Rangel's Tragic End

swine is unfair, i just called hamed karzai swine,... alan greyson was swine. not charlie.
if we lived to be forever, we could seperate whole events.
but life is short, so we have to look at the picture. i defy that anyone shot on the other side of the world as a boy (or nearly), for his country, to be called swine, that's pretty low. T ?

Al I will add to this is that that fuckstick Grayson got booted by popular demand. Bully for Florida...and kudos for Floridian Voters.

But leave it to the Statist to call criminals "American heroes" :lol: ;)

Personally? I'm laughing my ass off. :cool:

Grayson only won that seat by riding Obama's coattails in 2008. It is a very conservative district, the wealthier Orlando suburbs. He's a rich lawyer himself.

But I would urge him to move to a more independent/Blue district and run again. We need more Alan Graysons in Congress, willing to fight for Democratic, American ideals.
Grayson got thumped and thrown out for the piece of shit he is.
Al I will add to this is that that fuckstick Grayson got booted by popular demand. Bully for Florida...and kudos for Floridian Voters.

But leave it to the Statist to call criminals "American heroes" :lol: ;)

Personally? I'm laughing my ass off. :cool:

Grayson only won that seat by riding Obama's coattails in 2008. It is a very conservative district, the wealthier Orlando suburbs. He's a rich lawyer himself.

But I would urge him to move to a more independent/Blue district and run again. We need more Alan Graysons in Congress, willing to fight for Democratic, American ideals.
Grayson got thumped and thrown out for the piece of shit he is.

grayson's the bottom feeder of american politics, and that's saying something...
This is funny. Newt Gingrich did far worse..where were Republicans on that guy? What about Tom Delay? They wanted to change to rules for him.

But ol' Charlie? Who won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart in Korea? They want him "to resign" or be "expelled".

This is the man you guys want to expell.

That's a real life blood and guts American hero..not an actor.

Exactly. Not only is he an American hero, he has served his community for decades and is still not rich. This corruption charge is penny-ante stuff - two rent controlled apartments and some unpaid taxes on a Caribbean vacation townhouse. Not exactly Republican territory in the graft department. Certainly no Duke Cunningham (another true hero) or Tom DeLay (felon), to name just two of the many from that side of the aisle, including the current standard-bearer.
Synth comes in and doesn't criticize Rangel. Gasp. :cool:
Oh, no - I do. But do you think he was really trying to steal? Or do you think that he was careless?

If he was trying to steal, he was doing it wrong, especially since he was Chairman of Ways & Means.
Exactly. Not only is he an American hero, he has served his community for decades and is still not rich. This corruption charge is penny-ante stuff - two rent controlled apartments and some unpaid taxes on a Caribbean vacation townhouse. Not exactly Republican territory in the graft department. Certainly no Duke Cunningham (another true hero) or Tom DeLay (felon), to name just two of the many from that side of the aisle, including the current standard-bearer.
Synth comes in and doesn't criticize Rangel. Gasp. :cool:
and outright lies

i'm not shocked
Let's see...tells lies, incapable of criticizing anyone on the Left. Yup, that's Synth, all right.
Al I will add to this is that that fuckstick Grayson got booted by popular demand. Bully for Florida...and kudos for Floridian Voters.

But leave it to the Statist to call criminals "American heroes" :lol: ;)

Personally? I'm laughing my ass off. :cool:

Grayson only won that seat by riding Obama's coattails in 2008. It is a very conservative district, the wealthier Orlando suburbs. He's a rich lawyer himself.

But I would urge him to move to a more independent/Blue district and run again. We need more Alan Graysons in Congress, willing to fight for Democratic, American ideals.
Grayson got thumped and thrown out for the piece of shit he is.
Exactly. Not only is he an American hero, he has served his community for decades and is still not rich. This corruption charge is penny-ante stuff - two rent controlled apartments and some unpaid taxes on a Caribbean vacation townhouse. Not exactly Republican territory in the graft department. Certainly no Duke Cunningham (another true hero) or Tom DeLay (felon), to name just two of the many from that side of the aisle, including the current standard-bearer.
Synth comes in and doesn't criticize Rangel. Gasp. :cool:
Oh, no - I do. But do you think he was really trying to steal? Or do you think that he was careless?

If he was trying to steal, he was doing it wrong, especially since he was Chairman of Ways & Means.
It's like you're convinced you'll burst into flame if you criticize a liberal. :lol:
this whole conversation has been under the umbrella of "tragic end" it's not over at all for charlie rangel, he's got a whole new lease on life.... and congress...
Synth comes in and doesn't criticize Rangel. Gasp. :cool:
Oh, no - I do. But do you think he was really trying to steal? Or do you think that he was careless?

If he was trying to steal, he was doing it wrong, especially since he was Chairman of Ways & Means.
It's like you're convinced you'll burst into flame if you criticize a liberal. :lol:

dave...you are carrying a big bucket of fail. Why can't you be sympathetic to and with synth? its not hard, try...ready?

okay ...go!

okay done......now:booze:
Oh, no - I do. But do you think he was really trying to steal? Or do you think that he was careless?

If he was trying to steal, he was doing it wrong, especially since he was Chairman of Ways & Means.
It's like you're convinced you'll burst into flame if you criticize a liberal. :lol:

dave...you are carrying a big bucket of fail. Why can't you be sympathetic to and with synth? its not hard, try...ready?

okay ...go!

okay done......now:booze:
:lol: I've tried thinking like a leftist. I got tired of hitting myself in the head with a hammer.
Pffft. Censure. Whattever. When they talk expulsion I'll care. Till then, I'll wait for the civil trial and possible criminal charges.

If the House is not ethical enough to throw someone out who commits all this corruption, AND has been in charge of the Ways and Means committee... there's little help for them and they need to go too.
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As much as I loathe Rangel's ethics and record in the House, I do feel sorry for him. An octogenarian war vet sobbing on the floor of the House as he is censured is tragic in the classic sense. He self-inflicted this pain. It's shameful that nobody close to him was able to convince him to resign and end his career with a few shreds of remaining dignity.

Charlie Rangel's tragic last act: On the road to censure, he's cheapening his legacy[/QUOTE}

Rangel winds up in the dustbin of the more prominent members of the Obviously CORRUPT Racist Congressional Black Caucus. Adam Clayton Powell springs to mind. Dellums is another certified POS.

Maxine Waters is beyond contempt......she is the typically Corrupt Loud-mouthed Black Racist politico without any of the redeeming values of a Rangel.

I doubt if there are many (if any) pristine pure politicians around. Everyone of these, by the very nature of their occupation are crooked.

But, when it comes to the CORRUPT Racist Congressional Black Caucus they are BY DEFINITION sub rosa being BLATANTLY RACIST.

This CBC should AUTOMATICALLY include the preface "RACIST", and, thus their acronym should be RCBC.

These POS represent the MONOLITHIC Black Racist vote which is approx 13% of the TOTAL Population of America's vote......BLATANTLY in the pocket of the Dem Party.

Without this CORRUPT Black Racist vote the Dem Party COULD NOT EXIST !!!!

HOW MANY OF THE WINNING ELECTIONS BY THE DEM PARTY.......ON ANY ISSUE.......was won by more than 10% ????

Answer: NOT MANY.

The clear exception, and the proof that America's NON-BLACK population is NOT Racist is the Historical Election of OBAMADINEJAD......one who, like the overwhelming majority of Blacks......turned out to be a BLACK RACIST.

Thus, the Dem Party is more than aware of the POWER of the Corrupt Racist Congressional Black Caucus.

The Dem Party knows this.

The CORRUPT RACISTCongressional Black Caucus knows this.

And, the CORRUPT RACIST CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS (CRCBC) is taking advantage of this !!!
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As much as I loathe Rangel's ethics and record in the House, I do feel sorry for him. An octogenarian war vet sobbing on the floor of the House as he is censured is tragic in the classic sense. He self-inflicted this pain. It's shameful that nobody close to him was able to convince him to resign and end his career with a few shreds of remaining dignity.

Charlie Rangel's tragic last act: On the road to censure, he's cheapening his legacy

Why feel sorry for him? What punishment did he recieve? Censure, what kind of punishment is Censure? Anyone else but a politian would be in jail serving 8 to 10 years.
Synth comes in and doesn't criticize Rangel. Gasp. :cool:
Oh, no - I do. But do you think he was really trying to steal? Or do you think that he was careless?

If he was trying to steal, he was doing it wrong, especially since he was Chairman of Ways & Means.
It's like you're convinced you'll burst into flame if you criticize a liberal. :lol:
Are you honest enough to answer the question? You failed the first one - try again.

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