Psychopathic Narcissist Just Assumed Secret Service Detail With Families Should Die So He Can Golf


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
In the view of that psychopath, it was an honor for Secret Service members (who yes, believe it or not do have families, parents, friends, other people who rely on them…)… it was an honor for them to die so he could take unnecessary risks to play a game at HIS golf clubs rather than at better designed clubs that are more secure.

Yeah, more than one Republican has been outed for murdering dogs for no reason recently. And that’s insane.

But Donald Trump was happy to get his Secret Service detail killed so he could play a game of golf.

And nobody seems to have really noticed. It’s just an assumption at this point that he’s so mentally ill that… well of course. And it’s apparently not even worth it to our news agencies to mention how much of a psychopath you have to be to do something like that.​

Anybody who thinks this guy wouldn’t start a ground war with Iran or let Putin take over Europe because poor Donny dementia is having a bad hair day… well, they haven’t been paying attention. He doesn’t give a crap about anyone. He doesn’t give a crap about the citizens of our country. He doesn’t give a crap about our people in uniform. And he certainly doesn’t give a crap about his Secret Service detail.

What was the price of golf cart rentals for the Secret Service again?
In the view of that psychopath, it was an honor for Secret Service members (who yes, believe it or not do have families, parents, friends, other people who rely on them…)… it was an honor for them to die so he could take unnecessary risks to play a game at HIS golf clubs rather than at better designed clubs that are more secure.

Yeah, more than one Republican has been outed for murdering dogs for no reason recently. And that’s insane.

But Donald Trump was happy to get his Secret Service detail killed so he could play a game of golf.

And nobody seems to have really noticed. It’s just an assumption at this point that he’s so mentally ill that… well of course. And it’s apparently not even worth it to our news agencies to mention how much of a psychopath you have to be to do something like that.​

Anybody who thinks this guy wouldn’t start a ground war with Iran or let Putin take over Europe because poor Donny dementia is having a bad hair day… well, they haven’t been paying attention. He doesn’t give a crap about anyone. He doesn’t give a crap about the citizens of our country. He doesn’t give a crap about our people in uniform. And he certainly doesn’t give a crap about his Secret Service detail.

What was the price of golf cart rentals for the Secret Service again?
But all of the times any Democrat President did it, it was fine for you
Ok not the point, my point is the hypocrisy of skews, I have no issues with recreation and exercise for presidents

I understand it's a stressful job but I can't understand anyone justifying the cost. Take up bowling in the White House basement.
In the view of that psychopath, it was an honor for Secret Service members (who yes, believe it or not do have families, parents, friends, other people who rely on them…)… it was an honor for them to die so he could take unnecessary risks to play a game at HIS golf clubs rather than at better designed clubs that are more secure.

Yeah, more than one Republican has been outed for murdering dogs for no reason recently. And that’s insane.

But Donald Trump was happy to get his Secret Service detail killed so he could play a game of golf.

And nobody seems to have really noticed. It’s just an assumption at this point that he’s so mentally ill that… well of course. And it’s apparently not even worth it to our news agencies to mention how much of a psychopath you have to be to do something like that.​

Anybody who thinks this guy wouldn’t start a ground war with Iran or let Putin take over Europe because poor Donny dementia is having a bad hair day… well, they haven’t been paying attention. He doesn’t give a crap about anyone. He doesn’t give a crap about the citizens of our country. He doesn’t give a crap about our people in uniform. And he certainly doesn’t give a crap about his Secret Service detail.

What was the price of golf cart rentals for the Secret Service again?
Wow, the deep end for you.
You really should try getting a job and working and being self responsible. Its a real cure for advanced TDS and stupidity.
In the view of that psychopath, it was an honor for Secret Service members (who yes, believe it or not do have families, parents, friends, other people who rely on them…)… it was an honor for them to die so he could take unnecessary risks to play a game at HIS golf clubs rather than at better designed clubs that are more secure.

Yeah, more than one Republican has been outed for murdering dogs for no reason recently. And that’s insane.

But Donald Trump was happy to get his Secret Service detail killed so he could play a game of golf.

And nobody seems to have really noticed. It’s just an assumption at this point that he’s so mentally ill that… well of course. And it’s apparently not even worth it to our news agencies to mention how much of a psychopath you have to be to do something like that.​

Anybody who thinks this guy wouldn’t start a ground war with Iran or let Putin take over Europe because poor Donny dementia is having a bad hair day… well, they haven’t been paying attention. He doesn’t give a crap about anyone. He doesn’t give a crap about the citizens of our country. He doesn’t give a crap about our people in uniform. And he certainly doesn’t give a crap about his Secret Service detail.

What was the price of golf cart rentals for the Secret Service again?
A second term Trump with this Supreme Court would be scary. He knows no matter what he does he can fight it all the way to the stacked right wing supreme court who already said you can't charge a president for official acts. So basically above the law.
In the view of that psychopath, it was an honor for Secret Service members (who yes, believe it or not do have families, parents, friends, other people who rely on them…)… it was an honor for them to die so he could take unnecessary risks to play a game at HIS golf clubs rather than at better designed clubs that are more secure.

Yeah, more than one Republican has been outed for murdering dogs for no reason recently. And that’s insane.

But Donald Trump was happy to get his Secret Service detail killed so he could play a game of golf.

And nobody seems to have really noticed. It’s just an assumption at this point that he’s so mentally ill that… well of course. And it’s apparently not even worth it to our news agencies to mention how much of a psychopath you have to be to do something like that.​

Anybody who thinks this guy wouldn’t start a ground war with Iran or let Putin take over Europe because poor Donny dementia is having a bad hair day… well, they haven’t been paying attention. He doesn’t give a crap about anyone. He doesn’t give a crap about the citizens of our country. He doesn’t give a crap about our people in uniform. And he certainly doesn’t give a crap about his Secret Service detail.

What was the price of golf cart rentals for the Secret Service again?

Why did Dick Cheney endorse Kamala?
In the view of that psychopath, it was an honor for Secret Service members (who yes, believe it or not do have families, parents, friends, other people who rely on them…)… it was an honor for them to die so he could take unnecessary risks to play a game at HIS golf clubs rather than at better designed clubs that are more secure.

Yeah, more than one Republican has been outed for murdering dogs for no reason recently. And that’s insane.

But Donald Trump was happy to get his Secret Service detail killed so he could play a game of golf.

And nobody seems to have really noticed. It’s just an assumption at this point that he’s so mentally ill that… well of course. And it’s apparently not even worth it to our news agencies to mention how much of a psychopath you have to be to do something like that.​

Anybody who thinks this guy wouldn’t start a ground war with Iran or let Putin take over Europe because poor Donny dementia is having a bad hair day… well, they haven’t been paying attention. He doesn’t give a crap about anyone. He doesn’t give a crap about the citizens of our country. He doesn’t give a crap about our people in uniform. And he certainly doesn’t give a crap about his Secret Service detail.

What was the price of golf cart rentals for the Secret Service again?
They want to work on USSS.....nobody chaining them to the job.
Which Democrat was it that owned their own golf course again?

Try reading the article before saying something stupid. As hard as that might be for you.

If the SS can't protect people, maybe they should go back to just chasing after counterfeiters.
I understand it's a stressful job but I can't understand anyone justifying the cost. Take up bowling in the White House basement.
Joe has spent over 40% of his Presidency on vacation. He shuts down a percentage of the beach town a good percentage of time. That is a major inconvenience to residents and vacationers.
In the view of that psychopath, it was an honor for Secret Service members (who yes, believe it or not do have families, parents, friends, other people who rely on them…)… it was an honor for them to die so he could take unnecessary risks to play a game at HIS golf clubs rather than at better designed clubs that are more secure.

Yeah, more than one Republican has been outed for murdering dogs for no reason recently. And that’s insane.

But Donald Trump was happy to get his Secret Service detail killed so he could play a game of golf.

And nobody seems to have really noticed. It’s just an assumption at this point that he’s so mentally ill that… well of course. And it’s apparently not even worth it to our news agencies to mention how much of a psychopath you have to be to do something like that.​

Anybody who thinks this guy wouldn’t start a ground war with Iran or let Putin take over Europe because poor Donny dementia is having a bad hair day… well, they haven’t been paying attention. He doesn’t give a crap about anyone. He doesn’t give a crap about the citizens of our country. He doesn’t give a crap about our people in uniform. And he certainly doesn’t give a crap about his Secret Service detail.

What was the price of golf cart rentals for the Secret Service again?

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