Privatize % of SS ?

Some or all or none

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No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.

Right. You realize it's not welfare, it's an investment. It's just that it only works when people who need it but didn't pay for it get the money and people who paid for it but don't need it don't. See, completely different then welfare...
Um... if it were an investment, and all else was equal, the more you paid in, the more you'd get out. That you can pay more in and get none out, so that others can get more, meanis it IS welfare.

If it were an investment, it would belong to the individual, not be seized by the government to spend on crap completely unrelated to the individual's retirement solvency.
You are the criminal mentality, bodie, not the victim. You will collect your SS.

No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.

I fully intend to be too rich to qualify for SS benefits, myself. I like that plan better, anyway.

Me too. When I retire, I'd rather not be at the mercy of federal bureaucrats for my living expenses.
You are a fucking kool aid drinker. Nothing more. Couldn't think yer way out of a paper bag.
His reasoning seems to be fine. He's a lazy slug voting for whoever promises him the most money. It's sound because he's not going to work for it, so this is only the logical next choice.

Uhhh....I work at a job that most, probably including you, would not do. I work my ass off and, like you, pay into the system.

Soooo......will you be standing in the SS line with your hand out too?

Ummm, there are a LOT of jobs I absolutely wouldn't do, and for most of them, that isn't any indication of their being deserving my respect.

That could just mean you're an exotic dancer, or a fluffer on a porn set, after all.
Social Security is "the most successful federal government program of them all" based on what standard of measurement and criteria, precisely? How are we judging "successful" here?

It's been the most successful program to date in fueling the expanse of Big Government control over our lives...up until ObamaCare.
No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.

I fully intend to be too rich to qualify for SS benefits, myself. I like that plan better, anyway.

Me too. When I retire, I'd rather not be at the mercy of federal bureaucrats for my living expenses.

Personally, I don't want to have to live on the pittance they pay out. I'd like to actually enjoy my old age.

And don't even get me started on the red tape. :eusa_hand:
I fully intend to be too rich to qualify for SS benefits, myself. I like that plan better, anyway.

Me too. When I retire, I'd rather not be at the mercy of federal bureaucrats for my living expenses.

Personally, I don't want to have to live on the pittance they pay out. I'd like to actually enjoy my old age.

And don't even get me started on the red tape. :eusa_hand:

And now they want to take over our 401Ks and IRAs too.
You are vile. It's clear your mentality is one of siding with the criminal against the vicitm.

You are the criminal mentality, bodie, not the victim. You will collect your SS.

No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.

See there? Me too!! I most likely have much more than most (including you) between my savings, investments, real estate, pension and 401k. But I'm not about to fault those less fortunate than I that will depend on SS to fund most, if not all of their retirement.

As I have already posted SS is keeping MILLIONS of seniors out of poverty. Now that may not mean anything to you (perhaps your parents/grandparents are dead?) but it means everything to those millions of people.

Social Security was created for a REASON. And it is supported by 90% of people under 30.

In a national phone survey of 1,200 adults by the GfK Roper consulting firm (margin of error: plus or minus 3 percent), 90 percent of those ages 18 to 29 deemed Social Security important. In fact, almost half of them agreed with the statement that it is “one of the very most important government programs,” an opinion held by nearly 80 percent of those over 65.

Younger Americans Support Social Security, Poll Finds -

So piss and moan all you want. Social Security isn't going anywhere.
You are the criminal mentality, bodie, not the victim. You will collect your SS.

No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.

I fully intend to be too rich to qualify for SS benefits, myself. I like that plan better, anyway.

Me too. But that doesn't mean I want to cut poor people off at the knees.
SS is not going away, is not going to be privatized; all of that is nothing more than a fantasy wet dream by masturbating dodos.
No. I expect I'll be means tested out. I figured out the demographics of this ponzi scheme when I was a teenager. I'm saving and investing to self-fund my own retirement.

I fully intend to be too rich to qualify for SS benefits, myself. I like that plan better, anyway.

Me too. But that doesn't mean I want to cut poor people off at the knees.

Who said anything about cutting poor people off anywhere? Point me to the post where I suggested simply abolishing Social Security and leaving those who've already paid into it with nothing. On the contrary, I'm complaining that the damned thing's going to do all that by itself. And being assured by the government and its flunkies that everything's going to be okay provides me with no reassurance whatsoever.

I say give the people actually paying into their so-called "retirement fund" a chance to do something useful with that money, that might actually help them make their retirement better than just subsisting on a pittance, rather than letting the government just take it all and spend it and give back nothing but vague promises that they'll somehow find it again somewhere to give back when the time comes for you to want it.
Right. You realize it's not welfare, it's an investment. It's just that it only works when people who need it but didn't pay for it get the money and people who paid for it but don't need it don't. See, completely different then welfare...
Um... if it were an investment, and all else was equal, the more you paid in, the more you'd get out. That you can pay more in and get none out, so that others can get more, meanis it IS welfare.

If it were an investment, it would belong to the individual, not be seized by the government to spend on crap completely unrelated to the individual's retirement solvency.

Tell me something. What interest paying instruments should S.S. be investing the Trust Fund in,

rather than U.S. Treasuries??
Which also backs up my original point. S.S. is funded by its own revenue, the payroll tax. The fact that it has its money invested in Treasuries, supposedly the safest investment in the world, is only a problem if the U.S. government defaults.
Where will the money to repay these 'trust fund t-bills' come from?

From general tax revenues, where pretty much all the money comes from when bonds mature.

You do understand how a bond works don't you?
No... its not... because those things are not accounting entries.

I have no idea what you're talking about, which means we finally have something in common because obviously you have no idea what you're talking about.

The payroll tax is real money, paid by real Americans. It is not an 'accounting entry'.

You really are dense.

There is no SS Trust Fund stuffed with that Real Money Paid by Americans.

The trust fund is a bunch of accounting entries which are basically IOUs to be paid by future taxpayers (who have no say in the matter and didn't agree to this appalling arrangement).

The Trust Fund money is invested in Treasuries. Of course the Treasury note is an I.O.U. That's what bonds are...

...I cannot believe you don't know that. Oh wait, I can believe that.
I fully intend to be too rich to qualify for SS benefits, myself. I like that plan better, anyway.

Me too. But that doesn't mean I want to cut poor people off at the knees.

Who said anything about cutting poor people off anywhere? Point me to the post where I suggested simply abolishing Social Security and leaving those who've already paid into it with nothing. On the contrary, I'm complaining that the damned thing's going to do all that by itself. And being assured by the government and its flunkies that everything's going to be okay provides me with no reassurance whatsoever.

I say give the people actually paying into their so-called "retirement fund" a chance to do something useful with that money, that might actually help them make their retirement better than just subsisting on a pittance, rather than letting the government just take it all and spend it and give back nothing but vague promises that they'll somehow find it again somewhere to give back when the time comes for you to want it.

But you and I both know that just giving everyone tens of thousands of dollars to spend or invest is not going to happen. Now or ever.

It's especially nice to see that 90% of people under 30 deem SS important and that 1/2 of the 90% deem it the most important government program. So that tells me that they have more sense than most and that SS will remain in place long after you and I are dead.
The stock market exists to move money around. Someone makes it, someone else loses it.

Most Americans have no experience with the stock market. Getting them to "invest" is truly throwing the sheep to the wolves. And what happens to sheep? They get sheared.
The stock market exists to move money around. Someone makes it, someone else loses it.

Most Americans have no experience with the stock market. Getting them to "invest" is truly throwing the sheep to the wolves. And what happens to sheep? They get sheared.

Try explaining that to FA_Q2.
The stock market exists to move money around. Someone makes it, someone else loses it.

Most Americans have no experience with the stock market. Getting them to "invest" is truly throwing the sheep to the wolves. And what happens to sheep? They get sheared.

Try explaining that to FA_Q2.

He probably won't believe it because the stock market really doesn't work like that. If it did, the overall market would stay at a constant level for eternity with the individual stocks fluctuating in an offsetting manner. That has never been the case. Only an idiot believes that's how the stock market works.
Me too. But that doesn't mean I want to cut poor people off at the knees.

Who said anything about cutting poor people off anywhere? Point me to the post where I suggested simply abolishing Social Security and leaving those who've already paid into it with nothing. On the contrary, I'm complaining that the damned thing's going to do all that by itself. And being assured by the government and its flunkies that everything's going to be okay provides me with no reassurance whatsoever.

I say give the people actually paying into their so-called "retirement fund" a chance to do something useful with that money, that might actually help them make their retirement better than just subsisting on a pittance, rather than letting the government just take it all and spend it and give back nothing but vague promises that they'll somehow find it again somewhere to give back when the time comes for you to want it.

But you and I both know that just giving everyone tens of thousands of dollars to spend or invest is not going to happen. Now or ever.

It's especially nice to see that 90% of people under 30 deem SS important and that 1/2 of the 90% deem it the most important government program. So that tells me that they have more sense than most and that SS will remain in place long after you and I are dead.

Who said anything about giving people money? It's THEIR money, y'know. No one's talking about just handing folks a wad of cash and saying, "Go for it."

When I was a postal employee, the money for the TSP was taken out of our paychecks just the way FICA is. When you enrolled in TSP, you filled out a form choosing the investment plan you wished to have your money in, and it went into the appropriate funds, which each had an investment manager that handled things from there. We could fill out another form to change the plan when we wanted, and periodically we received statements as to the status of our TSP investments, allowing us to decide if changes were desired. We never actually laid eyes or hands on those funds until we cashed out our TSP accounts.

I can't see why a similar system couldn't be implemented for people's Social Security contributions.
The stock market exists to move money around. Someone makes it, someone else loses it.

Most Americans have no experience with the stock market. Getting them to "invest" is truly throwing the sheep to the wolves. And what happens to sheep? They get sheared.

Try explaining that to FA_Q2.

He probably won't believe it because the stock market really doesn't work like that. If it did, the overall market would stay at a constant level for eternity with the individual stocks fluctuating in an offsetting manner. That has never been the case. Only an idiot believes that's how the stock market works.

Hello! Consider the source.

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