Rangel's Tragic End

OJ made it to trial
Delay's case was dropped

ham sandwich indictments usually are
DeLay is on trial RIGHT NOW! Fuck! Do you act like this on purpose?

Posted at 10:20 PM ET, 11/18/2010
Mulligans: At Tom DeLay trial, hammer nails himself
By Dana Milbank


In the Tom DeLay trial in Texas, the former House Republican whip's defense lawyer introduced DeLay's calendar into evidence to prove that DeLay did not meet with political aide Jim Ellis during a crucial period in 2002 when an alleged money laundering scheme occurred. But during cross-examination, prosecutors revealed that DeLay's lawyer had overlooked a meeting DeLay had with Ellis just two hours after Ellis received the $190,000 check used in the alleged scheme. "I just missed that one," DeLay's lawyer explained.​

So: they both went to trial. Do you want to retract your "FAIL" comment, or try to come up with something else?
OJ made it to trial
Delay's case was dropped

ham sandwich indictments usually are
DeLay is on trial RIGHT NOW! Fuck! Do you act like this on purpose?

Posted at 10:20 PM ET, 11/18/2010
Mulligans: At Tom DeLay trial, hammer nails himself
By Dana Milbank


In the Tom DeLay trial in Texas, the former House Republican whip's defense lawyer introduced DeLay's calendar into evidence to prove that DeLay did not meet with political aide Jim Ellis during a crucial period in 2002 when an alleged money laundering scheme occurred. But during cross-examination, prosecutors revealed that DeLay's lawyer had overlooked a meeting DeLay had with Ellis just two hours after Ellis received the $190,000 check used in the alleged scheme. "I just missed that one," DeLay's lawyer explained.​

So: they both went to trial. Do you want to retract your "FAIL" comment, or try to come up with something else?

where did you find that from?
i know he had one minor charge still pending but all the rest were dropped
Rangel got everything he deserved and he deserved more. Water's, I hope gets the same fate, if not worse. Being black doesn't have anything to do with being a criminal. They are criminals because they feel they are better than anybody else and the rules don't apply to them. Toss in their aragance and huge egos and you have your typical politician. They are not ashamed of what they did. They are ashamed of getting caught.

Caught? The whole friggin Congress is doing it, so why two black tokens back to back??:cuckoo:

see, this is a good example of race baiting, this isn't the uscongress' first experience with scandal. you say tokens, you mean victim, you may as well say "martyr"
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Rangel got everything he deserved and he deserved more. Water's, I hope gets the same fate, if not worse. Being black doesn't have anything to do with being a criminal. They are criminals because they feel they are better than anybody else and the rules don't apply to them. Toss in their aragance and huge egos and you have your typical politician. They are not ashamed of what they did. They are ashamed of getting caught.

Caught? The whole friggin Congress is doing it, so why two black tokens back to back??:cuckoo:

see, this is a good example of race baiting, this isn't the uscongress' first experience with scandal. you say tokens, you mean victim, you may as well say "martyr"

Caught? The whole friggin Congress is doing it, so why two black tokens back to back??:cuckoo:

see, this is a good example of race baiting, this isn't the uscongress' first experience with scandal. you say tokens, you mean victim, you may as well say "martyr"


pixelmania... you did this yesterday, do you come from a funny state too ?? tell me which one so i can orchestrate a clever comeback !!! p.s. your large picture isn't even in vermont, looks like texas, also a fine state, vermont's the same size if you flatten it out...cheers
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Oh, no - I do. But do you think he was really trying to steal? Or do you think that he was careless?

If he was trying to steal, he was doing it wrong, especially since he was Chairman of Ways & Means.
It's like you're convinced you'll burst into flame if you criticize a liberal. :lol:
Are you honest enough to answer the question? You failed the first one - try again.

It doesn't matter what I think. It matters what the Ethics Committee thinks...and the facts showed them that Rangel acted in an unethical manner.

Rangel appreciates your desperate spin, but slavish anonymous hero-worship on the internet won't do him much good. If you're so convinced of his innocence, send some cash to his defense fund.

But you won't.
That's too funny.

And infantile.:lol::lol:

You want to tear apart what I really post...fine. I'm good with that.

But's it's just silly to make shit up.
Moon tore up what you posted. You weren't too good with that. :lol:

You're another part of the greek chrous braying "victory" based on smoke and mirrors.

But when faced with facts and cold hard logic..your viewpoint dissipates..like shadows in the light.
It's funny how you're STILL insisting you didn't mean what you meant. :lol:
It's like you're convinced you'll burst into flame if you criticize a liberal. :lol:
Are you honest enough to answer the question? You failed the first one - try again.

It doesn't matter what I think. It matters what the Ethics Committee thinks...and the facts showed them that Rangel acted in an unethical manner.

Rangel appreciates your desperate spin, but slavish anonymous hero-worship on the internet won't do him much good. If you're so convinced of his innocence, send some cash to his defense fund.

But you won't.

Speaking of ethics? You know Maxine Waters' trial has been put on hold?

Are you honest enough to answer the question? You failed the first one - try again.

It doesn't matter what I think. It matters what the Ethics Committee thinks...and the facts showed them that Rangel acted in an unethical manner.

Rangel appreciates your desperate spin, but slavish anonymous hero-worship on the internet won't do him much good. If you're so convinced of his innocence, send some cash to his defense fund.

But you won't.

Speaking of ethics? You know Maxine Waters' trial has been put on hold?

Yes, I heard. Smells funny, doesn't it?
It doesn't matter what I think. It matters what the Ethics Committee thinks...and the facts showed them that Rangel acted in an unethical manner.

Rangel appreciates your desperate spin, but slavish anonymous hero-worship on the internet won't do him much good. If you're so convinced of his innocence, send some cash to his defense fund.

But you won't.

Speaking of ethics? You know Maxine Waters' trial has been put on hold?

Yes, I heard. Smells funny, doesn't it?

Yeah, it does. Some of us (Including myself), were speculating it had been put on hold until next session in an attempt to paint the new Republican House majority with it.

Apparently? There has been a new charge leveled due to a Washington Times article. The plot thickens...
Speaking of ethics? You know Maxine Waters' trial has been put on hold?

Yes, I heard. Smells funny, doesn't it?

Yeah, it does. Some of us (Including myself), were speculating it had been put on hold until next session in an attempt to paint the new Republican House majority with it.

Apparently? There has been a new charge leveled due to a Washington Times article. The plot thickens...
Damn that Republican culture of corruption! :mad:
Well, don't worry too much about Maxine, it'll be back on after the lame duck session.

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