Report Shows Americans Forced to Send $1.5 Billion to Planned Parenthood Abortion Business


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Why is it that citizen money has been spent on this OBAMANATION? ^
A new governmental report shows American taxpayers have been forced to send $1.5 billion in federal funds to the nation’s biggest abortion business, Planned Parenthood. Two years ago, pro-life members of Congress sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting a comprehensive report on which abortion advocacy groups Americans were forced to fund with their tax dollars. Today the government watchdog (GAO) released the requested report which details funding for six abortion advocacy groups over a three year period (2010-2012).The six organizations researched were Planned Parenthood, Population Council, International Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Guttmacher...
Convenience at any cost. Rid the babby from my tummy. The party must go on. :beer:
Imagine how fast we could fix the debt problem if we stopped paying for baby murdering,tax church property and make them pay taxes,end overseas military adventurism and end foreign aid!
Funny how so many endorse planned parenthood, an organization created to kill as many blacks as it can.

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