Privatize % of SS ?

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Of course none of you who think SS is a Ponzi Scheme would ever think of signing up when your time comes, right? :lol:

Of course though, like a bunch of hypocrites you'll be right in front of the line with your hands out saying "Gimme gimme gimme". :tongue:

And don't try and deny it.....

So you think we should be forced to pay in though we disagree with the system and yet should not take the miniscule return that we get when the time comes. If Uncle Sam allows us to opt out of paying it I would GLADLY forgo the benefits. Even the ones I have already paid for.

And if you made poor investment choices then we would be supporting your ass on WELFARE.

Look, you're not going to change it and you'll be holding your hand out like everyone else when the time comes. So it's best to make changes now to ensure it pays out promised benefits.

Again, point to any 45 year period where sound investments made a worse return than SS. Particularly since I am going to be getting much reduced benefits if I get any at all.
If anything, we should drop the salary cap and do means testing.
Yes -- because that way, people who you decide do not "need" SS benefits will still be able to pay a LOT more into the system.

As they should. The wealthy did not attain their great monetary success in a vacuum. Without a healthy consumer class and adequate public infrastructure, they'd be nothing.

Why would someone with half a brain trust their retirement to the whims of corporate America, where short-term profit without regard to the consequences is SOP?

No thanks. SS is the most successful federal government program of them all. No doubt whatsoever.
I have no idea what you're talking about, which means we finally have something in common because obviously you have no idea what you're talking about.

The payroll tax is real money, paid by real Americans. It is not an 'accounting entry'.

You really are dense.

There is no SS Trust Fund stuffed with that Real Money Paid by Americans.

The trust fund is a bunch of accounting entries which are basically IOUs to be paid by future taxpayers (who have no say in the matter and didn't agree to this appalling arrangement).

Which is how the whole concept of Social Security is set up. And both the past and current crop of taxpayers know and overwhelmingly approve of the system.

And YOU, like everyone else will stand in that line one day and say "Gimme". You will become the leach on society taking other people's money. :lol:

You are vile. It's clear your mentality is one of siding with the criminal against the vicitm.
You really are dense.

There is no SS Trust Fund stuffed with that Real Money Paid by Americans.

The trust fund is a bunch of accounting entries which are basically IOUs to be paid by future taxpayers (who have no say in the matter and didn't agree to this appalling arrangement).

Which is how the whole concept of Social Security is set up. And both the past and current crop of taxpayers know and overwhelmingly approve of the system.

And YOU, like everyone else will stand in that line one day and say "Gimme". You will become the leach on society taking other people's money. :lol:

You are vile. It's clear your mentality is one of siding with the criminal against the vicitm.

And you're a sore loser giving a neg rep just because you're losing an argument.

Hi, you have received -265 reputation points from boedicca.
Reputation was given for this post.

You're such a loser.....
point to any 45 year period where sound investments made a worse return than SS. Particularly since I am going to be getting much reduced benefits if I get any at all.
Explain the currrent worth % of a 60 year old person whose investment of the last thirty years would be today compared to 1 July 2007.
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You really are dense.

There is no SS Trust Fund stuffed with that Real Money Paid by Americans.

The trust fund is a bunch of accounting entries which are basically IOUs to be paid by future taxpayers (who have no say in the matter and didn't agree to this appalling arrangement).

Which is how the whole concept of Social Security is set up. And both the past and current crop of taxpayers know and overwhelmingly approve of the system.

And YOU, like everyone else will stand in that line one day and say "Gimme". You will become the leach on society taking other people's money. :lol:

You are vile. It's clear your mentality is one of siding with the criminal against the vicitm.

You are the criminal mentality, bodie, not the victim. You will collect your SS.
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If anything, we should drop the salary cap and do means testing.
Yes -- because that way, people who you decide do not "need" SS benefits will still be able to pay a LOT more into the system.
As they should.
According to whom?
Someone has more claim to their money than they do? How so?
Who are you or anyone else to judge how much someone "needs"?

The wealthy did not attain their great monetary success in a vacuum. Without a healthy consumer class and adequate public infrastructure, they'd be nothing.
This is on no way necessarily so. Wealthy people existed long before any of these things, and so none of those things are necessary for people to be wealthy.

Further, the wealthy are already the primary financier of that infrastructure, both in terms of taxes paid directly by them, and indirectly in terms of taxes paid thru the jobs they created; to argue that because they use that infrastructure they have some further responsibilty to society has no rational basis.
This is on no way necessarily so. Wealthy people existed long before any of these things, and so none of those things are necessary for people to be wealthy. // Further, the wealthy are already the primary financier of that infrastructure, both in terms of taxes paid directly by them, and indirectly in terms of taxes paid thru the jobs they created; to argue that because they use that infrastructure they have some further responsibilty to society has no rational basis.

We are talking a post industrial revolution society, 14, not Rome. A healthy and vibrant consumer middle class was necessary to wealth production and increase. I like you to provide stats and argumentation (not your simplistic assertion) for your final statements. It's just hogwash at this point.
....rule of thumb: if it's a Republican goal, it only benefits the wealthy. Never fails.

And rams it up the ass of the poor and middle class. :up_yours:

GOP :whip: Poor and Middle Class

You are a fucking kool aid drinker. Nothing more. Couldn't think yer way out of a paper bag.
His reasoning seems to be fine. He's a lazy slug voting for whoever promises him the most money. It's sound because he's not going to work for it, so this is only the logical next choice.
Which is how the whole concept of Social Security is set up. And both the past and current crop of taxpayers know and overwhelmingly approve of the system.

And YOU, like everyone else will stand in that line one day and say "Gimme". You will become the leach on society taking other people's money. :lol:

You are vile. It's clear your mentality is one of siding with the criminal against the vicitm.

You are the criminal mentality, bodie, not the victim. You will collect your SS.

No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.
No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.

Right. You realize it's not welfare, it's an investment. It's just that it only works when people who need it but didn't pay for it get the money and people who paid for it but don't need it don't. See, completely different then welfare...
You are vile. It's clear your mentality is one of siding with the criminal against the vicitm.

You are the criminal mentality, bodie, not the victim. You will collect your SS.

No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.

Well, if that's the case, we are more alike than either one thought. That is depressing to me as it is to you, I am sure.
If anything, we should drop the salary cap and do means testing.
Yes -- because that way, people who you decide do not "need" SS benefits will still be able to pay a LOT more into the system.

As they should. The wealthy did not attain their great monetary success in a vacuum. Without a healthy consumer class and adequate public infrastructure, they'd be nothing.

It always makes me queasy when I hear the word "should", and people like you are the reason why.

Why "should" the wealthy pay even more into a system from which they already get nothing? Because you feel they somehow "owe" poorer people something. Why is that? Because you feel they got rich as some sort of "favor" the rest of the nation has done them? Because you feel that rich people give nothing back in exchange for their rise in wealth? You say, "Without a healthy consumer class and adequate public infrastructure, they'd be nothing." But without them, there'd BE no healthy consumer class or adequate public infrastructure. Capitalism isn't one-sided, whatever bitter, envious malcontents like you want to think. It's a give-and-take all the way.

Why would someone with half a brain trust their retirement to the whims of corporate America, where short-term profit without regard to the consequences is SOP?

No thanks. SS is the most successful federal government program of them all. No doubt whatsoever.

ONLY someone with half a brain would trust their retirement to the government. And only someone with NO brain thinks "short-term profit without regard to the consequences" is standard operating procedure ANYWHERE in the private sector of America. In fact, customer service and the desire to build a long-term reputation is the SOP in corporate America as well as the rest of the private sector, because that's the ONLY way to successfully run a business, as anyone who's ever been part of running a business would know. Clearly, that leaves YOU out.

Social Security is "the most successful federal government program of them all" based on what standard of measurement and criteria, precisely? How are we judging "successful" here?
And rams it up the ass of the poor and middle class. :up_yours:

GOP :whip: Poor and Middle Class

You are a fucking kool aid drinker. Nothing more. Couldn't think yer way out of a paper bag.
His reasoning seems to be fine. He's a lazy slug voting for whoever promises him the most money. It's sound because he's not going to work for it, so this is only the logical next choice.

Uhhh....I work at a job that most, probably including you, would not do. I work my ass off and, like you, pay into the system.

Soooo......will you be standing in the SS line with your hand out too?
No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.

Right. You realize it's not welfare, it's an investment. It's just that it only works when people who need it but didn't pay for it get the money and people who paid for it but don't need it don't. See, completely different then welfare...
Um... if it were an investment, and all else was equal, the more you paid in, the more you'd get out. That you can pay more in and get none out, so that others can get more, meanis it IS welfare.
You are vile. It's clear your mentality is one of siding with the criminal against the vicitm.

You are the criminal mentality, bodie, not the victim. You will collect your SS.

No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.

I fully intend to be too rich to qualify for SS benefits, myself. I like that plan better, anyway.
kaz, like george constanza, will be pushing people out of the way, because like george constanza and cecilie 1200, he is a comic figure.

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