REPEAL Obamacare.....and REPLACE it with the ACA

For right wingers on here (especially those who voted for an orange clown) to give credit to Obama (a half black man, no less) would be like purchasing a rope to hang themselves....Ahhh the irony !!!

He gets lots of credit.

For screwing things up.

What really bugs you is that I told you this would happen and I was correct.

True....oh how true.....I do access this forum solely to "learn" from your wisdom.......
(what a thoroughly and complete :ahole-1:)

Actually you should, you are as ignorant a kid as I've ever seen.

He claims to be 70 years old.

I can only assume he missed the decimal between the 7 and the 0.
Trumpcare will retain the few positive parts of ACA
1. people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied insurance
2. no lifetime maximum payments
3. unemployed kids can stay on parents plan until 26 or employed

the rest of that terrible legislation will be scrapped and replaced with something that will actually work for ALL americans.
Such as....?

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insurance companies allowed to compete across state lines
measures to stop the drug companies from financially raping us
expansion of Medicaid and medicare for the poor, sick, and old
allowing policies to be tailored to individual needs and desires
medical savings accounts

But the bottom line to all of this is that no one in the USA was denied medical care before ACA, those who paid covered those who didn't or couldn't.

The government does not OWE you medical care. Nor does it owe you food, housing, or a cell phone.

ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist. It was nothing but a liberal government power grab. Anyone with a lick of common sense knows that.
Trumpcare will retain the few positive parts of ACA
1. people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied insurance
2. no lifetime maximum payments
3. unemployed kids can stay on parents plan until 26 or employed

the rest of that terrible legislation will be scrapped and replaced with something that will actually work for ALL americans.
What about the rest was so 'terrible'? Individual mandates? That came out of Romneycare. The worst aspect of the ACA was that sick people signed up, insurance companies undervalued their coverage and when those sick people filed claims, the insurers were unprepared.

had healthy folks signed on in sufficient numbers, their premiums would have covered the expenses of the ill.

In short, it wasn't political. It was poor fiscal planning on the free market's behalf.

the problem was that the program was based on healthy people paying huge premiums for coverage that they did not want or need. But it was great if you got it free, right?
I have PERSONALLY had discussions with people who state they aren't worried about Obamacare going away because they have ACA.

I have heard that myself several times. These people are so fucking dumb.
Trumpcare will retain the few positive parts of ACA
1. people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied insurance
2. no lifetime maximum payments
3. unemployed kids can stay on parents plan until 26 or employed

the rest of that terrible legislation will be scrapped and replaced with something that will actually work for ALL americans.

If your other half brain were functioning, you too would see that NO private insurer who ONLY cares about profits will NOT insure someone with cancer unless dozens of healthy clients ALSO would buy HC insurance that they will seldom need....the mandate......THAT is the essence of insuring sick folks who will drain the coffers of private insurers.

So, bitch and moan all you want, unless the government (either state or federal) provides the safety net, PRIVATE companies will never abide.

the govt has always provided the safety net. Ever hear of Medicaid and medicare? There was no healthcare crisis when ACA was passed (so we could find out what was in it) by dems only in the dark of night on Christmas eve using reconciliation by the corrupt asshole Reid. Funny how Reid's change is now biting dems in the ass isn't it?
But the bottom line to all of this is that no one in the USA was denied medical care before ACA, those who paid covered those who didn't or couldn't.

It's always "fun" to watch someone with NO insurance and who needs chemo and/or radiation treatments, show up at the emergency room of a hospital that, as you so moronically state, cannot deny medical care.....and a hospital that charges FIVE times more to Medicare/Medicaid than what would have cost for that poor son of a bitch to have regular HC coverage.......Fucking brilliant.
Trumpcare will retain the few positive parts of ACA
1. people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied insurance
2. no lifetime maximum payments
3. unemployed kids can stay on parents plan until 26 or employed

the rest of that terrible legislation will be scrapped and replaced with something that will actually work for ALL americans.
What about the rest was so 'terrible'? Individual mandates? That came out of Romneycare. The worst aspect of the ACA was that sick people signed up, insurance companies undervalued their coverage and when those sick people filed claims, the insurers were unprepared.

had healthy folks signed on in sufficient numbers, their premiums would have covered the expenses of the ill.

In short, it wasn't political. It was poor fiscal planning on the free market's behalf.

the problem was that the program was based on healthy people paying huge premiums for coverage that they did not want or need. But it was great if you got it free, right?
My personal health care is provided through my employer.
I'm telling you good folks, the ONLY change that republicans will make on "Obamacare" the name.

The fact that trumps executive orders have already been changing what they can tells me you don't know jack
Basically the satirical heading of this post came out of the New York magazine.....

The label, Obamacare, was used with derision by conservatives, who.....for almost SEVEN years have tried to repeal it but NOT have anything to replace what even millions of conservatives have enjoyed.

Now, anything that would still keep the necessary and valuable tenet to insure people with pre-existing conditions can access a HC policy WILL resemble the ACA.....

The best that conservatives can do, is change the freaking name of the ACA into Trumpcare.....and with their tail between their legs, call such a name-change, a "victory"..........(and sure enough, moronic right wingers will meekly acquiesce.)

If it weren't so fucking sad, it would be laughable.

The next step in the GOP's march to single payer will be to stop calling the ACA "ObamaCare". They will start calling it the ACA.

And then, very quietly, the word will start going around, "The current system is so fucked up, single payer would be preferable to this shit."

You will start hearing this out of Republicans! And the parroting rubes will regurgitate it as they have been deliberately dumbed down over a long period of time to be completely unthinking followers.

Book it.

But the bottom line to all of this is that no one in the USA was denied medical care before ACA, those who paid covered those who didn't or couldn't.

It's always "fun" to watch someone with NO insurance and who needs chemo and/or radiation treatments, show up at the emergency room of a hospital that, as you so moronically state, cannot deny medical care.....and a hospital that charges FIVE times more to Medicare/Medicaid than what would have cost for that poor son of a bitch to have regular HC coverage.......Fucking brilliant.

St Jude does not charge patients or kids with cancer, neither does Shriners, Mayo, MD Anderson, or Ochsner. No one in the USA was denied treatment before ACA.
Trumpcare will retain the few positive parts of ACA
1. people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied insurance
2. no lifetime maximum payments
3. unemployed kids can stay on parents plan until 26 or employed

the rest of that terrible legislation will be scrapped and replaced with something that will actually work for ALL americans.
What about the rest was so 'terrible'? Individual mandates? That came out of Romneycare. The worst aspect of the ACA was that sick people signed up, insurance companies undervalued their coverage and when those sick people filed claims, the insurers were unprepared.

had healthy folks signed on in sufficient numbers, their premiums would have covered the expenses of the ill.

In short, it wasn't political. It was poor fiscal planning on the free market's behalf.

the problem was that the program was based on healthy people paying huge premiums for coverage that they did not want or need. But it was great if you got it free, right?
My personal health care is provided through my employer.

good for you. that used to be the standard, until obozocare made it too expensive. Have your premiums and deductibles been increased?
Basically the satirical heading of this post came out of the New York magazine.....

The label, Obamacare, was used with derision by conservatives, who.....for almost SEVEN years have tried to repeal it but NOT have anything to replace what even millions of conservatives have enjoyed.

Now, anything that would still keep the necessary and valuable tenet to insure people with pre-existing conditions can access a HC policy WILL resemble the ACA.....

The best that conservatives can do, is change the freaking name of the ACA into Trumpcare.....and with their tail between their legs, call such a name-change, a "victory"..........(and sure enough, moronic right wingers will meekly acquiesce.)

If it weren't so fucking sad, it would be laughable.

Watch: Jimmy Kimmel humiliates confused Americans who love the Affordable Care Act — but hate Obamacare

Many people are so ignorant they don't even know that Obamacare and the ACA are the same thing....Not only do snowflakes not know what is IN the bill - yet they fully supported and defended it, they don't know these 2 are the same.

This is funny as hell...until you realize that these same people voted in the last election / get to vote.

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Basically the satirical heading of this post came out of the New York magazine.....

The label, Obamacare, was used with derision by conservatives, who.....for almost SEVEN years have tried to repeal it but NOT have anything to replace what even millions of conservatives have enjoyed.

Now, anything that would still keep the necessary and valuable tenet to insure people with pre-existing conditions can access a HC policy WILL resemble the ACA.....

The best that conservatives can do, is change the freaking name of the ACA into Trumpcare.....and with their tail between their legs, call such a name-change, a "victory"..........(and sure enough, moronic right wingers will meekly acquiesce.)

If it weren't so fucking sad, it would be laughable.
I saw this great 'Man on the Street' tv clip where some 'reporter' asked young adults / snowflakes which Health care system should America embrace - Obamacare or replace it with the ACA.... :p Almost every one of them had no clue they were the same thing. Not only do snowflakes NOT know what's IN it, but they don't even know the ACA and Obamacare are the same thing.

Now THAT'S some funny shite....until you realize these people voted in the last election / get to vote.

thank the teachers union for our ignorant young people.
Trumpcare will retain the few positive parts of ACA
1. people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied insurance
2. no lifetime maximum payments
3. unemployed kids can stay on parents plan until 26 or employed

the rest of that terrible legislation will be scrapped and replaced with something that will actually work for ALL americans.
Those are three of the main reasons Obamacare is expensive.
Trumpcare will retain the few positive parts of ACA
1. people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied insurance
2. no lifetime maximum payments
3. unemployed kids can stay on parents plan until 26 or employed

the rest of that terrible legislation will be scrapped and replaced with something that will actually work for ALL americans.
What about the rest was so 'terrible'? Individual mandates? That came out of Romneycare. The worst aspect of the ACA was that sick people signed up, insurance companies undervalued their coverage and when those sick people filed claims, the insurers were unprepared.

had healthy folks signed on in sufficient numbers, their premiums would have covered the expenses of the ill.

In short, it wasn't political. It was poor fiscal planning on the free market's behalf.
The Dims did the so-called "planning," moron." The insurance companies aren't responsible for the fact that the healthy don't want something they don't need.
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Trumpcare will retain the few positive parts of ACA
1. people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied insurance
2. no lifetime maximum payments
3. unemployed kids can stay on parents plan until 26 or employed

the rest of that terrible legislation will be scrapped and replaced with something that will actually work for ALL americans.
Those are three of the main reasons Obamacare is expensive.

Yes, but any new plan must include those provisions or it won't fly. Obozocare is expensive because there is no interstate commerce in insurance, all plans include the same stuff whether you want/need it or not, and we have a new beaurocracy that must be supported.

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