Proof that Fewer Than 1% of Americans Believe the 2020 Election was Legitimate

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Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2022
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Ladies and gentlemen I have ascertained that fewer than one percent of Americans believe Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.
I estimate that figure because in my informal polling among leftwingers in this forum, I have asked a simple question for the past three years:

“Do you believe Joe Biden was by far the most popular presidential candidate in American history?”

NOT ONE leftwinger in here could ever say “yes”.

Almost always, how a question is phrased determines the outcome of a poll, even though the meaning is exactly the same: Example: “ Do you favor a woman’s right to choose?” 75% will say yes. But if you ask “Do you favor killing a human life in the womb?" only 25% will agree. Again, same meaning.

So when in 2024, Ipsos asked people: “Do you think the 2020 election was legitimate?” 66% of Republicans said “No”. 4% of Democrats said yes. But ask the question in a different way with the same meaning, less than 1% of even Democrats will say yes.

Here’s why:
1 For someone to agree the 2020 election was legitimate, they have to agree Joe Biden got over 81 million votes.
2 For someone to agree Biden got over 81 million votes, they would have to also agree Joe Biden was by far the most popular candidate in US history.

Let’s see how 2020 Biden (who had obvious dementia and didn’t campaign) stacks up against the most lopsided victories in American history.

Year:.......... Candidate............No. of votes (million)........... US Population (million)....................Percentage................. EC Margin
1956...................Eisenhower................................35.5..............................................168.9....................................................... 21.0%..............................457-73
1936.................. FDR..............................................27.7..............................................128.1...................................................... 21.6%............................. 523-8
1964...................LBJ...............................................43.1...............................................190.9 .......................................................22.6%..............................485-52
2008...................0bama........................................69.5................................................304.1....................................................... 22.9%............................. 365-173
1984...................Reagan.......................................54.5 ..............................................235.5 .......................................................23.1%...............................525-13
2020...................Biden...........................................81.3 l(alleged)...........................329.5.........................................................24.7%..............................306-232

Usually, the typical rebuttal to Biden’s “success” is “Well, Trump was hugely unpopular." Not true. Trump got 74.2 million votes or 22.5%, which would have put him in the middle of the above list. Trump’s approval rating on Election Day in 2020 was at 42% compared to 38% on the same date in 2016 when he kicked Hillary’s ass.

Conclusion: Nobody believes the senile Biden was more popular than these other big winners. Therefore, nobody believes his results were real. Therefore nobody believes he came close to 81 million votes. This is why NOT ONE LEFTWINGER on this forum answered my question in the affirmative. When these folks can’t say it, then you know nobody in the population can as well. Everybody in this forum can ask any ten people if Biden was the most popular of all time. Zero will say yes. Therefore, by induction, Fewer than one percent of the population believes the 2020 election was legitimate.
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Ladies and gentlemen I have ascertained that fewer than one percent of Americans believe Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.
I estimate that figure because in my informal polling among leftwingers in this forum, I have asked a simple question for the past three years:

“Do you believe Joe Biden was by far the most popular presidential candidate in American history?”

NOT ONE leftwinger in here could ever say “yes”.

Almost always, how a question is phrased determines the outcome of a poll, even though the meaning is exactly the same: Example: “ Do you favor a woman’s right to choose?” 75% will say yes. But if you ask “Do you favor killing a human life in the womb”? only 25% will agree. Again, same meaning.

So when in 2024, Ipsos asked people: “Do you think the 2020 election was legitimate?” 66% of Republicans said “No”. 4% of Democrats said yes. But ask the question in a different way with the same meaning, less than 1% of even Democrats will say yes.

Here’s why:
1 For someone to agree the 2020 election was legitimate, they have to agree Joe Biden got over 81 million votes.
2 For someone to agree Biden got over 81 million votes, they would have to also agree Joe Biden was by far the most popular candidate in US history.

Let’s see how 2020 Biden (who had obvious dementia and didn’t campaign) stacks up against the most lopsided victories in American history.

Year: Candidate No. of votes (million) US Population (million) Percentage EC Margin
1956 Eisenhower 35.5 168.9 21.0% 457-73
1936 FDR 27.7 128.1 21.6% 523-8
1964 LBJ 43.1 190.9 22.6% 485-52
2008 0bama 69.5 304.1 22.9% 365-173
1984 Reagan 54.5 235.5 23.1% 525-13
2020 Biden 81.3 l(alleged) 329.5 24.7% 306-232

Usually, the typical rebuttal to Biden’s “success” is “Well, Trump was hugely unpopular." Not true. Trump got 74.2 million votes or 22.5%, which would have put him in the middle of the above list. Trump’s approval rating on Election Day in 2020 was at 42% compared to 38% on the same date in 2016 when he kicked Hillary’s ass.

Conclusion: Nobody believes the senile son of a bitch was more popular than these other big winners. Therefore, nobody believes his results were real. Therefore nobody believes he came close to 81 million votes. This is why NOT ONE LEFTWINGER on this forum answered my question in the affirmative. When these folks can’t say it, then you know nobody in the population can as well. Everybody in this forum can ask any ten people if Biden was the most popular of all time. Zero will say yes. Therefore, by induction, Fewer than one percent of the population believes the 2020 election was legitimate.
The world cannot take the 80M votes away from Biden! I admit, I didnt feel comfortable in election night 2020, some people exploited.covid,.especialy in Cali and certain swing states. This increased Bidens numbers through mail in ballots. Trump can, however, put America forward on a different path, a path the citizens voted for and for which America wll either lead the world again or falter to China. His nominees seem fairly solid. The one piece of advice I would give Trump and would repeat here is that America needs to also promote its values entrench in its Constitution, dont become like some dishonest nation lead by dishonest security apparatuses, such as which we have hereand which some of your agencies are assisting.... Biden was invoking our system in the U.S and it allowed some states to openly spit on the rights of its citizens, Trump experienced that in NY. Trump needs to undo this and make it difficult to become a police state.
Ladies and gentlemen I have ascertained that fewer than one percent of Americans believe Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.
I estimate that figure because in my informal polling among leftwingers in this forum, I have asked a simple question for the past three years:

“Do you believe Joe Biden was by far the most popular presidential candidate in American history?”

NOT ONE leftwinger in here could ever say “yes”.

Almost always, how a question is phrased determines the outcome of a poll, even though the meaning is exactly the same: Example: “ Do you favor a woman’s right to choose?” 75% will say yes. But if you ask “Do you favor killing a human life in the womb”? only 25% will agree. Again, same meaning.

So when in 2024, Ipsos asked people: “Do you think the 2020 election was legitimate?” 66% of Republicans said “No”. 4% of Democrats said yes. But ask the question in a different way with the same meaning, less than 1% of even Democrats will say yes.

Here’s why:
1 For someone to agree the 2020 election was legitimate, they have to agree Joe Biden got over 81 million votes.
2 For someone to agree Biden got over 81 million votes, they would have to also agree Joe Biden was by far the most popular candidate in US history.

Let’s see how 2020 Biden (who had obvious dementia and didn’t campaign) stacks up against the most lopsided victories in American history.

Year:.......... Candidate............No. of votes (million)........... US Population (million)...........Percentage............. EC Margin
1956...................Eisenhower................................35.5..............................................168.9....................................................... 21.0%..............................457-73
1936 FDR 27.7 128.1...................................................... 21.6%............................. 523-8
1964 LBJ 43.1 190.9 .......................................................22.6%..............................485-52
2008 0bama 69.5 304.1....................................................... 22.9%............................. 365-173
1984 Reagan 54.5 235.5 .......................................................23.1%...............................525-13
2020 Biden 81.3 l(alleged) 329.5.........................................................24.7%..............................306-232

Usually, the typical rebuttal to Biden’s “success” is “Well, Trump was hugely unpopular." Not true. Trump got 74.2 million votes or 22.5%, which would have put him in the middle of the above list. Trump’s approval rating on Election Day in 2020 was at 42% compared to 38% on the same date in 2016 when he kicked Hillary’s ass.

Conclusion: Nobody believes the senile son of a bitch was more popular than these other big winners. Therefore, nobody believes his results were real. Therefore nobody believes he came close to 81 million votes. This is why NOT ONE LEFTWINGER on this forum answered my question in the affirmative. When these folks can’t say it, then you know nobody in the population can as well. Everybody in this forum can ask any ten people if Biden was the most popular of all time. Zero will say yes. Therefore, by induction, Fewer than one percent of the population believes the 2020 election was legitimate.
rubber room material
Ladies and gentlemen I have ascertained that fewer than one percent of Americans believe Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.
I estimate that figure because in my informal polling among leftwingers in this forum, I have asked a simple question for the past three years:

“Do you believe Joe Biden was by far the most popular presidential candidate in American history?”

NOT ONE leftwinger in here could ever say “yes”.

Almost always, how a question is phrased determines the outcome of a poll, even though the meaning is exactly the same: Example: “ Do you favor a woman’s right to choose?” 75% will say yes. But if you ask “Do you favor killing a human life in the womb?" only 25% will agree. Again, same meaning.

So when in 2024, Ipsos asked people: “Do you think the 2020 election was legitimate?” 66% of Republicans said “No”. 4% of Democrats said yes. But ask the question in a different way with the same meaning, less than 1% of even Democrats will say yes.

Here’s why:
1 For someone to agree the 2020 election was legitimate, they have to agree Joe Biden got over 81 million votes.
2 For someone to agree Biden got over 81 million votes, they would have to also agree Joe Biden was by far the most popular candidate in US history.

Let’s see how 2020 Biden (who had obvious dementia and didn’t campaign) stacks up against the most lopsided victories in American history.

Year:.......... Candidate............No. of votes (million)........... US Population (million)....................Percentage................. EC Margin
1956...................Eisenhower................................35.5..............................................168.9....................................................... 21.0%..............................457-73
1936.................. FDR..............................................27.7..............................................128.1...................................................... 21.6%............................. 523-8
1964...................LBJ...............................................43.1...............................................190.9 .......................................................22.6%..............................485-52
2008...................0bama........................................69.5................................................304.1....................................................... 22.9%............................. 365-173
1984...................Reagan.......................................54.5 ..............................................235.5 .......................................................23.1%...............................525-13
2020...................Biden...........................................81.3 l(alleged)...........................329.5.........................................................24.7%..............................306-232

Usually, the typical rebuttal to Biden’s “success” is “Well, Trump was hugely unpopular." Not true. Trump got 74.2 million votes or 22.5%, which would have put him in the middle of the above list. Trump’s approval rating on Election Day in 2020 was at 42% compared to 38% on the same date in 2016 when he kicked Hillary’s ass.

Conclusion: Nobody believes the senile Biden was more popular than these other big winners. Therefore, nobody believes his results were real. Therefore nobody believes he came close to 81 million votes. This is why NOT ONE LEFTWINGER on this forum answered my question in the affirmative. When these folks can’t say it, then you know nobody in the population can as well. Everybody in this forum can ask any ten people if Biden was the most popular of all time. Zero will say yes. Therefore, by induction, Fewer than one percent of the population believes the 2020 election was legitimate.
In 2020 people that voted for Biden were mainly voting against Trump. It wasn't that Joe was popular.
Ladies and gentlemen I have ascertained that fewer than one percent of Americans believe Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 election.
I estimate that figure because in my informal polling among leftwingers in this forum, I have asked a simple question for the past three years:

“Do you believe Joe Biden was by far the most popular presidential candidate in American history?”

NOT ONE leftwinger in here could ever say “yes”.

Almost always, how a question is phrased determines the outcome of a poll, even though the meaning is exactly the same: Example: “ Do you favor a woman’s right to choose?” 75% will say yes. But if you ask “Do you favor killing a human life in the womb?" only 25% will agree. Again, same meaning.

So when in 2024, Ipsos asked people: “Do you think the 2020 election was legitimate?” 66% of Republicans said “No”. 4% of Democrats said yes. But ask the question in a different way with the same meaning, less than 1% of even Democrats will say yes.

Here’s why:
1 For someone to agree the 2020 election was legitimate, they have to agree Joe Biden got over 81 million votes.
2 For someone to agree Biden got over 81 million votes, they would have to also agree Joe Biden was by far the most popular candidate in US history.

Let’s see how 2020 Biden (who had obvious dementia and didn’t campaign) stacks up against the most lopsided victories in American history.

Year:.......... Candidate............No. of votes (million)........... US Population (million)....................Percentage................. EC Margin
1956...................Eisenhower................................35.5..............................................168.9....................................................... 21.0%..............................457-73
1936.................. FDR..............................................27.7..............................................128.1...................................................... 21.6%............................. 523-8
1964...................LBJ...............................................43.1...............................................190.9 .......................................................22.6%..............................485-52
2008...................0bama........................................69.5................................................304.1....................................................... 22.9%............................. 365-173
1984...................Reagan.......................................54.5 ..............................................235.5 .......................................................23.1%...............................525-13
2020...................Biden...........................................81.3 l(alleged)...........................329.5.........................................................24.7%..............................306-232

Usually, the typical rebuttal to Biden’s “success” is “Well, Trump was hugely unpopular." Not true. Trump got 74.2 million votes or 22.5%, which would have put him in the middle of the above list. Trump’s approval rating on Election Day in 2020 was at 42% compared to 38% on the same date in 2016 when he kicked Hillary’s ass.

Conclusion: Nobody believes the senile Biden was more popular than these other big winners. Therefore, nobody believes his results were real. Therefore nobody believes he came close to 81 million votes. This is why NOT ONE LEFTWINGER on this forum answered my question in the affirmative. When these folks can’t say it, then you know nobody in the population can as well. Everybody in this forum can ask any ten people if Biden was the most popular of all time. Zero will say yes. Therefore, by induction, Fewer than one percent of the population believes the 2020 election was legitimate.
It's kinda irrelevant and history.
It's kinda irrelevant and history.
No. What was done in 2020 needs to be found out how they did it so they can never cheat an election like that again.
Trump had the most votes of any president ever in 2020, then Democrats cheated millions of votes from way behind that to way over it to the point of ridiculousness. Not to mention installing a puppet president for a shadow regime.
It is some history; Some history we need to learn more about so that it doesn't repeat itself.
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