Reid find new political life with Angle

Angle is a nutter and a liar.

If she wins this election Nevada will go from top power to no power and a lying nutter.
Angle is a nutter and a liar.

If she wins this election Nevada will go from top power to no power and a lying nutter.

Please tell us Truthmatters...

Name one republican politician that you do not agree with that is not a nutter and a liar.

Show us that you are not some partisan hack.

Bet you can't!
Amazing how someone as dead in the water as Harry reid could come back thanks to the intervention of the Tea Baggers.

Sharron Angle still hasn't met a camera that she is willing to talk to.....unless it is controlled by republican propaganda arm...Fox News
Amazing how someone as dead in the water as Harry reid could come back thanks to the intervention of the Tea Baggers.

Sharron Angle still hasn't met a camera that she is willing to talk to.....unless it is controlled by republican propaganda arm...Fox News

Sadly, most on the left seem to be happy that a man that was "dead in the water" is revivied NOT by his own actions that made him dead in the water, but by the actions of another person that made "dead in the water" a better choice.

It is sad how partisanship dictates "what is best for our country".
Angle is a nutter and a liar.

If she wins this election Nevada will go from top power to no power and a lying nutter.

Please tell us Truthmatters...

Name one republican politician that you do not agree with that is not a nutter and a liar.

Show us that you are not some partisan hack.

Bet you can't!

Not many left on the right who are reasonable.

Sharon angle is on tape saying she wants to end SS.

She then just a couple of months later claims reid is lying by saying she said that.

Its on fucking tape.
Angle is a nutter and a liar.

If she wins this election Nevada will go from top power to no power and a lying nutter.

Please tell us Truthmatters...

Name one republican politician that you do not agree with that is not a nutter and a liar.

Show us that you are not some partisan hack.

Bet you can't!

Not many left on the right who are reasonable.

Sharon angle is on tape saying she wants to end SS.

She then just a couple of months later claims reid is lying by saying she said that.

Its on fucking tape.

Being "reasonable or not" is one's opinion and is usually based on whether or not one agrees with the sentiments of the of course you do not see anyone on the right as "reasonable" and I respect that.

But when republicans names are brought into debates, you have a tendancy to call them liars or whackos or nuts or whatever.

So as opposed to backtracking by saying "very few are reasonable", please offer us one republican congressperson who you see as honest and intelligent, but one that you simply disagree with.

I can name many democrats that I see as unreasonable but I respect their intelligence and integrity...and I can name many that I see as liar and a nut.

Likewise, I can name, likely, an equal amount of republicans that I see as honest and iontelligent and an equal amount that are not.

So go one. Just one.
The way it's going, SS will die on it's own...

Already paying out more than it's taking in... Wonderful system...
Amazing how someone as dead in the water as Harry reid could come back thanks to the intervention of the Tea Baggers.

Sharron Angle still hasn't met a camera that she is willing to talk to.....unless it is controlled by republican propaganda arm...Fox News

Sadly, most on the left seem to be happy that a man that was "dead in the water" is revivied NOT by his own actions that made him dead in the water, but by the actions of another person that made "dead in the water" a better choice.

It is sad how partisanship dictates "what is best for our country".

I have never been a fan of Reid. I think he is a lightweight and doesn't warrant his position in the Senate.

That said, Angle is just plain creepy. She doesn't seem to have a grasp of any major issue facing our country and I think the whole nation should be embarrassed if she gets elected
The way it's going, SS will die on it's own...

Already paying out more than it's taking in... Wonderful system...

and Republicans have been predicting its demise for 75 years

Social Security needs some minor fixes not a throw it out and start over solution. It needs to be put on better financial footing by raising retirement age to 70 and taxing all income
The way it's going, SS will die on it's own...

Already paying out more than it's taking in... Wonderful system...

and Republicans have been predicting its demise for 75 years

Social Security needs some minor fixes not a throw it out and start over solution. It needs to be put on better financial footing by raising retirement age to 70 and taxing all income

Yep, there's no fiscal problems that can't be solved by simply taxing the public some more :rolleyes:
The way it's going, SS will die on it's own...

Already paying out more than it's taking in... Wonderful system...

and Republicans have been predicting its demise for 75 years

Social Security needs some minor fixes not a throw it out and start over solution. It needs to be put on better financial footing by raising retirement age to 70 and taxing all income

The well is dry... You can't have any more...
Please tell us Truthmatters...

Name one republican politician that you do not agree with that is not a nutter and a liar.

Show us that you are not some partisan hack.

Bet you can't!

Not many left on the right who are reasonable.

Sharon angle is on tape saying she wants to end SS.

She then just a couple of months later claims reid is lying by saying she said that.

Its on fucking tape.

Being "reasonable or not" is one's opinion and is usually based on whether or not one agrees with the sentiments of the of course you do not see anyone on the right as "reasonable" and I respect that.

But when republicans names are brought into debates, you have a tendancy to call them liars or whackos or nuts or whatever.

So as opposed to backtracking by saying "very few are reasonable", please offer us one republican congressperson who you see as honest and intelligent, but one that you simply disagree with.

I can name many democrats that I see as unreasonable but I respect their intelligence and integrity...and I can name many that I see as liar and a nut.

Likewise, I can name, likely, an equal amount of republicans that I see as honest and iontelligent and an equal amount that are not.

So go one. Just one.

Don't hold your breath there JH.

As far at OL'TM is concerned Reps are all liars, dishonest, racists and fucking idiots.

Oh Yeah. The Reps singlehandedly ruined the economy and the Dems are all pure as the driven snow. What a hoot.

America would be better off without the GOP.

Of course her DNC is just as bad, but don't try and tell her that. LOL
I'm just waiting for Reid to come out and declare to the world that the war in Afghanistan is lost.

That is true leadership.
The way it's going, SS will die on it's own...

Already paying out more than it's taking in... Wonderful system...

and Republicans have been predicting its demise for 75 years

Social Security needs some minor fixes not a throw it out and start over solution. It needs to be put on better financial footing by raising retirement age to 70 and taxing all income

So, in other words, make a major overhaul of the SS system...which is no different than eliminating the current system.
Taxing all income is a major move.
Better fianncila footing is a takking point with no pput it on a better fiancnaial footing is overhauling the entire system.
Raising the retirement age is a sound plan...but I think it best to first see how that healthcare plan pans out and how it may affect ones ability to work to the age of 70...

I suggest yoiu really think about that one. A knee replacement may not be so easy to get....and at age 69 with a really bad knee, climbing a high wire tower may not be so easy to do.
Not many left on the right who are reasonable.

Sharon angle is on tape saying she wants to end SS.

She then just a couple of months later claims reid is lying by saying she said that.

Its on fucking tape.

Being "reasonable or not" is one's opinion and is usually based on whether or not one agrees with the sentiments of the of course you do not see anyone on the right as "reasonable" and I respect that.

But when republicans names are brought into debates, you have a tendancy to call them liars or whackos or nuts or whatever.

So as opposed to backtracking by saying "very few are reasonable", please offer us one republican congressperson who you see as honest and intelligent, but one that you simply disagree with.

I can name many democrats that I see as unreasonable but I respect their intelligence and integrity...and I can name many that I see as liar and a nut.

Likewise, I can name, likely, an equal amount of republicans that I see as honest and iontelligent and an equal amount that are not.

So go one. Just one.

Don't hold your breath there JH.

As far at OL'TM is concerned Reps are all liars, dishonest, racists and fucking idiots.

Oh Yeah. The Reps singlehandedly ruined the economy and the Dems are all pure as the driven snow. What a hoot.

America would be better off without the GOP.

Of course her DNC is just as bad, but don't try and tell her that. LOL

No it is not just as bad.

It is YOUR party that created this mess and its the dems who are trying to get us out of YOUR mess.
[ame=]YouTube - Sharron Angle says eliminate Social Security[/ame]

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