Zone1 Reasons to Believe Jesus is Returning soon

Lol 🤣 So much for the responsibility of communication.
That would make sense if you had actually taken the time to look up the cited passages and couldn't figure it out on your own, but YOU didn't do that. Don't blame me for YOUR failures.
That would make sense if you had actually taken the time to look up the cited passages and couldn't figure it out on your own, but YOU didn't do that. Don't blame me for YOUR failures.

Sorry. I don't have time to look them all up.. and unlike you I haven't memorized the Bible.

Rabbi David Wolpe has said that the Bible's description of the Exodus is not how it actually happened, if it happened at all. Wolpe told his congregants at Sinai Temple in Westwood that almost every modern archeologist who has studied the Exodus agrees with this.

However, other rabbis have argued that the Exodus did happen, including:
Rabbi Joshua Berman
Berman suggests that starting with Egyptian sources and looking for references to them in the Bible shows that the Israelites were in Egypt.

Most mainstream scholars do not accept the biblical Exodus account as history, and most agree that the stories were written centuries after the apparent setting. There is also no indication that the Israelites ever lived in Ancient Egypt.

Rabbi David Wolpe has said that the Bible's description of the Exodus is not how it actually happened, if it happened at all. Wolpe told his congregants at Sinai Temple in Westwood that almost every modern archeologist who has studied the Exodus agrees with this.

However, other rabbis have argued that the Exodus did happen, including:
Rabbi Joshua Berman
Berman suggests that starting with Egyptian sources and looking for references to them in the Bible shows that the Israelites were in Egypt.

Most mainstream scholars do not accept the biblical Exodus account as history, and most agree that the stories were written centuries after the apparent setting. There is also no indication that the Israelites ever lived in Ancient Egypt.
So, should we all fall on our knees and worship Rabbi David Wolpe and these so called mainstream scholars you speak of? There have been Rabbi's who believe Lilith was Adam's first wife, the majority of them don't believe Jesus was the Christ, and now Mr. Wolpe wants us to believe the Exodus never happened. Am I impressed or surprised? Not in the least.
So, should we all fall on our knees and worship Rabbi David Wolpe and these so called mainstream scholars you speak of? There have been Rabbi's who believe Lilith was Adam's first wife, the majority of them don't believe Jesus was the Christ, and now Mr. Wolpe wants us to believe the Exodus never happened. Am I impressed or surprised? Not in the least.
Lol. Most Jewish scholars think the Exodus is a foundation myth and that the Jews were never slaves in Egypt.

It's pretty far fetched. The Egyptians never noticed. Canaanites had towns all over Sinai that were prosperous in mining, metallurgy and pottery making. They paid tribute to pharaoh and were protected by Egyptian garrisons.

Their towns weren't destroyed by Joshua. They have been excavated in situ... undisturbed.
Lol. Most Jewish scholars think the Exodus is a foundation myth and that the Jews were never slaves in Egypt.

It's pretty far fetched. The Egyptians never noticed. Canaanites had towns all over Sinai that were prosperous in mining, metallurgy and pottery making. They paid tribute to pharaoh and were protected by Egyptian garrisons.

Their towns weren't destroyed by Joshua. They have been excavated in situ... undisturbed.
Do these Jewish scholars believe they were given the 10 commandments from God through Moses on Mount Sinai?
Do these Jewish scholars believe they were given the 10 commandments from God through Moses on Mount Sinai?

See Leviticus and Deuteronomy. The ten commandments are more a Christian thing.

They are divided on whether Moses existed or not. It's very similar to the story of Sinuhe which I much older than Judaism.

Rabbi David Wolpe has said that the Bible's description of the Exodus is not how it actually happened, if it happened at all. Wolpe told his congregants at Sinai Temple in Westwood that almost every modern archeologist who has studied the Exodus agrees with this.

However, other rabbis have argued that the Exodus did happen, including:
Rabbi Joshua Berman
Berman suggests that starting with Egyptian sources and looking for references to them in the Bible shows that the Israelites were in Egypt.

Most mainstream scholars do not accept the biblical Exodus account as history, and most agree that the stories were written centuries after the apparent setting. There is also no indication that the Israelites ever lived in Ancient Egypt.
Setting aside the embellishments, it's pretty clear something happened.
Maybe watch the video for the basis for saying something did happen.

The Bible says 3 million Israelites lived in Sinai for 40 years without a trace. Plus, they had their herds.. maybe 25 million goats, but no water or pasture . Even today the population of Sinai is about 800,000 people.
The Bible says 3 million Israelites lived in Sinai for 40 years without a trace. Plus, they had their herds.. maybe 25 million goats, but no water or pasture . Even today the population of Sinai is about 800,000 people.
I'm still waiting for your link which states that most Jewish scholars think the Exodus is a foundation myth and that the Jews were never slaves in Egypt.

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