Republican drive to end social programs UNCONSTITUTIONAL

Fucking lie. If they did, Obama would have approval numbers in the 90% rate.

Americans love Socialism, dude. If you don't believe me, try to repeal the Social Security Act.
Well isn't THAT scientific?

You've no clue about human nature do you.

Americans love Socialism, dude. If you don't believe me, try to repeal the power of Congress to tax and spend to provide for the general welfare.
Don't be silly? So if i pay income taxes, then get it all back...I contribute to the system according to you? Really? It's my money to begin with, and I get it all back. How is that paying taxes when you effectively paid nothing? seriously, explain that one to me.

Dude, Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment taxes are deducted from paychecks.

Unemployment tax is not deducted from your paycheck.
It's well established that Conservatives believe businesses don't pay taxes, they pass them to their employees and customers.

Do you even get a paycheck?
Do millions of dollars of dividends, royalties, interest and capital gains count as paychecks?

Only half of your Social Security and Medicare tax is deducted form your paycheck.
It's well established that Conservatives believe businesses don't pay taxes, they pass them to their employees and customers.
Dude, Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment taxes are deducted from paychecks.

Unemployment tax is not deducted from your paycheck. Do you even get a paycheck? Only half of your Social Security and Medicare tax is deducted form your paycheck. You are totally clueless pal.

Unemployment is an insurance program paid by employers.

It's well established that Conservatives believe businesses don't pay taxes.
Nah the states loss of power and rights has been a long and gradual one.

that was intentional. if the states were supposed to be so powerful, we'd have continued to live under articles of confederation.

also, the fact that the world has gotten smaller, with improved travel and communication. has made it more important to maintain more uniformity.

i also find that the people who bemoan the power of the federal government usually do so because they don't like being told they can't discriminate or have to abide by constitutional mandates.

i don't know if that's the case with you, but it is what i've noticed.

and yes, he is an idiot. :)


Seriously, lost a lot of respect for you on this one. The articles of confederation were outdated because the states wanted to be united, in common defense, and with common currency. 13 different currencies was not a good idea. That is why the constitution was adopted. On top of that, you leave out the 10th amendment entirely like it doesn't exist. Damn...I had a LITTLE respect for you because you say smart things from time to time but this was one of your most idiotic posts. Shame.

Any survey, however slight, of the confederation will impress the mind with the intrinsic difficulties, which attended the formation of its principal features. It is well known, that upon three important points, touching the common rights and interests of the several states, much diversity of opinion prevailed, and many animated discussions took place. The first was, as to the mode of voting in congress, whether it should be by states, or according to wealth, or population. The second, as to the rule, by which the expenses of the Union should be apportioned among the states. And the third, as has been already seen, relative to the disposal of the vacant and unappropriated lands in the western territory.

--Joseph Story​
wrong. Why don't you have faith in the american people to prosper without a leviathan nanny government?
Dude, get real. We have reasonable regulation of the economy and a mediocre welfare state. We're not even close to a leviathan nanny government .
Why do you advocate tyranny?
Why do you hate the American way?

The American way is personal freedom and responsibility for the individual.
The American way is regulated capitalism, a social safety net and a big government with power to provide for the general welfare.

The American way is personal freedom

I thought you believed Americans were slaves because they liked our Socialist System of Social Security.
Dude, get real. We have reasonable regulation of the economy and a mediocre welfare state. We're not even close to a leviathan nanny government .

Why do you hate the American way?

The American way is personal freedom and responsibility for the individual.
The American way is regulated capitalism, a social safety net and a big government with power to provide for the general welfare.

The American way is personal freedom

I thought you believed Americans were slaves because they liked our Socialist System of Social Security.

You fucking idiot, asshole, scumbag, pig fucker...

You have been shown NUMEROUS times how you are completely wrong about 'provide for the general welfare', because of your insistence on using a sentence fragment that excludes the DIRECT OBJECT OF THE SENTENCE

And our government was never set up to be 'big government' and 'social safety nets', that has been a warped addition by the power hungry and the uber-leftist scumbag assholes like yourself
Unemployment tax is not deducted from your paycheck. Do you even get a paycheck? Only half of your Social Security and Medicare tax is deducted form your paycheck. You are totally clueless pal.

Unemployment is an insurance program paid by employers.

It's well established that Conservatives believe businesses don't pay taxes.

Much like your health benefits, etc.. it is a cost factored in when your salary is negotiated (unless they are like you and asking 'You want fries with that?' as a career)... the origin and numbers on the book come from the employer, as you never see it as a true deduction on a paystub.... but you are indeed getting a lower salary offer because of the overhead of this, just as you are from health insurance bennies, etc
Americans love Socialism, dude. If you don't believe me, try to repeal the Social Security Act.
Well isn't THAT scientific?

You've no clue about human nature do you.

Americans love Socialism, dude. If you don't believe me, try to repeal the power of Congress to tax and spend to provide for the general welfare.

Your use of the sentence fragment again... and I will point it out CONTINUALLY... you idiot fart knocker

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

The union, the union of states, not each individual or each tiny entity within the states, of the union overall...

You are a dense and ignorant troll motherfucker
you are completely wrong about 'provide for the general welfare


Words are generally to be understood in their usual and most known signification; not so much regarding the propriety of grammar, as their general and popular use.


GENERAL, (jen'-er-al) a. Comprehending many species or individuals ; not special ; not particular.

--A Dictionary of the English Language: 1785

WELFARE, (wel'-fare) n.i. Happiness; success; prosperity.

--A Dictionary of the English Language: 1785​

It appears that:

General welfare = The happiness of many individuals.​

because of your insistence on using a sentence fragment that excludes the DIRECT OBJECT OF THE SENTENCE
The object is the people of the United States.

our government was never set up to be 'big government' and 'social safety nets
Our government was set up with a Congress that had power to tax and spend to provide for the happiness of many people of the United States.

that has been a warped addition by the power hungry and the uber-leftist scumbag assholes like yourself
Nope, you're wrong.

It's a just interpretation arrived at by a fair and objective application of the well established common law rules of construction.
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you are completely wrong about 'provide for the general welfare


Words are generally to be understood in their usual and most known signification; not so much regarding the propriety of grammar, as their general and popular use.


GENERAL, (jen'-er-al) a. Comprehending many species or individuals ; not special ; not particular.

--A Dictionary of the English Language: 1785

WELFARE, (wel'-fare) n.i. Happiness; success; prosperity.

--A Dictionary of the English Language: 1785​

It appears that:

General welfare = The happiness of many individuals.​

because of your insistence on using a sentence fragment that excludes the DIRECT OBJECT OF THE SENTENCE
The object is the people of the United States.

our government was never set up to be 'big government' and 'social safety nets
Our government was set up with a Congress that had power to tax and spend to provide for the happiness of many people of the United States.

that has been a warped addition by the power hungry and the uber-leftist scumbag assholes like yourself
Nope, you're wrong.

It is a just interpretation arrived at by a fair and objective application of the well established common law rules of construction.

I hope you get hit by a bus. You are beyond retarded. The special olympics would give you a gold medal simply because you are alive, which is quite impressive for someone of your mental capability. By that token, well done. :clap2:
Why do you embrace Blackstone so much, he was a Tory, the very establishment we were fighting against?

Besides his "Commentaries on the Laws of England", he was regarded as an utter failure.
you are completely wrong about 'provide for the general welfare


Words are generally to be understood in their usual and most known signification; not so much regarding the propriety of grammar, as their general and popular use.


GENERAL, (jen'-er-al) a. Comprehending many species or individuals ; not special ; not particular.

--A Dictionary of the English Language: 1785

WELFARE, (wel'-fare) n.i. Happiness; success; prosperity.

--A Dictionary of the English Language: 1785​

It appears that:

General welfare = The happiness of many individuals.​

because of your insistence on using a sentence fragment that excludes the DIRECT OBJECT OF THE SENTENCE
The object is the people of the United States.

our government was never set up to be 'big government' and 'social safety nets
Our government was set up with a Congress that had power to tax and spend to provide for the happiness of many people of the United States.

that has been a warped addition by the power hungry and the uber-leftist scumbag assholes like yourself
Nope, you're wrong.

It is a just interpretation arrived at by a fair and objective application of the well established common law rules of construction.

You are fucking wrong....

I have re-shown you the proper definitions as it refers to STATES many times, and you continually ignore them, you fucking troll

The DIRECT OBJECT of the sentence is indeed the UNION... not every individual housed within the states

You are an ignorant motherfucker indeed... quit while you are behind, troll

Try learning 6th grade English and come back

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
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a got a brain buster for micky and his ilk....

If the government has the power to provide for the so called "rights" of americans (health care, social safety net, etc) as starkey, shintao, bfgrn, micky, and the rest of the vomit claim...doesn't the government then have the responsibility to provide everyone with a firearm since that is also a right as defined by the constitution?

The answer is of course, hell no. But, if you follow the left wing morons' logic to it's eventual conclusion that's what you get. I just destroyed your entire argument. Suck on it long and hard.
Leave it to 'Bert to describe Micky flawlessly....

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.”

-A. Einstein
Why do you embrace Blackstone so much, he was a Tory, the very establishment we were fighting against?

Besides his "Commentaries on the Laws of England", he was regarded as an utter failure.

I embraced the rules of construction as presented by Blackstone because the evidence weighs in favor of the proposition that the men who made the Constitution probably took for granted that the rules would apply to the instrument they were making.

When John Dickenson, at the Convention that wrote the Constitution, interpreted the term "ex post facto", he applied the rule that read,

..terms of art, or technical terms, must be taken according to the acceptation of the learned in each art, trade, and science.​
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Learn English, idiot
"General Welfare of the United States" means "happiness of many individuals of the United States."

No.. .for as pointed out to you MANY times... you refer to the definition referring to individuals INSTEAD of the definition referring to an entity known as the STATE.... big difference, you fucking buffoon...

Give up while you are behind

Typical lib.... cherrypicking 'definitions' to suit your agenda
Try looking at how he described the word NATIONAL... NA’TIONAL. adj. [national, Fr. from nation.]
I. Publick; general; not private; not particular.

Funny.. National, then and now, did not refer to every last person within the country

Comprehension was never your strong point, was it

Oh... and please cite your link for reference as to where you are pulling definitions from some 1787 version... I have a reference point from the 1755 version (last I can see he published)
Dr. Johnson’s Dictionary

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