Rangel's Tragic End

"too bad people like Fitz now rule USMB"

how can anyone "rule the board" he's not even a moderator...
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It's clear that Sallow and Synthabrain are descended from the same defective amoeba in the primordial soup.

How sweet that the internets provide an opportunity for them to bond.

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Yes, I heard. Smells funny, doesn't it?

Yeah, it does. Some of us (Including myself), were speculating it had been put on hold until next session in an attempt to paint the new Republican House majority with it.

Apparently? There has been a new charge leveled due to a Washington Times article. The plot thickens...
Damn that Republican culture of corruption! :mad:
naw, the meme will be "racist GOP attacks Waters"
Of course.

The goal is to provide a diversion from the Rangel Fracas in order to portray the GOP as being Racist.
Moon tore up what you posted. You weren't too good with that. :lol:

You're another part of the greek chrous braying "victory" based on smoke and mirrors.

But when faced with facts and cold hard logic..your viewpoint dissipates..like shadows in the light.
It's funny how you're STILL insisting you didn't mean what you meant. :lol:

It's funny that you continue to lie.

Actually it's not.

It's sorta sad.
Yeah, it does. Some of us (Including myself), were speculating it had been put on hold until next session in an attempt to paint the new Republican House majority with it.

Apparently? There has been a new charge leveled due to a Washington Times article. The plot thickens...
Damn that Republican culture of corruption! :mad:
naw, the meme will be "racist GOP attacks Waters"
Naturally. Because black people NEVER do anything wrong.*

*Unless they're conservatives.
Well, if they're conservatives, they're not really black, donchaknow.
You're another part of the greek chrous braying "victory" based on smoke and mirrors.

But when faced with facts and cold hard logic..your viewpoint dissipates..like shadows in the light.
It's funny how you're STILL insisting you didn't mean what you meant. :lol:

It's funny that you continue to lie.

Actually it's not.

It's sorta sad.
I feel no obligation to support your delusion, no matter how much you stamp your feet and pout.
It's funny how you're STILL insisting you didn't mean what you meant. :lol:

It's funny that you continue to lie.

Actually it's not.

It's sorta sad.
I feel no obligation to support your delusion, no matter how much you stamp your feet and pout.

Not "stamping my feet and pouting".

You continue with this infantile course of logic.

That's fine.

But insofar as it adds to discourse and/or debate.

Not so much.

Well, if they're conservatives, they're not really black, donchaknow.


On another board, I watched a white liberal tell a black conservative that he knew more about "the black experience" than she did.

They really believe that shit. :lol:

And that explains the inane government programs designed to help black which have destroyed family creation, and sentenced millions of youth to lives of illiteracy, hopelessness, and government dependency.
It's funny that you continue to lie.

Actually it's not.

It's sorta sad.
I feel no obligation to support your delusion, no matter how much you stamp your feet and pout.

Not "stamping my feet and pouting".

You continue with this infantile course of logic.

That's fine.

But insofar as it adds to discourse and/or debate.

Not so much.

You didn't mean what you meant. Got it. :clap2:
Well, if they're conservatives, they're not really black, donchaknow.


On another board, I watched a white liberal tell a black conservative that he knew more about "the black experience" than she did.

They really believe that shit. :lol:

And that explains the inane government programs designed to help black which have destroyed family creation, and sentenced millions of youth to lives of illiteracy, hopelessness, and government dependency.

Remember, minorities, it's in your best interests to keep white liberals in power!
Actually I do.

Check your history.

This is very unique.
no, actually, it isnt
and this was already pointed out to you

Actually..no it has not.

This has happened maybe 10 times in the history of Congress.

So..it should have been easy.
Rangle's defense tried to have evidence excluded based on noting other than the fact that it was so damaging it would serve as an auto-convict.
The mots laughable part is Rangel's claim of poverty. Give me a huge friggin break.

Rangel got what he deserved due to overwhelming evidence indicating his guilt. Rangel brought this upon himself. He should be expelled from Congress. He's a tax evading lying crook. Rangel is no less guilty than former Rep Jefferson-Democrat LA.
He's done as well....

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