Reid-" priv.-sector jobs just fine, pub.-sector jobs, thats what this bill is about"


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
I had to paraphrase, he said-

"It's very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine; it's the public-sector jobs where we've lost huge numbers, and that's what this legislation is all about,"
Reid said on the Senate floor.

Well, I give him high marks for honesty ( in just this case) and zero points for intellect and economic sense. But hey, we sorta knew that.

Notice this is their first hack at the Obama Jobs plan, so yea, its clear who they value alright. This statement too, explains deftly one of the root causes for many municipalities/states poor financial conditions and of course, the parties economically bankrupt yet philosophically ingrained 1st commandment.

Reid signals government jobs must take priority over private-sector jobs
By Pete Kasperowicz - 10/19/11 10:16 AM ET

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday indicated Congress needs to worry about government jobs more than private-sector jobs, and that this is why Senate Democrats are pushing a bill aimed at shoring up teachers and first-responders.
More at-

Reid signals government jobs must take priority over private-sector jobs - The Hill's Floor Action

yea he signaled alright....:rolleyes: :lol:
Hey Harry! You fucking moron. Don't PUBLIC sector jobs have to be paid for by the 50% of AMERICANS who pay their share?

go fuck yourself whydonchya?
An incredibly honest thing to say. That sure does tip the hand to let everyone see which direction that the democrats want to take us. Can't wait for the rdean and TM response to the OP.
I wonder how many public sector jobs we could do without and not feel any national consequence?

Ron Paul was being interviewed this morning and asked about all the government agencies he would fight to just shut down and close up and what would happen to the 300,000 federal employees that would then be out of work.

He responded that you don't do it all at once but just don't replace those who quit, retire, get fired, or whatever until you can start consolidating and closing down unnecessary or anti-constitutional government agencies.

Meanwhile, you put the country back on a solid economic track so that the private sector is creating good jobs for everybody who wants one. And he mentioned that after WWII, we had five million guys coming home and needing to go back to work, but the economy was booming and they were effortlessly reassimilated into the private work force.

I am not all that much a Ron Paul fan, but what he is saying makes a lot of sense.

Every public sector job requires money from the economy that would pay for a private sector job.

That is something Harry Reid and his ilk simply don't seem to understand and/or care about.
Reid of course is either smoking crack or otherwise taken leave of his senses.......

Lets ask ourselves for a minute, IF that is true, the public sector has lost more jobs, taking our historically low labor participation rate and high unemployment, just what does that say about our past hiring practices and the future ala re- employing all those folks...under the gov. municipal/state/federal gov.'s payroll?

But alas, hes smoking crack-

But James Hohman, assistant director for fiscal policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, disagrees. He said private-sector jobs have been hit harder than public-sector jobs since the recession started in December 2007.

The private sector has lost 6.3 million jobs, a 5.4 percent drop, since December 2007, while the public sector has only lost 1.8 percent, or 392,000 jobs, in that same time, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The public sector had 22.3 million jobs in December 2007 and dropped to 21.2 million in September 2011. The private sector had 115.6 million jobs in December 2007 and it dropped to 109.3 million as of September 2011.

Hohman said the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 protected many government jobs.

“The private sector is still way down and they should not be asked to support government jobs that have been protected from a recession,” Hohman said.

more at-
Harry Reid Misreads Facts on Public/Private Job Losses [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
You know after reading this, I'm sort of reminded of something and it's perhaps me showing my age here. What happened to a Sen. that was supposed to represent those who elected him to the office? In Reids case it would be the people of the great state of Nv. It would seem to me that he would be better served if for a moment he would pause and take time to address the concerns of his home state for a change. With one of the highest forclosure rates in the country and a 13.2% unemployment rate and people fleeing Las Vegas as a result of the collapse of the housing and construction trades. It would seem to me the good Sen. would spend his time concentrating on legislation that would benefit the needs of those whom he was sent there to represent be it public sector or private sector. Perhaps thats an old fashioned way to look at things , but if you take ever Sen. doing the same thing for their respective states then you have a healthy nation and legislation that better reflects the needs of the nation as a whole the Sen. feelings on Public Sector jobs nothwithstanding.
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I'm told that Pissing on the Street is a Sex Crime in Vegas. A big money maker too for the State. By just ignoring the Constitutionality, and Abuse of Authority, they get to nail you to the cross, and make you have to Register as a Sex Offender. All the Fines, Fee's, and Penalties that go along with running the Gauntlet there, make one's head spin. Maybe the Piss on Wall Street Protest should have Everyone hold their Bladders until they can relocate to the Strip? What do you say? Let's have a Pee-In. It's warmer now than Manhattan, Sunny, Great Buffets. We can Wee-Wee all the way home. Pee for Harry Protest. :D
You know after reading this, I'm sort of reminded of something and it's perhaps me showing my age here. What happened to a Sen. that was supposed to represent those who elected him to the office? In Reids case it would be the people of the great state of Nv. It would seem to me that he would be better served if for a moment he would pause and take time to address the concerns of his home state for a change. With one of the highest forclosure rates in the country and a 13.2% unemployment rate and people fleeing Las Vegas as a result of the collapse of the housing and construction trades. It would seem to me the good Sen. would spend his time concentrating on legislation that would benefit the needs of those whom he was sent there to represent be it public sector or private sector. Perhaps thats an old fashioned way to look at things , but if you take ever Sen. doing the same thing for their respective states then you have a healthy nation and legislation that better reflects the needs of the nation as a whole the Sen. feelings on Public Sector jobs nothwithstanding.

We don't have many public servants going to Washington anymore. We have career politicians who, if they didn't plan on it in the first place, quickly learn that they can enhance their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortune by being politicians instead of public servants.

So I keep up the drum beat. Take away their congressional perks, health plan, retirement plan and let them fund those out of their salaries like most people have to do. Take away their ability to buy votes and increase their influence with the public treasury. Do that and we will again have citizen public servants representing the people.
Can we agree, for God's sake, that "public sector" jobs do not grow the economy? Public sector employees are paid with money confiscated from taxpayers. There is a zero sum gain. Yeah, it's true that public sector jobs are important but increasing the public sector workforce does nothing for the economy except maybe change the unemployment numbers long enough for democrats to get re-elected.
You know after reading this, I'm sort of reminded of something and it's perhaps me showing my age here. What happened to a Sen. that was supposed to represent those who elected him to the office? In Reids case it would be the people of the great state of Nv. It would seem to me that he would be better served if for a moment he would pause and take time to address the concerns of his home state for a change. With one of the highest forclosure rates in the country and a 13.2% unemployment rate and people fleeing Las Vegas as a result of the collapse of the housing and construction trades. It would seem to me the good Sen. would spend his time concentrating on legislation that would benefit the needs of those whom he was sent there to represent be it public sector or private sector. Perhaps thats an old fashioned way to look at things , but if you take ever Sen. doing the same thing for their respective states then you have a healthy nation and legislation that better reflects the needs of the nation as a whole the Sen. feelings on Public Sector jobs nothwithstanding.

He'd have to PAY for those remarks NavyGuy when he goes home --- IF the press ever thought it was their job to report such arrogance. Unfortunately -- I doubt it'll get 15 seconds on the LV nightly news... THey KNOW they can be arrogant and get away with it. Because who are Democrats gonna vote for --- Republicans??? THe problem is the 2 party monopoly. They cover for each other like cookie-stealing six yr olds..
I'm told that Pissing on the Street is a Sex Crime in Vegas. A big money maker too for the State. By just ignoring the Constitutionality, and Abuse of Authority, they get to nail you to the cross, and make you have to Register as a Sex Offender. All the Fines, Fee's, and Penalties that go along with running the Gauntlet there, make one's head spin. Maybe the Piss on Wall Street Protest should have Everyone hold their Bladders until they can relocate to the Strip? What do you say? Let's have a Pee-In. It's warmer now than Manhattan, Sunny, Great Buffets. We can Wee-Wee all the way home. Pee for Harry Protest. :D

Well that was "Intense".. Hope your knowledge of LV laws isn't from personal experience.

An incredibly honest thing to say. That sure does tip the hand to let everyone see which direction that the democrats want to take us. Can't wait for the rdean and TM response to the OP.

The rhetoric from Reid and Co. just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. :rolleyes:
I had to paraphrase, he said-

"It's very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine; it's the public-sector jobs where we've lost huge numbers, and that's what this legislation is all about,"
Reid said on the Senate floor.

Well, I give him high marks for honesty ( in just this case) and zero points for intellect and economic sense. But hey, we sorta knew that.

Notice this is their first hack at the Obama Jobs plan, so yea, its clear who they value alright. This statement too, explains deftly one of the root causes for many municipalities/states poor financial conditions and of course, the parties economically bankrupt yet philosophically ingrained 1st commandment.

Reid signals government jobs must take priority over private-sector jobs
By Pete Kasperowicz - 10/19/11 10:16 AM ET

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday indicated Congress needs to worry about government jobs more than private-sector jobs, and that this is why Senate Democrats are pushing a bill aimed at shoring up teachers and first-responders.
More at-

Reid signals government jobs must take priority over private-sector jobs - The Hill's Floor Action

yea he signaled alright....:rolleyes: :lol:
That's certainly strangeling rhetoric, imho.

<shaking head>
I'm told that Pissing on the Street is a Sex Crime in Vegas. A big money maker too for the State. By just ignoring the Constitutionality, and Abuse of Authority, they get to nail you to the cross, and make you have to Register as a Sex Offender. All the Fines, Fee's, and Penalties that go along with running the Gauntlet there, make one's head spin. Maybe the Piss on Wall Street Protest should have Everyone hold their Bladders until they can relocate to the Strip? What do you say? Let's have a Pee-In. It's warmer now than Manhattan, Sunny, Great Buffets. We can Wee-Wee all the way home. Pee for Harry Protest. :D

My kid patrols the streets near Vegas in one of the worst parts of town. If somebody peed on her and she got sick from it, I'd feel so bad. :(
You know after reading this, I'm sort of reminded of something and it's perhaps me showing my age here. What happened to a Sen. that was supposed to represent those who elected him to the office? In Reids case it would be the people of the great state of Nv. It would seem to me that he would be better served if for a moment he would pause and take time to address the concerns of his home state for a change. With one of the highest forclosure rates in the country and a 13.2% unemployment rate and people fleeing Las Vegas as a result of the collapse of the housing and construction trades. It would seem to me the good Sen. would spend his time concentrating on legislation that would benefit the needs of those whom he was sent there to represent be it public sector or private sector. Perhaps thats an old fashioned way to look at things , but if you take ever Sen. doing the same thing for their respective states then you have a healthy nation and legislation that better reflects the needs of the nation as a whole the Sen. feelings on Public Sector jobs nothwithstanding.

We don't have many public servants going to Washington anymore. We have career politicians who, if they didn't plan on it in the first place, quickly learn that they can enhance their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortune by being politicians instead of public servants.

So I keep up the drum beat. Take away their congressional perks, health plan, retirement plan and let them fund those out of their salaries like most people have to do. Take away their ability to buy votes and increase their influence with the public treasury. Do that and we will again have citizen public servants representing the people.

Wonderful word that " PUBLIC SERVANT", thank you for pointing that out it's often forgotten these day's that those we elect and represent us from the President all the way down to the local School Board do indeed serve the public. Sadly, many go to Washington D.C. and after many years there seem to forget that basic thing and it does seem the good Sen. from Nv. is one of them. I have no issue with decent public servants "EARNING" a retirement from the work they do as legislators, however it does seem that when a congressman is full vested after 5 years and the average soldier, sailor, airman, or marine who puts themselves in harms way isn't theres something wrong there. In fact those same members of the military have to put in 20 years for the same benefits and in most if not all cases much much harder circumstances. So again, thank you for reminding us that they are indeed "public servants" and indebted to us all and not the other way around.

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