Privatize % of SS ?

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And just two years later stocks have rebounded. So all that would have happened is that retirement might have been delayed.
Fortunately. Thankfully. But only because of massive bailouts, which drilled a gigantic hole in the economy that still needs to be filled -- if it ever can be.

Even if a person only earned 3% over a life time he'd have a bigger retirement income than from SSAnd the stock market has rebounded. What's more if you'd have been buying stock for the last 2 years you would have done very well.
At this time I can't argue with that but I've explained the reason for my reluctance to go near the stock market. I'd been conditioned by advice from those who'd learned hard lessons. The bottom line is while I might have more money now the fact remains I have no complaints in that area. As I said, I want for nothing.

Your argument still does not show how the government confiscating 15% of your income for SS makes you better off than if you saved that money yourself.
I've explained my individual situation. Where the majority of Americans is concerned you can't assume they all retain your sense of balance. The average American is a worker, not an entrepreneur. For the same reason they are not geared to thinking in terms of the long run. Their financial conduct is heavily influenced by marketing tactics, i.e., they are bombarded constantly by subliminal urges to compete with the Jones' and to buy, buy, buy, to spend it all, then borrow more. This "now" orientation that causes their lack of good judgment where finances is concerned is the result of what in fact is mass hypnosis.

So for the majority of Americans, while it might not be the most productive means of planning for the future it is the most effective -- because it works for them. There is specific wisdom in the concept of Social Security. You are one of the relative few who don't need it. But the bottom line is it ultimately is very good for the health of the Nation.
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I have no doubt that one can set up an investment plan that would return more than S.S. over 30 or 40 years with practically no risk. The problem is not with the investment but rather the investor. A recent study found 1 in 4 adults did not know the difference between stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Further, they believed getting tips as to when and what to buy and sell was the way to success. If S.S. were privatized those that need it most would go into retirement with nothing.

And just whose fault is it if one doesn't care enough about their and their own family's financial future to learn a little bit about money?

Should 15% of my lifetime income be taken from me because some fucking moron doesn't give two shits about his future?
Over nine million people do not have checking accounts or savings accounts. These people live from paycheck to paycheck keeping their money in their wallet or a cookie jar. Do you really believe these people are going to get an education in investing and open up a brokerage account.

Privatizing S.S. so people like you can earn an additional 2 or 3% return would defeat the entire purpose of S.S.

I have no doubt that one can set up an investment plan that would return more than S.S. over 30 or 40 years with practically no risk. The problem is not with the investment but rather the investor. A recent study found 1 in 4 adults did not know the difference between stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Further, they believed getting tips as to when and what to buy and sell was the way to success. If S.S. were privatized those that need it most would go into retirement with nothing.

And just whose fault is it if one doesn't care enough about their and their own family's financial future to learn a little bit about money?

Should 15% of my lifetime income be taken from me because some fucking moron doesn't give two shits about his future?

No it should not.
And just whose fault is it if one doesn't care enough about their and their own family's financial future to learn a little bit about money?

Should 15% of my lifetime income be taken from me because some fucking moron doesn't give two shits about his future?

But does when thier bennies are taken from government largess?

Those on welfare are DUMBASSES for ever getting ON IT to begin with.

Make better life choices and cease making the rest of us pay for your mistakes.
Social Security is not welfare. Benefits are paid to those who work and pay into the system.

you need to fucking go sell that story to RDD.. whydonchya?
But does when thier bennies are taken from government largess?

Those on welfare are DUMBASSES for ever getting ON IT to begin with.

Make better life choices and cease making the rest of us pay for your mistakes.
Social Security is not welfare. Benefits are paid to those who work and pay into the system.

you need to fucking go sell that story to RDD.. whydonchya?
Yeah nevermind the Politicians have left the 'cookie jar replete with IOU's...

Socialist Security the biggest FAKE promise courtesy of your socialist gubmint.

it's a fucking JOKE and a bad one that we are forced to pay into at the point of a GUN.
I have no doubt that one can set up an investment plan that would return more than S.S. over 30 or 40 years with practically no risk. The problem is not with the investment but rather the investor. A recent study found 1 in 4 adults did not know the difference between stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Further, they believed getting tips as to when and what to buy and sell was the way to success. If S.S. were privatized those that need it most would go into retirement with nothing.

And just whose fault is it if one doesn't care enough about their and their own family's financial future to learn a little bit about money?

Should 15% of my lifetime income be taken from me because some fucking moron doesn't give two shits about his future?
Over nine million people do not have checking accounts or savings accounts. These people live from paycheck to paycheck keeping their money in their wallet or a cookie jar. Do you really believe these people are going to get an education in investing and open up a brokerage account.

Privatizing S.S. so people like you can earn an additional 2 or 3% return would defeat the entire purpose of S.S.

How about so those people you mention can get an extra 3 or 4% return over their lives?

One does not need an education in investing to save their own money in their own accounts.
Fact: America's once great Middle Class became great because of government assistance
Show this to be true.

G.I. Bill for one... Social Security for two (freed up people going broke taking care of extended family members)... Housing loans and grants after WWII Educational grants and loans... R&D that changed the worlds of science, medicine, industry and more...

we could go on, but it would require you getting your fat head out of your arse.

good luck with the hate and will shorten your miserable life :eusa_whistle:
what is up with the douchebagh known as Fiitnah giving rep comments on posts like the one above supposedly being in the wrong forum?

Is Fitnah a wannabee or just an average douchebagh?
I have no doubt that one can set up an investment plan that would return more than S.S. over 30 or 40 years with practically no risk. The problem is not with the investment but rather the investor. A recent study found 1 in 4 adults did not know the difference between stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Further, they believed getting tips as to when and what to buy and sell was the way to success. If S.S. were privatized those that need it most would go into retirement with nothing.

And just whose fault is it if one doesn't care enough about their and their own family's financial future to learn a little bit about money?

Should 15% of my lifetime income be taken from me because some fucking moron doesn't give two shits about his future?
Over nine million people do not have checking accounts or savings accounts. These people live from paycheck to paycheck keeping their money in their wallet or a cookie jar. Do you really believe these people are going to get an education in investing and open up a brokerage account.

Privatizing S.S. so people like you can earn an additional 2 or 3% return would defeat the entire purpose of S.S.

So we should punish everyone else because 9 million people can't figure out how to open a checking account?
Those that feel SS should be privatized probably already have lots of money they've invested in the stock market. Why would the need the piddly amount that comes from SS?
And just whose fault is it if one doesn't care enough about their and their own family's financial future to learn a little bit about money?

Should 15% of my lifetime income be taken from me because some fucking moron doesn't give two shits about his future?
Over nine million people do not have checking accounts or savings accounts. These people live from paycheck to paycheck keeping their money in their wallet or a cookie jar. Do you really believe these people are going to get an education in investing and open up a brokerage account.

Privatizing S.S. so people like you can earn an additional 2 or 3% return would defeat the entire purpose of S.S.

So we should punish everyone else because 9 million people can't figure out how to open a checking account?

Yes, according to those who say that people shouldn't be required to do so to graduate high school. Do financial consulting for school boards and you'll see how bad it gets.
Those that feel SS should be privatized probably already have lots of money they've invested in the stock market. Why would the need the piddly amount that comes from SS?

That's b'loney. Privatizing SS actually means more for lower income people who could earn a better return than SS provides, and have an asset to pass along to their children.
Those that feel SS should be privatized probably already have lots of money they've invested in the stock market. Why would the need the piddly amount that comes from SS?

Because I don't have lots of money in the stock market and I'm paying for 3rd houses for those that do.


What is the problem there?
Those that feel SS should be privatized probably already have lots of money they've invested in the stock market. Why would the need the piddly amount that comes from SS?

Because I don't have lots of money in the stock market and I'm paying for 3rd houses for those that do.


What is the problem there?

Through some convoluted logic you're pissed about other people benefitting from your money but you want to means test SS to exclude certain people who have contributed more to the system? Classy.
I don't know how old you are but I assume you are working and contributing to the FICA. If you're a young fellow you probably resent that deduction from your paycheck. But I assure that one day you will be very grateful to those who conceived the program that forced you to contribute. Because in spite of what anyone tells you, you can't do better. In fact you can't do as good without taking enormous risk with private investments.

Well considering how willing you were to show us in that paragraph that you don't know dick about finance, I don't doubt that you can't do better than Social Security. For the rest of us educated folk, yes, we resent having to pay for people like you. I don't include Social Security in my retirement planning because I'm smart enough to know it will no longer exist when I reach that age.

Wanna bet?
Those that feel SS should be privatized probably already have lots of money they've invested in the stock market. Why would the need the piddly amount that comes from SS?

I've already shown how a working stiff earning just the current average income in the U.S. would retire a millionaire and have a much higher monthly income if he was able to put the money taken to fund the Ponzi scam in his own accounts.

SS is designed to keep people dependent on the government.
btw, Social Security is more an insurance program than an investment strategy.

just thought you may want to deal with the real world in an honest fashion.
Here's how your insurance costs break down

if I make 43k a year for 45 years I will have paid approximately 290,250 to SS. At age 67 I will be eligible for a monthly benefit of 1581. Lets say I live 20 years after I retire so I will have collected 379,440

That means that all that money taken by the government earned about 1.12% over the 45 years I was contributing.

If I got 3% I would have had an income in excess of 3400 a month for 20 years in retirement.

Tell me again how SS is better?

If you'd gotten too sick to work during your career you'd have collected SSD.

That's one way it is DIFFERENT.
btw, Social Security is more an insurance program than an investment strategy.

just thought you may want to deal with the real world in an honest fashion.
Here's how your insurance costs break down

if I make 43k a year for 45 years I will have paid approximately 290,250 to SS. At age 67 I will be eligible for a monthly benefit of 1581. Lets say I live 20 years after I retire so I will have collected 379,440

That means that all that money taken by the government earned about 1.12% over the 45 years I was contributing.

If I got 3% I would have had an income in excess of 3400 a month for 20 years in retirement.

Tell me again how SS is better?

If you'd gotten too sick to work during your career you'd have collected SSD.

That's one way it is DIFFERENT.

I've countered this excuse before.

At age 22 a person can buy a privately owned disability policy for less than $50 a month that will pay about 32K a year tax free if one if one becomes disabled.

Unlike SSDI the policy pays if you are unable to perform your current occupation. SSDI only pays if you can't perform any occupation.

The private policy will also pay you a partial benefit if after your injury you are unable to perform your prior occupation.

One can if they had access to the money stolen for the Ponzi scam live a better life, have more protection and retire much more securely.

But the government doesn't want to rule a bunch of people who are self sufficient.

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