Question about the Pakistani woman

Yeah I agree with that but explosives?? You don't just hook up explosives. You have to know how to hook them up so they work and you don't blow yourself the hell up. They aren't that easy to work with.

Wonder if she was part of a cell and they had a mission?? Sound plausible??
Any thing is possible. It's being reported that she pledged to ISIS on a facebook post under a name that wasn't hers. But that there was no "attaboy" posts from terrorists. For all I know she could have been a jealous control freak that wanted all of her husband's coworkers dead.

Your right there.

Anything is possible and you can bet the FBI has a much better idea of what these people were up to. You can also bet they won't be telling anyone anything anytime soon.

Sure glad they are both dead though its just to bad they killed fourteen people. Good God.
Right now the FBI appears to be operating under the assumption that this was a terrorist attack.

I am remaining utterly passive under the assumption that this was a terrorist
No, most muslims aren't radical. Especially not the ones that are US citizens. But keep up with that shit and more of them will certainly accommodate you.

BS people do not equip themselves with AK's fighting gear and bombs -----
just because some other people called them a nasty name
What does that have to do with what I posted?
You said if people call Muslims radical that makes them become radical.

yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
No, most muslims aren't radical. Especially not the ones that are US citizens. But keep up with that shit and more of them will certainly accommodate you.

BS people do not equip themselves with AK's fighting gear and bombs -----
just because some other people called them a nasty name
What does that have to do with what I posted?
You said if people call Muslims radical that makes them become radical.

yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
Quite. It is not only patronising, but deeply stupid and offensive, whilst at the same providing an excuse, for radicalism, albeit an incredibly lame one. Incidentally, Sky News in the UK just said these tow butchers were 'self radicalised'. Missed the report, just caught that phrase only, I'm afraid.

Pakistanis are not "self radicalized"------they are radicalized in kindergarten. Few
can overcome the education of their infancy
guy was muslim so naturally he was radical long before this woman Ravi !!
No, most muslims aren't radical. Especially not the ones that are US citizens. But keep up with that shit and more of them will certainly accommodate you.

How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?
Because they are humans, just like you. And statistically speaking, not all humans are radical.

Of course all humans aren't radical. However when you have an entire group of humans who follow a religion such as Islam, then ANY one of them and potentially ALL of them within a short time can and have become radicalised.

Islam, the word itself translates as "submit" or "submission", Islam tells them that ALL non-Muslims are Infidels, this is what in general ALL Muslims believe, even the non-radical ones. As I said within a short time the non-radical can have gone full-on radical.

Therefore they all have to be considered potential dangers to our societies, because ignoring this very fact puts our communities and our people at the most grotesque risk.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?
Sorry, where does the poster say 'kill all Muslims'? I can't find it.
No, most muslims aren't radical. Especially not the ones that are US citizens. But keep up with that shit and more of them will certainly accommodate you.

How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?
Because they are humans, just like you. And statistically speaking, not all humans are radical.

Of course all humans aren't radical. However when you have an entire group of humans who follow a religion such as Islam, then ANY one of them and potentially ALL of them within a short time can and have become radicalised.

Islam, the word itself translates as "submit" or "submission", Islam tells them that ALL non-Muslims are Infidels, this is what in general ALL Muslims believe, even the non-radical ones. As I said within a short time the non-radical can have gone full-on radical.

Therefore they all have to be considered potential dangers to our societies, because ignoring this very fact puts our communities and our people at the most grotesque risk.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?

No they should be put in Internment Camps.

The Western leaders tell us that we're at "War". Well, during WWI and WWII those within from enemy nations, they were rightly considered the potential Fifth Column, therefore in Britain and in America, they were all rounded-up and put into special Internment Camps for the duration. It was the correct policy twice before and it worked, therefore it should be enacted for a third time.

Of course, it's a good thing that the Leftists-Human Rights Crowd-Politically Correct Crowd weren't around during WWI and WWII or they'd have been put into the Internment Camps also, considering they'd have acted as they act now ie. supporting the enemy.
I've heard that suggestion before. I don't think it is the best idea as there are quite a few studies showing that a lot of people are radicalized while in prison. And wasn't that declared unconstitutional after the war? You can't really lock up American citizens without due process.
It's reported that she was pregnant before marriage. Isn't that a killing offense to ISIS fucks and if so, why would she pledge her allegiance to people that would kill her for having sex before marriage?

Because she obviously had mental problems. You have be psychologically messed up to want to follow ISIL/ISIS/Daesh. We're not dealing with normal people here.
I disagree with being mentally messed up Lucy , being muslim is all that's needed to be a radical Lucy . Course being muslim might be a disease .
BS people do not equip themselves with AK's fighting gear and bombs -----
just because some other people called them a nasty name
What does that have to do with what I posted?
You said if people call Muslims radical that makes them become radical.

yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
BS people do not equip themselves with AK's fighting gear and bombs -----
just because some other people called them a nasty name
What does that have to do with what I posted?
You said if people call Muslims radical that makes them become radical.

yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
Quite. It is not only patronising, but deeply stupid and offensive, whilst at the same providing an excuse, for radicalism, albeit an incredibly lame one. Incidentally, Sky News in the UK just said these tow butchers were 'self radicalised'. Missed the report, just caught that phrase only, I'm afraid.

Pakistanis are not "self radicalized"------they are radicalized in kindergarten. Few
can overcome the education of their infancy
Wow! Did you used to watch Seinfeld? Remember that guy that Jerry kind of screwed out of his restaurant? He was Pakistani, do you think he was radicalized in kindergarten?
guy was muslim so naturally he was radical long before this woman Ravi !!
No, most muslims aren't radical. Especially not the ones that are US citizens. But keep up with that shit and more of them will certainly accommodate you.
So you admit just saying Muslims are radical FORCES these adult Muslims to become radical. Ok. Well I guess that must mean they are pretty radical, and you are acknowledging that. And you want to live alongside people that become radical and butcher people so very easily? Interesting.
No, I'm saying if you tell children they are bad, evil, etc., there is a big chance they are going to grow up to be bad, evil, etc.
No, that isn't what you said at all. A poster said the guy was Muslim so he was radical before he was with this woman. Your response was 'keep up with that shit' ie saying Muslims are radical, will make Muslims radical. If saying an adult is radical forces them to become radical, as you insisted, then they clearly are already possessed of a radical nature. If someone said you're a murderer, would you 'certainly accommodate ' the person by becoming a murderer?
Apparently you misunderstood whta pissmo posted and what I posted.
No, I don't think so. I can read and I don't have comprehension problems. Why don't you show me exactly what I've misunderstood?
No, most muslims aren't radical. Especially not the ones that are US citizens. But keep up with that shit and more of them will certainly accommodate you.

How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?
Because they are humans, just like you. And statistically speaking, not all humans are radical.

Of course all humans aren't radical. However when you have an entire group of humans who follow a religion such as Islam, then ANY one of them and potentially ALL of them within a short time can and have become radicalised.

Islam, the word itself translates as "submit" or "submission", Islam tells them that ALL non-Muslims are Infidels, this is what in general ALL Muslims believe, even the non-radical ones. As I said within a short time the non-radical can have gone full-on radical.

Therefore they all have to be considered potential dangers to our societies, because ignoring this very fact puts our communities and our people at the most grotesque risk.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?
Sorry, where does the poster say 'kill all Muslims'? I can't find it.

get used to it-------any person who does not kiss the ass of the rapist of mecca is a
What does that have to do with what I posted?
You said if people call Muslims radical that makes them become radical.

yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
What does that have to do with what I posted?
You said if people call Muslims radical that makes them become radical.

yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
Quite. It is not only patronising, but deeply stupid and offensive, whilst at the same providing an excuse, for radicalism, albeit an incredibly lame one. Incidentally, Sky News in the UK just said these tow butchers were 'self radicalised'. Missed the report, just caught that phrase only, I'm afraid.

Pakistanis are not "self radicalized"------they are radicalized in kindergarten. Few
can overcome the education of their infancy
Wow! Did you used to watch Seinfeld? Remember that guy that Jerry kind of screwed out of his restaurant? He was Pakistani, do you think he was radicalized in kindergarten?

he was an actor------I was referring to real Pakistanis. I kinda like the Seinfeld one-----he actually did Pakistani well.
Yeah I agree with that but explosives?? You don't just hook up explosives. You have to know how to hook them up so they work and you don't blow yourself the hell up. They aren't that easy to work with.

Wonder if she was part of a cell and they had a mission?? Sound plausible??
Any thing is possible. It's being reported that she pledged to ISIS on a facebook post under a name that wasn't hers. But that there was no "attaboy" posts from terrorists. For all I know she could have been a jealous control freak that wanted all of her husband's coworkers dead.

Your right there.

Anything is possible and you can bet the FBI has a much better idea of what these people were up to. You can also bet they won't be telling anyone anything anytime soon.

Sure glad they are both dead though its just to bad they killed fourteen people. Good God.
Right now the FBI appears to be operating under the assumption that this was a terrorist attack.

I am remaining utterly passive under the assumption that this was a terrorist
ISLAMIC Terrorism in my opinion Rosie !!
How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?
Because they are humans, just like you. And statistically speaking, not all humans are radical.

Of course all humans aren't radical. However when you have an entire group of humans who follow a religion such as Islam, then ANY one of them and potentially ALL of them within a short time can and have become radicalised.

Islam, the word itself translates as "submit" or "submission", Islam tells them that ALL non-Muslims are Infidels, this is what in general ALL Muslims believe, even the non-radical ones. As I said within a short time the non-radical can have gone full-on radical.

Therefore they all have to be considered potential dangers to our societies, because ignoring this very fact puts our communities and our people at the most grotesque risk.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?

No they should be put in Internment Camps.

The Western leaders tell us that we're at "War". Well, during WWI and WWII those within from enemy nations, they were rightly considered the potential Fifth Column, therefore in Britain and in America, they were all rounded-up and put into special Internment Camps for the duration. It was the correct policy twice before and it worked, therefore it should be enacted for a third time.

Of course, it's a good thing that the Leftists-Human Rights Crowd-Politically Correct Crowd weren't around during WWI and WWII or they'd have been put into the Internment Camps also, considering they'd have acted as they act now ie. supporting the enemy.
I've heard that suggestion before. I don't think it is the best idea as there are quite a few studies showing that a lot of people are radicalized while in prison. And wasn't that declared unconstitutional after the war? You can't really lock up American citizens without due process.
Wow, say someone's radical and they become radical, protect yourself from them and they become radical. We're all hamstrung, whatever you do or say, they'll become radical. Seems like they're just itching to become radical, according to you. Lol.
How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?
Because they are humans, just like you. And statistically speaking, not all humans are radical.

Of course all humans aren't radical. However when you have an entire group of humans who follow a religion such as Islam, then ANY one of them and potentially ALL of them within a short time can and have become radicalised.

Islam, the word itself translates as "submit" or "submission", Islam tells them that ALL non-Muslims are Infidels, this is what in general ALL Muslims believe, even the non-radical ones. As I said within a short time the non-radical can have gone full-on radical.

Therefore they all have to be considered potential dangers to our societies, because ignoring this very fact puts our communities and our people at the most grotesque risk.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?

No they should be put in Internment Camps.

The Western leaders tell us that we're at "War". Well, during WWI and WWII those within from enemy nations, they were rightly considered the potential Fifth Column, therefore in Britain and in America, they were all rounded-up and put into special Internment Camps for the duration. It was the correct policy twice before and it worked, therefore it should be enacted for a third time.

Of course, it's a good thing that the Leftists-Human Rights Crowd-Politically Correct Crowd weren't around during WWI and WWII or they'd have been put into the Internment Camps also, considering they'd have acted as they act now ie. supporting the enemy.
I've heard that suggestion before. I don't think it is the best idea as there are quite a few studies showing that a lot of people are radicalized while in prison. And wasn't that declared unconstitutional after the war? You can't really lock up American citizens without due process.

We are existing in a different realm now. There are no actual rules now, the enemy doesn't ahere to any rules or anything that's either in the Geneva Convention nor in any form of International Law.

Thus, the Internment Camps should be enacted for a third time.
Maybe. I'm wondering if she was the one that radicalized her husband, though.
guy was muslim so naturally he was radical long before this woman Ravi !!
No, most muslims aren't radical. Especially not the ones that are US citizens. But keep up with that shit and more of them will certainly accommodate you.

How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?

so far the player that interests me most is -----the wife, Tashfeen Malik. ----as far
as I ascertain from the news----she was a Pakistani girl working in Saudi arabia-----
a little odd in itself-----I wonder what she was doing. She got married to a USA
muslim and had a baby and somehow KNEW how to kill people with an AK----
and was willing to do so. She seems to be the key to the whole affair

The entire San Bernardino episode is incredibly bizarre from start to finish. The targeted victims are not the usual type that are targeted in the usual terrorist attack....the fact that he went home and then he and his wife got dressed up like a cross between the genuine SWAT team and Robo-Cop and then stormed the place shooting as many people as possible.

Something just doesn't add up here, it's all beyond surreal and exceptionally mysterious.

I agree with that. It is extremely bizarre.
No, most muslims aren't radical. Especially not the ones that are US citizens. But keep up with that shit and more of them will certainly accommodate you.

How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?
Because they are humans, just like you. And statistically speaking, not all humans are radical.

Of course all humans aren't radical. However when you have an entire group of humans who follow a religion such as Islam, then ANY one of them and potentially ALL of them within a short time can and have become radicalised.

Islam, the word itself translates as "submit" or "submission", Islam tells them that ALL non-Muslims are Infidels, this is what in general ALL Muslims believe, even the non-radical ones. As I said within a short time the non-radical can have gone full-on radical.

Therefore they all have to be considered potential dangers to our societies, because ignoring this very fact puts our communities and our people at the most grotesque risk.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?
Sorry, where does the poster say 'kill all Muslims'? I can't find it.
Where did I say that she did?
You said if people call Muslims radical that makes them become radical.

yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
You said if people call Muslims radical that makes them become radical.

yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
Quite. It is not only patronising, but deeply stupid and offensive, whilst at the same providing an excuse, for radicalism, albeit an incredibly lame one. Incidentally, Sky News in the UK just said these tow butchers were 'self radicalised'. Missed the report, just caught that phrase only, I'm afraid.

Pakistanis are not "self radicalized"------they are radicalized in kindergarten. Few
can overcome the education of their infancy
Wow! Did you used to watch Seinfeld? Remember that guy that Jerry kind of screwed out of his restaurant? He was Pakistani, do you think he was radicalized in kindergarten?

he was an actor------I was referring to real Pakistanis. I kinda like the Seinfeld one-----he actually did Pakistani well.
He was an actor, but he was still a real Pakistani.
BS people do not equip themselves with AK's fighting gear and bombs -----
just because some other people called them a nasty name
What does that have to do with what I posted?
You said if people call Muslims radical that makes them become radical.

yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
BS people do not equip themselves with AK's fighting gear and bombs -----
just because some other people called them a nasty name
What does that have to do with what I posted?
You said if people call Muslims radical that makes them become radical.

yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
Quite. It is not only patronising, but deeply stupid and offensive, whilst at the same providing an excuse, for radicalism, albeit an incredibly lame one. Incidentally, Sky News in the UK just said these tow butchers were 'self radicalised'. Missed the report, just caught that phrase only, I'm afraid.

Pakistanis are not "self radicalized"------they are radicalized in kindergarten. Few
can overcome the education of their infancy

Today they've ie. ISIL/ISIS/Daesh have released new footage of CHILDREN shooting prisoners. CHILDREN. I've seen footage where they've got 5 year-old's beheading teddy bears, teaching them how to do this, obviously for when they get a bit older to then follow suit and behead human beings.
How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?
Because they are humans, just like you. And statistically speaking, not all humans are radical.

Of course all humans aren't radical. However when you have an entire group of humans who follow a religion such as Islam, then ANY one of them and potentially ALL of them within a short time can and have become radicalised.

Islam, the word itself translates as "submit" or "submission", Islam tells them that ALL non-Muslims are Infidels, this is what in general ALL Muslims believe, even the non-radical ones. As I said within a short time the non-radical can have gone full-on radical.

Therefore they all have to be considered potential dangers to our societies, because ignoring this very fact puts our communities and our people at the most grotesque risk.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?
Sorry, where does the poster say 'kill all Muslims'? I can't find it.
Where did I say that she did?

You said "should we kill them?"
Yeah I agree with that but explosives?? You don't just hook up explosives. You have to know how to hook them up so they work and you don't blow yourself the hell up. They aren't that easy to work with.

Wonder if she was part of a cell and they had a mission?? Sound plausible??
Any thing is possible. It's being reported that she pledged to ISIS on a facebook post under a name that wasn't hers. But that there was no "attaboy" posts from terrorists. For all I know she could have been a jealous control freak that wanted all of her husband's coworkers dead.

Your right there.

Anything is possible and you can bet the FBI has a much better idea of what these people were up to. You can also bet they won't be telling anyone anything anytime soon.

Sure glad they are both dead though its just to bad they killed fourteen people. Good God.

Right now the FBI appears to be operating under the assumption that this was a terrorist attack.

Yeah. That's a pretty good assumption and I wonder who the targets were to be. I can't believe that fourteen was all these scumbags were going to target.
How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?
Because they are humans, just like you. And statistically speaking, not all humans are radical.

Of course all humans aren't radical. However when you have an entire group of humans who follow a religion such as Islam, then ANY one of them and potentially ALL of them within a short time can and have become radicalised.

Islam, the word itself translates as "submit" or "submission", Islam tells them that ALL non-Muslims are Infidels, this is what in general ALL Muslims believe, even the non-radical ones. As I said within a short time the non-radical can have gone full-on radical.

Therefore they all have to be considered potential dangers to our societies, because ignoring this very fact puts our communities and our people at the most grotesque risk.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?
Sorry, where does the poster say 'kill all Muslims'? I can't find it.
Where did I say that she did?
You think that the question mark disguises the fact that you are implying the poster is suggesting that all Muslims be killed, and that she'd find another group of people she'd like killed after that? You can see your words just above, right?
yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
yes------seems to me lots of people think muslims are THAT STUPID. I have
concluded that I have more respect for muslims in general than do lots of you
"goody two shoes" who insist that answer is------"BE NICE---MAKE NICE---DO AND SAY WHATEVER MAKES THEM HAPPY ---because other wise they go nuts"
Quite. It is not only patronising, but deeply stupid and offensive, whilst at the same providing an excuse, for radicalism, albeit an incredibly lame one. Incidentally, Sky News in the UK just said these tow butchers were 'self radicalised'. Missed the report, just caught that phrase only, I'm afraid.

Pakistanis are not "self radicalized"------they are radicalized in kindergarten. Few
can overcome the education of their infancy
Wow! Did you used to watch Seinfeld? Remember that guy that Jerry kind of screwed out of his restaurant? He was Pakistani, do you think he was radicalized in kindergarten?

he was an actor------I was referring to real Pakistanis. I kinda like the Seinfeld one-----he actually did Pakistani well.
He was an actor, but he was still a real Pakistani.

really? ok ---other than that I do not know him. I have known some Pakistanis who managed to overcome ----to some extent-----the educations of their infancies. Thanks for telling me-----he had "Pakistani" down to the gestures and
inflections--------and now I know why

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