
LOL So this is the best response you have to offer?? Admitting that you start drooling when you can't come up with a valid counter argument.

Let's just say it's better than the last time we had a discussion and I called you out for your BS and you turned tail and ran away.

Oh and thanks for the rep but it would have been more honest on your part if you would have just admitted in the thread that you were busted and ran out of spin instead of giving me rep and telling me "01-26-2010 06:09 PM Meister I'm just fucking with ya, man. I have to go on this end. Have a good evening."

I remember that, that was when you were salivating all over the place. I was baiting you and you were like a dog running for the rabbit at a dog race. :lol:
It was for my entertainment and I repped you for not letting me down. :lol:
I'm surprised that you would have brought that one up. :lol:

Nice spin but what you call "baiting" out of a desperate need to defend yourself I call DISHONESTY.

And I called you out for being dishonest, used your own words to PROVE IT and you ran away.

BTW what was that name you called me earlier in post?? Didn't you call me a liar? And yet I prove you to be a LIAR and this BS spin is the best that you have to offer. HAHAHA.

face it, you were WRONG I busted you for it and you turned tail and ran away. LOL

Funny thing is that you called me a liar in that thread too and then I proved you to be WRONG and you ran away. LOL Are you going to say that you are "fucking with" me now or are you going to try some new line of BS?? LOL

No, I'm not going to say that I'm fucking with you, and you don't know me, obviously. You didn't win any debate, even with all your double talk sonny. I was fucking with you in that thread, I was pretty much just laughing the whole time, and THAT is why I repped your ass.
In this post I WILL call you a BLOOMING IDIOT, and you can take that remark to the bank. :lol:
You are a LIAR, smitty. I would never give a troll a rep....unless it was a neg rep, and I haven't given you any kind of a neg rep in months. And that is because you were were a liar at that time, also.

Two Words: Nuclear... 01-26-2010 06:09 PM Meister I'm just fucking with ya, man. I have to go on this end. Have a good evening.

I don't know how to do it any better but i cut and pasted the above from my User CP.

It is you giving me POSITIVE REP and admitting that you were wrong but you tried to play it off that you were "fucking with" me. LOL

If you have a better way for me to link it that I don't know about, let me know and I will show it for all to see. LOL

you sure get a lot of neg reps, dude. :lol:

uh 4neg to 10pos in the pic that I used to show you to be a liar when you falsely claimed that you did not give me pos rep and not that it matters anyway. I don't post here to please others so I find it quite sad that you put so much weight onto what others think about you. LOL
DrSmith, you need to get someone to quote you if you want me to reply. Your on ignore son. No way in Hell you get out.

LOL Not my fault that you are too cowardly to face me based on the FACT that I have owned you in the past just as I have meister who actually gave me rep as he ran away after losing the debate. LOL

Smith s0n..........gotta tell ya. Ive yet to ever see you one up somebody on this forum except for out mental casing them when you get all angst and upset. rant on and on about stuff that is irrelevant. Like reconcilliation. Even debating it at this point is an exercise in navel contemplation s0n. Theres not even a remote chance of it happening.

And not for nothing, DUDE pwned your sh!t a couple of pages back s0n. And ps.......Id suggest taking a few deep breaths before firing off all these incoherent posts laced with misery and angst. Doesnt do a lot for the credibiity factor s0n...........:eusa_naughty:

LOL like I care what you THINK you see. You are and always have been one of the most deluded morons ever to post on a message board. The fact that posters on this board actualyl take you seriously draws into question the intelligence of republicans on this board. LOL

So you are actually trying to claim DUDE owned my sh!t because he asked me to REPOST something that had already been posted but that he ignored the first time around and I told him to go and find it in this thread? LOL

It had already been posted once I am not going to spam the board with something that had already been posted all so he could ignore it again the second time around.
message to the k00ks.......................

if the HOUSE had the votes, they'd pass health care fcukking idiots!!!!

They're not even going to get close to 210.

Dumbasses.............they dont realize that this is but political theatre so that Obama and the clueless Congress can LOOK like they tried to "RAM IT THROUGH"...........and despite their best efforts, were stopped by the "fear mongers".

I really want to make a genuine public service announcement for the benefit of the k00ks on this forum. LOAD up on the antidepressent stuff now s0ns..............this sh!t was dead long ago and now you are being treated to a charade!!!!

Wake up and smell the maple nut crunch!!!
I don't know how to do it any better but i cut and pasted the above from my User CP.

It is you giving me POSITIVE REP and admitting that you were wrong but you tried to play it off that you were "fucking with" me. LOL

If you have a better way for me to link it that I don't know about, let me know and I will show it for all to see. LOL

you sure get a lot of neg reps, dude. :lol:

uh 4neg to 10pos in the pic that I used to show you to be a liar when you falsely claimed that you did not give me pos rep and not that it matters anyway. I don't post here to please others so I find it quite sad that you put so much weight onto what others think about you. LOL

This is what makes you the idiot, smitty. I have told you that you were right on the rep, I told you that I deleted that post, but your such an idiot that keep trying to hammer away. The reason why you think you win debates is that people just get tired of the same old shit from an idiot. They just walk away, and your stupid enough to think you won something. This can be a learning experience for you, but I doubt it.
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LOL Not my fault that you are too cowardly to face me based on the FACT that I have owned you in the past just as I have meister who actually gave me rep as he ran away after losing the debate. LOL

Smith s0n..........gotta tell ya. Ive yet to ever see you one up somebody on this forum except for out mental casing them when you get all angst and upset. rant on and on about stuff that is irrelevant. Like reconcilliation. Even debating it at this point is an exercise in navel contemplation s0n. Theres not even a remote chance of it happening.

And not for nothing, DUDE pwned your sh!t a couple of pages back s0n. And ps.......Id suggest taking a few deep breaths before firing off all these incoherent posts laced with misery and angst. Doesnt do a lot for the credibiity factor s0n...........:eusa_naughty:

LOL like I care what you THINK you see. You are and always have been one of the most deluded morons ever to post on a message board. The fact that posters on this board actualyl take you seriously draws into question the intelligence of republicans on this board. LOL

So you are actually trying to claim DUDE owned my sh!t because he asked me to REPOST something that had already been posted but that he ignored the first time around and I told him to go and find it in this thread? LOL

It had already been posted once I am not going to spam the board with something that had already been posted all so he could ignore it again the second time around.


this coming from the guy who GAURANTEED that George Bush and Dick Cheney would both be impeached AND thrown in jail!!!!

But your right.........I guess Im the asshole here!!!!!
if the HOUSE had the votes, they'd pass health care fcukking idiots!!!!

They're not even going to get close to 210.

Dumbasses.............they dont realize that this is but political theatre so that Obama and the clueless Congress can LOOK like they tried to "RAM IT THROUGH"...........and despite their best efforts, were stopped by the "fear mongers".

I really want to make a genuine public service announcement for the benefit of the k00ks on this forum. LOAD up on the antidepressent stuff now s0ns..............this sh!t was dead long ago and now you are being treated to a charade!!!!

Wake up and smell the maple nut crunch!!!

Those who dont get it have the political IQ of a small soap dish~!!!!!!!!
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I remember that, that was when you were salivating all over the place. I was baiting you and you were like a dog running for the rabbit at a dog race. :lol:
It was for my entertainment and I repped you for not letting me down. :lol:
I'm surprised that you would have brought that one up. :lol:

Nice spin but what you call "baiting" out of a desperate need to defend yourself I call DISHONESTY.

And I called you out for being dishonest, used your own words to PROVE IT and you ran away.

BTW what was that name you called me earlier in post?? Didn't you call me a liar? And yet I prove you to be a LIAR and this BS spin is the best that you have to offer. HAHAHA.

face it, you were WRONG I busted you for it and you turned tail and ran away. LOL

Funny thing is that you called me a liar in that thread too and then I proved you to be WRONG and you ran away. LOL Are you going to say that you are "fucking with" me now or are you going to try some new line of BS?? LOL

No, I'm not going to say that I'm fucking with you, and you don't know me, obviously. You didn't win any debate, even with all your double talk sonny. I was fucking with you in that thread, I was pretty much just laughing the whole time, and THAT is why I repped your ass.
In this post I WILL call you a BLOOMING IDIOT, and you can take that remark to the bank. :lol:

Funny but the thread in question shows me calling you out and you running away. That says it all to me. LOL
You dishonestly tried to claim that leiberman was "on board early in the process" concerning the senate bill and then I provided you with a link that showed he was against it 10 days before he voted in favor of it meaning that he wasn't "on board early in the process". I even asked you to prove your own claim and you turned tail and ran away. LOL

Then you LIED in this thread when you called me a liar and said that you never gave me positive rep. However, then I showed you that you had. Deleting the post won't cancel out your LIE. LOL

Face it you have been owned AGAIN. You lied and it has been PROVEN. Spin all you want to, call in as many losers as you can find to attack me but it won't change the FACT that you LIED and I called you out for it. LOL
you sure get a lot of neg reps, dude. :lol:

uh 4neg to 10pos in the pic that I used to show you to be a liar when you falsely claimed that you did not give me pos rep and not that it matters anyway. I don't post here to please others so I find it quite sad that you put so much weight onto what others think about you. LOL

This is what makes you the idiot, smitty. I have told you that you were right on the rep, I told you that I deleted that post, but your such an idiot that keep trying to hammer away. The reason why you think you win debates is that people just get tired of the same old shit from an idiot. They just walk away, and your stupid enough to think you won something. This can be a learning experience for you, but I doubt it.

HAHAH deleting your LIE and dishonest personal attack doesn't change the fact that you you LIED. LOL

Then you offer nothing but more lame excuses from a preven liar. LOL

Go ahead and run away it won't change the facts. HAHA
Maybe you could've linked back to your list, eh?

Still, the road to reconciliation isn't a straight forward as it may have been portrayed.

If the HoR passes the Senate bill straight out, which ain't a-gonna happen, there's no need for reconciliation because it goes straight to the Prez to get signed or vetoed.

So, it looks like the House is going to have to come up with another bill and hold another vote....And those prospects don't look so hot at this point in time.

So you want me to waste my time and go back to find a post that you ignored the first time around all so you can ignore it again??

Sorry, but why are you so lazy?? I already posted it once, why should I have to go and get it and post it again because you are too lazy to go back and find it in this thread??
You posted it and know where it is...How tough is it to go into your own stats and dig it up?...I do it all the time.

Speaking of lazy.
Smith s0n..........gotta tell ya. Ive yet to ever see you one up somebody on this forum except for out mental casing them when you get all angst and upset. rant on and on about stuff that is irrelevant. Like reconcilliation. Even debating it at this point is an exercise in navel contemplation s0n. Theres not even a remote chance of it happening.

And not for nothing, DUDE pwned your sh!t a couple of pages back s0n. And ps.......Id suggest taking a few deep breaths before firing off all these incoherent posts laced with misery and angst. Doesnt do a lot for the credibiity factor s0n...........:eusa_naughty:

LOL like I care what you THINK you see. You are and always have been one of the most deluded morons ever to post on a message board. The fact that posters on this board actualyl take you seriously draws into question the intelligence of republicans on this board. LOL

So you are actually trying to claim DUDE owned my sh!t because he asked me to REPOST something that had already been posted but that he ignored the first time around and I told him to go and find it in this thread? LOL

It had already been posted once I am not going to spam the board with something that had already been posted all so he could ignore it again the second time around.


this coming from the guy who GAURANTEED that George Bush and Dick Cheney would both be impeached AND thrown in jail!!!!

Uh I NEVER guaranteed anything of the kind but then if you were honest you would admit to that FACT.

BTW how did DUDE own my sh!t?? I am still waiting on you to explain that? If you could substantiate your claim then why avoid doing so?

But your right.........I guess Im the asshole here!!!!!

Well, the first step is admitting that you have a problem at least now you can start on the road to recovery.
uh 4neg to 10pos in the pic that I used to show you to be a liar when you falsely claimed that you did not give me pos rep and not that it matters anyway. I don't post here to please others so I find it quite sad that you put so much weight onto what others think about you. LOL

This is what makes you the idiot, smitty. I have told you that you were right on the rep, I told you that I deleted that post, but your such an idiot that keep trying to hammer away. The reason why you think you win debates is that people just get tired of the same old shit from an idiot. They just walk away, and your stupid enough to think you won something. This can be a learning experience for you, but I doubt it.

HAHAH deleting your LIE and dishonest personal attack doesn't change the fact that you you LIED. LOL

Then you offer nothing but more lame excuses from a preven liar. LOL

Go ahead and run away it won't change the facts. HAHA

You never learn and you don't take good advice very well, I knew you wouldn't be smart enough to understand. Carry on, sucker.
LOL like I care what you THINK you see. You are and always have been one of the most deluded morons ever to post on a message board. The fact that posters on this board actualyl take you seriously draws into question the intelligence of republicans on this board. LOL

So you are actually trying to claim DUDE owned my sh!t because he asked me to REPOST something that had already been posted but that he ignored the first time around and I told him to go and find it in this thread? LOL

It had already been posted once I am not going to spam the board with something that had already been posted all so he could ignore it again the second time around.


this coming from the guy who GAURANTEED that George Bush and Dick Cheney would both be impeached AND thrown in jail!!!!

Uh I NEVER guaranteed anything of the kind but then if you were honest you would admit to that FACT.

BTW how did DUDE own my sh!t?? I am still waiting on you to explain that? If you could substantiate your claim then why avoid doing so?

But your right.........I guess Im the asshole here!!!!!

Well, the first step is admitting that you have a problem at least now you can start on the road to recovery.

Does anyone else find this as rich as I do? :lol:
Maybe you could've linked back to your list, eh?

Still, the road to reconciliation isn't a straight forward as it may have been portrayed.

If the HoR passes the Senate bill straight out, which ain't a-gonna happen, there's no need for reconciliation because it goes straight to the Prez to get signed or vetoed.

So, it looks like the House is going to have to come up with another bill and hold another vote....And those prospects don't look so hot at this point in time.

So you want me to waste my time and go back to find a post that you ignored the first time around all so you can ignore it again??

Sorry, but why are you so lazy?? I already posted it once, why should I have to go and get it and post it again because you are too lazy to go back and find it in this thread??
You posted it and know where it is...How tough is it to go into your own stats and dig it up?...I do it all the time.

Speaking of lazy.

How tough is it to read a thread instead of ignoring the FACTS that don't suit your spin and then asking someone to repost it so you could ignore it all over again.

Your ignorance, whether it be intentional or not, is NOT my problem.

However, since I am in a generous mood afer exposing meister as a liar I will help you out.

Your comment
No, it's not a budget bill...It's legislation, Miss Dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers.

my response.

and what do you think bush's tax cuts were??

H.R. 1836 (Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 )
H.R. 2 (Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 )
H.R. 4297 (Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 )

Nothing but legislation enacting, speeding up, or extending bush's taxcuts and they were passed through reconciliation.

and here is another incorrect claim that you made.

Tax cuts don't "cost" anything, and were passed a part of a budget bill.

and here is my response to that spin.

Actually NO they weren't part of a budget bill. They were individual bills whose purposes were either to enact, speed up or extend bush's tax cuts.

H.R. 1836 (Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001)

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimate that H.R. 1836 would decrease governmental receipts by $70 billion in 2001, by $512 billion over the 2001-2006 period, and by $1.26 trillion over the 2001-2011 period. In addition, the act would increase direct spending by $4 billion in 2001, by $40 billion over the 2001-2006 period, and by $92 billion over the 2001-2011 period. H.R. 1836 would reduce projected total surpluses by approximately $1.35 trillion over the 2001-2011 period. Of this total, $2.9 billion would be off-budget and not subject to pay-as-you-go procedures.

H.R. 2 (Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 )

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) and CBO estimate that H.R. 2 would increase budget deficits by $60.8 billion in 2003, by $342.9 billion over the 2003-2008 period, and by $349.7 billion over the 2003-2013 period.

H.R. 4297 (Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 )

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimates that this legislation will reduce federal revenues by $70.0 billion over the 2006-2010 period and by $69.1 billion over the 2006-2015 period. In addition, based on information provided by JCT, CBO estimates that the legislation will have no effect on federal spending.
All were passed under reconciliation.
This is what makes you the idiot, smitty. I have told you that you were right on the rep, I told you that I deleted that post, but your such an idiot that keep trying to hammer away. The reason why you think you win debates is that people just get tired of the same old shit from an idiot. They just walk away, and your stupid enough to think you won something. This can be a learning experience for you, but I doubt it.

HAHAH deleting your LIE and dishonest personal attack doesn't change the fact that you you LIED. LOL

Then you offer nothing but more lame excuses from a preven liar. LOL

Go ahead and run away it won't change the facts. HAHA

You never learn and you don't take good advice very well, I knew you wouldn't be smart enough to understand. Carry on, sucker.

I understand perfectly that you are running away after losing the debate and after being shown to be a LIAR as you are trying to CYA as you run by attacking me as you go.

What else is there to understand? LOL

this coming from the guy who GAURANTEED that George Bush and Dick Cheney would both be impeached AND thrown in jail!!!!

Uh I NEVER guaranteed anything of the kind but then if you were honest you would admit to that FACT.

BTW how did DUDE own my sh!t?? I am still waiting on you to explain that? If you could substantiate your claim then why avoid doing so?

But your right.........I guess Im the asshole here!!!!!

Well, the first step is admitting that you have a problem at least now you can start on the road to recovery.

Does anyone else find this as rich as I do? :lol:

Your desperate need to try and tear me down is very rich. LOL Why are you so desperate to attack and tear me down?? Is it because I owned you AGAIN? LOL
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Rachel has been doing a great job of showing what liars Republicans really are:

The Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, responded to the president‘s speech on health reform today with this whopper of his own.

reconciliation has been used, the results were bipartisan support.

MADDOW: “Bipartisan support,” he says, virtually every time—virtually every time.
Except for this time, when it was a 51-50 party line vote, or that other time when it was a 50-49 party line vote, or that other time when it was a 52-47 party line vote.

You know, actually, if you look at the past two decades of using reconciliation in the United States Congress—if you look at the last two decades, the majority of times it has been used, it has been used for party line votes. So, Mitch McConnell told a lie about that today.

I do not take pleasure in saying this—but some of the most prominent politicians opposed to health reform are just lying about health reform, lying about the U.S. Senate. They‘re not embarrassed about being caught in the lies. They‘re not even embarrassed about taking brave stands against their own records, their own positions in order to try to stop health reform from succeeding.

Take, for example, Republican Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire. Mr. Gregg went on the FOX News Channel today to decry the use of reconciliation to pass reform.

SEN. JUDD GREGG ®, NEW HAMPSHIRE: It‘s bad policy. And to do it this way is to really railroad the American people and the Congress.

MADDOW: Reconciliation railroading the American people and the Congress—railroading them. That new Judd Gregg really is not going to be happy when we introduce him to the old Judd Gregg.

GREGG: We are using the rules of the Senate here. That‘s what they are, Senator. Reconciliation is a rule of the Senate. All this rule of the Senate does is allow a majority of the Senate to take a position and pass a piece of legislation, support that position. Now, is there something wrong with majority rules? I don‘t think so.

MADDOW: I don‘t think so. Wait until this Judd Gregg hears about what that other Judd Gregg just said, huh?

In their desperation to try to stop health reform by any means necessary, senators opposed to health reform have repeatedly decided to take brave stands against themselves. Now, this desperation is a manifestation of the mass freak-out by opponents of health reform over the fact that health reform is close to a done deal.

And it‘s not just the lying and the hypocrisy by politicians who really ought to know better, it‘s also this—Code Red! This is not a Website that we here at THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW created today in order to satirize the Republican freak-out over health reform passing. This is their actual Web site. Code Red!Look at the siren. You see the siren? “Alerting America to the Democrats‘ Health Care takeover!”—exclamation point. This is a—this is a new project of the National Republican Congressional Committee. Code
Red, Code Red, everybody, freak out!

Another symptom of this freak-out is one that actually makes me upset. You know how in baseball, if you intentionally bump an umpire, you get slapped with a pretty big suspension. On the street, if you assault a police officer, you end up getting a way worse sentence than if you assaulted a person who is not a police officer. The idea is that not that these people are so much more important than regular citizens, but these folks, in doing their jobs, represent the system itself. They represent the commitment that we in America have to living within some agreed upon rules.

People in our society whose job is to uphold the rules can‘t be attacked. That‘s sort of an American value, in everything from our criminal justice system to sports—which is why even jaded Beltway insiders recoiled today when Senate Republicans started to attack the Senate parliamentarian. Yes. This is basically the Senate‘s ump, the guy who calls balls and strikes on how the Senate operates. He hasn‘t even ruled on anything related to health care yet, but Republicans are preemptively bullying the parliamentarian in terms of how he will rule on procedural matters related to health care.

Republican Senator Jim DeMint warning, “I‘ve got concerns,” and telling, quote, “I would think that reconciliation would makeor break the perception of his objectivity.”

My friend Senator Orrin Hatch warning, “He‘d be crazy not to follow the rules and to rule properly. If he didn‘t do that, he‘d lose all respect.”Another brave anonymous Republican just throwing the evidence-free insult that “Politico” duly transcribed, quote, “I think most people don‘t trust him.” You know, I would normally show you a picture of the guy that they‘re attacking at this point, but I think that he actually deserves to be left out of this. He‘s the parliamentarian. He‘s a guy who‘s doing his job.

He hasn‘t even done anything yet in this fight, let alone having done anything wrong. The reason health reform opponents are freaking out—code red, code red—attacking the parliamentarian, lying, denying their own records on subjects like this, the reason they‘re freaking out is because this process is almost done. They‘re desperate. And it‘s not just my opinion that it is almost done, president Obama today made clear that this really is almost over.

Wednesday, March 3rd - Rachel Maddow show-
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Your a troll, and you wouldn't know what a debate was if it bitch slapped you in the face, smitty.
Carry on with your delusional you always do, and wonder why people walk away from your stupidity.
Actually NO they weren't part of a budget bill. They were individual bills whose purposes were either to enact, speed up or extend bush's tax cuts.

H.R. 1836 (Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001)

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimate that H.R. 1836 would decrease governmental receipts by $70 billion in 2001, by $512 billion over the 2001-2006 period, and by $1.26 trillion over the 2001-2011 period. In addition, the act would increase direct spending by $4 billion in 2001, by $40 billion over the 2001-2006 period, and by $92 billion over the 2001-2011 period. H.R. 1836 would reduce projected total surpluses by approximately $1.35 trillion over the 2001-2011 period. Of this total, $2.9 billion would be off-budget and not subject to pay-as-you-go procedures.

H.R. 2 (Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 )

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) and CBO estimate that H.R. 2 would increase budget deficits by $60.8 billion in 2003, by $342.9 billion over the 2003-2008 period, and by $349.7 billion over the 2003-2013 period.

H.R. 4297 (Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 )

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimates that this legislation will reduce federal revenues by $70.0 billion over the 2006-2010 period and by $69.1 billion over the 2006-2015 period. In addition, based on information provided by JCT, CBO estimates that the legislation will have no effect on federal spending.
All were passed under reconciliation.
I also asked when reconciliation had been used to ram through new legislation, not about tweaking laws and regulations that had already been in place.

Sheesh...I thought it was you goofy libs that were the ones who were supposed to be able to see all this "nuance" thingy. :lol:
WOW so majority rule is equivalent to "tyranny over the minority" now that democrats are the majority?

LOL Tell me, did you have this same position when republicans engaged in "tyranny over the minority" or is your current spin only reserved for a time when demcorats are the majority and republicans are the MINORITY?

Furthermore, NOT ONE OF THE BILLS BEING PROPOSED CONSISTS OF A GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF HEALTHCARE. I am so tired of that LIE being perpetrated by the right. You are trying to create a situation out of thin air and basing your entire BS spin on your work of fiction as you try to attack obama and claim that obama is passing an unconstitutional take over healthcare when that is NOT what is being passed.

I honestly don't know why some posters are just so damn dishonest.
Learn some history and quit depending upon getting arguments from Democratic Underground to bring in our discussions. The Republicans NEVER had a filibuster proof Senate with the Democracts in the minority.

Nice baseless attack. That seems to be all that righties are offering these days.

Can you show me when and where I made the claim that republicans had a filibsuter proof senate?? Oh you mean I NEVER said that so your attack is baseless and dishonest. thanks for clearing that up.

Democrats had 58 votes + 2 independents for 6 months and in those six months they debated the bills and rammed NOTHING through so your spin of "tyranny over the minority" is nothing but BS propaganda spread by a minority supporting hack.
58 + 2 = 60. The Senate passed the health care bill without conceding one thing to the republicans. It was passed because they had a filibuster proof Senate. Republican could never have done that.

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