Remember The Two Idiots Who Ran Over A Former Police Chief ?


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2021
The older of the two told detention officers they'd be out in 30 days because they were kids.

He sure fouled that up.

They have these two on video. Planned and executed.

So, speaking of execuations, these two would be perfect candidates.

In spite of what JoeB131 says, there are people who are clearly guilty and who deserve the chair, needle, gallows, gas chamber, whatever.
According to police body-worn camera footage, Ayala allegedly told an officer that, because he was a juvenile, he would only "get a slap on the wrist." It's a comment that Crystal and Taylor said is upsetting.

"With him saying that, it shows how the justice system fails. Not everybody can be rehabbed," Crystal said. "I know how hard it is to be a parent of teenage children. It's the hardest job in the world. You have to constantly be on them. It's going to cost you time away from work and time away from other parts of your family. You, as a parent, are the only ones that can save your children. Society is not going to save your children and if you don't do that, you fail as a parent, as well."

There's an 11 year who was handcuffed perpwalked and sat his little butt in jail for showing a bunch of weapons and talking about shooting up a school. The FBI was johnny on the spot on that one. Just kidding....he was on their radar but they totally missed was the local police that broke the door down on that menace to society... and he was eleven...and white.

these two...not caucasian i'd have to say, not being woke, and laughing as they aimed the car at the officer on the bike, black officer i might add, and then were jolly after running him over. and they're treated with kid gloves and called yewts and they'll get off scott free...i'll bet their records IF ANY will be expunged.

makes perfect sense in an insane woke dem corrupted world.
A poster at another board says......cops know how to kill people..and they even know how to dispose of inconvenient bodies. Cops who knew the dead chief are cowardly schmucks and beta cuck males if they don't 'fix' these two when they're released. They shouldn't have made it this far.
There's an 11 year who was handcuffed perpwalked and sat his little butt in jail for showing a bunch of weapons and talking about shooting up a school. The FBI was johnny on the spot on that one. Just kidding....he was on their radar but they totally missed was the local police that broke the door down on that menace to society... and he was eleven...and white.

these two...not caucasian i'd have to say, not being woke, and laughing as they aimed the car at the officer on the bike, black officer i might add, and then were jolly after running him over. and they're treated with kid gloves and called yewts and they'll get off scott free...i'll bet their records IF ANY will be expunged.

makes perfect sense in an insane woke dem corrupted world.
They'd never leave lockup in FL. If they did, they'd be taking 2-inch steps.
Because that's how old they'd be.

Remember The Two Idiots Who Ran Over A Former Police Chief ?​

I'm guessing these are the two who videotaped themselves in a car laughing as they rode down the highway running over the cop walking alongside the road?
I'm guessing these are the two who videotaped themselves in a car laughing as they rode down the highway running over the cop walking alongside the road?

And the older of the two was still 17 said they'd get a "slap on the wrist".

He sure miscalculated.

But then, what made him think that to begin with ?
And the older of the two was still 17 said they'd get a "slap on the wrist".
He sure miscalculated.
But then, what made him think that to begin with ?

As I recall, it was their own video they took of themselves running the cop over which convicted them.
Apparently that wasn't a good idea.
I'm guessing these are the two who videotaped themselves in a car laughing as they rode down the highway running over the cop walking alongside the road?

Yes, they videoed the whole thing. Pretty stupid.

He was riding a bike.

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