Republican Claims that the Justice System is Rigged against Trump just got a bucket of Cold Water thrown on them!

For the past 8 years, Trump has stated that the Judicial system is rigged against him. That it is all political and that is is simply because they want to bring him down. These accusations have even been stronger in New York, because New York State is Democrat.

Those claims just got an ice-cold bucket of water thrown on them.

This action proves that the system is NOT rigged and especially not rigged against Trump.

Just like Trump being the first president indicted for criminal activities, Mayor Adams has been the first City Mayor ever indicted in the State of New York.

Facts and evidence is what the Justice system is all about and not a political tool.

This should make Republicans take note that their Conspiracy theories are fantasy.
System is rigged against anyone who speaks against the powers. Eric Adams smoke out in criticism of Biden and he was investigated. They will only find in his closet the same thing that is in every other politician's closet state and federal. Process continues to be selective prosecution/ persecution.
System is rigged against anyone who speaks against the powers. Eric Adams smoke out in criticism of Biden and he was investigated. They will only find in his closet the same thing that is in every other politician's closet state and federal. Process continues to be selective prosecution/ persecution.
The law is the law and anyone that breaks it in a way that can BE PROVEN will get judged, no matter what political side he/she is on.
What happened when homO picked Garland for Supreme Court....

yeah, "record Republican support" is complete bullshit.

I don't know if you were even of age in 2016 to know what was happening but the comment above (the one bolded) does show that you are totally unaware of reality and blindly believe what you are told by other Trumpers.

I was not only around and aware in 2016 and know what was happening but have known about Garland for years before 2016. Throughout his life, Garland was a centrist that never leaned in any political direction. He was always about the law. If you do some research, you will that my words are true.

Here is one such example

Republicans have repeatedly praised Merrick Garland

Wed March 16, 2016

Had McConnell not blocked the nomination of Garland for the Supreme Court in 2016, it was said that 96 of the 100 members of the Senate would have approved Garland.
For the past 8 years, Trump has stated that the Judicial system is rigged against him. That it is all political and that is is simply because they want to bring him down. These accusations have even been stronger in New York, because New York State is Democrat.

Those claims just got an ice-cold bucket of water thrown on them.

This action proves that the system is NOT rigged and especially not rigged against Trump.

Just like Trump being the first president indicted for criminal activities, Mayor Adams has been the first City Mayor ever indicted in the State of New York.

Facts and evidence is what the Justice system is all about and not a political tool.

This should make Republicans take note that their Conspiracy theories are fantasy.
Stop the lies. Progs are Ivory Snow...99 and 44/100's pure. Adams was after Trump also. He was supposed to be so different. He is the tip of the iceberg. He won't even resign.
Stop the lies. Progs are Ivory Snow...99 and 44/100's pure. Adams was after Trump also. He was supposed to be so different. He is the tip of the iceberg. He won't even resign.
You really are blind-by-choice. First of all, I am not a liar. It is always possible that I may be wrong in something I stated, but it is NEVER because I lied but because I was not aware of the FACTS.

It is easy for you to prove me wrong by simply supplying the facts that support your words. If you do that and I am PROVEN wrong, I will agree and withdraw my statement and view.

FYI, in 8 years of doing this on political boards and having been contested on something I stated on thousands of times, only twice have I ever been PROVEN wrong. I did apologize on those 2 occasions. I search for the truth (knowledge and fact) and I am NOT trying to prove my views being correct. I am trying to show facts, data, and statistics so that everyone can be aware of reality.

So go ahead and attempt to prove me wrong but keep in mind that words mean nothing. Show me facts, data, and statistics.
The DNC needs to discredit Adams before he gets caught up in the Puff Baddie trafficking mess. Word on the street is the whole Adams administration was at the very least aware, if not actively involved. This is all damage control.
Poor little Trumper, you might want to do some research on the law. Like the fact that to bring anyone to trial, you need to go through a grand jury and they have to decide whether existing laws have been broken. Then you go with a trial by your peers in which half of the jury is picked by the defense, Lastly, every single juror has to vote for a conviction, meaning that if one single juror is not in agreement, it is a hung jury. Last but not least, there were 34 criminal counts and Trump was found guilty of all.

In addition, you say that the charges were made up and solely applied to Trump to get him. Well, facts do not support your words.

There have been 8 other cases in NY where people were charged and found guilty of the same charges as Trump was found guilty of. This means that your comment about these charges were made up and that they are "common industry practice" is pure BS.

Last but not least, there is less than a 9% chance of an appeal being turned around. As such, your statement saying that it will not stand an appeal are "hoping for longshot" to happen.

With this post, you have proven to be one of these:

View attachment 1018065

So your still lying, none of the cases cited in your article are comparable to Trump's case. I would tell you how, but your lying commie ass just isn't worth the effort.

For the past 8 years, Trump has stated that the Judicial system is rigged against him. That it is all political and that is is simply because they want to bring him down. These accusations have even been stronger in New York, because New York State is Democrat.

Those claims just got an ice-cold bucket of water thrown on them.

This action proves that the system is NOT rigged and especially not rigged against Trump.

Just like Trump being the first president indicted for criminal activities, Mayor Adams has been the first City Mayor ever indicted in the State of New York.

Facts and evidence is what the Justice system is all about and not a political tool.

This should make Republicans take note that their Conspiracy theories are fantasy.
actually it proves it not debunks it,,
For the past 8 years, Trump has stated that the Judicial system is rigged against him. That it is all political and that is is simply because they want to bring him down. These accusations have even been stronger in New York, because New York State is Democrat.

Those claims just got an ice-cold bucket of water thrown on them.

This action proves that the system is NOT rigged and especially not rigged against Trump.

Just like Trump being the first president indicted for criminal activities, Mayor Adams has been the first City Mayor ever indicted in the State of New York.

Facts and evidence is what the Justice system is all about and not a political tool.

This should make Republicans take note that their Conspiracy theories are fantasy.
Adam's wasn't bowing down to the ruling elite.
Hence the charges.

Defy the Deep State and you pay the price.
So your still lying, none of the cases cited in your article are comparable to Trump's case. I would tell you how, but your lying commie ass just isn't worth the effort.

Simply stated, you can't prove it

all you will do s say I am wrong,,

everyone knows they are going after him because he spoke out against the mass influx of illegal aliens,,
Everyone knows? Show proof of it. Show me where legal experts (not biased people like you and all the other Trumpers) have stated and shown that Trump was specifically prosecuted for that!

You do know that in his lifetime, legal action against Trump has occurred in over 4000 occasions, don't you?

Could it possibly be that Trump is being targeted simply because he is a criminal? Have you ever considered that?

Here is something you need to explain to me why this has happened, as it has NOTHING TO DO with politics.


Why are his business partners, contractors, clients, employees and banks suing Trump? They certainly did not do it for political purposes!

By the way, in at least 150 of those lawsuits Trump was declared guilty and many more, he settled with the people. Why did he do this if he doesn't have a "criminal mind"?

Explain that to me, if you can
Everyone knows? Show proof of it. Show me where legal experts (not biased people like you and all the other Trumpers) have stated and shown that Trump was specifically prosecuted for that!

You do know that in his lifetime, legal action against Trump has occurred in over 4000 occasions, don't you?

Could it possibly be that Trump is being targeted simply because he is a criminal? Have you ever considered that?

Here is something you need to explain to me why this has happened, as it has NOTHING TO DO with politics.

View attachment 1018212

Why are his business partners, contractors, clients, employees and banks suing Trump? They certainly did not do it for political purposes!

By the way, in at least 150 of those lawsuits Trump was declared guilty and many more, he settled with the people. Why did he do this if he doesn't have a "criminal mind"?

Explain that to me, if you can
when the DOJ goes after actblue get back to me,,

until then this proves nothing,,
Show me one case where the statute of limitation had passed. Come on ya little lying commie bitch, show me.

Let me first give you a warning. I do not accept degrading insults (lying commie bitch). I am always willing to debate an issue ad nauseum as disagreement is expected and fine with me. Degrading and debasing insults are not something I will accept. First and only warning. I have already put 24 other members on this board on ignore for that reason alone. If you want to be #25, feel free to do so.

Now explain to me why you mention "statute of limitation" not having passed. At no time have I mentioned anything that has to do with any statutes or limitations. In simple words, what the heck are you trying to say!

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