Proof the GOP is schizo....................


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
When the ACA first came out, the GOP was pissed and said that it was going to be a burden on business and kill jobs because of the employer mandate, and they were pissed at Obama for putting this burden on corporations.

Obama said "you're right", and decided to DELAY (not get rid of) the employer mandate for 1 year so that businesses employing over 50 people would have time to adjust to it.

Then.................because Obama agreed with them and delayed the mandate for a year, they said he was changing the law (not really, the employer mandate is still there), he should be impeached because he was changing laws as he saw fit.

They called him a dictator because he used his executive order, and they then said that he was overusing his executive orders, when in fact, Obama has used the executive order LESS than any other President.

Then...................there was the crisis on the border with lots of Central American refugees coming across, and Congress was SUPPOSED to act, but didn't and went on vacation, and Boehner himself stated that Obama should use his executive order to fix it because Congress didn't.

Which is it? Do you want him to use his executive orders, or not?

Now? Well the GOP is at it yet again, because they are now trying to blame this talk of impeachment on the Democrats in the White House, and saying that they are using it as a way to raise campaign funds.

The GOP has been calling for Obama's impeachment almost since day one. However, when they found out that impeaching the President would be bad for their party, they are now toning it down from impeachment to suing him, and are trying to say that it's the Dems that are keeping the impeachment talk alive.

First they say one thing, then they say another. They promise one thing, and then they do the opposite.

Like I said.................the GOP has gone schizo.
Boehner's House could easily have passed legislation dealing with the employer mandate deadline. But fixing a problem and doing some good for the country was less important to Boehner than trying to force a constitutional crisis.

Boehner knows the mandate deadline needs to be adjusted by Congress, and he steadfastly refuses to do so. This makes him a first class dickhead.

As for Obama writing less EOs than most modern Presidents, that is true. However, if an EO is illegal, it is illegal, regardless of how many the President writes.

It will be up to the courts to decide if the mandate extension EO is illegal.

But you are absolutely correct, ABikerSailor, that this is a deliberately manufactured crisis by the GOP.
You can't delay, or eliminate, or re-write any portion of any Law just because you can or just because you think it's right.

You HAVE to implement the Law as written and passed.
Boehner's House could easily have passed legislation dealing with the employer mandate deadline. But fixing a problem and doing some good for the country was less important to Boehner than trying to force a constitutional crisis.

Boehner knows the mandate deadline needs to be adjusted by Congress, and he steadfastly refuses to do so. This makes him a first class dickhead.

As for Obama writing less EOs than most modern Presidents, that is true. However, if an EO is illegal, it is illegal, regardless of how many the President writes.

It will be up to the courts to decide if the mandate extension EO is illegal.

But you are absolutely correct, ABikerSailor, that this is a deliberately manufactured crisis by the GOP.

Only trouble is, I don't think that this EO is illegal, and I also think that it's a waste of the taxpayer dollars to pursue this frivolous lawsuit.
You can't delay, or eliminate, or re-write any portion of any Law just because you can or just because you think it's right.

You HAVE to implement the Law as written and passed.

Most laws have sections which direct the Executive to write the necessary rules and regulations to carry out the law. So "as written and passed" gives the Executive a lot of leeway in those sections.

The employer mandate deadline, however, was written in stone. A specific date was given.

The GOP House could easily pass legislation to move it. Easily. It is well within their power and authority to do so.
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You can't delay, or eliminate, or re-write any portion of any Law just because you can or just because you think it's right.

You HAVE to implement the Law as written and passed.

Most laws have sections which direct the Executive to write the necessary rules and regulations to carry out the law. So "as written and passed" gives the Executive a lot of leeway in those sections.

The employer mandate deadline, however, was written in stone. A specific date was given.

The GOP House could easily pass legislation to move it. Easily. It is well within their power and authority to do so.

That is it in a nutshell. The GOP refuses to pass legislation to deal with a problem, because to actually govern would anger the TPM, so Obama uses EO to do, more or less, what a sane congress would do, and the EO may, or may not, be legal. Then the GOP sues Obama saying on the face of it, they want the Courts to force govt to work .... when in reality the GOP is really after exacerbating the crisis.

Immigration being poster child one: if the ACA was not. Obama's actions arguably exacerbated the kids coming over, but they were done to alleviate actual problems caused by good reasons not to deport kids who have family ties here, and who are NOT wards of the state. Essentially we have govt by chaos.
You can't delay, or eliminate, or re-write any portion of any Law just because you can or just because you think it's right.

You HAVE to implement the Law as written and passed.

Most laws have sections which direct the Executive to write the necessary rules and regulations to carry out the law. So "as written and passed" gives the Executive a lot of leeway in those sections.

The employer mandate deadline, however, was written in stone. A specific date was given.

The GOP House could easily pass legislation to move it. Easily. It is well within their power and authority to do so.

That is it in a nutshell. The GOP refuses to pass legislation to deal with a problem, because to actually govern would anger the TPM, so Obama uses EO to do, more or less, what a sane congress would do, and the EO may, or may not, be legal. Then the GOP sues Obama saying on the face of it, they want the Courts to force govt to work .... when in reality the GOP is really after exacerbating the crisis.

Immigration being poster child one: if the ACA was not. Obama's actions arguably exacerbated the kids coming over, but they were done to alleviate actual problems caused by good reasons not to deport kids who have family ties here, and who are NOT wards of the state. Essentially we have govt by chaos.

Actually, we have govt by Harry Reid (same thing as govt by chaos). How many bi-partisan bills have collected dust on his desk?
If you can count beyond 100, you'll be getting close........:lol:.
Most laws have sections which direct the Executive to write the necessary rules and regulations to carry out the law. So "as written and passed" gives the Executive a lot of leeway in those sections.

The employer mandate deadline, however, was written in stone. A specific date was given.

The GOP House could easily pass legislation to move it. Easily. It is well within their power and authority to do so.

That is it in a nutshell. The GOP refuses to pass legislation to deal with a problem, because to actually govern would anger the TPM, so Obama uses EO to do, more or less, what a sane congress would do, and the EO may, or may not, be legal. Then the GOP sues Obama saying on the face of it, they want the Courts to force govt to work .... when in reality the GOP is really after exacerbating the crisis.

Immigration being poster child one: if the ACA was not. Obama's actions arguably exacerbated the kids coming over, but they were done to alleviate actual problems caused by good reasons not to deport kids who have family ties here, and who are NOT wards of the state. Essentially we have govt by chaos.

Actually, we have govt by Harry Reid (same thing as govt by chaos). How many bi-partisan bills have collected dust on his desk?
If you can count beyond 100, you'll be getting close........:lol:.

As despicable as Reid is, the senate passed BIPARTISAN immigration reform, but never let facts get in the way of your thoughts.
That is it in a nutshell. The GOP refuses to pass legislation to deal with a problem, because to actually govern would anger the TPM, so Obama uses EO to do, more or less, what a sane congress would do, and the EO may, or may not, be legal. Then the GOP sues Obama saying on the face of it, they want the Courts to force govt to work .... when in reality the GOP is really after exacerbating the crisis.

Immigration being poster child one: if the ACA was not. Obama's actions arguably exacerbated the kids coming over, but they were done to alleviate actual problems caused by good reasons not to deport kids who have family ties here, and who are NOT wards of the state. Essentially we have govt by chaos.

Actually, we have govt by Harry Reid (same thing as govt by chaos). How many bi-partisan bills have collected dust on his desk?
If you can count beyond 100, you'll be getting close........:lol:.

As despicable as Reid is, the senate passed BIPARTISAN immigration reform, but never let facts get in the way of your thoughts.

Seems to me you like Harry.
Actually, we have govt by Harry Reid (same thing as govt by chaos). How many bi-partisan bills have collected dust on his desk?
If you can count beyond 100, you'll be getting close........:lol:.

As despicable as Reid is, the senate passed BIPARTISAN immigration reform, but never let facts get in the way of your thoughts.

Seems to me you like Harry.

I liked Sally!!!!!
Boehner's House could easily have passed legislation dealing with the employer mandate deadline. But fixing a problem and doing some good for the country was less important to Boehner than trying to force a constitutional crisis.

Boehner knows the mandate deadline needs to be adjusted by Congress, and he steadfastly refuses to do so. This makes him a first class dickhead.

As for Obama writing less EOs than most modern Presidents, that is true. However, if an EO is illegal, it is illegal, regardless of how many the President writes.

It will be up to the courts to decide if the mandate extension EO is illegal.

But you are absolutely correct, ABikerSailor, that this is a deliberately manufactured crisis by the GOP.

Only trouble is, I don't think that this EO is illegal, and I also think that it's a waste of the taxpayer dollars to pursue this frivolous lawsuit.

Ah, the lefties are getting nervous...

They are already warming up the Clinton impeachment talking points.

Good thing you saved all those bumper stickers, Pee-Wee.
Boehner's House could easily have passed legislation dealing with the employer mandate deadline. But fixing a problem and doing some good for the country was less important to Boehner than trying to force a constitutional crisis.

Boehner knows the mandate deadline needs to be adjusted by Congress, and he steadfastly refuses to do so. This makes him a first class dickhead.

As for Obama writing less EOs than most modern Presidents, that is true. However, if an EO is illegal, it is illegal, regardless of how many the President writes.

It will be up to the courts to decide if the mandate extension EO is illegal.

But you are absolutely correct, ABikerSailor, that this is a deliberately manufactured crisis by thn the past then bye GOP.

if you look at a lot of laws that have been extended iin the past by a lot of the presidents according to republicans that was ok ... the fact that obama did it now its a illegal action whays that???
You can't delay, or eliminate, or re-write any portion of any Law just because you can or just because you think it's right.

You HAVE to implement the Law as written and passed.

And you were where when Bush was issueing his many exective orders?:evil:

That's relevant how?
Because Bush never used EOs to delay implementing laws that had timetables written into them.
Boehner's House could easily have passed legislation dealing with the employer mandate deadline. But fixing a problem and doing some good for the country was less important to Boehner than trying to force a constitutional crisis.

Boehner knows the mandate deadline needs to be adjusted by Congress, and he steadfastly refuses to do so. This makes him a first class dickhead.

As for Obama writing less EOs than most modern Presidents, that is true. However, if an EO is illegal, it is illegal, regardless of how many the President writes.

It will be up to the courts to decide if the mandate extension EO is illegal.

But you are absolutely correct, ABikerSailor, that this is a deliberately manufactured crisis by thn the past then bye GOP.

if you look at a lot of laws that have been extended iin the past by a lot of the presidents according to republicans that was ok ... the fact that obama did it now its a illegal action whays that???
Because ACA contained specific language as to the date of implementation.
[/B]57]You can't delay, or eliminate, or re-write any portion of any Law just because you can or just because you think it's right.

You HAVE to implement the Law as written and passed.

you need to look at the constitution says first... a president "can'delay a law by executive order
so Obama passes this thing then it's up to Republicans to repair the piece of crap

well TOO bad if they didn't bow to the rest of you, but they were listening TO THEIR constituents who didn't have a say in the passing of OBamaCare since they ROLLED right over them with only DEMOCRATS passing it and the people who Republicans represented were telling them, they wanted it REPEALED not repaired

now you all can live with it
Boehner's House could easily have passed legislation dealing with the employer mandate deadline. But fixing a problem and doing some good for the country was less important to Boehner than trying to force a constitutional crisis.

Boehner knows the mandate deadline needs to be adjusted by Congress, and he steadfastly refuses to do so. This makes him a first class dickhead.

As for Obama writing less EOs than most modern Presidents, that is true. However, if an EO is illegal, it is illegal, regardless of how many the President writes.

It will be up to the courts to decide if the mandate extension EO is illegal.

But you are absolutely correct, ABikerSailor, that this is a deliberately manufactured crisis by thn the past then bye GOP.

if you look at a lot of laws that have been extended iin the past by a lot of the presidents according to republicans that was ok ... the fact that obama did it now its a illegal action whays that???
Because ACA contained specific language as to the date of implementation.

sorry buddy you can delay any law by executive order...

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