Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

You don't fix the problems with ever expanding taxation
The problem of financing a huge military was solved by expanding taxation.

more strides toward a socialism or socialist inspired agenda is not going to fix it
It solved the problem of abusive child labor.

Wrong, you imbecile

Expanding taxation fir things that the government is actually CHARGED to do, is different than expanding taxation to grow the government into areas that it was never meant to handle

Laws got rid of child labor laws... not expanded government nor a socialist agenda

Go play in traffic, child

...we advocate and pledge ourselves to the forbidding the employment of children under sixteen years of age.

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what has to be done to fix it is to start chopping away at the damage big government types on BOTH sides that has been built up over the decades and decades of corruption
A big nation with big problems needs a big government, dude.

wrong. Why don't you have faith in the american people to prosper without a leviathan nanny government?
Dude, get real. We have reasonable regulation of the economy and a mediocre welfare state. We're not even close to a leviathan nanny government .
Why do you advocate tyranny?
Why do you hate the American way?
If the IRS sends the money back it doesn't count.
Don't be silly, dude.

Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.

Dude, Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment taxes are deducted from paychecks.
Don't be silly, dude.

Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.

The explanation?? He's a fucking idiot

Point out a specific program you object to where people are offered something at the expense of others, when they are in need.
Don't be silly, dude.

Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.

Dude, Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment taxes are deducted from paychecks.
INCOME taxes are the issue here, Chumlee.

Goalpost move: Fail!
Don't be silly, dude.

Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.
Dude, everybody pays taxes.

Dude not everybody Pays Federal Income tax. In 2009 47% of all those who filed returns. Paid 0 or Even got more back than they paid in. After all deductions. You know that big ass return you get at the end of the year. WTF do you think it is.

Don't be silly, dude.

Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.

Dude, Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment taxes are deducted from paychecks.

Unemployment tax is not deducted from your paycheck. Do you even get a paycheck? Only half of your Social Security and Medicare tax is deducted form your paycheck. You are totally clueless pal.
Cuba to eliminate 500,000 state jobs, spur private sector

Cuba will let more than 500,000 state employees go by next March and try to move most to non-state jobs in the biggest shift to the private sector since the 1960s, the official Cuban labor federation said Monday.

Cuba to eliminate state jobs, spur private sector - World news - Americas - Focus on Cuba -

Looks like even the communists are acknowledging what an utter fuck up socialism is.:cool:

Too funny. Someday the American radical left will agree, but probably not until we're in about the same shape as Cuba. And then they'll blame Bush.
Glasnost comes to Cuba.

10 to 1 you get the same results: Collapse of the communist system and a lost decade.
Cuba to eliminate 500,000 state jobs, spur private sector

Cuba will let more than 500,000 state employees go by next March and try to move most to non-state jobs in the biggest shift to the private sector since the 1960s, the official Cuban labor federation said Monday.

Cuba to eliminate state jobs, spur private sector - World news - Americas - Focus on Cuba -

Looks like even the communists are acknowledging what an utter fuck up socialism is.:cool:

Too funny. Someday the American radical left will agree, but probably not until we're in about the same shape as Cuba. And then they'll blame Bush.
Glasnost comes to Cuba.

10 to 1 you get the same results: Collapse of the communist system and a lost decade.

I count five lost already.
Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.

Dude, Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment taxes are deducted from paychecks.

Unemployment tax is not deducted from your paycheck. Do you even get a paycheck? Only half of your Social Security and Medicare tax is deducted form your paycheck. You are totally clueless pal.

Unemployment is an insurance program paid by employers, and the benefits are subject to income tax.
Too funny. Someday the American radical left will agree, but probably not until we're in about the same shape as Cuba. And then they'll blame Bush.
Glasnost comes to Cuba.

10 to 1 you get the same results: Collapse of the communist system and a lost decade.

I count five lost already.
Shhh... just trying to help them keep their dignity a bit longer.

It's funnier that way.
Nah the states loss of power and rights has been a long and gradual one.

that was intentional. if the states were supposed to be so powerful, we'd have continued to live under articles of confederation.

also, the fact that the world has gotten smaller, with improved travel and communication. has made it more important to maintain more uniformity.

i also find that the people who bemoan the power of the federal government usually do so because they don't like being told they can't discriminate or have to abide by constitutional mandates.

i don't know if that's the case with you, but it is what i've noticed.

and yes, he is an idiot. :)


Seriously, lost a lot of respect for you on this one. The articles of confederation were outdated because the states wanted to be united, in common defense, and with common currency. 13 different currencies was not a good idea. That is why the constitution was adopted. On top of that, you leave out the 10th amendment entirely like it doesn't exist. Damn...I had a LITTLE respect for you because you say smart things from time to time but this was one of your most idiotic posts. Shame.
A big nation with big problems needs a big government, dude.

wrong. Why don't you have faith in the american people to prosper without a leviathan nanny government?
Dude, get real. We have reasonable regulation of the economy and a mediocre welfare state. We're not even close to a leviathan nanny government .
Why do you advocate tyranny?
Why do you hate the American way?

The american way is personal freedom and responsibility for the individual. What a fucking waste, amazing you survived the swim to the egg man, really.
wrong. Why don't you have faith in the american people to prosper without a leviathan nanny government?
Dude, get real. We have reasonable regulation of the economy and a mediocre welfare state. We're not even close to a leviathan nanny government .
Why do you advocate tyranny?
Why do you hate the American way?

The american way is personal freedom and responsibility for the individual. What a fucking waste, amazing you survived the swim to the egg man, really.

Precisely.. This one is clearly a complete indoctrinated idiot, or a complete troll.. there is not other real explanation
Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.
Dude, everybody pays taxes.

Dude not everybody Pays Federal Income tax. In 2009 47% of all those who filed returns. Paid 0 or Even got more back than they paid in. After all deductions. You know that big ass return you get at the end of the year. WTF do you think it is.


The troll refuses to get it
Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.

Dude, Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment taxes are deducted from paychecks.
INCOME taxes are the issue here, Chumlee.

Goalpost move: Fail!

Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment taxes are deducted from an individual's income, dude.
Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.
Dude, everybody pays taxes.

Dude not everybody Pays Federal Income tax. In 2009 47% of all those who filed returns. Paid 0 or Even got more back than they paid in.
That's a myth, dude.

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