Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Cuba to eliminate 500,000 state jobs, spur private sector

Cuba will let more than 500,000 state employees go by next March and try to move most to non-state jobs in the biggest shift to the private sector since the 1960s, the official Cuban labor federation said Monday.

Cuba to eliminate state jobs, spur private sector - World news - Americas - Focus on Cuba -

Looks like even the communists are acknowledging what an utter fuck up socialism is.:cool:

Cuba should model their system on the American model of Socialism.

The one that is trillions in debt?:eusa_eh:..... $Rofl_3e.gif
I just had an epiphany.

In all the chaff and flares being kicked off to try and say that the founding fathers meant for the government nanny state and IS constitutional, I hit upon a small twist of the language that makes a big difference.

"Provide for the Common Defense, promote the General Welfare and Establish justice and liberty for ourselves and our posterity."

Look at the first section: "Provide for the Common Defense". What does that mean? To provide means that they will be the source of defense of the Common populace It is a duty of government to defend us against threats foreign and domestic. Pretty clear I would say.

Now the second step. "PROMOTE the General Welfare". Look at that! The word Promote! Does it mean it will be the source of General Welfare? No. Does it guarantee a standard of living? No. Does it give permission for the government to supply the general welfare? No.

What does the word Promote mean? It means to ENCOURAGE OTHERS to IMPROVEMENT. To ALLOW the citizenry to succeed on their own. To do what is best for the welfare of the citizens but not being it's source, just an enabler of your own efforts.

So if the founding fathers and documents meant to have people dependent on the national government, why did they not write "Provide for the common defense and General Welfare"? Why did they change to Promote?

Because the intent was to never become subjects of a government again, but rather to have government subject to the citizens. Communism doesn't have citizens. It has subjects. Those who exist at the will and desire of the state serving the state. This is contrary to everything our founding fathers envisioned. Doing things only government can do like protect against those who wish to take our freedom and liberty away...

... for ourselves and our posterity.

This was an everlasting pledge to the nation.

Edit::::: Apparently I'm not the only one to have this epiphany today.

I think your right on with your assessment there Fitz.

I just wonder how the SC would rule on the constitutionality of Welfare and Medicaide if it ever came before them. ??

Who know. Perhaps one day we'll find out.

The people would lynch the Supreme Court if they repealed Medicare from the bench.

not if they were educated to the concept of liberty and freedom properly.
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Income tax is automatically deducted from all paychecks and sent to the IRS.

If the IRS sends the money back it doesn't count.
Don't be silly, dude.

Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.
Everyone would benefit by reading the Federalist Papers. On this topic, #45 seems appropriate.

The Federal government has become what even strong federalists feared, superior to the states. The states have become lackeys.

It's time the people insist on more local control, much easier to get rid of the loons.

The 16th Amendment gutted the States, that was their Waterloo

you're an idiot.
Everyone would benefit by reading the Federalist Papers. On this topic, #45 seems appropriate.

The Federal government has become what even strong federalists feared, superior to the states. The states have become lackeys.

It's time the people insist on more local control, much easier to get rid of the loons.

The 16th Amendment gutted the States, that was their Waterloo

you're an idiot.

Nah the states loss of power and rights has been a long and gradual one.
If the IRS sends the money back it doesn't count.
Don't be silly, dude.

Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.

Many of them not only get it all back. They get more than they paid in back.
Nah the states loss of power and rights has been a long and gradual one.

that was intentional. if the states were supposed to be so powerful, we'd have continued to live under articles of confederation.

also, the fact that the world has gotten smaller, with improved travel and communication. has made it more important to maintain more uniformity.

i also find that the people who bemoan the power of the federal government usually do so because they don't like being told they can't discriminate or have to abide by constitutional mandates.

i don't know if that's the case with you, but it is what i've noticed.

and yes, he is an idiot. :)
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Nah the states loss of power and rights has been a long and gradual one.

that was intentional. if the states were supposed to be so powerful, we'd have continued to live under articles of confederation.

also, the fact that the world has gotten smaller, with improved travel and communication. has made it more important to maintain more uniformity.

i also find that the people who bemoan the power of the federal government usually do so because they don't like being told they can't discriminate or have to abide by constitutional mandates.

i don't know if that's the case with you, but it is what i've noticed.

and yes, he is an idiot. :)

Sorry I do not agree about the power of the states. The Constution came after the articles and it indeed attempted to set up a sharing of power, Not only between branches of the Federal government, But also between the Fed and the States. Since the ratification of the constitution. That separation of Power between the States and the Fed. Which made us a Federal Republic has steady eroded.

As far as people using constitution state rights arguments to further their racist and discriminatory beliefs. You are not wrong, but I do not think it is true off all or even most of those people today. It would be wrong of us to blow of states rights simply because racists have used them in the past to hide behind.

And I was not seeking to comment on if he is an idiot or not. :)
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You don't fix the problems with ever expanding taxation
The problem of financing a huge military was solved by expanding taxation.

more strides toward a socialism or socialist inspired agenda is not going to fix it
It solved the problem of abusive child labor.

Wrong, you imbecile

Expanding taxation fir things that the government is actually CHARGED to do, is different than expanding taxation to grow the government into areas that it was never meant to handle

Laws got rid of child labor laws... not expanded government nor a socialist agenda

Go play in traffic, child

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