Questions About the FBI's Role in 1/6 Are Mocked Because the FBI Shapes Liberal Corporate Media


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
From one of the few remaining actual journalists.

The FBI has been manufacturing and directing terror plots and criminal rings for decades. But now, reverence for security state agencies reigns.

The axis of liberal media outlets and their allied activist groups — CNN, NBC News, The Washington Post, Media Matters — are in an angry uproar over a recent report questioning the foreknowledge and involvement of the FBI in the January 6 Capitol riot. As soon as that new report was published on Monday, a consensus instantly emerged in these liberal media precincts that this is an unhinged, ignorant and insane conspiracy theory that deserves no consideration.

The original report, published by Revolver News and then amplified by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, documented ample evidence of FBI infiltration of the three key groups at the center of the 1/6 investigation — the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters — and noted how many alleged riot leaders from these groups have not yet been indicted. While low-level protesters have been aggressively charged with major felonies and held without bail, many of the alleged plot leaders have thus far been shielded from charges.

The implications of these facts are obvious. It seems extremely likely that the FBI had numerous ways to know of any organized plots regarding the January 6 riot (just as the U.S. intelligence community, by its own admission, had ample advanced clues of the 9/11 attack but, according to their excuse, tragically failed to “connect the dots”). There is no doubt that the FBI has infiltrated at least some if not all of these groups — which it has been warning for years pose a grave national security threat — with informants and/or undercover spies. It is known that Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio has served as an FBI informant in the past, and the disrupted 2020 plot by Three Percenters members to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) was shaped and driven by what The Wall Street Journal reported were the FBI’s “undercover agents and confidential informants.”

What would be shocking and strange is not if the FBI had embedded informants and other infiltrators in the groups planning the January 6 Capitol riot. What would be shocking and strange — bizarre and inexplicable — is if the FBI did not have those groups under tight control. And yet the suggestion that FBI informants may have played some role in the planning of the January 6 riot was instantly depicted as something akin to, say, 9/11 truth theories or questions about the CIA’s role in JFK’s assassination or, until a few weeks ago, the COVID lab-leak theory: as something that, from the perspective of Respectable Serious Circles, only a barely-sane, tin-foil-hat-wearing lunatic would even entertain.

This reaction is particularly confounding given how often the FBI did exactly this during the first War on Terror, and how commonplace discussions of this tactic were in mainstream liberal circles. Over the last decade, I reported on countless cases for The Guardian and The Intercept where the FBI targeted some young American Muslims they viewed as easily manipulated — due to financial distress, emotional problems, or both — and then deployed informants and undercover agents to dupe them into agreeing to join terrorist plots that had been created, designed and funded by the FBI itself, only to then congratulate themselves for breaking up the plot which they themselves initiated. As I asked in one headline about a particularly egregious entrapment case: “Why Does the FBI Have to Manufacture its Own Plots if Terrorism and ISIS Are Such Grave Threats?”

In 2011, Mother Jones published an outstanding, lengthy investigation by reporter Trevor Aaronson, entitled “The Informations,” which asked: “The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic attack. But are they busting terrorist plots—or leading them?” Aaronson covered numerous similar cases for The Intercept where the FBI designed, directed and even funded the terror plots and other criminal rings they then boasted of disrupting. A widely praised TEDTalk by Aaronson, which, in the words of organizers, “reveals a disturbing FBI practice that breeds terrorist plots by exploiting Muslim-Americans with mental health problems,” featured this central claim: “There's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined: The FBI.”


January 6 was staged by the FBI on orders from the false flag queen....
From one of the few remaining actual journalists.

The FBI has been manufacturing and directing terror plots and criminal rings for decades. But now, reverence for security state agencies reigns.

The axis of liberal media outlets and their allied activist groups — CNN, NBC News, The Washington Post, Media Matters — are in an angry uproar over a recent report questioning the foreknowledge and involvement of the FBI in the January 6 Capitol riot. As soon as that new report was published on Monday, a consensus instantly emerged in these liberal media precincts that this is an unhinged, ignorant and insane conspiracy theory that deserves no consideration.​
The original report, published by Revolver News and then amplified by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, documented ample evidence of FBI infiltration of the three key groups at the center of the 1/6 investigation — the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters — and noted how many alleged riot leaders from these groups have not yet been indicted. While low-level protesters have been aggressively charged with major felonies and held without bail, many of the alleged plot leaders have thus far been shielded from charges.​
The implications of these facts are obvious. It seems extremely likely that the FBI had numerous ways to know of any organized plots regarding the January 6 riot (just as the U.S. intelligence community, by its own admission, had ample advanced clues of the 9/11 attack but, according to their excuse, tragically failed to “connect the dots”). There is no doubt that the FBI has infiltrated at least some if not all of these groups — which it has been warning for years pose a grave national security threat — with informants and/or undercover spies. It is known that Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio has served as an FBI informant in the past, and the disrupted 2020 plot by Three Percenters members to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) was shaped and driven by what The Wall Street Journal reported were the FBI’s “undercover agents and confidential informants.”​
What would be shocking and strange is not if the FBI had embedded informants and other infiltrators in the groups planning the January 6 Capitol riot. What would be shocking and strange — bizarre and inexplicable — is if the FBI did not have those groups under tight control. And yet the suggestion that FBI informants may have played some role in the planning of the January 6 riot was instantly depicted as something akin to, say, 9/11 truth theories or questions about the CIA’s role in JFK’s assassination or, until a few weeks ago, the COVID lab-leak theory: as something that, from the perspective of Respectable Serious Circles, only a barely-sane, tin-foil-hat-wearing lunatic would even entertain.​
This reaction is particularly confounding given how often the FBI did exactly this during the first War on Terror, and how commonplace discussions of this tactic were in mainstream liberal circles. Over the last decade, I reported on countless cases for The Guardian and The Intercept where the FBI targeted some young American Muslims they viewed as easily manipulated — due to financial distress, emotional problems, or both — and then deployed informants and undercover agents to dupe them into agreeing to join terrorist plots that had been created, designed and funded by the FBI itself, only to then congratulate themselves for breaking up the plot which they themselves initiated. As I asked in one headline about a particularly egregious entrapment case: “Why Does the FBI Have to Manufacture its Own Plots if Terrorism and ISIS Are Such Grave Threats?”​
In 2011, Mother Jones published an outstanding, lengthy investigation by reporter Trevor Aaronson, entitled “The Informations,” which asked: “The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic attack. But are they busting terrorist plots—or leading them?” Aaronson covered numerous similar cases for The Intercept where the FBI designed, directed and even funded the terror plots and other criminal rings they then boasted of disrupting. A widely praised TEDTalk by Aaronson, which, in the words of organizers, “reveals a disturbing FBI practice that breeds terrorist plots by exploiting Muslim-Americans with mental health problems,” featured this central claim: “There's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined: The FBI.”​

There is no journalism involved. Just passing propaganda.
What about the BBC and every TV network around the world? What about the hundreds of newspapers around the world? You are out of your tiny little mind and can only listen to total garbage propaganda, ignoramus chump of the greedy idiot rich... Rupert Murdoch the scumbag. And worse.
What about the BBC and every TV network around the world? What about the hundreds of newspapers around the world? You are out of your tiny little mind and can only listen to total garbage propaganda, ignoramus chump of the greedy idiot rich... Rupert Murdoch the scumbag. And worse.
Look at the this impossibly stupid fucktard, its clueless, it literally has no fucking clue what it listens to, and who they are, the perfect slave, totally, impossibly, fucking stupid! :banana:
From one of the few remaining actual journalists.

The FBI has been manufacturing and directing terror plots and criminal rings for decades. But now, reverence for security state agencies reigns.

The axis of liberal media outlets and their allied activist groups — CNN, NBC News, The Washington Post, Media Matters — are in an angry uproar over a recent report questioning the foreknowledge and involvement of the FBI in the January 6 Capitol riot. As soon as that new report was published on Monday, a consensus instantly emerged in these liberal media precincts that this is an unhinged, ignorant and insane conspiracy theory that deserves no consideration.​
The original report, published by Revolver News and then amplified by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, documented ample evidence of FBI infiltration of the three key groups at the center of the 1/6 investigation — the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters — and noted how many alleged riot leaders from these groups have not yet been indicted. While low-level protesters have been aggressively charged with major felonies and held without bail, many of the alleged plot leaders have thus far been shielded from charges.​
The implications of these facts are obvious. It seems extremely likely that the FBI had numerous ways to know of any organized plots regarding the January 6 riot (just as the U.S. intelligence community, by its own admission, had ample advanced clues of the 9/11 attack but, according to their excuse, tragically failed to “connect the dots”). There is no doubt that the FBI has infiltrated at least some if not all of these groups — which it has been warning for years pose a grave national security threat — with informants and/or undercover spies. It is known that Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio has served as an FBI informant in the past, and the disrupted 2020 plot by Three Percenters members to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) was shaped and driven by what The Wall Street Journal reported were the FBI’s “undercover agents and confidential informants.”​
What would be shocking and strange is not if the FBI had embedded informants and other infiltrators in the groups planning the January 6 Capitol riot. What would be shocking and strange — bizarre and inexplicable — is if the FBI did not have those groups under tight control. And yet the suggestion that FBI informants may have played some role in the planning of the January 6 riot was instantly depicted as something akin to, say, 9/11 truth theories or questions about the CIA’s role in JFK’s assassination or, until a few weeks ago, the COVID lab-leak theory: as something that, from the perspective of Respectable Serious Circles, only a barely-sane, tin-foil-hat-wearing lunatic would even entertain.​
This reaction is particularly confounding given how often the FBI did exactly this during the first War on Terror, and how commonplace discussions of this tactic were in mainstream liberal circles. Over the last decade, I reported on countless cases for The Guardian and The Intercept where the FBI targeted some young American Muslims they viewed as easily manipulated — due to financial distress, emotional problems, or both — and then deployed informants and undercover agents to dupe them into agreeing to join terrorist plots that had been created, designed and funded by the FBI itself, only to then congratulate themselves for breaking up the plot which they themselves initiated. As I asked in one headline about a particularly egregious entrapment case: “Why Does the FBI Have to Manufacture its Own Plots if Terrorism and ISIS Are Such Grave Threats?”​
In 2011, Mother Jones published an outstanding, lengthy investigation by reporter Trevor Aaronson, entitled “The Informations,” which asked: “The FBI has built a massive network of spies to prevent another domestic attack. But are they busting terrorist plots—or leading them?” Aaronson covered numerous similar cases for The Intercept where the FBI designed, directed and even funded the terror plots and other criminal rings they then boasted of disrupting. A widely praised TEDTalk by Aaronson, which, in the words of organizers, “reveals a disturbing FBI practice that breeds terrorist plots by exploiting Muslim-Americans with mental health problems,” featured this central claim: “There's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined: The FBI.”​

Turns out the "kidnapping plot" of Gretchen Witless in Michigan had more federal informants and undercover operators than "conspirators"....Classic entrapment.

It's more than plausible that the "insurrection" was a blatant set-up.
Turns out the "kidnapping plot" of Gretchen Witless in Michigan had more federal informants and undercover operators than "conspirators"....Classic entrapment.

It's more than plausible that the "insurrection" was a blatant set-up.
Yes yes everything is a gigantic conspiracy against Fox News and internet crazies and lying POS Republican pols.... Ever heard of journalism and journalists and how important that is? I don't think so, brainwashed functional moron. Fox News now defends itself in court by saying no reasonable person would believe what they say anyway. And it works! Because it is pure crap propaganda not journalism at all and not journalists. Rupert Murdock is a international pariah and he owns all your media. Fox the New York post sky news Australia Wall Street journal Sunday times. That is it in the entire world! Meanwhile there are hundreds of journalists who take it pretty god damn seriously who think you are absolutely nuts..... Oops brainwashed functionally nuts.
Look at the this impossibly stupid fucktard, its clueless, it literally has no fucking clue what it listens to, and who they are, the perfect slave, totally, impossibly, fucking stupid! :banana:
Tried journalists and reality someday, brainwashed functional moron. They're hundreds of journalistic outlets in the world and they all think you are functionally insane you are so brainwashed with BS. You have Rupert scumbag Murdock and his Fox noise and 4 or 5 other major outlets that are pure crap.
Turns out the "kidnapping plot" of Gretchen Witless in Michigan had more federal informants and undercover operators than "conspirators"....Classic entrapment.

It's more than plausible that the "insurrection" was a blatant set-up.
Absolutely correct and reasonable to assume. I remember Bob Newheart comedy albums in the early sixties
talking about how communist groups were being busted by the FBI due to heavy infiltration by
government agents that outnumbered actual commies.

I also assume a real honest investigation of the 1/6 disturbance would reveal many John Sullivan types
whipping up people to create violence and chaos they might not otherwise have created on
their own. All of this has to come out.
Yes yes everything is a gigantic conspiracy against Fox News and internet crazies and lying POS Republican pols.... Ever heard of journalism and journalists and how important that is? I don't think so, brainwashed functional moron. Fox News now defends itself in court by saying no reasonable person would believe what they say anyway. And it works! Because it is pure crap propaganda not journalism at all and not journalists. Rupert Murdock is a international pariah and he owns all your media. Fox the New York post sky news Australia Wall Street journal Sunday times. That is it in the entire world! Meanwhile there are hundreds of journalists who take it pretty god damn seriously who think you are absolutely nuts..... Oops brainwashed functionally nuts.
I quoted this sub-moron for effect, this human individual is a perfect example of an "intellectual abortion," they have not even the rudimentary ability to learn, or overcome the procedure, they have been executed from the neck up, nobody's home! Look over his comment, at its imbecilic and ludicrous assertions, uploaded directly into brain via what this "victim of democratic party inspired eugenics" believes to be "Journalism!" There is no ability within that mind to critically reason, that function was murdered by dedicated puplic school stationed Marxist indoctrinator's, and as such you waste your valuable time even attempting to break on through and reason with what is left of a human mind...... :wink:
I quoted this sub-moron for effect, this human individual is a perfect example of an "intellectual abortion," they have not even the rudimentary ability to learn, or overcome the procedure, they have been executed from the neck up, nobody's home! Look over his comment, at its imbecilic and ludicrous assertions, uploaded directly into brain via what this "victim of democratic party inspired eugenics" believes to be "Journalism!" There is no ability within that mind to critically reason, that function was murdered by dedicated puplic school stationed Marxist indoctrinator's, and as such you waste your valuable time even attempting to break on through and reason with what is left of a human mind...... :wink:
aren't you supposed to be in Ariz counting votes?
I quoted this sub-moron for effect, this human individual is a perfect example of an "intellectual abortion," they have not even the rudimentary ability to learn, or overcome the procedure, they have been executed from the neck up, nobody's home! Look over his comment, at its imbecilic and ludicrous assertions, uploaded directly into brain via what this "victim of democratic party inspired eugenics" believes to be "Journalism!" There is no ability within that mind to critically reason, that function was murdered by dedicated puplic school stationed Marxist indoctrinator's, and as such you waste your valuable time even attempting to break on through and reason with what is left of a human mind...... :wink:
... Yes of course Democrats are so all powerful they can control journalism and every other country too. Absolute idiocy, ignoramus
I quoted this sub-moron for effect, this human individual is a perfect example of an "intellectual abortion," they have not even the rudimentary ability to learn, or overcome the procedure, they have been executed from the neck up, nobody's home! Look over his comment, at its imbecilic and ludicrous assertions, uploaded directly into brain via what this "victim of democratic party inspired eugenics" believes to be "Journalism!" There is no ability within that mind to critically reason, that function was murdered by dedicated puplic school stationed Marxist indoctrinator's, and as such you waste your valuable time even attempting to break on through and reason with what is left of a human mind...... :wink:
And I went to private schools after 6th grade. Hotchkiss is pure New York City capitalism.... Everything you know is crap propaganda dumbass.... Public schools are no leftist induction, that is just more crap. They are run by physed majors and goody goodies... And attacked so much by right-wing ignoramuses their version of history is nothing but forgettable.... Great job!
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Absolutely correct and reasonable to assume. I remember Bob Newheart comedy albums in the early sixties
talking about how communist groups were being busted by the FBI due to heavy infiltration by
government agents that outnumbered actual commies.

I also assume a real honest investigation of the 1/6 disturbance would reveal many John Sullivan types
whipping up people to create violence and chaos they might not otherwise have created on
their own. All of this has to come out.
Fox News New York post the Wall Street journal the Sunday times, all of the Rupert Murdoch echo chamber and all the internet crazies were propagating the big lie of the stolen election and the orange clown still is. They finally figured out vaccinations are a good thing now lol. What a disgrace.

During Vietnam 1970, my college caught the only FBI agent provocateur anyone caught. He got two freshmen to blow up the ROTC office told them how to do it and then arrested them. Tommy the traveler--who was the most violent radical guy in the SDS in upstate New York Ohio area. He was also rumored to have been at Kent State before they blew up their ROTC building and started that. The FBI did not investigate, j Edgar Hoover was a total nut job..... Right-wing swine are always the problem let's face it. And mainly their propaganda machine at the moment...
And I went to private schools after 6th grade. Hotchkiss is pure New York City capitalism.... Everything you know is crap propaganda dumbass.... Public schools are no leftist induction, that is just more crap. They are run by physed majors and goody goodies... And attacked so much by right-wing ignoramuses their version of history is nothing but forgettable.... Great job!
Of course you did, and thats just where they killed your mind, by middle school you were literally a walking, talking zombie, and there you shall remain, like a 1950's era performed lobotomy on psychiatric patient, until the day you are mercifully recalled by creation.... :banana:
Any organization that exercises a soft coup against a duly elected President like Trump, is capable of any traitorous thing!
They need to be disbanded and re-established from scratch!!
the capitol rioters were acting for Trump, not against.
Of course you did, and thats just where they killed your mind, by middle school you were literally a walking, talking zombie, and there you shall remain, like a 1950's era performed lobotomy on psychiatric patient, until the day you are mercifully recalled by creation.... :banana:
Jesus what a idiot... Change the channel someday lol

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