Rangel's Tragic End

Maxine's trial will be delayed until next year.
That is the Dem leadership throwing Waters under the bus. The dems realize the GOP will have the majority and thus all committees will be of GOP majority.
Waters may be censured .
The coming redistricting of US House districts is in the mix as well. With a GOP majority in many states, districts where democrats have had a virtual free pass to the House, will no doubt be either swallowed up or cut into pieces. Water's district along with other small urban districts are so patently unfair and racist, must go.
here is a link to map of Water's district CA-35....This district's demographic's virtually guarantee Waters keeps her seat in perpetuity...Or until she handpicks her successor and gets her gold watch.
This is not how the founders set up the system.
Yes, each party takes it's turn at redistricting. Each party draws district boundaries that will benefit their party members. So no whining. It's the GOP's turn. Das da rules.
Well, if they're conservatives, they're not really black, donchaknow.


On another board, I watched a white liberal tell a black conservative that he knew more about "the black experience" than she did.

They really believe that shit. :lol:
that was hilarious
wasnt it

It was. The same black conservative woman is also bisexual...and she was told by a leftist lesbian that she isn't gay enough. :lol:
no, actually, it isnt
and this was already pointed out to you

Actually..no it has not.

This has happened maybe 10 times in the history of Congress.

So..it should have been easy.
Rangle's defense tried to have evidence excluded based on noting other than the fact that it was so damaging it would serve as an auto-convict.
The mots laughable part is Rangel's claim of poverty. Give me a huge friggin break.

Rangel got what he deserved due to overwhelming evidence indicating his guilt. Rangel brought this upon himself. He should be expelled from Congress. He's a tax evading lying crook. Rangel is no less guilty than former Rep Jefferson-Democrat LA.
He's done as well....

And where was he charged with those "crimes", exactly?
This is funny. Newt Gingrich did far worse..where were Republicans on that guy? What about Tom Delay? They wanted to change to rules for him.

But ol' Charlie? Who won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart in Korea? They want him "to resign" or be "expelled".

This is the man you guys want to expell.

Rangel then enlisted in the United States Army, and served from 1948 to 1952.[10] During the Korean War, he was a member of the all-black 503rd Field Artillery Battalion in the 2nd Infantry Division.[11]

In late November 1950, this unit was caught up in heavy fighting in North Korea as part of the U.N. forces retreat from the Yalu River. In the Battle of Kunu-ri, Rangel was part of a vehicle column that was trapped and attacked by the Chinese Army.[11] In the subzero cold, Rangel was injured by shrapnel from a Chinese shell.[12] Some U.S. soldiers were being taken prisoner, but others looked to Rangel, who though only a private first class had a reputation for leadership in the unit. Rangel led some 40 men from his unit, during three days of freezing weather, out of the Chinese encirclement. Nearly half of the battalion was killed in the overall battle.[13]

Rangel was awarded a Purple Heart for his wounds and the Bronze Star with Valor for his actions in the face of death.[14] His Army unit was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation,[15] the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, and three battle stars.[14] In 2000, Rangel reflected with CBS News that

Charles B. Rangel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's a real life blood and guts American hero..not an actor.
Military service does not transfer to infallibility. Nor does it place one above the law.
In fact, military service as well as public service places one on a higher level of scrutiny.
This is funny. Newt Gingrich did far worse..where were Republicans on that guy? What about Tom Delay? They wanted to change to rules for him.

But ol' Charlie? Who won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart in Korea? They want him "to resign" or be "expelled".

This is the man you guys want to expell.

That's a real life blood and guts American hero..not an actor.

I think they want to Censure him, personally I want him in jail....like I probably would have been, but that just me.

Did you want to see Newt in Jail? How about Tom Delay?

Hey lets go up the food chain. George W. Bush committed a major crime in the Harken stock deal. You want him in the pokey too? He made much more cash then Rangel did on the deal.

Just wondering if this sense of justice is bi-partisan.

And you do know that most of the time the IRS just fines you for this sort of stuff. Right?

You want that to change? Or just in Rangel's case.

This thread is about Rep,. Charles Rangel (D-NY) stay on point.
Quite frankly I am sick of the Left's excuse making. I am tired of the "well, your guy did this or that" bullshit.
I think they want to Censure him, personally I want him in jail....like I probably would have been, but that just me.

Did you want to see Newt in Jail? How about Tom Delay?

Hey lets go up the food chain. George W. Bush committed a major crime in the Harken stock deal. You want him in the pokey too? He made much more cash then Rangel did on the deal.

Just wondering if this sense of justice is bi-partisan.

And you do know that most of the time the IRS just fines you for this sort of stuff. Right?

You want that to change? Or just in Rangel's case.

This thread is about Rep,. Charles Rangel (D-NY) stay on point.
Quite frankly I am sick of the Left's excuse making. I am tired of the "well, your guy did this or that" bullshit.


Generally when this sort of action takes place..the culprit is charged with an actual crime..or caught red handed doing something against the rules..like having sex with an intern.

Was Rangel charged? Anywhere? With tax evasion?
Another arrogant Statist neutered. Next up? Maxine 'The Mouth' Waters.
But look for a larger fight than what Rangle fronted.

Yea, we certainly don't need anyone in Congress who has the courage to stand up for the people. We need more fascist like you who stand up for dirty energy polluters that kill our kids, and multinational corporations who get welfare that taxpayers are stuck paying...

"Harry Truman once said, 'There are 14 or 15 million Americans who have the resources to have representatives in Washington to protect their interests, and that the interests of the great mass of the other people - the 150 or 160 million - is the responsibility of the president of the United States, and I propose to fulfill it.'"
President John F. Kennedy
That argument and 35 cents gets you a phone call. What's your point?
Clearly, both Rangel and Waters have been caught using their respective offices for self enrichment.
Sallow, you dim bulb.

Rangle was FOUND GUILTY by the Ethics committee on most charges. You can find numerous articles on the internets, but seeking actual information something that likely eludes you.

The headliner allegations are that he improperly solicited money from corporate officials and lobbyists for the Charles B. Rangel Public Policy Center in New York; that he failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars of income and assets on financial disclosure forms; that he maintained multiple rent-stabilized apartments in violation of New York City rules; and failed to pay income taxes on a Dominican island resort home.

Ethics unveils 13 Rangel charges - John Bresnahan and Jonathan Allen and Richard E. Cohen - POLITICO.com
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Did you want to see Newt in Jail? How about Tom Delay?

Hey lets go up the food chain. George W. Bush committed a major crime in the Harken stock deal. You want him in the pokey too? He made much more cash then Rangel did on the deal.

Just wondering if this sense of justice is bi-partisan.

And you do know that most of the time the IRS just fines you for this sort of stuff. Right?

You want that to change? Or just in Rangel's case.

This thread is about Rep,. Charles Rangel (D-NY) stay on point.
Quite frankly I am sick of the Left's excuse making. I am tired of the "well, your guy did this or that" bullshit.


Generally when this sort of action takes place..the culprit is charged with an actual crime..or caught red handed doing something against the rules..like having sex with an intern.

Was Rangel charged? Anywhere? With tax evasion?
what was Newt charged with?
This thread is about Rep,. Charles Rangel (D-NY) stay on point.
Quite frankly I am sick of the Left's excuse making. I am tired of the "well, your guy did this or that" bullshit.


Generally when this sort of action takes place..the culprit is charged with an actual crime..or caught red handed doing something against the rules..like having sex with an intern.

Was Rangel charged? Anywhere? With tax evasion?
what was Newt charged with?

Newt was caught red handed.
This is funny. Newt Gingrich did far worse..where were Republicans on that guy? What about Tom Delay? They wanted to change to rules for him.

But ol' Charlie? Who won a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart in Korea? They want him "to resign" or be "expelled".

This is the man you guys want to expell.

That's a real life blood and guts American hero..not an actor.
If only he'd acted as honorably in Congress, he wouldn't be in the mess he's in.

Oh he has.

I guess you missed his marches in for civil rights..

Or maybe that carries "no honor" in the eyes of some.
Rangle's support and activism for civil rights does NOT excuse his unethical conduct as a US House member.
NOw please, you are posting excuses which are making you look foolish. Just stop it and let Rangel take his medicine. he's guilty of unethical behavior and violating US House of Reps rules. He was judged fairly and without prejudice. It's over. Move on.
Sallow, you dim bulb.

Rangle was FOUND GUILTY by the Ethics committee on most charges. You can find numerous articles on the internets, but seeking actual information something that likely eludes you.

The headliner allegations are that he improperly solicited money from corporate officials and lobbyists for the Charles B. Rangel Public Policy Center in New York; that he failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars of income and assets on financial disclosure forms; that he maintained multiple rent-stabilized apartments in violation of New York City rules; and failed to pay income taxes on a Dominican island resort home.

Ethics unveils 13 Rangel charges - John Bresnahan and Jonathan Allen and Richard E. Cohen - POLITICO.com

That's fine.

I don't agree with the findings. Simple as that. This was basically driven by the party I support as well. The incoming Republicans will no doubt change the rules to match those prior to the Pelosi change.

Do I believe Rangel screwed up? Yeah..sure.

Do I think censure or expulsion is appropriate..no.

He should pay back taxes..a fine..lose his chairmanship and get a reprimand.

But he had a point in saying that his case was unique.

That's all.
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Generally when this sort of action takes place..the culprit is charged with an actual crime..or caught red handed doing something against the rules..like having sex with an intern.

Was Rangel charged? Anywhere? With tax evasion?
what was Newt charged with?

Newt was caught red handed.
Rangel was caught red-handed, but you won't accept that as proof.

You'd save a lot of time if you just responded to every post with "Democrats can do no wrong."
Well, if they're conservatives, they're not really black, donchaknow.


On another board, I watched a white liberal tell a black conservative that he knew more about "the black experience" than she did.

They really believe that shit. :lol:

And that explains the inane government programs designed to help black which have destroyed family creation, and sentenced millions of youth to lives of illiteracy, hopelessness, and government dependency.

man... you are so on today B, it's a pleasure to watch you work....

Generally when this sort of action takes place..the culprit is charged with an actual crime..or caught red handed doing something against the rules..like having sex with an intern.

Was Rangel charged? Anywhere? With tax evasion?
what was Newt charged with?

Newt was caught red handed.
so then post a source link(not some liberal blog either) to Newt being charged with any crime
Sallow, you dim bulb.

Rangle was FOUND GUILTY by the Ethics committee on most charges. You can find numerous articles on the internets, but seeking actual information something that likely eludes you.

The headliner allegations are that he improperly solicited money from corporate officials and lobbyists for the Charles B. Rangel Public Policy Center in New York; that he failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars of income and assets on financial disclosure forms; that he maintained multiple rent-stabilized apartments in violation of New York City rules; and failed to pay income taxes on a Dominican island resort home.

Ethics unveils 13 Rangel charges - John Bresnahan and Jonathan Allen and Richard E. Cohen - POLITICO.com

That's fine.

I don't agree with the findings. Simple as that. This was basically driven by the party I support as well. The incoming Republicans will no doubt change the rules to match those prior to the Pelosi change.

Do I believe Rangel screwed up? Yeah..sure.

Do I think censure or expulsion is appropriate..no.

He should pay back taxes..a fine..lose his chairmanship and get a reprimand.

But he had a point in saying that his case was unique.

That's all.

You never bothered to educate yourself about the charges or findings in the first place, but now don't agree with them without examining the evidence.


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