
Who cares about reconcilliation? Its all a smoke screen.................

The House isnt even close to getting the, there isnt even an "Obama" bill yet.............just the same old Senate BS bill.

I'll let the k00ks sit around on this thread and contemplate their navels on the reconcilliation debate...............
Maybe you could've linked back to your list, eh?

Still, the road to reconciliation isn't a straight forward as it may have been portrayed.

If the HoR passes the Senate bill straight out, which ain't a-gonna happen, there's no need for reconciliation because it goes straight to the Prez to get signed or vetoed.

So, it looks like the House is going to have to come up with another bill and hold another vote....And those prospects don't look so hot at this point in time.

So you want me to waste my time and go back to find a post that you ignored the first time around all so you can ignore it again??

Sorry, but why are you so lazy?? I already posted it once, why should I have to go and get it and post it again because you are too lazy to go back and find it in this thread??
Because the point was made that 80% of the people were happy with their coverage. I found sources relating directly to that statement. Gee, people want to pay less for insurance. Big surprise there. By the way, just how much are my premiums going down under the 0bama plan? Try zero. So, how many of these people will be happier with 0bama's plan? Zero. Use your brain for something besides this: :banghead:

LOL So that is your excuse for you cherry picking and choosing to leave out facts that don't suit your SPIN?? LOL

Furthermore, it says they are satisfied with the QUALITY of their care and not necessarily their coverage. But it is nice that you read into things so you can try to support your SPIN. LOL They may like their doctor and have no problems with the care that he provides but what does that have to do with overall coverage??

Can you prove that if passed the obama plan will have zero effect on your premiums?? Can you even prove that you have health insurance and pay for it?? Obviously, if you don't have coverage or don't pay for it yourself then obama's plan won't affect your premiums because you don't pay any premiums. LOL
If not, then why make a claim that you can't substantiate??

So why focus only on yourself??

Speaking of making claims he can't substantiate, just what are premiums going to be if the 0bama plan becomes law. We are a year into this thing, surely you have firm numbers. One of my points was that this plan actually WILL INCREASE my premium costs. Adding people with problems an insurance company doesn't want to insure, means costs go up dimwit. As part of the pool of premium payers, mine go UP. The plan also forces inclusion or a fine. Please take your drool and knuckle dragging elsewhere.
Who cares about reconcilliation? Its all a smoke screen.................

The House isnt even close to getting the, there isnt even an "Obama" bill yet.............just the same old Senate BS bill.

I'll let the k00ks sit around on this thread and contemplate their navels on the reconcilliation debate...............

They are trying to pass the reconcilliation bill before Congress even passes the bill that came out of the Senate. What's up with that?
Maybe you could've linked back to your list, eh?

Still, the road to reconciliation isn't a straight forward as it may have been portrayed.

If the HoR passes the Senate bill straight out, which ain't a-gonna happen, there's no need for reconciliation because it goes straight to the Prez to get signed or vetoed.

So, it looks like the House is going to have to come up with another bill and hold another vote....And those prospects don't look so hot at this point in time.

So you want me to waste my time and go back to find a post that you ignored the first time around all so you can ignore it again??

Sorry, but why are you so lazy?? I already posted it once, why should I have to go and get it and post it again because you are too lazy to go back and find it in this thread??

Smith s0n..........Dude just blew your sh!t up. Time to do your OCD thing in some other thread. Reconcilliation happening has about as much a chance of happening as the waitress in a donut shop taking an order from Tiger Woods and keeping her undies on!!
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They know they don't have the votes for the Senate bill, but they may have the votes for the reconcilliation bill with all the concessions. The president can say that he will implement the reconcilliation bill with the Senate bill once it gets to his desk so he can sign it, or so he says. It's a leap of faith with a person who has been less than honorable.
Isn't it interesting how conservatives were right all along in our claims that Obama had ZERO intention of acting in a bipartisan way on this Healthcare Summit last week and that all he was doing was setting up his Reconciliation scenario.

I think that earns a big fat.... TOLD YA SO!


LOL obama and the democrats finally choosing to go with reconciliation AFTER republicans have consistantly obstructed and filibustered is hardly what any HONEST person would say is proof that obama had zero intention of acting in a bipartisan way ALL ALONG.

These bills were debated and the senate bill even went on the floor and was open for debate. If democrats had no intention of acting in a bipartisan way then why would they do it that way??
It's all posturing. He at least has to make it look like he tried to reach out even if he never really intended to entertain any republican ideas, otherwise there would be absolutely no doubt that he doesn't intend on practicing bi-partisanship. Pardon me for not believing a guy who said "I won" in response to republicans proposing their ideas as willing to be bi-partisan.

By the way; the republicans had no way of obstructing anything until they got the 41st seat.

Ask yourself this one question: Do you really think the health care summit would've happened if the democrats still had the 60 votes needed in the Senate to pass their bill?

in the senate one of the main objections by republicans was the public option and despite the fact that it was removed from the senate bill not one republican would vote for it. Compromises have been made but unfortunately republicans seem to have the all or nothing mentality where they get every single thing that they ask for which is NOT compromise on their part.

They are the minoirty and if they get some of what they ask for they should be happy about it which is far better treatment than the minority dems got from the majority republicans a few years back.

Furthemore, YES republicans could and did obstruct before they had the 41st vote. If they filibuster continuously as a block, then democrats and the independents have to vote to end the filibusters. Engaging in the filibuster as republicans did is in of itself obstruction.

Dems only got the 60th vote AFTER franken's win was confirmed. So dems only had the 60th vote, IF you include the two independents as democrats, for about 6 months and decided to debate the bill instead of "ramming" it through. So the accusation that they rammed it through the first time is pattently FALSE.

As to your question about the summit, I don't know. It is possible that he would have held it anyway and given republicans what they asked for all so they could try to move the goal posts AGAIN. You have to admit that it played into obama's favor to see republicans trying to make lame demands concerning their participation in the summit.
Because the point was made that 80% of the people were happy with their coverage. I found sources relating directly to that statement. Gee, people want to pay less for insurance. Big surprise there. By the way, just how much are my premiums going down under the 0bama plan? Try zero. So, how many of these people will be happier with 0bama's plan? Zero. Use your brain for something besides this: :banghead:

LOL So that is your excuse for you cherry picking and choosing to leave out facts that don't suit your SPIN?? LOL

Furthermore, it says they are satisfied with the QUALITY of their care and not necessarily their coverage. But it is nice that you read into things so you can try to support your SPIN. LOL They may like their doctor and have no problems with the care that he provides but what does that have to do with overall coverage??

Can you prove that if passed the obama plan will have zero effect on your premiums?? Can you even prove that you have health insurance and pay for it?? Obviously, if you don't have coverage or don't pay for it yourself then obama's plan won't affect your premiums because you don't pay any premiums. LOL
If not, then why make a claim that you can't substantiate??

So why focus only on yourself??

Let the drooling begin. :eusa_whistle:

LOL So this is the best response you have to offer?? Admitting that you start drooling when you can't come up with a valid counter argument.

Let's just say it's better than the last time we had a discussion and I called you out for your BS and you turned tail and ran away.

Oh and thanks for the rep but it would have been more honest on your part if you would have just admitted in the thread that you were busted and ran out of spin instead of giving me rep and telling me "01-26-2010 06:09 PM Meister I'm just fucking with ya, man. I have to go on this end. Have a good evening."

DrSmith, you need to get someone to quote you if you want me to reply. Your on ignore son. No way in Hell you get out.
Because the point was made that 80% of the people were happy with their coverage. I found sources relating directly to that statement. Gee, people want to pay less for insurance. Big surprise there. By the way, just how much are my premiums going down under the 0bama plan? Try zero. So, how many of these people will be happier with 0bama's plan? Zero. Use your brain for something besides this: :banghead:

LOL So that is your excuse for you cherry picking and choosing to leave out facts that don't suit your SPIN?? LOL

Furthermore, it says they are satisfied with the QUALITY of their care and not necessarily their coverage. But it is nice that you read into things so you can try to support your SPIN. LOL They may like their doctor and have no problems with the care that he provides but what does that have to do with overall coverage??

Can you prove that if passed the obama plan will have zero effect on your premiums?? Can you even prove that you have health insurance and pay for it?? Obviously, if you don't have coverage or don't pay for it yourself then obama's plan won't affect your premiums because you don't pay any premiums. LOL
If not, then why make a claim that you can't substantiate??

So why focus only on yourself??

Speaking of making claims he can't substantiate, just what are premiums going to be if the 0bama plan becomes law. We are a year into this thing, surely you have firm numbers. One of my points was that this plan actually WILL INCREASE my premium costs. Adding people with problems an insurance company doesn't want to insure, means costs go up dimwit. As part of the pool of premium payers, mine go UP. The plan also forces inclusion or a fine. Please take your drool and knuckle dragging elsewhere.

Where did I make any claims about premiums?? Fact is that I didn't make any claims about premiums but I did ask you to substantiate your claims about premiums and you FAILED. So it's funny how you dishonestly tried to apply your unsubstantiated claims to me and then got thanked for your dishonesty by meister. LOL

Then to top it all off you failed to substantiate your last claim and then make another unsubstantiated claim in this post.

So please take your unsubstantiated claims and baseless personal attacks elsewhere. LOL
DrSmith, you need to get someone to quote you if you want me to reply. Your on ignore son. No way in Hell you get out.

LOL Not my fault that you are too cowardly to face me based on the FACT that I have owned you in the past just as I have meister who actually gave me rep as he ran away after losing the debate. LOL
Some of us who support the legislation never thought he was in the first place.

So, what you're telling us essentially is that you have no problem with tyranny over the minority... just so long as you get your way. :rolleyes:

You know, a year ago I remember posting on another website that Obama was not an "evil" person. I thought he was just misguided, naive, inexperienced.

I read his books, read his speeches, sifted through countless articles before the election... and even though I KNEW he was twisted in his thinking, an ideologue with narcissistic tendencies, and that he would be a bad president if elected... I wasn't willing to admit that he's an "evil" person. But he is.

He lies. He deceives. And he lacks even the basic sense of decency that would make normal people feel ashamed about it. There's no integrity there. He is NEVER a man of his word. He holds the citizens of this country in contempt.

Why would you, or anyone else, support that? :eusa_eh:
It's not even going to work. You'll have traded your honor for nothing.

He's bypassing the amendment process. Half the States are already making law that will prevent a central government takeover of healthcare. It's going to be challenged in court and it's going to be overturned. And at that point, you've supported a guy who WILLFULLY signed for unconstitutional laws. He doesn't have the excuse of claiming he didn't know better. He taught Constitutional Law as an associate professor at University of Chicago. He'll have done it deliberately, making him no different than any other common thug who flouts our law.

I honestly don't get why anyone would be okay with that. :eusa_eh:

WOW so majority rule is equivalent to "tyranny over the minority" now that democrats are the majority?

LOL Tell me, did you have this same position when republicans engaged in "tyranny over the minority" or is your current spin only reserved for a time when demcorats are the majority and republicans are the MINORITY?

Furthermore, NOT ONE OF THE BILLS BEING PROPOSED CONSISTS OF A GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF HEALTHCARE. I am so tired of that LIE being perpetrated by the right. You are trying to create a situation out of thin air and basing your entire BS spin on your work of fiction as you try to attack obama and claim that obama is passing an unconstitutional take over healthcare when that is NOT what is being passed.

I honestly don't know why some posters are just so damn dishonest.
Learn some history and quit depending upon getting arguments from Democratic Underground to bring in our discussions. The Republicans NEVER had a filibuster proof Senate with the Democracts in the minority.
LOL So that is your excuse for you cherry picking and choosing to leave out facts that don't suit your SPIN?? LOL

Furthermore, it says they are satisfied with the QUALITY of their care and not necessarily their coverage. But it is nice that you read into things so you can try to support your SPIN. LOL They may like their doctor and have no problems with the care that he provides but what does that have to do with overall coverage??

Can you prove that if passed the obama plan will have zero effect on your premiums?? Can you even prove that you have health insurance and pay for it?? Obviously, if you don't have coverage or don't pay for it yourself then obama's plan won't affect your premiums because you don't pay any premiums. LOL
If not, then why make a claim that you can't substantiate??

So why focus only on yourself??

Let the drooling begin. :eusa_whistle:

LOL So this is the best response you have to offer?? Admitting that you start drooling when you can't come up with a valid counter argument.

Let's just say it's better than the last time we had a discussion and I called you out for your BS and you turned tail and ran away.

Oh and thanks for the rep but it would have been more honest on your part if you would have just admitted in the thread that you were busted and ran out of spin instead of giving me rep and telling me "01-26-2010 06:09 PM Meister I'm just fucking with ya, man. I have to go on this end. Have a good evening."

I remember that, that was when you were salivating all over the place. I was baiting you and you were like a dog running for the rabbit at a dog race. :lol:
It was for my entertainment and I repped you for not letting me down. :lol:
I'm surprised that you would have brought that one up. :lol:
You are a LIAR, smitty. I would never give a troll a rep....unless it was a neg rep, and I haven't given you any kind of a neg rep in months. And that is because you were were a liar at that time, also.

Two Words: Nuclear... 01-26-2010 06:09 PM Meister I'm just fucking with ya, man. I have to go on this end. Have a good evening.

I don't know how to do it any better but i cut and pasted the above from my User CP.

It is you giving me POSITIVE REP and admitting that you were wrong but you tried to play it off that you were "fucking with" me. LOL

If you have a better way for me to link it that I don't know about, let me know and I will show it for all to see. LOL


  • $UCP.JPG
    25 KB · Views: 45
You are a LIAR, smitty. I would never give a troll a rep....unless it was a neg rep, and I haven't given you any kind of a neg rep in months. And that is because you were were a liar at that time, also.

Two Words: Nuclear... 01-26-2010 06:09 PM Meister I'm just fucking with ya, man. I have to go on this end. Have a good evening.

I don't know how to do it any better but i cut and pasted the above from my User CP.

It is you giving me POSITIVE REP and admitting that you were wrong but you tried to play it off that you were "fucking with" me. LOL

If you have a better way for me to link it that I don't know about, let me know and I will show it for all to see. LOL

If you look I deleted my prior post.....You were right. But, I did have to explain myself with your chest thumping of some debate you had in your head
You are a LIAR, smitty. I would never give a troll a rep....unless it was a neg rep, and I haven't given you any kind of a neg rep in months. And that is because you were were a liar at that time, also.

Two Words: Nuclear... 01-26-2010 06:09 PM Meister I'm just fucking with ya, man. I have to go on this end. Have a good evening.

I don't know how to do it any better but i cut and pasted the above from my User CP.

It is you giving me POSITIVE REP and admitting that you were wrong but you tried to play it off that you were "fucking with" me. LOL

If you have a better way for me to link it that I don't know about, let me know and I will show it for all to see. LOL

you sure get a lot of neg reps, dude. :lol:
So, what you're telling us essentially is that you have no problem with tyranny over the minority... just so long as you get your way. :rolleyes:

You know, a year ago I remember posting on another website that Obama was not an "evil" person. I thought he was just misguided, naive, inexperienced.

I read his books, read his speeches, sifted through countless articles before the election... and even though I KNEW he was twisted in his thinking, an ideologue with narcissistic tendencies, and that he would be a bad president if elected... I wasn't willing to admit that he's an "evil" person. But he is.

He lies. He deceives. And he lacks even the basic sense of decency that would make normal people feel ashamed about it. There's no integrity there. He is NEVER a man of his word. He holds the citizens of this country in contempt.

Why would you, or anyone else, support that? :eusa_eh:
It's not even going to work. You'll have traded your honor for nothing.

He's bypassing the amendment process. Half the States are already making law that will prevent a central government takeover of healthcare. It's going to be challenged in court and it's going to be overturned. And at that point, you've supported a guy who WILLFULLY signed for unconstitutional laws. He doesn't have the excuse of claiming he didn't know better. He taught Constitutional Law as an associate professor at University of Chicago. He'll have done it deliberately, making him no different than any other common thug who flouts our law.

I honestly don't get why anyone would be okay with that. :eusa_eh:

WOW so majority rule is equivalent to "tyranny over the minority" now that democrats are the majority?

LOL Tell me, did you have this same position when republicans engaged in "tyranny over the minority" or is your current spin only reserved for a time when demcorats are the majority and republicans are the MINORITY?

Furthermore, NOT ONE OF THE BILLS BEING PROPOSED CONSISTS OF A GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF HEALTHCARE. I am so tired of that LIE being perpetrated by the right. You are trying to create a situation out of thin air and basing your entire BS spin on your work of fiction as you try to attack obama and claim that obama is passing an unconstitutional take over healthcare when that is NOT what is being passed.

I honestly don't know why some posters are just so damn dishonest.
Learn some history and quit depending upon getting arguments from Democratic Underground to bring in our discussions. The Republicans NEVER had a filibuster proof Senate with the Democracts in the minority.

Nice baseless attack. That seems to be all that righties are offering these days.

Can you show me when and where I made the claim that republicans had a filibsuter proof senate?? Oh you mean I NEVER said that so your attack is baseless and dishonest. thanks for clearing that up.

Democrats had 58 votes + 2 independents for 6 months and in those six months they debated the bills and rammed NOTHING through so your spin of "tyranny over the minority" is nothing but BS propaganda spread by a minority supporting hack.
DrSmith, you need to get someone to quote you if you want me to reply. Your on ignore son. No way in Hell you get out.

LOL Not my fault that you are too cowardly to face me based on the FACT that I have owned you in the past just as I have meister who actually gave me rep as he ran away after losing the debate. LOL

Smith s0n..........gotta tell ya. Ive yet to ever see you one up somebody on this forum except for out mental casing them when you get all angst and upset. rant on and on about stuff that is irrelevant. Like reconcilliation. Even debating it at this point is an exercise in navel contemplation s0n. Theres not even a remote chance of it happening.

And not for nothing, DUDE pwned your sh!t a couple of pages back s0n. And ps.......Id suggest taking a few deep breaths before firing off all these incoherent posts laced with misery and angst. Doesnt do a lot for the credibiity factor s0n...........:eusa_naughty:
Let the drooling begin. :eusa_whistle:

LOL So this is the best response you have to offer?? Admitting that you start drooling when you can't come up with a valid counter argument.

Let's just say it's better than the last time we had a discussion and I called you out for your BS and you turned tail and ran away.

Oh and thanks for the rep but it would have been more honest on your part if you would have just admitted in the thread that you were busted and ran out of spin instead of giving me rep and telling me "01-26-2010 06:09 PM Meister I'm just fucking with ya, man. I have to go on this end. Have a good evening."

I remember that, that was when you were salivating all over the place. I was baiting you and you were like a dog running for the rabbit at a dog race. :lol:
It was for my entertainment and I repped you for not letting me down. :lol:
I'm surprised that you would have brought that one up. :lol:

Nice spin but what you call "baiting" out of a desperate need to defend yourself I call DISHONESTY.

And I called you out for being dishonest, used your own words to PROVE IT and you ran away.

BTW what was that name you called me earlier in post?? Didn't you call me a liar? And yet I prove you to be a LIAR and this BS spin is the best that you have to offer. HAHAHA.

face it, you were WRONG I busted you for it and you turned tail and ran away. LOL

Funny thing is that you called me a liar in that thread too and then I proved you to be WRONG and you ran away. LOL Are you going to say that you are "fucking with" me now or are you going to try some new line of BS?? LOL
You are a LIAR, smitty. I would never give a troll a rep....unless it was a neg rep, and I haven't given you any kind of a neg rep in months. And that is because you were were a liar at that time, also.

Two Words: Nuclear... 01-26-2010 06:09 PM Meister I'm just fucking with ya, man. I have to go on this end. Have a good evening.

I don't know how to do it any better but i cut and pasted the above from my User CP.

It is you giving me POSITIVE REP and admitting that you were wrong but you tried to play it off that you were "fucking with" me. LOL

If you have a better way for me to link it that I don't know about, let me know and I will show it for all to see. LOL

If you look I deleted my prior post.....You were right. But, I did have to explain myself with your chest thumping of some debate you had in your head

getting rid of the evidence?? LOL

Fact is that I showed you that you were wrong in that other thread and did so using your own words from previous posts. Spinning now in a desperate attempt to CYA won't change that FACT. LOL

Furthermore I proved you wrong in this thread as well. LOL
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