Rangel's Tragic End

Newt was caught red handed.
Rangel was caught red-handed, but you won't accept that as proof.

You'd save a lot of time if you just responded to every post with "Democrats can do no wrong."

Democrats are driving this..

Catch up.

You are agreeing with them. I am disagreeing with them.:lol:
Gee, it's only taken them two and a half years to do the right thing. :cool:
Sallow, you dim bulb.

Rangle was FOUND GUILTY by the Ethics committee on most charges. You can find numerous articles on the internets, but seeking actual information something that likely eludes you.

The headliner allegations are that he improperly solicited money from corporate officials and lobbyists for the Charles B. Rangel Public Policy Center in New York; that he failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars of income and assets on financial disclosure forms; that he maintained multiple rent-stabilized apartments in violation of New York City rules; and failed to pay income taxes on a Dominican island resort home.

Ethics unveils 13 Rangel charges - John Bresnahan and Jonathan Allen and Richard E. Cohen - POLITICO.com

That's fine.

I don't agree with the findings. Simple as that. This was basically driven by the party I support as well. The incoming Republicans will no doubt change the rules to match those prior to the Pelosi change.

Do I believe Rangel screwed up? Yeah..sure.

Do I think censure or expulsion is appropriate..no.

He should pay back taxes..a fine..lose his chairmanship and get a reprimand.

But he had a point in saying that his case was unique.

That's all.

You never bothered to educate yourself about the charges or findings in the first place, but now don't agree with them without examining the evidence.


In this very thread, Rangel has been called swine, his expulsion from congress was called for and jail time..was demanded.

Those things..I disagree with.

I also disagree with the congressional hearings.

Which is my right.

And it's funny. Usually I side with "conservatives" when it comes to fact finding. There were cases I commented on in other threads, like the one where the college kids were accused of rape by a prostitute, where I said that the process should be worked through first before coming to any conclusions. I was at odds with the more "left leaning" posters as well.

Pretty much saying the same thing here..process, protocol, proportionality and precedence.

It should be vanilla.
That's fine.

I don't agree with the findings. Simple as that. This was basically driven by the party I support as well. The incoming Republicans will no doubt change the rules to match those prior to the Pelosi change.

Do I believe Rangel screwed up? Yeah..sure.

Do I think censure or expulsion is appropriate..no.

He should pay back taxes..a fine..lose his chairmanship and get a reprimand.

But he had a point in saying that his case was unique.

That's all.

You never bothered to educate yourself about the charges or findings in the first place, but now don't agree with them without examining the evidence.


In this very thread, Rangel has been called swine, his expulsion from congress was called for and jail time..was demanded.

Those things..I disagree with.

I also disagree with the congressional hearings.

Which is my right.

And it's funny. Usually I side with "conservatives" when it comes to fact finding. There were cases I commented on in other threads, like the one where the college kids were accused of rape by a prostitute, where I said that the process should be worked through first before coming to any conclusions. I was at odds with the more "left leaning" posters as well.

Pretty much saying the same thing here..process, protocol, proportionality and precedence.

It should be vanilla.

So you believe Congressman should be exempt from the law.

Thanks for clearing that up.
You never bothered to educate yourself about the charges or findings in the first place, but now don't agree with them without examining the evidence.


In this very thread, Rangel has been called swine, his expulsion from congress was called for and jail time..was demanded.

Those things..I disagree with.

I also disagree with the congressional hearings.

Which is my right.

And it's funny. Usually I side with "conservatives" when it comes to fact finding. There were cases I commented on in other threads, like the one where the college kids were accused of rape by a prostitute, where I said that the process should be worked through first before coming to any conclusions. I was at odds with the more "left leaning" posters as well.

Pretty much saying the same thing here..process, protocol, proportionality and precedence.

It should be vanilla.

So you believe Congressman should be exempt from the law.

Thanks for clearing that up.


But you seem to believe that once an accusation has been made..that should be it. No trial. Nothing.

He was found guilty by the Ethics Commitee of TAX EVASION, among other things.

A private citizen found guilty of such a crime would face jail time and significant finds. It's telling that you support a double standard.
In this very thread, Rangel has been called swine, his expulsion from congress was called for and jail time..was demanded.

Those things..I disagree with.

I also disagree with the congressional hearings.

Which is my right.

And it's funny. Usually I side with "conservatives" when it comes to fact finding. There were cases I commented on in other threads, like the one where the college kids were accused of rape by a prostitute, where I said that the process should be worked through first before coming to any conclusions. I was at odds with the more "left leaning" posters as well.

Pretty much saying the same thing here..process, protocol, proportionality and precedence.

It should be vanilla.

So you believe Congressman should be exempt from the law.

Thanks for clearing that up.


But you seem to believe that once an accusation has been made..that should be it. No trial. Nothing.


You really don't know how the Ethics Committee works, do you?
He was found guilty by the Ethics Commitee of TAX EVASION, among other things.

A private citizen found guilty of such a crime would face jail time and significant finds. It's telling that you support a double standard.

Oh, no, he fully supports charging Republican politicians with crimes and sentencing them to jail.
He was found guilty by the Ethics Commitee of TAX EVASION, among other things.

A private citizen found guilty of such a crime would face jail time and significant finds. It's telling that you support a double standard.

Oh, no, he fully supports charging Republican politicians with crimes and sentencing them to jail.
by paneling up to 12 grand juries till you find one that would indict a ham sandwich
He was found guilty by the Ethics Commitee of TAX EVASION, among other things.

A private citizen found guilty of such a crime would face jail time and significant finds. It's telling that you support a double standard.

Oh, no, he fully supports charging Republican politicians with crimes and sentencing them to jail.
by paneling up to 12 grand juries till you find one that would indict a ham sandwich

Hey -- whatever it takes. Justice must be served.
And they'll keep changing the rules and laws until they get the predetermined result.
He was found guilty by the Ethics Commitee of TAX EVASION, among other things.

A private citizen found guilty of such a crime would face jail time and significant finds. It's telling that you support a double standard.


And more then likely..a private citizen would be allowed to first pay back taxes..by the IRS.

But let me know when he's in a court of law, represented by a lawyer..and found guilty of the same thing.

We can talk then.
He was found guilty by the Ethics Commitee of TAX EVASION, among other things.

A private citizen found guilty of such a crime would face jail time and significant finds. It's telling that you support a double standard.


And more then likely..a private citizen would be allowed to first pay back taxes..by the IRS.

But let me know when he's in a court of law, represented by a lawyer..and found guilty of the same thing.

We can talk then.
Poor Charlie. It's so unfair that he be asked to abide by the rules he agreed to! :(
He was found guilty by the Ethics Commitee of TAX EVASION, among other things.

A private citizen found guilty of such a crime would face jail time and significant finds. It's telling that you support a double standard.


And more then likely..a private citizen would be allowed to first pay back taxes..by the IRS.

But let me know when he's in a court of law, represented by a lawyer..and found guilty of the same thing.

We can talk then.
and i'm still waiting for your proof to back your claim that Newt was just so charged and convicted
83 of the 84 charges Bonior & The Dems used to smear Gingrich were dropped. The fourth one was left to the IRS to determine guilt - and they cleared Gingrich of wrongdoing. (It's amusing that the moron isn't capable of performing a simple search to seek the facts before opining.)

Ethics sanctions

During Gingrich's term as Speaker, eighty-four ethics charges were filed against him, most of which were leveled by House Democratic Whip David Bonior. Eighty-three of the eighty-four allegations were dropped.[31]

The remaining charge consisted of two counts “of failure to seek legal advice” and one count of “providing the committee with information which he knew or should have known was inaccurate” concerning the use of a tax exempt college course for political purposes.[32] On January 21, 1997, the House voted 395 to 28 to reprimand Gingrich, including a $300,000 “cost assessment” to recoup money spent on the investigation.[33][34]

The full committee panel did not reach a conclusion about whether the “Renewing American Civilization” college course had violated federal tax law and instead opted to leave it up to the IRS.[35] In 1999, the IRS cleared the organizations connected with the courses under investigation for possible tax violations.[36]

Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Well, if they're conservatives, they're not really black, donchaknow.


On another board, I watched a white liberal tell a black conservative that he knew more about "the black experience" than she did.

They really believe that shit. :lol:

So if Oprah had a daughter who grew up in the lap of luxury, flying private jets everywhere, taking limos everywhere, eating in only the finest restaurants, never mingling with the masses or anyone who was below her station in life, and she was a conservative (naturally), then . . .

SHE would still know more about the Black experience than a middle-aged White guy who had spent his adult life running inner-city youth centers, or homeless shelters, or been in the social services, etc.

Is that your logic?

I predict that you will deflect, and not answer this question directly and truthfully. Prove me wrong.

On another board, I watched a white liberal tell a black conservative that he knew more about "the black experience" than she did.

They really believe that shit. :lol:
that was hilarious
wasnt it

It was. The same black conservative woman is also bisexual...and she was told by a leftist lesbian that she isn't gay enough. :lol:
Now you're just full of shit and making shit up.
It's like you're convinced you'll burst into flame if you criticize a liberal. :lol:
Are you honest enough to answer the question? You failed the first one - try again.

It doesn't matter what I think. It matters what the Ethics Committee thinks...and the facts showed them that Rangel acted in an unethical manner.

Rangel appreciates your desperate spin, but slavish anonymous hero-worship on the internet won't do him much good. If you're so convinced of his innocence, send some cash to his defense fund.

But you won't.

You tell us what you think on every other subject, until I call you out for your partisanship and lockstep criticism of anything Democrat.

I knew you couldn't be honest, then I proved it with this.

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