Remember when this democrat sanator keyed someones car because of a bumper sticker? His name "JOSHUA" miller.

Shocked to find out he is a Jewish democrat senator. Go figure. What a scumbag and typical big nosed loser.

Profe$$ional politician$ are known to suffer from a bevy of mental disorders ESPECIALLY various symptoms of narcissism. With the current two party system(RNC/DNC) there is precious little, if any competition for the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) to have to worry about. From RINOS to the statist left marxinazis it's like voting for satan or lucifer, take your pick.
Profe$$ional politician$ are known to suffer from a bevy of mental disorders ESPECIALLY various symptoms of narcissism. With the current two party system(RNC/DNC) there is precious little, if any competition for the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) to have to worry about. From RINOS to the statist left marxinazis it's like voting for satan or lucifer, take your pick.
The fact is its the opposite. It's a one party system and basically been playing a 2 shell monte with us. To find out all this time after we voted and defended the likes of Bush, Romney, McCain and to see all of them were part of the cabal all along?

Consider how the left love them some Bush and Cheney now. Think about that. They had us snowed and the last actual conservative who was interested in preserving the Republic was Reagan.

It's been a ONE PARTY system and we've all been bamboozled by the corrupt perverted cesspool that is Washington DC.
The fact is its the opposite. It's a one party system and basically been playing a 2 shell monte with us. To find out all this time after we voted and defended the likes of Bush, Romney, McCain and to see all of them were part of the cabal all along?

Consider how the left love them some Bush and Cheney now. Think about that. They had us snowed and the last actual conservative who was interested in preserving the Republic was Reagan.

It's been a ONE PARTY system and we've all been bamboozled by the corrupt perverted cesspool that is Washington DC.
Yep, the good ole D.istrict of C.orruption gang!

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