Prosecution Offers Michael Cohen $130,000 Hush Money To Stop Talking


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
NEW YORK, NY — Prosecutors in the trial against former president Donald Trump offered star witness Michael Cohen $130,000 if he would keep his big mouth shut for a while.

"Every time Cohen talks, it totally ruins our case…" Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger told the press. "I mean, he's totally legitimately trustworthy, completely. Totally. But sometimes he sort of has this knack for completely undermining the entire credibility of our totally and completely airtight case against Trump. So we're just going to go ahead and slide him a little ‘please shut up' money."

Cohen admitted in court this week he stole $60,000 from Trump when he was serving as the presidential candidate's attorney. Legal analysts say the admission further lampoons the prosecution's very well-thought-out case against Trump and makes them look a little like "low-IQ donkeys".

"We're going to pay Michael some money if he'll promise to just go away and stop all the blah blah blah for a bit," Hoffinger said. "When we do it, it's to protect democracy."

At publishing time, Trump had been indicted for failing to condemn the prosecution's hush money payments.



Barack Obama Offered Jeremiah Wright Hush Money During 2008 Campaign

3 Jun 2024 ~~ By Matt Margolis

According to the radical left, a payment to silence someone from making potentially damaging statements to influence the outcome of a presidential election is a serious crime. A felony at that. That’s the entirely hocus-pocus legal theory behind Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump that resulted in a conviction.
n that case, Barack Obama ought to be charged with a similar crime.
That's right, Obama also offered hush money to someone specifically to influence the 2008 election. The media never talked about it, and you can bet they’d have some amusing and laughable explanation for why what Obama did was “different.” But the fact is that Obama has been accused of offering money to his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, to buy his silence during the 2008 presidential election.
Edward Klein broke the story in the New York Post on May 13, 2012, revealing that Obama's camp made a hush offer to Wright during the 2008 campaign. The deal involved a hefty sum of $150,000 and was made through an intermediary who was a close friend of Obama’s — and Obama himself even stepped in, urging Wright to keep quiet for the sake of his presidential campaign.
"Man, the media ate me alive,” Wright told Klein. “After the media went ballistic on me, I received an e-mail offering me money not to preach at all until the November presidential election.”
This bombshell dropped in May 2012, as Obama was running for reelection. Yet the story barely made a ripple outside conservative media and blogs. The same brilliant legal minds who think Trump committed a serious crime weren’t outraged by Obama’s efforts to “corruptly influence an election."
If Obama’s actions didn’t warrant criminal charges, why was Trump charged? Either both men broke the law or neither did. Which is it? If Obama violated the law, he should be put on trial and found guilty; otherwise, it only proves that we do have a two-tiered justice system.

Of course this is entirely different. He’s a black Democrat.
Democrat is sufficient, they are above the law haven’t you noticed: Hillary and her illegal email server, smashing phones with hammers, Biden the elderly old man with a bad memory and illegally storing classified documents in his garage, not so much as a slap on the wrist...
Obama WAS consorting enthusiastically with a known racist. He had no problem with that.
He just didn’t like it when people were going to find out.
Then there's the death within days of three gay men at Trinty Church...

Yet according to the Complicit Quisling Media and Neo-Marxist Democrats DJT has committed mortal sin using an NDA.
Last edited:


Barack Obama Offered Jeremiah Wright Hush Money During 2008 Campaign

3 Jun 2024 ~~ By Matt Margolis

According to the radical left, a payment to silence someone from making potentially damaging statements to influence the outcome of a presidential election is a serious crime. A felony at that. That’s the entirely hocus-pocus legal theory behind Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against Donald Trump that resulted in a conviction.
n that case, Barack Obama ought to be charged with a similar crime.
That's right, Obama also offered hush money to someone specifically to influence the 2008 election. The media never talked about it, and you can bet they’d have some amusing and laughable explanation for why what Obama did was “different.” But the fact is that Obama has been accused of offering money to his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, to buy his silence during the 2008 presidential election.
Edward Klein broke the story in the New York Post on May 13, 2012, revealing that Obama's camp made a hush offer to Wright during the 2008 campaign. The deal involved a hefty sum of $150,000 and was made through an intermediary who was a close friend of Obama’s — and Obama himself even stepped in, urging Wright to keep quiet for the sake of his presidential campaign.
"Man, the media ate me alive,” Wright told Klein. “After the media went ballistic on me, I received an e-mail offering me money not to preach at all until the November presidential election.”
This bombshell dropped in May 2012, as Obama was running for reelection. Yet the story barely made a ripple outside conservative media and blogs. The same brilliant legal minds who think Trump committed a serious crime weren’t outraged by Obama’s efforts to “corruptly influence an election."
If Obama’s actions didn’t warrant criminal charges, why was Trump charged? Either both men broke the law or neither did. Which is it? If Obama violated the law, he should be put on trial and found guilty; otherwise, it only proves that we do have a two-tiered justice system.

Of course this is entirely different. He’s a black Democrat.
Democrat is sufficient, they are above the law haven’t you noticed: Hillary and her illegal email server, smashing phones with hammers, Biden the elderly old man with a bad memory and illegally storing classified documents in his garage, not so much as a slap on the wrist...
Obama WAS consorting enthusiastically with a known racist. He had no problem with that.
He just didn’t like it when people were going to find out.
Then there's the death within days of three gay men at Trinty Church...

Yet according to the Complicit Quisling Media and Neo-Marxist Democrats DJT has committed mortal sin using an NDA.
But that's OK.


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