Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- August 2010
The August Health Tracking Poll finds that support for health reform fell over the course of August, dipping from a 50 percent favorability rating in July to 43 percent, while 45 percent of the public reported unfavorable views. The dip in favorability returned public opinion on the new law to the even split last seen in May before a modest uptick in support in June and July.

Americans’ views of how reform will affect them personally have changed little over the summer, with 29 percent saying in August that they and their family will be better off under the law, 30 percent saying they expect to be worse off and 36 percent saying it won’t make much difference. But the gap between those who think the new law will make the country better off and those who think it will make it worse off narrowed over the last month, with 39 percent saying the law will benefit the nation and 37 percent expressing the opposite view.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- August 2010 - Kaiser Family Foundation

Does not look like a ringing endorsement to me and this is the source you provided, which Kaiser is well respected.

Check out question 14 about whether "specific elements of the health reform law that are scheduled to be implemented within the next year" are viewed with favor.

Also, check out question 16 about whether "elements of the health reform law that are scheduled to be implemented further in the future" are viewed with favor.

Gotcha, so 70% support getting "free" services and demanding that insurance companies can't charge.

Talk about cherry picking a poll. November elections: Abandon all hope ye Democrats!
Check out question 14 about whether "specific elements of the health reform law that are scheduled to be implemented within the next year" are viewed with favor.

Also, check out question 16 about whether "elements of the health reform law that are scheduled to be implemented further in the future" are viewed with favor.

Gotcha, so 70% support getting "free" services and demanding that insurance companies can't charge.

Talk about cherry picking a poll. November elections: Abandon all hope ye Democrats!
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to saveliberty again.
That's all it was,was cherry picking, he totally ignored the very link he provided that showed less than a majority supporting that crap.
Democrats, and on the other side of the coin, Socialists
Americans love Socialism, dude.
Fucking lie. If they did, Obama would have approval numbers in the 90% rate.

Obama isn't a socialist you monkey, his disapproval ratings reflect frustration with the economy and since he's the man sitting in the White House who else are the going to blame? Most Americans are misinformed about politics and how the government and the economy works, so they tune in to media outlets to get news thats inaccurate and biased.
Obama isn't a socialist you monkey, his disapproval ratings reflect frustration with the economy and since he's the man sitting in the White House who else are the going to blame? Most Americans are misinformed about politics and how the government and the economy works, so they tune in to media outlets to get news thats inaccurate and biased.
If anyone is misinformed about how the economy works, it's the manchild squatting in the White House...His disapproval ratings are a direct result of his rank incompetence in the area of economics, amongst other things.

If most people paid any attention to and took stock the inaccuracy and media bias, his approval rating may well be in the range of 80%.
Americans love Socialism, dude.
Fucking lie. If they did, Obama would have approval numbers in the 90% rate.

Obama isn't a socialist you monkey, his disapproval ratings reflect frustration with the economy and since he's the man sitting in the White House who else are the going to blame? Most Americans are misinformed about politics and how the government and the economy works, so they tune in to media outlets to get news thats inaccurate and biased.

Obama is the President that has been furthest to the left (furthest towards socialism) of any US president in history, you donkey racist basshole

His disapproval ratings are from all parts of the spectrum of economic standing, political party membership, etc.. and tie right to the failure of his far-left agenda and attempts at running government to meet that agenda
Obama isn't a socialist you monkey, his disapproval ratings reflect frustration with the economy and since he's the man sitting in the White House who else are the going to blame? Most Americans are misinformed about politics and how the government and the economy works, so they tune in to media outlets to get news thats inaccurate and biased.
If anyone is misinformed about how the economy works, it's the manchild squatting in the White House...His disapproval ratings are a direct result of his rank incompetence in the area of economics, amongst other things.

If most people paid any attention to and took stock the inaccuracy and media bias, his approval rating may well be in the range of 80%.

He hasn't been perfect, but what do you expect? He took over the country when it was already in a recession and with Senate Republicans opposing damn near everything how do you expect progress to be made? One thing Democrats need to do hammer home thats its blatantly stupid for Republicans to block this current bill because it has no tax cuts for the richest of the richest Americans because doing giving the top richest people tax cuts will do absolutely nothing for the economy and the masses of the people. Their plan for a tax cut for the middle class is an excellent idea.
Fucking lie. If they did, Obama would have approval numbers in the 90% rate.

Obama isn't a socialist you monkey, his disapproval ratings reflect frustration with the economy and since he's the man sitting in the White House who else are the going to blame? Most Americans are misinformed about politics and how the government and the economy works, so they tune in to media outlets to get news thats inaccurate and biased.

Obama is the President that has been furthest to the left (furthest towards socialism) of any US president in history, you donkey racist basshole

His disapproval ratings are from all parts of the spectrum of economic standing, political party membership, etc.. and tie right to the failure of his far-left agenda and attempts at running government to meet that agenda

Look I don't care for your partisan exaggerations of Obama, you're not going to change my mind about what I think so you're preaching to the choir. Last time I checked there are two parties in the Senate and the House and its not the president solely himself that passes bills, its the fault of both parties, I'm not buying your partisan BS thats its all Obama or that its all the Democrats fault.
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He not only hasn't been perfect, he's been an outright disaster.

There's a reason banks and businesses are sitting on their hands and not expanding right now.

Oh please, save your monkey speak for someone else, he took over this country when it was already in a recession, if the country was running smoothly economically as he took over then you would have a point, but to be fair, none of what the GOP has proposed would have helped, far less spending isn't going to create jobs and end unemployment, extending tax cuts for the richest people isn't going to help.
I got a news flash for ya, Chumlee...The blame GEORGE BOOOOOOOSH! gambit isn't working anymore.

Time for the boyking and his sycophant toadies, like you to, man up and take some responsibility for your inability to bring about any of that hopey-changey thing. :lol::lol::lol:
Obama isn't a socialist you monkey, his disapproval ratings reflect frustration with the economy and since he's the man sitting in the White House who else are the going to blame? Most Americans are misinformed about politics and how the government and the economy works, so they tune in to media outlets to get news thats inaccurate and biased.

Obama is the President that has been furthest to the left (furthest towards socialism) of any US president in history, you donkey racist basshole

His disapproval ratings are from all parts of the spectrum of economic standing, political party membership, etc.. and tie right to the failure of his far-left agenda and attempts at running government to meet that agenda

Look I don't care for your partisan exaggerations of Obama, you're not going to change my mind about what I think so you're preaching to the choir. Last time I checked there are two parties in the Senate and the House and its not the president solely himself that passes bills, its the fault of both parties, I'm not buying your partisan BS thats its all Obama or that its all the Democrats fault.

Funny... reading my post again and it did not blame only one side... matter of fact it was not supporting anything of the REP party at all.. it was pointing out to your racist ass that Obama is indeed the farthest left President in our country's history... and being farther on the left means it is closer toward socialism than any other President... and as stated, his disapproval rating (and the continued growth of it) is from all parts of the spectrum...

But nice try, basshole
I got a news flash for ya, Chumlee...The blame GEORGE BOOOOOOOSH! gambit isn't working anymore.

Time for the boyking and his sycophant toadies, like you to, man up and take some responsibility for your inability to bring about any of that hopey-changey thing. :lol::lol::lol:

Don't take my words out of context idiot, I wasn't blaming Bush for anything, I simply stated the truth that if Obama took over leadership of an economy that wasn't in a recession and turned it into what it is now then you would have a point that what he's done is a disaster. What are your suggestions as to what he should do because I hear you doing a lot a heckling from the peanut gallery but no real suggestions except for what the GOP says.
Obama is the President that has been furthest to the left (furthest towards socialism) of any US president in history, you donkey racist basshole

His disapproval ratings are from all parts of the spectrum of economic standing, political party membership, etc.. and tie right to the failure of his far-left agenda and attempts at running government to meet that agenda

Look I don't care for your partisan exaggerations of Obama, you're not going to change my mind about what I think so you're preaching to the choir. Last time I checked there are two parties in the Senate and the House and its not the president solely himself that passes bills, its the fault of both parties, I'm not buying your partisan BS thats its all Obama or that its all the Democrats fault.

Funny... reading my post again and it did not blame only one side... matter of fact it was not supporting anything of the REP party at all.. it was pointing out to your racist ass that Obama is indeed the farthest left President in our country's history... and being farther on the left means it is closer toward socialism than any other President... and as stated, his disapproval rating (and the continued growth of it) is from all parts of the spectrum...

But nice try, basshole

If you really cared about this country you wouldn't give immerse yourself in monkey speak about who's too far left or right you'd concentrate on working to fix the problem and if its so bad here there's always banana boats leaving the country, you could jump on one.
I got a news flash for ya, Chumlee...The blame GEORGE BOOOOOOOSH! gambit isn't working anymore.

Time for the boyking and his sycophant toadies, like you to, man up and take some responsibility for your inability to bring about any of that hopey-changey thing. :lol::lol::lol:

Don't take my words out of context idiot, I wasn't blaming Bush for anything, I simply stated the truth that if Obama took over leadership of an economy that wasn't in a recession and turned it into what it is now then you would have a point that what he's done is a disaster. What are your suggestions as to what he should do because I hear you doing a lot a heckling from the peanut gallery but no real suggestions except for what the GOP says.

With Obama's job killing policies, he would have drove it into a recession with high unemployment, and creating a higher deficit. :eusa_whistle:
With Obama's policies, he is not reducing unemployment, nor is he reducing the deficit. He would have had to pay the unions back in one fashion or another, which would equate to spending our taxes.
I got a news flash for ya, Chumlee...The blame GEORGE BOOOOOOOSH! gambit isn't working anymore.

Time for the boyking and his sycophant toadies, like you to, man up and take some responsibility for your inability to bring about any of that hopey-changey thing. :lol::lol::lol:

Don't take my words out of context idiot, I wasn't blaming Bush for anything, I simply stated the truth that if Obama took over leadership of an economy that wasn't in a recession and turned it into what it is now then you would have a point that what he's done is a disaster. What are your suggestions as to what he should do because I hear you doing a lot a heckling from the peanut gallery but no real suggestions except for what the GOP says.
Yeah, whatever.

Trying to shift the onus back upon the republicans to come up with any ideas and plans, as though Barry Obolshevik and his Marxist glee club would give them even a moment's consideration to begin with, isn't working to deflect from their outright failures, either.

Best come up with another strategy there, Chumlee. :lol:
I got a news flash for ya, Chumlee...The blame GEORGE BOOOOOOOSH! gambit isn't working anymore.

Time for the boyking and his sycophant toadies, like you to, man up and take some responsibility for your inability to bring about any of that hopey-changey thing. :lol::lol::lol:

Don't take my words out of context idiot, I wasn't blaming Bush for anything, I simply stated the truth that if Obama took over leadership of an economy that wasn't in a recession and turned it into what it is now then you would have a point that what he's done is a disaster. What are your suggestions as to what he should do because I hear you doing a lot a heckling from the peanut gallery but no real suggestions except for what the GOP says.
Yeah, whatever.

Trying to shift the onus back upon the republicans to come up with any ideas and plans, as though Barry Obolshevik and his Marxist glee club would give them even a moment's consideration to begin with, isn't working to deflect from their outright failures, either.

Best come up with another strategy there, Chumlee. :lol:

Now you're chimping out with your partisan monkey talk, go take a banana break idiot. The Republican's plan failed, after all their Bush sponsored tax cuts created zero economic growth, trickle down economics has been proven not to work, you can't have tax cuts for the rich and bail out their failed companies without having economic consequences in the future, when have you ever taken economic classes, from the College of Foxnews?
I just had an epiphany.

In all the chaff and flares being kicked off to try and say that the founding fathers meant for the government nanny state and IS constitutional, I hit upon a small twist of the language that makes a big difference.

"Provide for the Common Defense, promote the General Welfare and Establish justice and liberty for ourselves and our posterity."

Look at the first section: "Provide for the Common Defense". What does that mean? To provide means that they will be the source of defense of the Common populace It is a duty of government to defend us against threats foreign and domestic. Pretty clear I would say.

Now the second step. "PROMOTE the General Welfare". Look at that! The word Promote! Does it mean it will be the source of General Welfare? No. Does it guarantee a standard of living? No. Does it give permission for the government to supply the general welfare? No.

What does the word Promote mean? It means to ENCOURAGE OTHERS to IMPROVEMENT. To ALLOW the citizenry to succeed on their own. To do what is best for the welfare of the citizens but not being it's source, just an enabler of your own efforts.

So if the founding fathers and documents meant to have people dependent on the national government, why did they not write "Provide for the common defense and General Welfare"? Why did they change to Promote?

Because the intent was to never become subjects of a government again, but rather to have government subject to the citizens. Communism doesn't have citizens. It has subjects. Those who exist at the will and desire of the state serving the state. This is contrary to everything our founding fathers envisioned. Doing things only government can do like protect against those who wish to take our freedom and liberty away...

... for ourselves and our posterity.

This was an everlasting pledge to the nation.

Edit::::: Apparently I'm not the only one to have this epiphany today.

I think your right on with your assessment there Fitz.

I just wonder how the SC would rule on the constitutionality of Welfare and Medicaide if it ever came before them. ??

Who know. Perhaps one day we'll find out.
I got a news flash for ya, Chumlee...The blame GEORGE BOOOOOOOSH! gambit isn't working anymore.

Time for the boyking and his sycophant toadies, like you to, man up and take some responsibility for your inability to bring about any of that hopey-changey thing. :lol::lol::lol:

Don't take my words out of context idiot, I wasn't blaming Bush for anything, I simply stated the truth that if Obama took over leadership of an economy that wasn't in a recession and turned it into what it is now then you would have a point that what he's done is a disaster. What are your suggestions as to what he should do because I hear you doing a lot a heckling from the peanut gallery but no real suggestions except for what the GOP says.

With Obama's job killing policies, he would have drove it into a recession with high unemployment, and creating a higher deficit. :eusa_whistle:
With Obama's policies, he is not reducing unemployment, nor is he reducing the deficit. He would have had to pay the unions back in one fashion or another, which would equate to spending our taxes.

Well the Bush tax cuts for the rich isn't going to help the economy nor the deficit either, independent research confirms this. Just like Bush cannot be totally blamed for the state of this country today the same holds for Obama, idiots like you who are mad are just looking to blame someone.
Look I don't care for your partisan exaggerations of Obama, you're not going to change my mind about what I think so you're preaching to the choir. Last time I checked there are two parties in the Senate and the House and its not the president solely himself that passes bills, its the fault of both parties, I'm not buying your partisan BS thats its all Obama or that its all the Democrats fault.

Funny... reading my post again and it did not blame only one side... matter of fact it was not supporting anything of the REP party at all.. it was pointing out to your racist ass that Obama is indeed the farthest left President in our country's history... and being farther on the left means it is closer toward socialism than any other President... and as stated, his disapproval rating (and the continued growth of it) is from all parts of the spectrum...

But nice try, basshole

If you really cared about this country you wouldn't give immerse yourself in monkey speak about who's too far left or right you'd concentrate on working to fix the problem and if its so bad here there's always banana boats leaving the country, you could jump on one.

You don't fix the problems with ever expanding government, ever expanding taxation, selective equal treatment, ever expanding government spending, and letting people think that the government is there to take care of every personal need (whether it be of an individual or company).... more strides toward a socialism or socialist inspired agenda is not going to fix it, just as an anarchist view is not going to fix it... what has to be done to fix it is to start chopping away at the damage big government types on BOTH sides that has been built up over the decades and decades of corruption

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