Republican disgrace--Diane Fienstein Heroin--releases Fushion GPS transcripts.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
For several months we have heard all of the conspiracy theories surrounding Trump's Dossier file. Last August, Glenn Simpson--Fushion GPS founder was called into a Senate Intelligence hearing. Republican Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee (at that time stated he would ask the intelligence committee to release these 10 hours of testimony, and had no problem with doing that himself.) Later he backed off on it. Recently Chuck Grassly called for an investigation of Fusion GPS and former M1-6 agent, Christopher Steele--who was hired by GPS Fusion and is the author of the Dossier file. (There's nothing like a good Republican dog & pony show to distract from real news.)

Today, Diane Fienstien--cochair of the Senate Intelligence committee, sick and tired of the conspiracy stories that Senate/House Republicans, and all the usual suspects were spinning, unilaterally released those 10 hours of testimony of Fusion GPS to the public. Apparently really pissed off that Chuck Grassly was intent on starting investigations into Fushion GPS and former M1-6 agent Christopher Steele. Fienstein citing--now we're going to investigate a former M1-6 agent who has shared intelligence with us in the past. Agents that warn us of national security threats. Well not on her watch anyway.

The last thing Diane Fienstein stated today: "There is nothing in the Dossier file that has been proven incorrect."

Here is the full transcipt of testimony given by Glenn Simpson of Fushion GPS.
Read the full transcript of Glenn Simpson's Senate testimony

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Thanks for posting.......but we love can we talk about who was killed over it?

who do you think it was?
Thanks for posting.......but we love can we talk about who was killed over it?

who do you think it was?

It was several months ago--that one person testified regarding this Russian investigation--and said there were people getting killed in Russia over it. I have no links to that source yet, but I am certain it will be coming out.

What's fascinating about the Dossier file is this. This when Steele handed it over to the FBI.

The FBI’s response was basically, “Yeah, we know.” That overstates it a bit. But not much. The FBI was already getting tips and reports that something was afoot. Steele’s information just confirmed the seriousness of the situation. Indeed, as we now know, one key report it supported was that from the Australian Ambassador to the UK who had heard a Trump foreign policy advisor brag about dirt the Russians had on Hillary Clinton. Steele first reached out to an FBI contact in July. The FBI reached back out to him in September wanting to know more.
The Only News Out of The Simpson Testimony is Republican Disgrace

We know now that several different foreign intelligence agencies were watching & electronically monitoring Trump and his surrogages since 2015. They were passing this intelligence on to the FBI.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said. The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Let's not forget who was in charge of the FBI at the time.


Comey's testimony--when in the Oval with Trump alone--when Trump stated to Comey: I have been very very loyal to you--"you know that thing we had going on"--kind of rings big right now. Comey denied knowing what Trump meant by that. But at this time there was speculation that Trump may have recorded that conversation--so Comey had to to do tell all.
Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia
Thanks for posting.......but we love can we talk about who was killed over it?

who do you think it was?

It was several months ago--that one person testified regarding this Russian investigation--and said there were people getting killed in Russia over it. I have no links to that source yet, but I am certain it will be coming out.

What's fascinating about the Dossier file is this. This when Steele handed it over to the FBI.

The FBI’s response was basically, “Yeah, we know.” That overstates it a bit. But not much. The FBI was already getting tips and reports that something was afoot. Steele’s information just confirmed the seriousness of the situation. Indeed, as we now know, one key report it supported was that from the Australian Ambassador to the UK who had heard a Trump foreign policy advisor brag about dirt the Russians had on Hillary Clinton. Steele first reached out to an FBI contact in July. The FBI reached back out to him in September wanting to know more.
The Only News Out of The Simpson Testimony is Republican Disgrace

We know now that several different foreign intelligence agencies were watching & electronically monitoring Trump and his surrogages since 2015. They were passing this intelligence on to the FBI.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said. The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Let's not forget who was in charge of the FBI at the time.


Comey's testimony--when in the Oval with Trump alone--when Trump stated to Comey: I have been very very loyal to you--"you know that thing we had going on"--kind of rings big right now. Comey denied knowing what Trump meant by that. But at this time there was speculation that Trump may have recorded that conversation--so Comey had to to do tell all.
Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

ok you think Comey is a republican??? and pro Trump......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
yeah he leaked the memos........because he loves Trump, you guys are insane.

and talking points memo? Do I have to post Alex Jones now?

and from an unnamed trump campaign official? Is this the CNN source who said the date on the emails????? I mean if you don't know the source, it's all bullshit....they need to publicly state it so we can determine the truth......
Thanks for posting.......but we love can we talk about who was killed over it?

who do you think it was?

It was several months ago--that one person testified regarding this Russian investigation--and said there were people getting killed in Russia over it. I have no links to that source yet, but I am certain it will be coming out.

What's fascinating about the Dossier file is this. This when Steele handed it over to the FBI.

The FBI’s response was basically, “Yeah, we know.” That overstates it a bit. But not much. The FBI was already getting tips and reports that something was afoot. Steele’s information just confirmed the seriousness of the situation. Indeed, as we now know, one key report it supported was that from the Australian Ambassador to the UK who had heard a Trump foreign policy advisor brag about dirt the Russians had on Hillary Clinton. Steele first reached out to an FBI contact in July. The FBI reached back out to him in September wanting to know more.
The Only News Out of The Simpson Testimony is Republican Disgrace

We know now that several different foreign intelligence agencies were watching & electronically monitoring Trump and his surrogages since 2015. They were passing this intelligence on to the FBI.

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said. The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Let's not forget who was in charge of the FBI at the time.


Comey's testimony--when in the Oval with Trump alone--when Trump stated to Comey: I have been very very loyal to you--"you know that thing we had going on"--kind of rings big right now. Comey denied knowing what Trump meant by that. But at this time there was speculation that Trump may have recorded that conversation--so Comey had to to do tell all.
Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

ok you think Comey is a republican??? and pro Trump......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
yeah he leaked the memos........because he loves Trump, you guys are insane.

and talking points memo? Do I have to post Alex Jones now?

and from an unnamed trump campaign official? Is this the CNN source who said the date on the emails????? I mean if you don't know the source, it's all bullshit....they need to publicly state it so we can determine the truth......

It is a FACT that James Comey is a Republican as Robert Mueller is. Comey broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions to attack Hillary Clinton. Even going as far as knowingly using a Russian alterted memo to attack her with. This set off the arm chair legal team on FOX NEWS.

Former FBI, CIA, and Justice Department officials say they are baffled by reports that a fake Russian document affected former FBI Director James Comey's handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.

CNN reported Friday that Comey knew the document — a memo purporting to show collusion between Loretta Lynch, who was then the attorney general, and the Clinton campaign — was fake.
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
Comey influenced by bogus Russian document, report says

Comey breaking long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing any information within 60 days of an election, bypassed the warning of the Justice department, did it anyway within 11 days of election. 7 days later and after millions voted, believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Comey was also under DOJ investigation for his interference into this election, BEFORE Trump fired him.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Is Rudy Guiliani & James Kalstrom still hanging out on FOX NEWS---:laugh:
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

At any rate--there is no doubt that the goal posts were deliberately moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. We know that if James Comey didn't break long standing DOJ protocol that Hillary Clinton would most certainly be the POTUS today.


Furthermore--once Jeff Sessions got busted--and recused himself, Rosenstein stepped into to take over the Russian investigation.
Jeff Sessions Recuses Himself From Russia Inquiry

And even then it took some major arm twisting from John McCain & Lindsey Graham who were demanding that an investigation start into Michael Flynn. Had this not happened, I seriously doubt that then FBI director James Comey would have done anything. James Comey just got caught in the backfire & his own mess.
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"The last thing Diane Fienstein stated today: "There is nothing in the Dossier file that has been proven incorrect."

Technically true, but then nothing has been "proven" correct either.


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