Racist defacement of black congressional candidate

How about we show no more or less outrage over this than any and all of you RWnuts showed over this:


...and we'll call it even.

Fair enough? Or are you so in love with your own hypocrisy that you can't give it up for once?

lolol. case closed.

I can see where some people would think that is racist. I do think that it's valid because it's about obamacare. You have to admit, Obama has made one huge gigantic colossal glittering mess out of healthcare.
I've never ever said that, LyingGunSlinger..and I'm a liberal.
You do that a lot. You pretend that your experiences and opinions define all liberals, as if that somehow negates generalizations made against liberals.

They don't. Your experiences and opinions define YOU. That's pretty much it.

Wow talk about calling the Kettle black.

Where is this huge coalition of liberals that dont think a black republican isnt really black Mr. I'm-against-generalizations? Where are they and what did they say?
Given your history of refusing to acknowledge the left's racism, why should I bother?
How about we show no more or less outrage over this than any and all of you RWnuts showed over this:


...and we'll call it even.

Fair enough? Or are you so in love with your own hypocrisy that you can't give it up for once?

lolol. case closed.
As I recall, I've condemned that image as racist several times.

But you just keep excusing your side's racism.

I believe you were saying something stupid about hypocrisy...?
No outrage in the liberal media because the victim is a republican. The radical left never even apologized for what they did to Dr. Condie Rice when she was appointed Secretary of State. Incredible racist hateful cartoons appeared in major newspapers depicting Dr. Rice as a slave mammy. Political expediency trumps racism on the left.
Glo Smith's agenda is to raise taxes on and cut benefits to millions of low income Americans, a group that happens to be disproportionately African-American.

Is that racist? Or just generally anti-poor, anti-working poor, anti-low income, anti-working class Americans?

Maybe the symbolism of painting her face white is to show that the kind of Republicans who want to increase the gap between rich and poor

come in all colors.
In other words, black conservatives DESERVE racism.
Glo Smith's agenda is to raise taxes on and cut benefits to millions of low income Americans, a group that happens to be disproportionately African-American.

Is that racist? Or just generally anti-poor, anti-working poor, anti-low income, anti-working class Americans?

That is nonsense...it is simply a political view in which you do not subscribe and does not equate to racism or someone being anti-poor. Welfare was not meant to be forever...nor should it be. The idea of personal responsibility and budgeting for life is not racist and a politician who believes that is not racist at all.

Regretfully, racist teapers and their ilk are ignorant and think that all minorities are on welfare and are solely motivated by their hate and infusing it into conservative politics...that is why I rail against the Teapers...they pervert the goal of conservatism with hate and nonsense. They think only minorities are on welfare and they think that blackie keeps them down. They are a ridiculous bunch that do more harm to conservatism and the American way of life than anything else.
Oh, DO shut up, you lying retard.
You do that a lot. You pretend that your experiences and opinions define all liberals, as if that somehow negates generalizations made against liberals.

They don't. Your experiences and opinions define YOU. That's pretty much it.

Wow talk about calling the Kettle black.

Where is this huge coalition of liberals that dont think a black republican isnt really black Mr. I'm-against-generalizations? Where are they and wht did they say?
Given your history of refusing to acknowledge the left's racism, why should I bother?

If you don't find credibility important then me explaining it won't help you
i'm honestly surprised at the liberals who posted in this thread defending this blatant racism. if this was done by a republican, all hell would be loosed in the blogosphere's and MSM
Whiteface Vandalism of Republican Candidate's Sign | National Review Online


The incident follows a recent pattern of racist attacks by both liberal media and anonymous thugs against black Republican candidates, officials and office holders. In March, Ebony Magazine senior editor Jamilah Lemieux assailed Republican National Committee deputy press secretary Raffi Williams as “a white dude telling me how to do this Black thing.” In May, Bloomberg journalist Francis Wilkinson slammed South Carolina Senator Tim Scott as an “affirmative action” tool of right-wing extremists.

This has been going for years and years, yet the gop is the racist one. Uncle tom, vicious lies, go back to the plantation. Only a few of the things that get thrown at Gop Black candidates from the left. They smear hoping they will drop out so the truth can't get out.
Wow talk about calling the Kettle black.

Where is this huge coalition of liberals that dont think a black republican isnt really black Mr. I'm-against-generalizations? Where are they and wht did they say?
Given your history of refusing to acknowledge the left's racism, why should I bother?

If you don't find credibility important then me explaining it won't help you
You will either refuse to accept this...since it was written by a black conservative...or you will see nothing wrong with any of the racism presented:

According to Liberals, It?s OK to Call a Black Conservative a N***** | Misfit Politics
They are counting on you to be so stupid that you don't notice NYC's racism, or the inherent racism that is evinced by the racially motivated vandalism of the billboard.

NYC is using this thread as an excuse to trot out his racism. You will see more racist garbage posted on here by left wingers who are hysterical white progressives as well, than you will ever find posted by any of us.

Just as Ravi used to pepper the site with the word "******"...always pretending that her use of it was just a description of someone else's THINKING it (since nobody used the word more than she did).

They do that sort of garbage specifically to get the black voter base worked up...and they count on you not noticing that in fact it isn't widespread on our side.

Seriously. Do a search of the word ****** and see who uses it the most.

It's a shame you can't search racist phrases, or you'd see that the people who are producing those are also leftist douchebags, like NYC.

Always pretending that someone else is saying them...but of course, they aren't. Which is why they have to.

I have YET to see anyone that you are making BASELESS ALLEGATIONS about calling me any disparaging name for posting a post like this:

This is definitely racism at its best...and shameful. This is no different than white people calling their own wiggers because of interracial marriage or the way they dress.

In the same respect, if the black lady is a teaper...my guess this was a political ploy by the teaper.

I agree, I think it was a pretty ignorant and bigoted act. I'm personally glad to see more "minorities" join various parties besides the Democrat party. In my opinion, it's a good thing. People like Tim Scott, J.C. Watts, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, and Michael Steele, are good people with good views on many different subjects. I don't have to agree with them on every issue, but I do think that they want to help and do have a positive vision.

Once again people like you specialize in blanket generalizations that you really can't back up. :)
They are counting on you to be so stupid that you don't notice NYC's racism, or the inherent racism that is evinced by the racially motivated vandalism of the billboard.

NYC is using this thread as an excuse to trot out his racism. You will see more racist garbage posted on here by left wingers who are hysterical white progressives as well, than you will ever find posted by any of us.

Just as Ravi used to pepper the site with the word "******"...always pretending that her use of it was just a description of someone else's THINKING it (since nobody used the word more than she did).

They do that sort of garbage specifically to get the black voter base worked up...and they count on you not noticing that in fact it isn't widespread on our side.

Seriously. Do a search of the word ****** and see who uses it the most.

It's a shame you can't search racist phrases, or you'd see that the people who are producing those are also leftist douchebags, like NYC.

Always pretending that someone else is saying them...but of course, they aren't. Which is why they have to.

I have YET to see anyone that you are making BASELESS ALLEGATIONS about calling me any disparaging name for posting a post like this:

This is definitely racism at its best...and shameful. This is no different than white people calling their own wiggers because of interracial marriage or the way they dress.

In the same respect, if the black lady is a teaper...my guess this was a political ploy by the teaper.

I agree, I think it was a pretty ignorant and bigoted act. I'm personally glad to see more "minorities" join various parties besides the Democrat party. In my opinion, it's a good thing. People like Tim Scott, J.C. Watts, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, and Michael Steele, are good people with good views on many different subjects. I don't have to agree with them on every issue, but I do think that they want to help and do have a positive vision.

Once again people like you specialize in blanket generalizations that you really can't back up. :)

Koshercnt likes to attribute arguments to people...especially if they are of color. That is how the imbeciles operate. Usually, it has something to do with race. A lot of teapers are bigoted that way. If a black person agrees with her...she somehow thinks she loses her superiority. What a useless ****.

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