Republican Claims that the Justice System is Rigged against Trump just got a bucket of Cold Water thrown on them!

Let me first give you a warning. I do not accept degrading insults (lying commie bitch). I am always willing to debate an issue ad nauseum as disagreement is expected and fine with me. Degrading and debasing insults are not something I will accept. First and only warning. I have already put 24 other members on this board on ignore for that reason alone. If you want to be #25, feel free to do so.

Now explain to me why you mention "statute of limitation" not having passed. At no time have I mentioned anything that has to do with any statutes or limitations. In simple words, what the heck are you trying to say!

Thanks, you just proved you are completely ignorant of the facts surrounding Trump's fake conviction.

when the DOJ goes after actblue get back to me,,

until then this proves nothing,,
Let me begin my response to your post. If you truly want to debate an issue, you need to supply the details of what you are talking about and then supply the complaint or issue you have about it.

You stated that until the DOJ goes after Actblue you will not respond. Your statement makes no sense, considering how our legal system works.

The first thing that needs to happen is for a formal complaint to be filed (the DOJ does not just do investigations, they need to have tangible reasons for doing so). At this moment, the investigation into Actblue just started 7 weeks ago:

Chairman Steil Launches Expanded Investigation into Online Political Donations Through ActBlue

Investigations take a long time before any formal accusation occurs. For example, in the Trump case about it helping Russia, it took 2 years to investigate it. In the recent case of Trump being taken to court in NY and being found criminally guilty, the investigation also took several years before the formal accusations were made. This has just started and therefore, you cannot state what you stated because there is nothing done wrong by the DOJ yet.

By the way, I did check out Actblue:

ActBlue[1] is a nonprofit American fundraising platform and political action committee (PAC) founded in 2004. ActBlue builds technology and infrastructure to be used by Democratic campaigns and has been described as “the center of a transformation in how political campaigns work.”[2][3] It is focused on mobilizing small-dollar donors and, as of June 2024, has raised $13.7 billion for left-leaning and Democratic candidates and causes since it was established.[4] ActBlue is organized as a PAC, but it serves as a conduit for processing individual contributions made through the platform. Under federal law, these contributions are made by individuals and are not considered PAC donations.

Having said that, there is an equal organization in favor of the Republicans called:

WinRed is a for-profit fundraising platform built for the American Republican Party.[2][3] Republican leadership began discussing the possibility of building a competitor to ActBlue within days of the 2018 midterm results. WinRed was called Patriot Pass in its initial announcements, with an expected release date of February 2019.[4][5] The name was changed following Robert Kraft's complaints that the name resembled that of his football team, the New England Patriots.[4]

Should the DOJ go after them as well, given that they basically do the same thing as ActBlue?
Let me begin my response to your post. If you truly want to debate an issue, you need to supply the details of what you are talking about and then supply the complaint or issue you have about it.

You stated that until the DOJ goes after Actblue you will not respond. Your statement makes no sense, considering how our legal system works.

The first thing that needs to happen is for a formal complaint to be filed (the DOJ does not just do investigations, they need to have tangible reasons for doing so). At this moment, the investigation into Actblue just started 7 weeks ago:

Chairman Steil Launches Expanded Investigation into Online Political Donations Through ActBlue

Investigations take a long time before any formal accusation occurs. For example, in the Trump case about it helping Russia, it took 2 years to investigate it. In the recent case of Trump being taken to court in NY and being found criminally guilty, the investigation also took several years before the formal accusations were made. This has just started and therefore, you cannot state what you stated because there is nothing done wrong by the DOJ yet.

By the way, I did check out Actblue:

ActBlue[1] is a nonprofit American fundraising platform and political action committee (PAC) founded in 2004. ActBlue builds technology and infrastructure to be used by Democratic campaigns and has been described as “the center of a transformation in how political campaigns work.”[2][3] It is focused on mobilizing small-dollar donors and, as of June 2024, has raised $13.7 billion for left-leaning and Democratic candidates and causes since it was established.[4] ActBlue is organized as a PAC, but it serves as a conduit for processing individual contributions made through the platform. Under federal law, these contributions are made by individuals and are not considered PAC donations.

Having said that, there is an equal organization in favor of the Republicans called:

WinRed is a for-profit fundraising platform built for the American Republican Party.[2][3] Republican leadership began discussing the possibility of building a competitor to ActBlue within days of the 2018 midterm results. WinRed was called Patriot Pass in its initial announcements, with an expected release date of February 2019.[4][5] The name was changed following Robert Kraft's complaints that the name resembled that of his football team, the New England Patriots.[4]

Should the DOJ go after them as well, given that they basically do the same thing as ActBlue?
all youre doing is proving me right and you wrong,,
Thanks, you just proved you are completely ignorant of the facts surrounding Trump's fake conviction.

If you really want to debate, you need to explain yourself as to what you are trying to say. You mentioned "statute of limitations" but did not mention what you were applying it to.

Now that you say "Trump's fake conviction" (which you should have mentioned when you stated "statute of limitations", I did some research on it and found this:

  • Trump has said he plans to appeal his conviction, and his lawyer has mentioned the statute of limitations as one issue that could be raised.
  • A felony in New York normally must be charged within 5 years of the crime, but a pandemic-era extension allowed prosecutors more time in this case.
  • The judge ruled before trial that the COVID-19 extension and timing of the case was valid.

It is evident that Trump's lawyers are going to attempt to use this as a reason for the appeal to be overturned. Nonetheless, the Pandemic-era extension was given nationwide to all judicial systems in the U.S. and not by the trial judge (he just ruled it valid). This means that it was not the judge that gave the extension, it was the Pandemic-era extension rule that did it.

As such and unless that rule is struck down nationwide, it is unlikely to help Trump
all you are doing is giving word salad and nothing else. I have tried to debate but all you are interested in is orating. I am not a fan or orators, especially biased ones.
you havent debated youve deflected,,

the doj not going after act blue and win red but going after the mayor of a city only after he refused to toe the party line proves its a political hitjob,,

have a nice day
If you really want to debate, you need to explain yourself as to what you are trying to say. You mentioned "statute of limitations" but did not mention what you were applying it to.

Now that you say "Trump's fake conviction" (which you should have mentioned when you stated "statute of limitations", I did some research on it and found this:

  • Trump has said he plans to appeal his conviction, and his lawyer has mentioned the statute of limitations as one issue that could be raised.
  • A felony in New York normally must be charged within 5 years of the crime, but a pandemic-era extension allowed prosecutors more time in this case.
  • The judge ruled before trial that the COVID-19 extension and timing of the case was valid.

It is evident that Trump's lawyers are going to attempt to use this as a reason for the appeal to be overturned. Nonetheless, the Pandemic-era extension was given nationwide to all judicial systems in the U.S. and not by the trial judge (he just ruled it valid). This means that it was not the judge that gave the extension, it was the Pandemic-era extension rule that did it.

As such and unless that rule is struck down nationwide, it is unlikely to help Trump

I mentioned the statute of limitations in relation to the cases in your link. But the underlying charges in Trump's case were misdemeanors until they tied them to a federal crime they have no authority to prosecute. So the extension is moot and constitutionally suspect.

I mentioned the statute of limitations in relation to the cases in your link. But the underlying charges in Trump's case were misdemeanors until they tied them to a federal crime they have no authority to prosecute. So the extension is moot and constitutionally suspect.

Nonetheless, a conviction occurred on existing laws and the jury of peers found Trump guilty. There is a mountain to climb for Trump to have a chance of overturning it. The law is 91% against matter what you or any Trumper thinks. Your opinion does not make one shred of difference, no matter how many times you repeat the same thing.
For the past 8 years, Trump has stated that the Judicial system is rigged against him. That it is all political and that is is simply because they want to bring him down. These accusations have even been stronger in New York, because New York State is Democrat.

Those claims just got an ice-cold bucket of water thrown on them.

This action proves that the system is NOT rigged and especially not rigged against Trump.

Just like Trump being the first president indicted for criminal activities, Mayor Adams has been the first City Mayor ever indicted in the State of New York.

Facts and evidence is what the Justice system is all about and not a political tool.

This should make Republicans take note that their Conspiracy theories are fantasy.
Nobody, I mean nobody, is surprised to see Harris and Xiden's DOJ going after a black man that was against Harris's open border policy

Striking after political rivals is what they do
you havent debated youve deflected,,

the doj not going after act blue and win red but going after the mayor of a city only after he refused to toe the party line proves its a political hitjob,,

have a nice day
your OPINION. You are entitled to it but it doesn't make it a fact.

By the way, I have not deflected. I have debated your points with the facts, data, and statistics that are available. The fact that you do not want to believe (or evaluate) the facts, data, and statistics (and you throw them away and call it deflection) is your problem, not mine.
For the past 8 years, Trump has stated that the Judicial system is rigged against him. That it is all political and that is is simply because they want to bring him down. These accusations have even been stronger in New York, because New York State is Democrat.

Those claims just got an ice-cold bucket of water thrown on them.

This action proves that the system is NOT rigged and especially not rigged against Trump.

Just like Trump being the first president indicted for criminal activities, Mayor Adams has been the first City Mayor ever indicted in the State of New York.

Facts and evidence is what the Justice system is all about and not a political tool.

This should make Republicans take note that their Conspiracy theories are fantasy.

Eric Adams was publicly taking shots at the Biden-Harris administration about six months ago because illegal immigration was causing so many problems for his city. Many on Fox News predicted the Biden-Harris DOJ would go after Adams as a result. Shockingly, that's what happened. Go figure, amiright? :D
Nonetheless, a conviction occurred on existing laws and the jury of peers found Trump guilty. There is a mountain to climb for Trump to have a chance of overturning it. The law is 91% against matter what you or any Trumper thinks. Your opinion does not make one shred of difference, no matter how many times you repeat the same thing.

And how hard will you be crying when the whole pack of lies it thrown out on appeal? Do you have any clue why the judge keeps delaying sentencing? He doesn't want an appeal to be heard before the election and an appeal can't be submitted until the case is finalized via sentencing.

And how hard will you be crying when the whole pack of lies it thrown out on appeal? Do you have any clue why the judge keeps delaying sentencing? He doesn't want an appeal to be heard before the election and an appeal can't be submitted until the case is finalized via sentencing.

First of all, I am a man that lives his life off of facts, data, and statistics. It is the basis of who I am and what I have accomplished in life. I have dealt with life using those and have succeeded (overcome problems and accomplished goals).

As such, if the verdict is overturned I will live with it. Having said that, I am never happy when criminals escape unpunished but it does not affect me personally, so it does not bother me too much. In the case of Trump though, he is the ONE person in my entire life that I despise and hate because he is the "total" opposite of everything that my life is about (morals, ethics, principles and humanity). In addition, he is in a position to affect my life on a personal manner, and as such, I truly want him to pay for what he has done.

What has he done to me? The same thing he has done to all of us (including yourself) and that is take our attention away from more important things. We all wake up either loving or hating Trump every minute of the day. We talk about Trump every day and we do not key as much on important things (such as family, work, objectives, and how to cope with the harsh realities of life) or even on pleasures that we all want to have. We have less time for all of that because our attention is on Trump.

I think that Trump will go down in history as the most disruptive president ever..
Last edited:
your OPINION. You are entitled to it but it doesn't make it a fact.

By the way, I have not deflected. I have debated your points with the facts, data, and statistics that are available. The fact that you do not want to believe (or evaluate) the facts, data, and statistics (and you throw them away and call it deflection) is your problem, not mine.
its not an opinion,,

youve ignored my point by saying they dont matter when they not only matter but prove your premise wrong,,
its not an opinion,,

youve ignored my point by saying they dont matter when they not only matter but prove your premise wrong,,
and yet you have given only words as your proof.

I am getting tired of having this conversation with you. Let me give it to you as straight as I can. Words do not convince me of anything. To me, words are not proof.

Show me articles, data, statistics, and facts (established by law facts) that prove your points (or at least attempt to prove your points). You have not supplied one response that includes that. If you keep on SAYING that I a wrong but don't prove that I AM wrong, we cannot continue to communicate.

This is my last post to you with this rebuttal. If you can't (or won't) change your approach to this and continue to try to convince me with your words, I will not respond.
and yet you have given only words as your proof.

I am getting tired of having this conversation with you. Let me give it to you as straight as I can. Words do not convince me of anything. To me, words are not proof.

Show me articles, data, statistics, and facts (established by law facts) that prove your points (or at least attempt to prove your points). You have not supplied one response that includes that. If you keep on SAYING that I a wrong but don't prove that I AM wrong, we cannot continue to communicate.

This is my last post to you with this rebuttal. If you can't (or won't) change your approach to this and continue to try to convince me with your words, I will not respond.
words that have facts to support them,,

you even confirmed what I said was correct,,
First of all, I am a man that lives his life off of facts, data, and statistics. It is the basis of who I am and what I have accomplished in life. I have dealt with life using those and have succeeded (overcome problems and accomplished goals).

As such, if the verdict is overturned I will live with it. Having said that, I am never happy when criminals escape unpunished but it does not affect me personally, so it does not bother me too much. In the case of Trump though, he is the ONE person in my entire life that I despise and hate because he is the "total" opposite of everything that my life is about (morals, ethics, principles and humanity). In addition, he is in a position to affect my life on a personal manner, and as such, I truly want him to pay for what he has done.

What has he done to me? The same thing he has done to all of us (including yourself) and that is take our attention away from more important things. We all wake up either loving or hating Trump every minute of the day. We talk about Trump every day and we do not key as much on important things (such as family, work, objectives, and how to cope with the harsh realities of life) or even on pleasures that we all want to have. We have less time for all of that because our attention is on Trump.

I think that Trump will go down in history as the most disruptive president ever..

I really hope he does, and unlike you, I don't obsess over Trump. And he will get my vote because his policies are good for the country. The status quo, inside the beltway, needs to be disrupted. A good housecleaning is in order.

I really hope he does, and unlike you, I don't obsess over Trump. And he will get my vote because his policies are good for the country. The status quo, inside the beltway, needs to be disrupted. A good housecleaning is in order.

You are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. One thing that I do have over you (as far as who's opinion is most likely to be correct) is that I have been an evaluator of data, statistics and facts for 47 years. I am a stock market analyst that has done that for a living (not only advising others what to do with stocks, bonds, commodities and currencies and done well for them) but for the past 17 years (since I retired) I have evaluated all the information on the market and the economy and have lived (well) and paid my bills by my trading my own account.

I am right more often than not. That does not mean I can't be wrong but it does mean that I value my opinion over the opinion of others, especially those whose opinions are biased because of politics. I don't do politics. I do evaluations on benefits and consequences and what I see in Trump, is a whole lot of consequences and very few benefits.

Time will tell who is right.

BTW, thanks for taking the personal insults and debasement out of the equation.
You are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to mine. One thing that I do have over you (as far as who's opinion is most likely to be correct) is that I have been an evaluator of data, statistics and facts for 47 years. I am a stock market analyst that has done that for a living (not only advising others what to do with stocks, bonds, commodities and currencies and done well for them) but for the past 17 years (since I retired) I have evaluated all the information on the market and the economy and have lived (well) and paid my bills by my trading my own account.

I am right more often than not. That does not mean I can't be wrong but it does mean that I value my opinion over the opinion of others, especially those whose opinions are biased because of politics. I don't do politics. I do evaluations on benefits and consequences and what I see in Trump, is a whole lot of consequences and very few benefits.

Time will tell who is right.

BTW, thanks for taking the personal insults and debasement out of the equation.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the taxes on your unrealized gains if kneepads is elected.

words that have facts to support them,,

you even confirmed what I said was correct,,
By the way, you are fact "clown funny" :abgg2q.jpg:


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