Random Shooting in New Orleans...it’s Idiots...Not Guns

Weapons require humans to make them function. This is a cultural thing. How we raise our children is important. People who live in rural areas raise their children in a sportsman tradition dating back to European,Native, or African traditions. All cultures have a hunter-gathering background and it is part of male DNA. How can you take the pheasant hunt out of the man? Now...in urban areas...they have a gun ownership tradition that is synonymous with crime.
Random shooting in New Orleans proves its idiots...not guns. Who would do such a thing? The gun didn’t grow legs, walk down to that store and start shooting people. Mabey they were angry at not getting a free phone.
Gunmen on the loose after shooting into crowd, killing 3 in New Orleans

Give idiots guns and what do you think will happen?
The sad thing is that we never know who the idiots truly are until after they leave their mark.

God bless you and their victims who live to tell about the horrors always!!!


It's a sad thing, but also something you need to take into account. The US has five times more victims than the UK and most other first world countries.

You can try and get God to bless them all you like, but wouldn't it be better to use our brains to make it so God doesn't have to bless them until they're of a ripe old age?
We have 5 times the people and we allow savage behavior and glorify it. We also mollify groups of people and look the other way when they act less than human.
frigidweirdo said:
I love it when people tell me what I think.
People Aren't Telling You What You Think
You Are Telling Us

You Just Don't Like It
When People Point It Out
Perhaps it was the fried chicken and watermelon that caused the dispute.
Random shooting in New Orleans proves its idiots...not guns. Who would do such a thing? The gun didn’t grow legs, walk down to that store and start shooting people. Mabey they were angry at not getting a free phone.
Gunmen on the loose after shooting into crowd, killing 3 in New Orleans

Give idiots guns and what do you think will happen?
The sad thing is that we never know who the idiots truly are until after they leave their mark.

God bless you and their victims who live to tell about the horrors always!!!


It's a sad thing, but also something you need to take into account. The US has five times more victims than the UK and most other first world countries.

You can try and get God to bless them all you like, but wouldn't it be better to use our brains to make it so God doesn't have to bless them until they're of a ripe old age?
Major source of gun violence is in black communities. Black leaders need to clean-up their own backyard before they bitch about the need for more government programs.
Random shooting in New Orleans proves its idiots...not guns. Who would do such a thing? The gun didn’t grow legs, walk down to that store and start shooting people. Mabey they were angry at not getting a free phone.
Gunmen on the loose after shooting into crowd, killing 3 in New Orleans

Give idiots guns and what do you think will happen?
The sad thing is that we never know who the idiots truly are until after they leave their mark.

God bless you and their victims who live to tell about the horrors always!!!


It's a sad thing, but also something you need to take into account. The US has five times more victims than the UK and most other first world countries.

You can try and get God to bless them all you like, but wouldn't it be better to use our brains to make it so God doesn't have to bless them until they're of a ripe old age?
We have 5 times the people and we allow savage behavior and glorify it. We also mollify groups of people and look the other way when they act less than human.

And does five times more people in 15 times more land make for more of a problem? The UK is far more compact.

As for "we allow savage behavior", well, who's fault is that? You're blaming yourselves for the problem.
Random shooting in New Orleans proves its idiots...not guns. Who would do such a thing? The gun didn’t grow legs, walk down to that store and start shooting people. Mabey they were angry at not getting a free phone.
Gunmen on the loose after shooting into crowd, killing 3 in New Orleans

Give idiots guns and what do you think will happen?
The sad thing is that we never know who the idiots truly are until after they leave their mark.

God bless you and their victims who live to tell about the horrors always!!!


It's a sad thing, but also something you need to take into account. The US has five times more victims than the UK and most other first world countries.

You can try and get God to bless them all you like, but wouldn't it be better to use our brains to make it so God doesn't have to bless them until they're of a ripe old age?
Major source of gun violence is in black communities. Black leaders need to clean-up their own backyard before they bitch about the need for more government programs.

Wait, so, when it's gun violence, it's only the black people that need to do things. But when it's war, it's people of all colors who need to go die....
Random shooting in New Orleans proves its idiots...not guns. Who would do such a thing? The gun didn’t grow legs, walk down to that store and start shooting people. Mabey they were angry at not getting a free phone.
Gunmen on the loose after shooting into crowd, killing 3 in New Orleans

Give idiots guns and what do you think will happen?
The sad thing is that we never know who the idiots truly are until after they leave their mark.

God bless you and their victims who live to tell about the horrors always!!!


It's a sad thing, but also something you need to take into account. The US has five times more victims than the UK and most other first world countries.

You can try and get God to bless them all you like, but wouldn't it be better to use our brains to make it so God doesn't have to bless them until they're of a ripe old age?
Major source of gun violence is in black communities. Black leaders need to clean-up their own backyard before they bitch about the need for more government programs.

Wait, so, when it's gun violence, it's only the black people that need to do things. But when it's war, it's people of all colors who need to go die....
The urban black communities are cesspools of violence and crime. Conservatives are the only ones who care. Liberals thrive on misery.
Random shooting in New Orleans proves its idiots...not guns. Who would do such a thing? The gun didn’t grow legs, walk down to that store and start shooting people. Mabey they were angry at not getting a free phone.
Gunmen on the loose after shooting into crowd, killing 3 in New Orleans

Give idiots guns and what do you think will happen?

Give idiots anything and you have a problem...but let an idiot have a car....

Accidental death by car and gun......

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


Gun.....495 ( with 600 million guns in private hands, and 17 million people carrying guns)

frigidweirdo said:
Fucking hell, you really can't be asking this question, can you?
I've Read Enough Of Your Feature-Length Posts
To Know You Weren't Merely Using A Turn Of Phrase

It Is How You Think
Whether You Recognize It Or Not

So It Is A Perfectly Valid Question
The Problems Are The Premises Of Your Arguments
...As Usual

I love it when people tell me what I think.

Yes...because you don't think.... that makes them silly for attributing thought to you....
Random shooting in New Orleans proves its idiots...not guns. Who would do such a thing? The gun didn’t grow legs, walk down to that store and start shooting people. Mabey they were angry at not getting a free phone.
Gunmen on the loose after shooting into crowd, killing 3 in New Orleans

Give idiots guns and what do you think will happen?
The sad thing is that we never know who the idiots truly are until after they leave their mark.

God bless you and their victims who live to tell about the horrors always!!!


It's a sad thing, but also something you need to take into account. The US has five times more victims than the UK and most other first world countries.

You can try and get God to bless them all you like, but wouldn't it be better to use our brains to make it so God doesn't have to bless them until they're of a ripe old age?

And our gun laws have nothing to do with it........British Criminals have guns, they don't murder people with them....but their gun crime rate is going up, 42% in London last year...

Meanwhile....as more Americans own and carry guns...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
It's idiots with guns.
What if they used a car?

Only a gun nut would think that is a relevant remark.

Tell that to the people in Nice, France where the muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injured 435....in 5 minutes...... a lot cheaper way to commit mass murder than a gun......

Typical gun nut figuring out the lowest cost-per-death. You sign up for a special plan where you can kill two at the regular price, and get one free?
Random shooting in New Orleans proves its idiots...not guns. Who would do such a thing? The gun didn’t grow legs, walk down to that store and start shooting people. Mabey they were angry at not getting a free phone.
Gunmen on the loose after shooting into crowd, killing 3 in New Orleans

Give idiots guns and what do you think will happen?
The sad thing is that we never know who the idiots truly are until after they leave their mark.

God bless you and their victims who live to tell about the horrors always!!!


It's a sad thing, but also something you need to take into account. The US has five times more victims than the UK and most other first world countries.

You can try and get God to bless them all you like, but wouldn't it be better to use our brains to make it so God doesn't have to bless them until they're of a ripe old age?
We have 5 times the people and we allow savage behavior and glorify it. We also mollify groups of people and look the other way when they act less than human.

And does five times more people in 15 times more land make for more of a problem? The UK is far more compact.

As for "we allow savage behavior", well, who's fault is that? You're blaming yourselves for the problem.

And of those doing the shooting, 90% of them are criminals, many of them who should have been in jail at the time of the shooting.....but they weren't in jail because of democrat policies toward violent gun criminals.... they let them out over and over again.

You don't want to focus on actual criminals doing the shooting because you hate guns..... so, because you hate guns, it blinds you to the actual solvable problem of repeat gun offenders.....

You don't care about people murdered with guns, you just want the excuse to ban guns.
It's idiots with guns.
What if they used a car?

Only a gun nut would think that is a relevant remark.

Tell that to the people in Nice, France where the muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injured 435....in 5 minutes...... a lot cheaper way to commit mass murder than a gun......

Typical gun nut figuring out the lowest cost-per-death. You sign up for a special plan where you can kill two at the regular price, and get one free?

Typical left wing asshat who blames the gun and not the shooter....who supports the democrats who keep letting violent criminals, repeat gun offenders, out of jail who then go on to commit murder....and then frigid the asshat complains that they used a gun........ When if they had been kept in jail, the victim would still be alive... but live victims don't work for frigid, he needs dead people to get his gun bans passed..
It's idiots with guns.
What if they used a car?

Only a gun nut would think that is a relevant remark.

Tell that to the people in Nice, France where the muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injured 435....in 5 minutes...... a lot cheaper way to commit mass murder than a gun......

Typical gun nut figuring out the lowest cost-per-death. You sign up for a special plan where you can kill two at the regular price, and get one free?

Typical left wing asshat who blames the gun and not the shooter....who supports the democrats who keep letting violent criminals, repeat gun offenders, out of jail who then go on to commit murder....and then frigid the asshat complains that they used a gun........ When if they had been kept in jail, the victim would still be alive... but live victims don't work for frigid, he needs dead people to get his gun bans passed..

There are more than enough dead people, and as long as the NRA fights for the ability of crazies and thugs to buy all the guns they want, we will have even more dead people. England doesn't kill nearly as many as we do. We should copy what they are doing.
What if they used a car?

Only a gun nut would think that is a relevant remark.

Tell that to the people in Nice, France where the muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injured 435....in 5 minutes...... a lot cheaper way to commit mass murder than a gun......

Typical gun nut figuring out the lowest cost-per-death. You sign up for a special plan where you can kill two at the regular price, and get one free?

Typical left wing asshat who blames the gun and not the shooter....who supports the democrats who keep letting violent criminals, repeat gun offenders, out of jail who then go on to commit murder....and then frigid the asshat complains that they used a gun........ When if they had been kept in jail, the victim would still be alive... but live victims don't work for frigid, he needs dead people to get his gun bans passed..

There are more than enough dead people, and as long as the NRA fights for the ability of crazies and thugs to buy all the guns they want, we will have even more dead people. England doesn't kill nearly as many as we do. We should copy what they are doing.

Where does the NRA do that? If you want to stop criminals from getting guns, tell the Democrat party to stop letting violent repeat gun offenders out of prison.....and stop reducing sentences for gun crimes in general.

this is the Truth..... the NRA fights to stop gun crime, the Democrat party fights to free actual, repeat gun offenders.....do you know why the do this...?

California Democrats hate the gun, not the gunman – Orange County Register

Now that Democrats have supermajorities in the California state Legislature, they’ve rolled into Sacramento with a zest for lowering the state’s prison population and have interpreted St. Augustine’s words of wisdom to mean, “Hate the gun, not the gunman.”

I say this because, once they finally took a break from preaching about the benefits of stricter gun control, the state Senate voted to loosen sentencing guidelines for criminals convicted of gun crimes.

Currently, California law requires anyone who uses a gun while committing a felony to have their sentence increased by 10 years or more in prison — on top of the normal criminal penalty. If enacted, Senate Bill 620 would eliminate that mandate.

The bill, which passed on a 22-14 party-line vote, with support only from Democrats, now heads to the state Assembly for consideration.

Republicans and the National Rifle Association have vowed to campaign against it.

Why have Democrats suddenly developed a soft spot for criminals convicted of gun crimes? The bill’s author, state Sen. Steve Bradford, D-Gardena, says that he was motivated to write the bill after a 17-year-old riding in a car involved in a drive-by shooting was sentenced to 25 years in prison, even though he claims that he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.

and for all those anti-gunners who want to know where criminals get guns....well...this law lowers the prison time for those who give guns to criminals.....

Why is that?

Prop. 57, for example, very deceptively and fundamentally changed the definition of what constitutes a “non-violent” offense.

supplying a firearm to a gang member,

felon obtaining a firearm,

discharging a firearm on school grounds

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