Reaction to Goolag's Firing of Damore Grows


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I feel proud to be an American every day, but today it is just sweeter.


Rebels of Google: Senior Management 'On The Verge Of Tears' After Trump Win - Breitbart

Breitbart News’ interview series, Rebels of Google, has revealed an atmosphere of profound fear at the company, in which employees who challenge Google’s hyper-progressive narratives face bullying and ostracization from co-workers, and frequently find themselves added to blacklists aimed at destroying peoples’ careers both inside and outside Google.

Our last interviewee even described an incident in which someone was punched for expressing a contrary viewpoint.

In our latest interview, current Google employee (alias “Gordon”) reveals more stories of intolerance and dogma at the company. He describes senior managers at Google being on the “verge of tears” following Trump’s election win, “cult-like” diversity training sessions, and an autistic employee who was fired after questioning the idea of gender as a spectrum.

Every week, Google holds an end-of-week meeting with all its Mountain View employees called a “TGIF meeting” (Thank God It’s Friday). According to Gordon, the TGIF that followed Trump’s election victory was something to behold.

“After the 2016 election, we had an entire TGIF dedicated to the election result, in which several of our top management gave emotional speeches as though the world was going to end, and seemed to be on the verge of tears.” says Gordon “It was embarrassing.”
Normal Americans at Google have awakened.

“Normal americans” are sick and twisted life forms; viruses, an infection upon the planet. This perceptual reality, after fouling the old world, made landfall in the “new” world and infected and fouled it. And it is merely a matter of time – evolutionary time – but the antidote will come.
“Normal americans” are sick and twisted life forms; viruses, an infection upon the planet. This perceptual reality, after fouling the old world, made landfall in the “new” world and infected and fouled it. And it is merely a matter of time – evolutionary time – but the antidote will come.
^^^^Typical leftwing agitator finally gets an honest knee jerk

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