Racist defacement of black congressional candidate

Apparently it's quite honorable in some African cultures:


Kind of like calling a team the 'Redskins' honors the Indians.


Damn, I knew somebody would say something stupid, but I had no idea it would be this stupid.

From the link to your picture.

The local Xhosa tribes called the Hogsback area Qabimbola (‘red clay on the face’) as this is where they obtained the clay for their face painting
“In all my guidebooks, it talks about traditional Xhosa face painting and shows people with white on their face. What does it mean?” He smiled and replied “Home-made sunscreen, of course” as if it were a silly question. Why HAD the guidebooks romanticized this simple custom? I could relate to needing sunscreen!
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You'd lose that bet if you used the board as a sample

In the general public, Bill Crosby was respected, and remains so, by many.

Maybe not so much after he made these comments:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaLcQeFLcek]Bill Cosby Tells Don Lemon Black Men Need To Raise Their Kids, Has Message For 'No-groes' - YouTube[/ame]

Republicans disagree with Crosby on this?
Whiteface Vandalism of Republican Candidate's Sign | National Review Online


The incident follows a recent pattern of racist attacks by both liberal media and anonymous thugs against black Republican candidates, officials and office holders. In March, Ebony Magazine senior editor Jamilah Lemieux assailed Republican National Committee deputy press secretary Raffi Williams as “a white dude telling me how to do this Black thing.” In May, Bloomberg journalist Francis Wilkinson slammed South Carolina Senator Tim Scott as an “affirmative action” tool of right-wing extremists.

Whoever wrote this shit piece doesn't understand what racism is?

You far-righties have been doing it for so long, you've lost sight of what racism is...

Enlighten us.
Apparently it's quite honorable in some African cultures:


Kind of like calling a team the 'Redskins' honors the Indians.


Don't be stupid.

Or, stupider - I should say

So it's stupid to say that 'Redskins' honors the American Indian? I didn't say it, I cited your conservative pals saying it.

No, it is stupid to pretend that sunscreen on a child's face excuses painting someone's picture because it is considered an honor.
Apparently it's quite honorable in some African cultures:


Kind of like calling a team the 'Redskins' honors the Indians.


lol. Lets change the subject.

You truly are a racist, pathetic poster on this site.

I think there's a good chance a Republican defaced the poster as a campaign tactic.

Of course you do, because you love to pretend that all you racist Democrats are a Republican lie.
I think there's a good chance a Republican defaced the poster as a campaign tactic.

Of course you do.

Why would you eliminate that as a possibility in a political campaign? That's pretty illogical after a week of you people ranting about Thad Cochran's campaign pulling a dirty trick.

You might have had a chance at convincing me of your sincerity if you had lead with that instead of the racist attack you chose to use.
In the general public, Bill Crosby was respected, and remains so, by many.

Maybe not so much after he made these comments:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaLcQeFLcek]Bill Cosby Tells Don Lemon Black Men Need To Raise Their Kids, Has Message For 'No-groes' - YouTube[/ame]

Republicans disagree with Crosby on this?

First is COSBY...Second no they didnt. The formula is simple. If you talk down to Blacks or are a black republican you will be defended by republicans. If you are just a regular old black person they dislike you terribly.

So Cosby when he talks down to blacks is embraced...but as soon as Cosby starts talking about the importance of Black History, Colleges etc then he gets his ticket stub taking away
First is COSBY...Second no they didnt. The formula is simple. If you talk down to Blacks or are a black republican you will be defended by republicans. If you are just a regular old black person they dislike you terribly.

So Cosby when he talks down to blacks is embraced...but as soon as Cosby starts talking about the importance of Black History, Colleges etc then he gets his ticket stub taking away

First, it's it.

Second, your racist projection knows no bounds
Don't be stupid.

Or, stupider - I should say

So it's stupid to say that 'Redskins' honors the American Indian? I didn't say it, I cited your conservative pals saying it.

No, it is stupid to pretend that sunscreen on a child's face excuses painting someone's picture because it is considered an honor.

Well, you were almost half right, which I guess would be about par for a half-wit:

In the northern coastal region of Mozambique, the Makua women gather branches from the Olax Dissitiflora, also known as the Musiro tree locally and grind them with a little water to create a white paste.

This is then applied to the face as a white mask known as the Musira to the locals. It is worn publicly as a beauty product that smoothens and protects the skin against the sun when working in the fields. Brides apply Musiro to their whole bodies before marriage as it softens and beautifies the skin. Other women wear the Musira to indicate to other people their status, if they are married or if their husband is away for some time.

Whiteface Vandalism of Republican Candidate's Sign | National Review Online


The incident follows a recent pattern of racist attacks by both liberal media and anonymous thugs against black Republican candidates, officials and office holders. In March, Ebony Magazine senior editor Jamilah Lemieux assailed Republican National Committee deputy press secretary Raffi Williams as “a white dude telling me how to do this Black thing.” In May, Bloomberg journalist Francis Wilkinson slammed South Carolina Senator Tim Scott as an “affirmative action” tool of right-wing extremists.

Very rude and uncool.
Whiteface Vandalism of Republican Candidate's Sign | National Review Online


The incident follows a recent pattern of racist attacks by both liberal media and anonymous thugs against black Republican candidates, officials and office holders. In March, Ebony Magazine senior editor Jamilah Lemieux assailed Republican National Committee deputy press secretary Raffi Williams as “a white dude telling me how to do this Black thing.” In May, Bloomberg journalist Francis Wilkinson slammed South Carolina Senator Tim Scott as an “affirmative action” tool of right-wing extremists.

Whoever wrote this shit piece doesn't understand what racism is?

You far-righties have been doing it for so long, you've lost sight of what racism is...
Liberal definition of "racist": Anything a liberal hates but can't rationally argue against.

You morons have made the word utterly meaningless.
I glad the republicans once again have come to the defense of a black person...Sorry I meant of a black republican. Those are the only blacks that experience racism..the ones that vote Republican and the best part? Those are the only blacks republicans defend.

So its a win win really
Yet another progressive misses out on an opportunity to condemn his side's racism, preferring instead to be stupid.
I think there's a good chance a Republican defaced the poster as a campaign tactic.

I think you're a moron and a worthless piece of shit.

Your girlfriend says hi:


I guess you muppets have forgotten a few items of historical interest.
So, your evidence that it had to have been done by a Republican is...you really, really, really, really, really, really, really WANT it to be true.

Normal people find that less than compelling.
This is definitely racism at its best...and shameful. This is no different than white people calling their own wiggers because of interracial marriage or the way they dress.

In the same respect, if the black lady is a teaper...my guess this was a political ploy by the teaper.

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck -- it's a chandelier!

This is what progressives use instead of logic.

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