security program. And rest assured any politician trying to "mess" with it will be promptly fired by the voters.

SS is here to stay (by the will of Americans) so the best thing to do is accept that fact and look at ways to maintain solvency whether we raise the age a little more, raise or eliminate the earnings cap or reduce benefits for the upper income.
Social Security has been run so poorly that it will not work for me, but I have to pay for it anyway. I don't think anyone under 50 should have any say in structuring it moving forward since they won't be affected by the changes. Let the ones that have to pony up the extra cash to transition to a sustainable system choose what's best with their obligations and benefits.
The right wing has been threatening the demise of Social Security for 75 years. The current program will be sustainable if they gradually raise the retirement age to 70 and end the earnings cap. Not justification for scrapping the system and starting over
Ah. Tax more. That's always been the solution each and every time a problem has been found. If it's welfare it needs to be run as welfare, tax progressively and means test the benefit payout. If it's insurance it needs to be run as a sustainable insurance plan. Currently it's neither.

A sustainable insurance plan means the money in equals money out. Raising the retirement age means less money out. Ending the cap on contributions means more money in.

SS works and has worked for generations
The right wing has been threatening the demise of Social Security for 75 years. The current program will be sustainable if they gradually raise the retirement age to 70 and end the earnings cap. Not justification for scrapping the system and starting over
Ah. Tax more. That's always been the solution each and every time a problem has been found. If it's welfare it needs to be run as welfare, tax progressively and means test the benefit payout. If it's insurance it needs to be run as a sustainable insurance plan. Currently it's neither.

A sustainable insurance plan means the money in equals money out. Raising the retirement age means less money out. Ending the cap on contributions means more money in.

SS works and has worked for generations

Yeah, so don't fuck with it!
That's exactly right. A good question would be "How many who have the ability actually invest their money? Or do they go out and spend it on things?"

As sad as it sounds many people need to be protected from themselves. And if you took SS out of it you would be supporting them on welfare.
Exactly right on all points! Especially that many people need to be protected from themselves.

That is the long and short of it. That is why the issue of Social Security needs no further debate. It has served its intended purpose admirably and flawlessly for over seventy-five years now and so it should be left alone!
I'm not really sure how this would solve the problem at all. I would simply create more debt.

The only way I can see to make Social Security solvent at this point is to raise the retirement age.
Social Security is not creating debt now and will never create debt unless Congress decides to partially fund social security benefits. If congress does nothing to solve the problem benefits will be paid out of the trust until it is exhausted. Then benefits will be paid out of FICA payroll tax. Beneficiaries would take about a 25% cut in their benefits.

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