Religious Freedom In The United States

One of the most bizarre creations of the degenerate left wrong is the principle—clearly expressed at the link in the OP—that in order to uphold religious freedom, it must be suppressed. This is straight out of George Orwell, right up there with “War is peace! Freedom is slavery! Ignorance is strength!”
You certainly have the right to have a prayer meeting at your house, but those who attend the meeting can't block the street with their parked cars.

Sometimes when you claim you are being oppressed, you should stop and think.


American Christians: my religious freedoms are being trampled due to being forced to bake a cake for LGBT people.

Coptic Christians: Am i a joke to you?
One of the most bizarre creations of the degenerate left wrong is the principle—clearly expressed at the link in the OP—that in order to uphold religious freedom, it must be suppressed. This is straight out of George Orwell, right up there with “War is peace! Freedom is slavery! Ignorance is strength!”

How have you been oppressed religiously?
who's kidding who ...
(Because one day we are going to be in charge!)
opening line of your article ... everyone has witnessed what occurs when the desert religion's are in charge and is the reason they are excluded from gov't by the u s constitution.

desert religion's = political =/= religion. - and have no spiritual credibility or corroboration for any of their written text.
How have you been oppressed religiously?
Those on the religious right believe – incorrectly – that Establishment Clause jurisprudence ‘discriminates’ against them because theists are prohibited from seeking to conjoin church and state, in violation of the Framers’ mandate.
my religious freedoms are being trampled due to being forced to bake a cake for LGBT people.
Needless to say, this isn’t true.

Public accommodations laws are Constitutional pursuant to Commerce Clause jurisprudence, in no manner ‘violating’ the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.
One of the most bizarre creations of the degenerate left wrong is the principle—clearly expressed at the link in the OP—that in order to uphold religious freedom, it must be suppressed. This is straight out of George Orwell, right up there with “War is peace! Freedom is slavery! Ignorance is strength!”

What religious freedoms have you lost?
Freedom of religion IS freedom FROM religion. They are basically the same idea.
Yeah............Of and From are synonyms. Your problem? The 1st amendment self defines what is meant by "OF" and its not "FROM".

Of: expresses POSSESSION, example: the house "OF" a friend. The people have freedom OF religion

Form: a starting LIMIT. Religion is not LIMITED under the bill of rights.

From limits freedom "OF" religion. "OF" supports freedom.

In clear unambiguous text the bill of rights states, The United States Constitution (bill of rights....1st amendment) prevents the government from making laws to regulate the establishment of religion or that would prohibit (limit) the FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION.........

How can you have free exercise from religion? No one is forced to choose anything. Liberals/progressive attempt to dictate how others can and can't worship within their faith. You can't worship in public places (even though the tax of religious people have just as much right to public areas as do those who oppose, can't pray in public school, even though Christians pay taxes also to support public schools. If you want to limit religion.........start a private school, don't attempt to teach my child its against the law to pray.

This very nation was founded because of a religious movement called the PROTESTANT (protest) movement or reformation. Protest what? Government control of religion. The people of Europe fled Europe because the STATE Governments were controlled by 1 religion from Rome. This nation was established in order to seek from freedom any type of state controlled religion....yet, you would attempt to invert the power and take it from the people and give it to the state to place limits upon religion.

Another revolution can't be far removed from today, with the government overreach of power and authority that limits states rights.......just as with the first revolution. Taxation without representation, forced purchases such as healthcare, higher and higher taxes, redistribution of wealth from the people of the US to foreign nations........I probably will not witness this revolution but by children or grandchildren are growing into a very dangerous time where fascists are attempting to take our freedom form us.

Human secularism is just another example of a dogmatic religion that demands to control the narrative and limit freedom.

Example: attempting to call black/white, north/south, or OF/FROM.
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Yeah............Of and From are synonyms. Your problem? The 1st amendment self defines what is meant by "OF" and its not "FROM".

Of: expresses POSSESSION, example: the house "OF" a friend. The people have freedom OF religion

Form: a starting LIMIT. Religion is not LIMITED under the bill of rights.

From limits freedom "OF" religion. "OF" supports freedom.

In clear unambiguous text the bill of rights states, The United States Constitution (bill of rights....1st amendment) prevents the government from making laws to regulate the establishment of religion or that would prohibit (limit) the FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION.........

How can you have free exercise from religion? No one is forced to choose anything. Liberals/progressive attempt to dictate how others can and can't worship within their faith. You can't worship in public places (even though the tax of religious people have just as much right to public areas as do those who oppose, can't pray in public school, even though Christians pay taxes also to support public schools. If you want to limit religion.........start a private school, don't attempt to teach my child its against the law to pray.

This very nation was founded because of a religious movement called the PROTESTANT (protest). Protest what? Government control of religion. The people of Europe fled Europe because the STATE Governments were controlled by 1 religion from Rome. This nation was established in order to seek freedom any type of state controlled religion....

Human secularism is just another example of a dogmatic religion that demands to control the narrative and limit freedom.

Example: attempting to call black/white, north/south, or OF/FROM.
Yeah............Of and From are synonyms. Your problem? The 1st amendment self defines what is meant by "OF" and its not "FROM".

Of: expresses POSSESSION, example: the house "OF" a friend. The people have freedom OF religion

Form: a starting LIMIT. Religion is not LIMITED under the bill of rights.

From limits freedom "OF" religion. "OF" supports freedom.

In clear unambiguous text the bill of rights states, The United States Constitution (bill of rights....1st amendment) prevents the government from making laws to regulate the establishment of religion or that would prohibit (limit) the FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION.........

How can you have free exercise from religion? No one is forced to choose anything. Liberals/progressive attempt to dictate how others can and can't worship within their faith. You can't worship in public places (even though the tax of religious people have just as much right to public areas as do those who oppose, can't pray in public school, even though Christians pay taxes also to support public schools. If you want to limit religion.........start a private school, don't attempt to teach my child its against the law to pray.

This very nation was founded because of a religious movement called the PROTESTANT (protest). Protest what? Government control of religion. The people of Europe fled Europe because the STATE Governments were controlled by 1 religion from Rome. This nation was established in order to seek freedom any type of state controlled religion....

Human secularism is just another example of a dogmatic religion that demands to control the narrative and limit freedom.

Example: attempting to call black/white, north/south, or OF/FROM.
My argument does not rely on the childish strawman you created. Freedom of religion is equivalent to freedom from religion. You are free to practice religion (or lack thereof) and live your life with no impact from other religions. This does not just apply to people who practice religion.

So yes, freedom of religion under law is also freedom from religion.
Yeah............Of and From are synonyms. Your problem? The 1st amendment self defines what is meant by "OF" and its not "FROM".

Of: expresses POSSESSION, example: the house "OF" a friend. The people have freedom OF religion

Form: a starting LIMIT. Religion is not LIMITED under the bill of rights.

From limits freedom "OF" religion. "OF" supports freedom.

In clear unambiguous text the bill of rights states, The United States Constitution (bill of rights....1st amendment) prevents the government from making laws to regulate the establishment of religion or that would prohibit (limit) the FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION.........

How can you have free exercise from religion? No one is forced to choose anything. Liberals/progressive attempt to dictate how others can and can't worship within their faith. You can't worship in public places (even though the tax of religious people have just as much right to public areas as do those who oppose, can't pray in public school, even though Christians pay taxes also to support public schools. If you want to limit religion.........start a private school, don't attempt to teach my child its against the law to pray.

This very nation was founded because of a religious movement called the PROTESTANT (protest). Protest what? Government control of religion. The people of Europe fled Europe because the STATE Governments were controlled by 1 religion from Rome. This nation was established in order to seek freedom any type of state controlled religion....

Human secularism is just another example of a dogmatic religion that demands to control the narrative and limit freedom.

Example: attempting to call black/white, north/south, or OF/FROM.
Yeah............Of and From are synonyms. Your problem? The 1st amendment self defines what is meant by "OF" and its not "FROM".
no where does the 1st amendment state - "freedom of religion" ...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

and in fact states clearly religion is prohibited from involvement in gov't and only references - "free exercise" - thereof - within their own facilities.

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