Real Patriotism On Memorial Day: It Means Losing Fewer Soldiers In Meaningless Wars...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
God bless our Soldiers and Vets. Let's honor them by adopting a 'Humble Foreign Policy.' No more Empire-Building. Bring em home. :)

Great article by Ivan Eland

Most people, when thinking of Memorial Day—if they don’t confuse it with Veterans Day—think of the start of the summer season or great sales at the stores and online. Yet the holiday is supposed to honor those who died in America’s wars. Even some of the limited remembrance on TV and in the news is more superficial than deeply reflective.

Perhaps the greatest tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice might be to reduce the number of those who die in future wars. Unfortunately, throughout US history, but especially after the Cold War ended, politicians of both parties have been too quick to send American boys (and now girls) into harm’s way, rather than thinking of war as a last resort – as the nation’s founders did.

The original patriots realized the expenditure of blood and treasure for the leaders’ political goals usually fell to common citizens. The founders believed that war severely undermined the American republic.

“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other,” wrote James Madison, our fourth president and an author of our Constitution...

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Real Patriotism on Memorial Day Means Losing Fewer Soldiers in Meaningless Wars
Wow, such astounding wisdom. Pay close attention to the last sentence...

"War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. ... No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”
Never happen. It makes too much money for the Banks and the MIC.
Humility is one thing, but far too often it hides Weakness and Cowardice.

I would love to see us pull our military and diplomatic elements out of foreign countries, but only so long as those military units are maintained for border security and as an immediate reaction force.
Humility is one thing, but far too often it hides Weakness and Cowardice.

I would love to see us pull our military and diplomatic elements out of foreign countries, but only so long as those military units are maintained for border security and as an immediate reaction force.

I'm with ya on Border Security for sure. We gotta end this Empire-Building mode we're stuck in. It's time.
I'm with ya on Border Security for sure. We gotta end this Empire-Building mode we're stuck in. It's time.

Agreed. However, we need to retain the capability to literally burn an enemy to the ground overnight if need be.
Any time we go to war a draft should be mandatory.

Politicians wouldn’t be so quick to pull the trigger if little Johnny might get shipped to the front line .
Any time we go to war a draft should be mandatory.

Politicians wouldn’t be so quick to pull the trigger if little Johnny might get shipped to the front line .

You make an interesting point. Thanks.
I'm a huge supporter of the military, and I agree completely. My dad was army. We simply don't have the ability to bring peace and democracy to other nations. It has never worked, and it makes things worse. I agree that we have peace through power. The toughest kid on the block doesn't have to fight. Something to think about is that there are literally no other nations on the planet that values freedom like the United States. Even in England, there is no free speech. Europeans want to be cared for and looked after, and are not that interested in personal freedom. I believe the only truly free nation on earth needs to stay overwhelmingly strong. If we continue to be strong and free, that is the best way to influence other nations.
There is nothing "meaningless" about defense of the Nation and it's citizens. It is just a shame that some idiots are unable to appreciate the cost of what is done to baby them.
I was drafted into the U.S. Army 1970 to 71 for Vietnam under the pretext of defending American freedom.

What waste of soldier's lives and national treasure.

In reality, no Vietnamese army was going to invade America, and there is nothing in the Constitution about going to other countries halfway around the world to spread democracy.

Once we left the Vietnamese people alone, they figured out what government and economic system they wanted to live under, all by themselves.

And now we are repeating the exact same mistake in Afghanistan.

You would think we would learn....... :cool:
Any time we go to war a draft should be mandatory.

Politicians wouldn’t be so quick to pull the trigger if little Johnny might get shipped to the front line .

That's not true at all.

During the Vietnam War less than 1/3rd of all American Troops that
served over there were drafted.
I was drafted into the U.S. Army 1970 to 71 for Vietnam under the pretext of defending American freedom.

What waste of soldier's lives and national treasure.

In reality, no Vietnamese army was going to invade America, and there is nothing in the Constitution about going to other countries halfway around the world to spread democracy.

Once we left the Vietnamese people alone, they figured out what government and economic system they wanted to live under, all by themselves.

And now we are repeating the exact same mistake in Afghanistan.

You would think we would learn....... :cool:

I also was drafted a couple of years before you and was sent to fight in Vietnam. No Vietnamese army was going to invade the USA. North Vietnam certainly did however invade Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam and were allied with, and enabled by, the USSR and Communist China. I well remember the leader of the USSR telling the American people "We will bury you!". He wasn't kidding; not even a little bit.
I am pleased and proud to have stood beside the South Vietnamese people in their attempt to remain free from Communist aggression and remain deeply ashamed of the whinny-ass Americans who eventually sabotaged their-and our-efforts.
I'm a huge supporter of the military, and I agree completely. My dad was army. We simply don't have the ability to bring peace and democracy to other nations. It has never worked, and it makes things worse. I agree that we have peace through power. The toughest kid on the block doesn't have to fight. Something to think about is that there are literally no other nations on the planet that values freedom like the United States. Even in England, there is no free speech. Europeans want to be cared for and looked after, and are not that interested in personal freedom. I believe the only truly free nation on earth needs to stay overwhelmingly strong. If we continue to be strong and free, that is the best way to influence other nations.

'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.' That's another lie they've sold to the People. We only get the war, we never get the peace.
Gut the military, and Russia and China will roll through the world like a cyclone. You don't think our enemies will ever come to our shores? Try your weakness idea and see how that works for you. Being strong doesn't mean we have to do senseless stupid things. If Russia or China decide to gobble up all the semi-free countries, it would be nice if we could lend a hand.
Are you advocating that we not be able to defend ourselves? To what purpose? How much peace would our citizens have knowing we could not defend ourselves?
Gut the military, and Russia and China will roll through the world like a cyclone. You don't think our enemies will ever come to our shores? Try your weakness idea and see how that works for you. Being strong doesn't mean we have to do senseless stupid things. If Russia or China decide to gobble up all the semi-free countries, it would be nice if we could lend a hand.

Sadly, you've been sold on Warmonger Fearmongering. No one's gonna invade the US. It ain't gonna happen. Let's come home.
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I was drafted into the U.S. Army 1970 to 71 for Vietnam under the pretext of defending American freedom.

What waste of soldier's lives and national treasure.

In reality, no Vietnamese army was going to invade America, and there is nothing in the Constitution about going to other countries halfway around the world to spread democracy.

Once we left the Vietnamese people alone, they figured out what government and economic system they wanted to live under, all by themselves.

And now we are repeating the exact same mistake in Afghanistan.

You would think we would learn....... :cool:

Perfectly stated. Thanks.

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