Puzzle of Quantum Mechanics


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016

Blurb on book:
Quantum mechanics reveals a mystery at the boundary of physics: that observation strangely influences what is observed. Quantum Enigma focuses on this increasingly discussed skeleton in physics’ closet, its encounter with consciousness.

Quantum Enigma‘s treatment is understandable without prior physics background. An American Journal of Physics review says: “…Rosenblum and Kuttner manage to convey much of the exquisite subtlety of quantum mechanics without ever resorting to an equation. Their treatment of two-slit interference ranks right up there with (but differs interestingly from) Feynman’s famous “comes in lumps” approach, and their nontechnical description of Bell’s theorem is one of the best I’ve seen, and by far the least mathematical.”
By leaving out Conscioiusness as an energy source all Relativity and Quantum physics is simply garbage .

And deliberate misdirection . Though that is a separate discussion subject .

As we will all shortly see when Zero Point Energy has to finally be disclosed .
imho .
Yep. Consciousness thought occur in the brain, though not necessarily with the brain, but with light. Because consciousness is light, light also has its own consciousness. Since light is infinite, it continues its activity in the whole world of being. Every human cell has a relationship with light.

But it originates from God. God is light.
James1: 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows

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