Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Amazing. You fight for freedom, but advocate tyranny. ...that's kind of depressing.

Tyranny is lobbying for thr rich and saying fuck the poor, aren't you conservatives supposed to bearers of the Bible? What about caring for the poor?

private charity. government NEEDS NOT BE INVOLVED.

If private charity had solved the problem, the people wouldn't have demanded a system of social security.
Don't take my words out of context idiot, I wasn't blaming Bush for anything, I simply stated the truth that if Obama took over leadership of an economy that wasn't in a recession and turned it into what it is now then you would have a point that what he's done is a disaster. What are your suggestions as to what he should do because I hear you doing a lot a heckling from the peanut gallery but no real suggestions except for what the GOP says.
Yeah, whatever.

Trying to shift the onus back upon the republicans to come up with any ideas and plans, as though Barry Obolshevik and his Marxist glee club would give them even a moment's consideration to begin with, isn't working to deflect from their outright failures, either.

Best come up with another strategy there, Chumlee. :lol:

Now you're chimping out with your partisan monkey talk, go take a banana break idiot. The Republican's plan failed, after all their Bush sponsored tax cuts created zero economic growth, trickle down economics has been proven not to work, you can't have tax cuts for the rich and bail out their failed companies without having economic consequences in the future, when have you ever taken economic classes, from the College of Foxnews?
I'm chimping out with nothing, chump.

Fact is that your boyking matinee idol and his bunch of Faiban freaks in congress have all the political stroke and are flaming out big time....Trying to shift the blame back onto those who have no power to do anything, and whose ideas and plans you'd not take anyways, is the last act of the desperate chimp, chump. :lol::lol::lol:
Americans love Socialism, dude.

Ehhh.. no... The lazy who want something at the expense of others, love socialism

Americans love Socialism, dude. That's why we have a system of social security.

Ummm... no.... people who want something for nothing or something at the expense of someone else generally don't voluntarily choose to give it up... hence why welfare queens will continue to vote for the politicians who keep giving them things at the expense of others... those who actually work for a living or enjoy the freedom to do what they want with their earnings generally do not support socialism... and while you hyper-wingers would like to see the rolls of entitlement junkies expanded, so that you can continue to demonize 'the rich' so that they can fund your need to be generous with the monies of others, the general populace of this country loves freedoms, not a socialist agenda
Had the Founders Intended on that Meaning "Welfare" as we Know it today, or Social Security, they would have Proposed them and Passed them into Law.
If the people had demanded Social Security in 1789, the way they did in 1936, Congress would have established it.

When exactly did the people demand Social Security?
1935. Look at the vote tallies in the House and Senate on the Social Security Act of 1935. They were overwhelming. Over 90% of the total votes cast in Congress were in favor of passing the bill.

386 Senators and Representatives voted to pass the 1935 Act. Only 39 voted against it.
Americans love Socialism, dude.

Ehhh.. no... The lazy who want something at the expense of others, love socialism

Americans love Socialism, dude. That's why we have a system of social security.
Its "popularity" is largely due to the fact that you pretty much cannot opt out.

Give Americans a choice as to whether they'd keep their money to spend, save and/or invest as they see fit, and let's see how that turkey of a Ponzi scheme works out.
If the people had demanded Social Security in 1789, the way they did in 1936, Congress would have established it.

When exactly did the people demand Social Security?
1935. Look at the vote tallies in the House and Senate on the Social Security Act of 1935. They were overwhelming. Over 90% of the total votes cast in Congress were in favor of passing the bill.

386 Senators and Representatives voted to pass the 1935 Act. Only 39 voted against it.

I said to show exactly when the people demanded it.

Not when the politicians enacted it.

There is a difference between the two. A significant difference.
51% favor the provision in the health care law that fines all but small employers if they don’t offer health insurance to their workers. 47% disfavor. 3% don't care.

Source please.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll for August of 2010 - Question 16 - Favor or disfavor elements of the health care law.

But funny that the hyper-partisan putz that you are ignores other questions on the poll... cherry picker... not to mention the trends going away from support of the government sponsored shitpile of 'healthcare reform'
Cuba to eliminate 500,000 state jobs, spur private sector

Cuba will let more than 500,000 state employees go by next March and try to move most to non-state jobs in the biggest shift to the private sector since the 1960s, the official Cuban labor federation said Monday.

Cuba to eliminate state jobs, spur private sector - World news - Americas - Focus on Cuba -

Looks like even the communists are acknowledging what an utter fuck up socialism is.:cool:

Too funny. Someday the American radical left will agree, but probably not until we're in about the same shape as Cuba. And then they'll blame Bush.
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Cuba to eliminate 500,000 state jobs, spur private sector

Cuba will let more than 500,000 state employees go by next March and try to move most to non-state jobs in the biggest shift to the private sector since the 1960s, the official Cuban labor federation said Monday.

Cuba to eliminate state jobs, spur private sector - World news - Americas - Focus on Cuba -

Looks like even the communists are acknowledging what an utter fuck up socialism is.:cool:

Cuba should model their system on the American model of Socialism.
Cuba to eliminate 500,000 state jobs, spur private sector

Cuba will let more than 500,000 state employees go by next March and try to move most to non-state jobs in the biggest shift to the private sector since the 1960s, the official Cuban labor federation said Monday.

Cuba to eliminate state jobs, spur private sector - World news - Americas - Focus on Cuba -

Looks like even the communists are acknowledging what an utter fuck up socialism is.:cool:

Cuba should model their system on the American model of Socialism.

Cuba should model their system on the American model of freedom.

But I do not wish for any other country to elect power-hungry politicians, like the US has for a long time, to warp the country away from being based on freedom to being based on huge government tendrils fed by gorging on the producers to benefit the non-contributors
Fucking lie. If they did, Obama would have approval numbers in the 90% rate.

Americans love Socialism, dude. If you don't believe me, try to repeal the Social Security Act.

Try and repeal anything in government... why is it hard?? because politicians love the powers they have and do not wish to reduce those powers

nice try though, winger

In a national phone survey of 1,200 adults by the GfK Roper consulting firm (margin of error: plus or minus 3 percent), 90 percent of those ages 18 to 29 deemed Social Security important. In fact, almost half of them agreed with the statement that it is “one of the very most important government programs.”
When exactly did the people demand Social Security?
1935. Look at the vote tallies in the House and Senate on the Social Security Act of 1935. They were overwhelming. Over 90% of the total votes cast in Congress were in favor of passing the bill.

386 Senators and Representatives voted to pass the 1935 Act. Only 39 voted against it.

I said to show exactly when the people demanded it.

Not when the politicians enacted it.

There is a difference between the two. A significant difference.

Over 50 million Americans signed petitions supporting an Old Age Revolving Pension Plan. One petition alone, the famous Townsend petition, had been signed by over 20 million people. In response to the petitions, Congress passed the Social Security Act.
Ehhh.. no... The lazy who want something at the expense of others, love socialism

Americans love Socialism, dude. That's why we have a system of social security.
Its "popularity" is largely due to the fact that you pretty much cannot opt out.

Give Americans a choice as to whether they'd keep their money to spend, save and/or invest as they see fit, and let's see how that turkey of a Ponzi scheme works out.

Three-quarters of those from 18 to 29 strongly agreed that while they may not need the program when they retire, a time that probably seems infinitely far away, “I definitely want to know that it’s there, just in case I do.” Sixty-two percent said they will rely on Social Security payments in some way. By a wide margin, they opposed cutting benefits to reduce the federal deficit.
1935. Look at the vote tallies in the House and Senate on the Social Security Act of 1935. They were overwhelming. Over 90% of the total votes cast in Congress were in favor of passing the bill.

386 Senators and Representatives voted to pass the 1935 Act. Only 39 voted against it.

I said to show exactly when the people demanded it.

Not when the politicians enacted it.

There is a difference between the two. A significant difference.

Over 50 million Americans signed petitions supporting an Old Age Revolving Pension Plan. One petition alone, the famous Townsend petition, had been signed by over 20 million people. In response to the petitions, Congress passed the Social Security Act.

Care to actually link your plagiarism?

Social Security Act

And when people are offered something at the expense of others, when they are in 'need', they will generally sign for it...

But as told to you before, many people would rather invest for themselves instead of being forced into a program that is horrid on returns since it also pays for non-contributors

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