Reason to own guns #3...when the govt. can't or won't protect you....Foriegn addition...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
yes, to all the gun grabbers who can't stand the site of law abiding citizens armed with AK-47s, you might not want to continue reading this post....

In Iraq, as the islamic terrorists continue to advance, the some women in Iraq have decided using pepper spray to stop them is just....well....dumb....and have turned to the tried and true method of stopping murder and rape....the military grade particular, the AK-47.

See, the bad guys know why guns are important...too takes moments of impending murder and rape, as will happen in Iraq, or just plain looting and rioting, as may happen in Ferguson, to focus the mind on a method of self defense that actually works....namely....guns....

Women in Anbar Iraq Form Armed Brigade to Combat ISIS

notes that more than 50 women in the province have begun weapons training, according to sources in the group. The group is, according to Anbar Tribal Council members, going by the name Banat al-Haqq, or "Daughters of the Truth." Radio Free Europe quotes a tribal council member named Sakr Salem al-Ithawy as confirming their existence and supporting their work against “the terrorist gangs of IS."

Radio Free Europe mentions one more report, this time from a publication called al-Qurtas News. "Girls' Right: The First Women's Power Group Forms in Anbar," the magazine writes, quoting a woman named Khansa Ahmed, who runs the province's women's center. The women, Ahmed says, will be working in tandem with local police authorities.

Of course, as the gun grabbers will assure us, there will never be anything like this in the U.S. or other Western nations....because history for gun grabbers starts when the wake up in the morning and resets at night when they go to sleep....
yes, to all the gun grabbers who can't stand the site of law abiding citizens armed with AK-47s, you might not want to continue reading this post....

In Iraq, as the islamic terrorists continue to advance, the some women in Iraq have decided using pepper spray to stop them is just....well....dumb....and have turned to the tried and true method of stopping murder and rape....the military grade particular, the AK-47.

See, the bad guys know why guns are important...too takes moments of impending murder and rape, as will happen in Iraq, or just plain looting and rioting, as may happen in Ferguson, to focus the mind on a method of self defense that actually works....namely....guns....

Women in Anbar Iraq Form Armed Brigade to Combat ISIS

notes that more than 50 women in the province have begun weapons training, according to sources in the group. The group is, according to Anbar Tribal Council members, going by the name Banat al-Haqq, or "Daughters of the Truth." Radio Free Europe quotes a tribal council member named Sakr Salem al-Ithawy as confirming their existence and supporting their work against “the terrorist gangs of IS."

Radio Free Europe mentions one more report, this time from a publication called al-Qurtas News. "Girls' Right: The First Women's Power Group Forms in Anbar," the magazine writes, quoting a woman named Khansa Ahmed, who runs the province's women's center. The women, Ahmed says, will be working in tandem with local police authorities.

Of course, as the gun grabbers will assure us, there will never be anything like this in the U.S. or other Western nations....because history for gun grabbers starts when the wake up in the morning and resets at night when they go to sleep....

So you're argueing we face a domestic threat against people like ISIS and thus need the world's best assault rifle to protect ourselves? Ever hear the term paranoid delusion?
So you're argueing we face a domestic threat against people like ISIS and thus need the world's best assault rifle to protect ourselves? Ever hear the term paranoid delusion?

Where did I say that exactly...I have read my post over again, and said nothing of the sort....I stated that gun grabbers think that nothing like that will ever happen in the future...perhaps 50-100 years from now....or as has been pointed out it took the Germans just 20 years to go from the Weimar Republic to the death camps....

See....the Founding Fathers put the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution for the duration of the country...not just for a year or for those gun grabbers who live today, in the safety and security that our nation currently provides it's citizens....they see no reason for the people to have guns...even in the face of criminals or the dangerously mentally ill...I take the long view as well as the historical the past, in particular the 20th century, governments turned on their own citizens and marched them off to work camps and death camps...and those were modern industrial societies that did that. Even in our country...the socialist, FDR, rounded up our citizens of Japanese, German and Italian decent and put them in prison camps for the duration of the it has happened in the past....and anything that has happened in the past can...and just might, happen in the future....

So our giving up our guns today would be a short sighted, and selfish thing to do....a spoiled brat kind of thing to do since we don't really know what the future holds for our children and grandchildren or even our great grand children...

and before the anti gunners say "do you really think anyone could stand up to the U.S. military if they had rifles and pistols"....well...yes....

It seems to me that primitives, living in jungles and caves, have been able to fight us to a stand still even while we have had massive technological advantages over is it that hard to believe that armed Americans would have a harder time standing up to the US. military than they did....?

And it wouldn't even need to be a major threat like isis that the Iraqi face....look at Mexico....those poor people are raped, tortured and murdered by drug gangs while their government either cooperates with the gangs, or sits on it's hands and does nothing...

Tell me that that sort of government inability to protect it's citizen can never happen here....can you? Then tell me how much fun it is to live in Detroit right now....or any other inner city murder zone controlled by rich, white democrats....

So please...try to read more carefully next will save a lot of typing on my part...
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And as a reminder....some people in Mexico have taken unkindly to the gangs and government taking 43 innocent student teachers to be raped, tortured, murdered and their bodies incinerated....and protesting against drug cartels who are armed did you say....

the world's best assault rifle

You might help if those innocent Mexican citizens had their own..
..the world's best assault rifle

Don't you think....those select fire, military rifles might mean the difference between being raped, tortured and murdered by the drug cartels....and not being raped, tortured and murdered by the cartels...don't you think?

Protesters Set Fire to Mexico s Guerrero Congress over Missing Students
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