Question about the Pakistani woman

guy was muslim so naturally he was radical long before this woman Ravi !!
No, most muslims aren't radical. Especially not the ones that are US citizens. But keep up with that shit and more of them will certainly accommodate you.

How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?

And have you talked to all (approx.) 1.6 billion of them? How do you know what's in their hearts and minds?

I know by the general ratio, which is that 100% of terrorist attacks, 100% of suicide bombings are committed by Muslims, this includes obviously Muslim converts.

Islam, the "religion" of The Bottomless Pit.

We just had a terror attack from an extreme RW Christian on Friday, in Colorado.

They are random and you know it.

I don't hear about the majority of terrorist attacks and ALL suicide bombings being committed by Christians nor Jews nor Buddhists nor even Athiests nor Agnostics.
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?
Because they are humans, just like you. And statistically speaking, not all humans are radical.

Of course all humans aren't radical. However when you have an entire group of humans who follow a religion such as Islam, then ANY one of them and potentially ALL of them within a short time can and have become radicalised.

Islam, the word itself translates as "submit" or "submission", Islam tells them that ALL non-Muslims are Infidels, this is what in general ALL Muslims believe, even the non-radical ones. As I said within a short time the non-radical can have gone full-on radical.

Therefore they all have to be considered potential dangers to our societies, because ignoring this very fact puts our communities and our people at the most grotesque risk.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?
Sorry, where does the poster say 'kill all Muslims'? I can't find it.
Where did I say that she did?

You said "should we kill them?"
Yes, I asked you a question.
Quite. It is not only patronising, but deeply stupid and offensive, whilst at the same providing an excuse, for radicalism, albeit an incredibly lame one. Incidentally, Sky News in the UK just said these tow butchers were 'self radicalised'. Missed the report, just caught that phrase only, I'm afraid.

Pakistanis are not "self radicalized"------they are radicalized in kindergarten. Few
can overcome the education of their infancy
Wow! Did you used to watch Seinfeld? Remember that guy that Jerry kind of screwed out of his restaurant? He was Pakistani, do you think he was radicalized in kindergarten?

he was an actor------I was referring to real Pakistanis. I kinda like the Seinfeld one-----he actually did Pakistani well.
He was an actor, but he was still a real Pakistani.

really? ok ---other than that I do not know him. I have known some Pakistanis who managed to overcome ----to some extent-----the educations of their infancies. Thanks for telling me-----he had "Pakistani" down to the gestures and
inflections--------and now I know why
Jerry was lucky he wasn't beheaded.
No, most muslims aren't radical. Especially not the ones that are US citizens. But keep up with that shit and more of them will certainly accommodate you.

How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?

And have you talked to all (approx.) 1.6 billion of them? How do you know what's in their hearts and minds?

I know by the general ratio, which is that 100% of terrorist attacks, 100% of suicide bombings are committed by Muslims, this includes obviously Muslim converts.

Islam, the "religion" of The Bottomless Pit.

We just had a terror attack from an extreme RW Christian on Friday, in Colorado.

They are random and you know it.

I don't hear about the majority of terrorist attacks and ALL suicide bombings being committed by Christians nor Jews nor Buddhists nor even Athiests nor Agnostics.

No but the Muslims do not have dominion over bombings, I think the JDL started them in the US and Evangelical Christians. I'm quite sure Zionist were the first to use bombs.
Pakistanis are not "self radicalized"------they are radicalized in kindergarten. Few
can overcome the education of their infancy
Wow! Did you used to watch Seinfeld? Remember that guy that Jerry kind of screwed out of his restaurant? He was Pakistani, do you think he was radicalized in kindergarten?

he was an actor------I was referring to real Pakistanis. I kinda like the Seinfeld one-----he actually did Pakistani well.
He was an actor, but he was still a real Pakistani.

really? ok ---other than that I do not know him. I have known some Pakistanis who managed to overcome ----to some extent-----the educations of their infancies. Thanks for telling me-----he had "Pakistani" down to the gestures and
inflections--------and now I know why
Jerry was lucky he wasn't beheaded.

good point......
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?
Why does Israel 'taking Palestinian land' (debatable) result in radical Muslims in America butchering their co-workers in a social care organisation?
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?

And here I've been reading that Muslims wanted a caliphate and the whole world to be Muslim.

They will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Oh and they don't care how many they kill in the process.

Jeeze your an idiot.
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?
Why does Israel 'taking Palestinian land' (debatable) result in radical Muslims in America butchering their co-workers in a social care organisation?

I can help you to understand-------Pakistani kindergarten------little tykes in
Pakistan are taught----and MUST LEARN in order to graduate kindergarten----
that all of their problems -----are created by----THE-ZIONIST-CONTROLLED-CIA
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?
Why does Israel 'taking Palestinian land' (debatable) result in radical Muslims in America butchering their co-workers in a social care organisation?

I can help you to understand-------Pakistani kindergarten------little tykes in
Pakistan are taught----and MUST LEARN in order to graduate kindergarten----
that all of their problems -----are created by----THE-ZIONIST-CONTROLLED-CIA
Of course. And yet another excuse for them to radicalise and slaughter people. And people want to live side by side these sensitive souls when they don't have to.
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?

We can agree, had the West not been interfering in the Middle East for decades, a region that in the general scheme of things the West had no right interfering in, then yes, we wouldn't be in this terrible situation we're in now.

The West decades ago should have just minded it's own business. We could have quite easily have had perfectly reasonable trade deals with all Middle Eastern nations, but no, because primarily Washington DC and London both wanted to dicate the rules and then impose those rules on the Middle East, regardless of whether the people there wanted it and when they didn't want it, well they were just bombed into submission and the attempt to turn them into Western Vassal states devoid of sovereignty occurred.

Unfortunately the West is reaping what it sowed. The ultimate tragedy is that it's the Western people's who are being targeted, most of whom probably are against the Middle East meddling that their leaders do.
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?

We can agree, had the West not been interfering in the Middle East for decades, a region that in the general scheme of things the West had no right interfering in, then yes, we wouldn't be in this terrible situation we're in now.

The West decades ago should have just minded it's own business. We could have quite easily have had perfectly reasonable trade deals with all Middle Eastern nations, but no, because primarily Washington DC and London both wanted to dicate the rules and then impose those rules on the Middle East, regardless of whether the people there wanted it and when they didn't want it, well they were just bombed into submission and the attempt to turn them into Western Vassal states devoid of sovereignty occurred.

Unfortunately the West is reaping what it sowed. The ultimate tragedy is that it's the Western people's who are being targeted, most of whom probably are against the Middle East meddling that their leaders do.

Mrs Hamilton-----you post as if your were born yesterday-----in a deserted 1960s style café still reeking of marijuana smoke
How do you know most aren't radical, how do you actually know what's in their hearts and minds....are you psychic? Tony Blair today said that support for ISIL/ISIS/Daesh runs deep in the Muslim community. I don't often agree with Blair, but I think he's correct.

Have you personally kept tabs on ALL Muslims, are you privately listening in to what ALL of them are saying? No and no.

Therefore how do we know that publically they say "oh this is awful", but privately they agree with it and then praise Allah.

Are we to trust ANY of them anymore, when even the women are out there shooting people and blowing themselves up?

And have you talked to all (approx.) 1.6 billion of them? How do you know what's in their hearts and minds?

I know by the general ratio, which is that 100% of terrorist attacks, 100% of suicide bombings are committed by Muslims, this includes obviously Muslim converts.

Islam, the "religion" of The Bottomless Pit.

We just had a terror attack from an extreme RW Christian on Friday, in Colorado.

They are random and you know it.

I don't hear about the majority of terrorist attacks and ALL suicide bombings being committed by Christians nor Jews nor Buddhists nor even Athiests nor Agnostics.

No but the Muslims do not have dominion over bombings, I think the JDL started them in the US and Evangelical Christians. I'm quite sure Zionist were the first to use bombs.

I'm talking about SUICIDE bombings, it's perfectly clear that I am if you re-read my comments.
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?

We can agree, had the West not been interfering in the Middle East for decades, a region that in the general scheme of things the West had no right interfering in, then yes, we wouldn't be in this terrible situation we're in now.

The West decades ago should have just minded it's own business. We could have quite easily have had perfectly reasonable trade deals with all Middle Eastern nations, but no, because primarily Washington DC and London both wanted to dicate the rules and then impose those rules on the Middle East, regardless of whether the people there wanted it and when they didn't want it, well they were just bombed into submission and the attempt to turn them into Western Vassal states devoid of sovereignty occurred.

Unfortunately the West is reaping what it sowed. The ultimate tragedy is that it's the Western people's who are being targeted, most of whom probably are against the Middle East meddling that their leaders do.

Mrs Hamilton-----you post as if your were born yesterday-----in a deserted 1960s style café still reeking of marijuana smoke

I'm European darling, I'm bound to be sophisticated and somewhat decadent ;)
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?

We can agree, had the West not been interfering in the Middle East for decades, a region that in the general scheme of things the West had no right interfering in, then yes, we wouldn't be in this terrible situation we're in now.

The West decades ago should have just minded it's own business. We could have quite easily have had perfectly reasonable trade deals with all Middle Eastern nations, but no, because primarily Washington DC and London both wanted to dicate the rules and then impose those rules on the Middle East, regardless of whether the people there wanted it and when they didn't want it, well they were just bombed into submission and the attempt to turn them into Western Vassal states devoid of sovereignty occurred.

Unfortunately the West is reaping what it sowed. The ultimate tragedy is that it's the Western people's who are being targeted, most of whom probably are against the Middle East meddling that their leaders do.

Mrs Hamilton-----you post as if your were born yesterday-----in a deserted 1960s style café still reeking of marijuana smoke

I'm European darling, I'm bound to be sophisticated and somewhat decadent ;)

right-----your cigarette in a LONGGG holder------I am damned impressed
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?

We can agree, had the West not been interfering in the Middle East for decades, a region that in the general scheme of things the West had no right interfering in, then yes, we wouldn't be in this terrible situation we're in now.

The West decades ago should have just minded it's own business. We could have quite easily have had perfectly reasonable trade deals with all Middle Eastern nations, but no, because primarily Washington DC and London both wanted to dicate the rules and then impose those rules on the Middle East, regardless of whether the people there wanted it and when they didn't want it, well they were just bombed into submission and the attempt to turn them into Western Vassal states devoid of sovereignty occurred.

Unfortunately the West is reaping what it sowed. The ultimate tragedy is that it's the Western people's who are being targeted, most of whom probably are against the Middle East meddling that their leaders do.

Mrs Hamilton-----you post as if your were born yesterday-----in a deserted 1960s style café still reeking of marijuana smoke

I'm European darling, I'm bound to be sophisticated and somewhat decadent ;)
Hello, fellow in Occupied Europa :)
Of course all humans aren't radical. However when you have an entire group of humans who follow a religion such as Islam, then ANY one of them and potentially ALL of them within a short time can and have become radicalised.

Islam, the word itself translates as "submit" or "submission", Islam tells them that ALL non-Muslims are Infidels, this is what in general ALL Muslims believe, even the non-radical ones. As I said within a short time the non-radical can have gone full-on radical.

Therefore they all have to be considered potential dangers to our societies, because ignoring this very fact puts our communities and our people at the most grotesque risk.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?
Sorry, where does the poster say 'kill all Muslims'? I can't find it.
Where did I say that she did?

You said "should we kill them?"
Yes, I asked you a question.

Yes you ask should we kill them all? You presumed I thought "hey let's kill them all"....which of course you were absolutely incorrect.

You've now spent numerous posts pretending that you didn't suggest that we should just kill them all.
Should we just go ahead and kill all Muslims? And then what about the next group that comes along that you believe the same thing about?
Sorry, where does the poster say 'kill all Muslims'? I can't find it.
Where did I say that she did?

You said "should we kill them?"
Yes, I asked you a question.

Yes you ask should we kill them all? You presumed I thought "hey let's kill them all"....which of course you were absolutely incorrect.

You've now spent numerous posts pretending that you didn't suggest that we should just kill them all.
Yes. Just like she's pretending she didn't say that suggesting a Muslim is radical forces them to oblige and become radical. This radicalising business is beginning to sound a bit like the Hulk doing his thing.
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?

We can agree, had the West not been interfering in the Middle East for decades, a region that in the general scheme of things the West had no right interfering in, then yes, we wouldn't be in this terrible situation we're in now.

The West decades ago should have just minded it's own business. We could have quite easily have had perfectly reasonable trade deals with all Middle Eastern nations, but no, because primarily Washington DC and London both wanted to dicate the rules and then impose those rules on the Middle East, regardless of whether the people there wanted it and when they didn't want it, well they were just bombed into submission and the attempt to turn them into Western Vassal states devoid of sovereignty occurred.

Unfortunately the West is reaping what it sowed. The ultimate tragedy is that it's the Western people's who are being targeted, most of whom probably are against the Middle East meddling that their leaders do.
so why do you supposed they were meddling in the Middle East? Just curious if you know.
Man I'm loving this post. We interfere in all their countries, bomb the heck out of them after sanctioning them to death, (all except the gulf, SA, Qatar, UAE, ) and Israel takes the Palestinian land, and we have a problem with a few radical Muslims and wonder why they are.

How do we know that was not the mans child she was pg with, he did go over to SA in the fall of 2014 right. When did he bring her to the states?

We can agree, had the West not been interfering in the Middle East for decades, a region that in the general scheme of things the West had no right interfering in, then yes, we wouldn't be in this terrible situation we're in now.

The West decades ago should have just minded it's own business. We could have quite easily have had perfectly reasonable trade deals with all Middle Eastern nations, but no, because primarily Washington DC and London both wanted to dicate the rules and then impose those rules on the Middle East, regardless of whether the people there wanted it and when they didn't want it, well they were just bombed into submission and the attempt to turn them into Western Vassal states devoid of sovereignty occurred.

Unfortunately the West is reaping what it sowed. The ultimate tragedy is that it's the Western people's who are being targeted, most of whom probably are against the Middle East meddling that their leaders do.

Mrs Hamilton-----you post as if your were born yesterday-----in a deserted 1960s style café still reeking of marijuana smoke

I'm European darling, I'm bound to be sophisticated and somewhat decadent ;)
in a deserted 1960s style café still reeking of marijuana smoke

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